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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • mrben100
    Free Member

    Is it not better to just ask for drip stop and save you the PITA this will likely be?

    I give you exhibit A m’lud:

    Free Member

    Free Member

    BigDummy – Member
    Thats set my angle-induced OCD twitching something rotten
    I think you need to take another picture, which doesn’t feature:

    Oh i don’t know, i think the front tyre valve lining through with the DPC gives a nice sense of motion!

    Looks more like a waste pipe to me.

    Free Member

    I like it, other than the wrong size wheels obviously :wink:

    An enjoyable weekend ahead i reckon.

    Free Member

    jkomo – Member
    Ok, great, riding on a Monday so fingers crossed.

    I wouldn’t count on it. As eluded to above, only open at weekends it seems.

    Free Member

    Try with a tube first to press the bead into the rim, then remove tube and pump up with tyre fully bedded one side. I had a set of schwalbe tubeless the were so flexible was impossible any other way.

    I use a joe blow max and works on all my other tubeless.

    Free Member

    Having been at CYB since sat 13th and biking everyday since – has only appeared to be open at weekend. Unless of course i always pass at the exact time it was closed.

    This weekend just gone it was very busy – but the weather has been amazing!

    Free Member

    Watered down paint and a pressure washer :roll:

    Admittedly some parts of the house might get paint on you don’t want.

    (Apologies, on holiday so got nothing better to do with my time)

    Free Member

    Toto Wolff to the media later today I reckon…

    ‘He’s not a good driver – he’s a very naughty boy’

    Free Member

    benw – Member
    If you are over 35 and haven’t played in a long time i wouldn’t bother you will end up with an injury/strain for the sake of one match

    Even younger if you ask me!

    Free Member

    Presumably it’s not an active fireplace or a potentially reinstated for the future?

    honeybadgerx – Member
    Add some nice slabs/floor tiles to the top of it and make it a bit of a feature? Should be pretty cheap and easy to do yourself as it’s only a small area so you could get some nice ones.

    Probably this is your best bet. Just in case.

    Free Member

    Jamie – Freeloader!

    Your cardio fitness will help to hurt you. You might feel you can keep up and run about ok, but your body is not going to be used to the stop/start/direction changes. So take it easy the first time, and be prepared for a bit* of achyness the next day.

    This in spades!

    One of my friends plays saturday/sunday league but plays 5-A-side on a monday night. It’s been a regular thing for about forty years, same teams each week (in the same vein as Trigger’s broom).

    Asked me if I could fill in for a few weeks as a regular on his team was missing.

    Having played sunday league up the the age of 16/17 (now 33), thought yeah piece of cake.

    Within 10mins the first week thought I was going to suffocate – weeks 2 and 3 have been progressively better. Other than….

    Week 3 where I tore my groin within about the first 20minutes (felt it ‘pop’ 3 times of the 55minutes) – I had done no warm up or stretching, but then why would I? I’ve played football in the past and I’m a bloke for Christ’s sake!

    Spent the next week at work taking anti-inflammatories/painkillers, and stuffing an ice pack down my pants for 15mins every couple of hours. (I finally had a legitimate excuse :wink: )

    So definitely this!

    lunge – Member
    A few tips from a former footballer who now rides bikes:

    You will ache the next day, try to minimise this by warming up well and stretching lot……….

    All that said, you’ll love it, gave me a real buzz playing again. Felt motivated and looked forward to it as opposed to the things I currently do feeling a bit of a drudge.

    Free Member

    A tube you’re going to gain ‘free’ light as it were, but the diffuser at ceiling level will (generally) look like a light i.e. no view to outside.

    A roofwindow (Velux et al.) will be a window to the outside that you see through – nice cloudy sky, stormy etc.

    Sometimes (if affordable) think about what you want to see rather than what’s easier to do, you’re going to be living there afterall. Obviously if you don’t spend alot of time in the room then it’s irrelevant but you hopefully get the gist of my point.

    Neither sounds like DIY job to me – with flashings etc. so the roof doesn’t leak. But that’s largely because I’m a wimp.

    Free Member

    It would be perfectly reasonable for the OP to ask for a fixed lump sum quote for each stage – I know of very few practices still using % charges other than the really old-fashioned ones with foolish clients.

    Try london, a friend has asked me to look over a couple architects fee quotes – all referred to basing on ‘a recognised scale’ which equated to the old RIBA.

    Agreed though, most outside london give fixed price, as mentioned in my earlier post.

    Free Member

    Architects used to work on a RIBA fee scale.

    It no longer exists but alot of them still apply it especially to private domestic clients.

    Domestic housing falls under Class 5.

    Based on £400,000(using mikeys figures) would have been about 8% for full service so more like £32,000. Working on existing buildings would have been even higher more like the 10-15% referred to above.

    A lot now do fixed fee based on the amount of work/resource for them – as you have found out – it’s a bit dangerous for all involved to quote on an estimated build cost as it could go up or down.

    Free Member

    I don’t think manifestations on glass is a requirement in the regs for dwellings. Formerly in Part N of the regs (pre-April 2013), now in part K.

    Free Member

    I have in no way let my allegiance affect my predictions

    1st City
    2nd Chelsea
    3rd Pride of North London – COYS
    4th Utd
    5th Pride of South London – Arse
    6th Liverpool – sent back from whence they came (well almost)

    FA Cup: Pride of North London – COYS (perhaps a bit more reaslistic than the league)
    League Cup: One of the teams that gets relegated (retrospectively looking at who I reckon will get relogated – Everton!)
    Player of the year: Ya Ya if still at city
    Top Scorer: Aguero


    Soton (if they still have a team by that stage)

    Free Member

    In my experience the crank thread will be stripped whilst the pedal thread still appear brand new, if that happens……

    Re-threading crank

    Free Member

    OP, Once you’ve started asking yourself this question – I would say your almost there TBH.

    Fortunately/unfortunately (depending on how you look at it) both our cats (on separate occasions) started to howl late one night – lived next door to the vets. My dad took cat to vets and didn’t come back – had tumours causing obvious distress.

    Imagine it’s more difficult when the signs are more subtle, however, when you having to ‘maintain’ a pet above the normal feeding/exercise etc. I said it’s not a million miles away.

    EDIT: just want to clarify they put down the cat…not my dad :roll:

    Free Member

    trail_rat – Member
    ……As for scribing internal corners being the non diy way…. Why does almost every new build ive been in have mitred ?

    Dunno – choosing to do it that way? You’ve not been in many new builds? Quicker for the developer therefore saves money? Odd job man not ‘joiner’? You think that they’re mitred but if you went back and looked you would see they were actually scribed? The new builds were inspired by M C Escher and didn’t have any internal corners? Probably lots of reasons.

    I was talking about what’s best to do not what every man and his dog (except proper joiners obviously :wink: ) does to ‘get the job done’.

    footflaps – Member

    Just for the record, my workshop has scribed 6″ Ogee skirting….

    Ah, a man who knows his beans and has Original Gangsta skirting to boot, Respeck 8)

    EDIT: a cheeky Stuart Milne edit whilst I was typing. I still stand by my sarcasm though :roll:

    Free Member

    Just a general tip rather than saw.

    Typically a joiner (yes I know you’re a DIY’er but) worth his salt will scribe internal corners to skirtings rather mitre.

    This helps to avoid inevitable odd junctions if walls aren’t properly square.

    Can usually spot DIY’er joinery by the internal corners.

    Caveat: I’m not a joiner. And I don’t think anyone mentioned this above…..apologies if they have.

    Free Member


    Bought one everyday from the tuck shop at school.*

    *more reminiscing than proposing it was/is underrated.

    Free Member

    matther01 – Member
    Not sure I could strap those to the front of my bike?

    /runs to shed to see if this is possible/

    If only….. :idea:

    Free Member

    Shouldn’t really be chirping up as a spurs fan, but………

    Start of the season spurs were (quite rightly) slated for buying 6 players and expecting a cohesive team by all and sundry in the media. Admittedly, though I’m not sure they would admit it, but hindsight is a wonderful thing.

    Made me chuckle at the end of the season with the pundits say the big teams need 5/6 players (thinking specifically regarding united). I know the issue with spurs was they were all chucked in at the same time (and maybe a couple of them quality adverse).

    Will be interested to see how teams like Pool start the season having made numerous signings.

    Also, with how dismal the england team were and discussions about improving the national game, we still all clamour for the world stars to join our clubs – admittedly i would rather see my team do well than england. Hurt suffered every 2 year basis is much easier to cope with than perpetual despair.

    /hides head back down behind parapet for another 12pages/

    Free Member

    ransos – Member
    So the Halal butcher should sell me bacon if I asked him, or should I go to another butcher?
    The butcher should sell you something they don’t stock? Not quite the same as a cake shop refusing to sell a cake, is it?

    Depends, bacon is a type of meat and a Halal butcher sells meat. (A massive over simplification of your cake categorising analogy)

    I walked into a butchers in town who (unbeknownst to me only specialised in pork products), I asked if he had any whole chickens or joints of beef – needless to say I didn’t get what I was after.

    Free Member

    GrahamS – Member
    So the Halal butcher should sell me bacon if I asked him, or should I go to another butcher?
    If he sells bacon to other people, then yes he should sell it to you.

    So in this instance the baker is in the right as he would have refused a homosexually themed cake to anyone? :?

    Having read through all the above I’m can’t figure out who’s arguing what any more.

    EDIT: I have no view of my own as it’s bound to be wrong!

    Free Member

    Good Luck Dawg

    EDIT: apologies for mahoosive pics

    Free Member

    Pik n Mix – Member
    My joe blow has been faultless, I’ve even wrapped it round the washing post (a rather stubborn uninflatable ignitor) restraightened it and it’s still working perfectly.

    Tis what i use also.

    Free Member

    Being one who struggles with weight – i’d say greedy rather than lazy from personal experience.

    Free Member

    stox – Member

    ……Give your dogs a hug ….

    Whether they like it or not!

    stox – Member
    …. and make sure they’re insured!

    Deffo, last friday the big dog had to go in for x-ray, endoscopy and a bit of flushing out of the lungs.

    ‘That’ll be the best part of £1000 please Mr & Mrs owners of flea-bitten money pit.’ (having said that we wouldn’t be without him!)

    Free Member

    saxabar – Member
    …………… #countryliving!


    rossatease – Member
    Don’t! She’s now got herself convinced there are rats in the loft, says she can hear them padding about,

    stumpy01 – Member
    Could be nesting birds at this time of year. Fledgling birds having an explore outside the nest.

    OH works from home and could hear noises above the ceiling in the office. We could hear them at night gnawing through stuff and scurrying about. Convinced ourselves it was nesting birds/bats/friendly little cute mouse.

    It wasn’t! It was a ****ing massive rat stomping about in nob-nailed boots eating everything that lay in its path., ate its way through the back of the kitchen units (the hardboard)and ate all the food in teh back of the cupboards, most of the polystyrene backing to both the loft hatches, covers to all the cookbooks in the cupboards, pair of my boxing gloves, the list goes on.

    I had put out mouse traps, humane and otherwise, local independent pest control laughed when he saw the traps saying it would be lke tring to stop a tank with a fly swat.

    Ended up with poison everywhere inside and out. (turns out most people in the village already do this so our property must have seemed like the rat equivalent of Centre Parcs).

    Oddly enough found a dying rat in the back garden this weekend just gone, signs were the poison taking effect. Needless to say I put it out of its misery, it was bloody massive.

    But don’t worry, I’m sure you’re right and it’s a friendly little mouse :wink:

    Free Member

    Might be a rat (unless you’ve seen it), if so…….you going to need a bigger trap..

    Free Member

    ………wild, it was absolutely livid!

    Free Member

    Boy with the Striped Pyjamas.

    First film i thought of when i read the OP.

    Free Member

    wideboy – Member

    ..It will be replacing an existing (but old and knackered) brickwork potting shed (so planning etc should be ok)….

    Couldn’t establish from this whether you were seeking planning permission and thought it would pass straight through or you have determined it is permitted development and therefore won’t require it?

    It’s worth double checking, just in case you have an awkward neighbour if nothing else.

    Free Member

    Colonel Speedy Pistol

    More of a euphemism a girl might use if trying to let you down gently.

    ….he’s a bit of a………. :lol:

    Free Member

    Didn’t Bananaman have a pet crow?


    Free Member

    In our office we get our software from an authorised reseller for the service arrangement.

    Always on the end of the phone for “free” (paid for) advice, also had free training as part of the package (a bonus for us as it was a change in software/developer).

    Kept up to date with updates.

    All that said, we’re probably just paying for the convenience of not having to ‘waste’ our own time on software issues etc. and just get on with the job.

    Free Member

    For anyone who has gamed a while, will remember one of Rockstars other titles – Manhunt, got banned I believe.

    In GTA V it has a story that helps to deflect away from the core principle/facets of the game and perhaps slightly less obvious.

    I think potentially the problem with gaming as opposed to violent films is you choose to carry out acts rather then have them shown to you.

    Whether this helps to encourage an already sadistic/sexist etc. mind to carry them out in real life, who knows?

    By the way I’m an avid gamer who plays everyday on varying games violent or otherwise, so not anti-gaming just trying to empathise. understand.

    Free Member

    Drac – Moderator

    And when should you stop giving her one?

    Sexist…..I’ve found one do, I get my 5 pounds now :lol:

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