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  • Bike Check: ICE Trikes Adventure Trike
  • motivforz
    Free Member

    Interesting! He’s got about half way through there. Looking at it purely in the energy form, kinetic energy = 0.5*mass*velocity^2. Mass remains constant so you want the velocity^2 term to be about double, to give twice the amount of energy to plough through twice as far. That speed would be 1.4 ish times the speed that he was going.

    The list of assumptions for the above calc is quite long.

    Free Member

    Breakdown? Or do you just want to insure for brakes breaking?

    Autoaid if you have an old car, £38 for insurance against breakdown. You pay for it to be towed/a callout, then you fill in a form and claim the money back. I’ve broken down 4 times, and reclaimed very easily every time, and the callout guys have been locals and very good/knowledgable. One wasn’t allowed to help me do the timing belt, but just did it anyway, should have been a simple tow-away. If you go on you will see the good reviews.

    If your car is younger you may be able to (combined with cashback) get it for silly cheap, i.e. under a tenner, from one of the big names.

    Free Member

    Why isn’t there a smiley for the finger?

    Free Member

    Woo! And i don’t even have my degree yet. £3000 x 3 years so far, I make that £9000, I’ll let you give me half because ahwiles got it too. email in profile :)

    Free Member

    I think from memory it is the swarf.

    My logic is the cutting tool increases in temp, harder to put more energy into it when it is already at a higher temperature. Swarf gets hot and is removed, reducing the temp of the material, and due to the high surface area of swarf it cools rapidly, so not as noticable (although is does smart!). This removal of the hot swarf reduces the temp of the material, allowing more heat to build up and then be removed by further cutting.

    In reality, it will depend on lubrication, cutting speed, materials, cooling of parts, etc etc (usual engineers’ response, it depends :)

    Free Member

    Dinner: Steak, salad and NUCLEAR coleslaw!!!!

    Free Member

    I said around 16%, which in my head means +/-3%, as a rough idea. I only wanted to know as an approximation, i.e. a fatty is 25% or above (male), and an athlete may be under 10%, and I lie somewhere in between. I understand that bodyfat is incredibly difficult to measure accurately, and in reality it doesn’t make a jot of difference to me.

    Free Member

    In both of those TSY? They look very different to me. From looking at pictures on fitness sites and google images I would say I’m around the 16% ish.

    Edit: didn’t read the replies. I’m less defined than the left image.

    And cottage pie – use mashed butternut squash as the topping, better than potatoes!

    Free Member

    Mol – you expect people to pay to see you wearing less clothes?

    Free Member

    Sorry for bring it up again, but that’s motivation for you!

    Free Member

    Onion seeds are also called and sold as nigella seeds(as in that ebay ad) in sainsburys, probably other supermarkets too , they’re black and about the same size as sesame seeds, in case anybody is looking for them.

    I can definitely taste the difference in tap water in different areas. Here (Uxbridge, London) is crap, really manky tasting, whereas bournemouth (home) is quite nice. To combat the nasty tasting water I keep bottles in the fridge so that I drink nice cold water.

    Free Member

    I am quite impressed that you manage to taste the difference between different water bottles solo! Have you done a blind test? I did the same once with ribena poured into water vs water poured into ribena, and could taste the difference with a blindfold on.

    Molgrips where was your ‘before’ picture put up? I’m curious in a sado machoistic way to see how well you’ve done.

    Free Member

    Naughty Solo! Try taking a sip between each mouthful whilst eating, and throughout the day, just small sips every now and then. You’ll soon find your consumption going up, most guidelines state 2l or 4 pints or 8 glasses a day, as iDave says above.

    Free Member

    We went fairly hard on cheat day last week. As said whole bowl of pasta, lots of squash instead of water, couple of pints of milkshake, 2 slices toast and jam for brekkie, chocolate bars (1 each), shared an easter egg,

    I’m going shopping tomorrow to buy loads of fruit, bread, choccie, beer, having a whole tray of pasta bake (home made around 45x30x8cm) for dinner on our cheat day. Any target foods for cheat day? As you’ve said it’s important and so I want to maximise on the things which will have a big effect on us.

    We eat late at night too (8 to 8:30) but I don’t believe in the timing changing the process.

    500ml water a day??? 1 Pint? I neck a pint when I wake up!

    Free Member

    How’s everybody getting on with the diet? 3 weeks for me and my gf now, and we thought we were doing well with what we were eating. She’s lost 3-lb’s (in the first 2 weeks, then nothing for this third), and I’ve fluctuated +-1 at the same value. Although the 3-lb loss is excellent and in the right direction, it’s not something that couldn’t be achieved on any other diet combined with a bit of exercise. I’ve noticed energy levels are more consistent, and I am enjoying the meals and food types we eat. Having looked into the diet more, and the mechanisms behind it, I think this is a step in the right direction, and generally believe in it, but the rate at which it is working isn’t grabbing me.

    Because of this I have revisited the official plans, the first email that was sent out, and then the RST google doc. We have both been very strict, with the only discrepancies through lack of understanding. The main one is ryvita (rye), which I’ve realised (thanks to another forum member) is a cereal grain and so not allowed. Although with others losing so much, and some being mostly strict and still losing a fair bit, I’m wondering where else we could be going wrong. I read that this diet is effective down to 10-12% body fat, which i ‘may’ be near, but my gf is a probably above that, so i don’t think that is an issue. I drink around 6-8 pints of water a day, the gf less so, around 3, and we are increasing our intake. Binge day is pretty bingy, with a lot of stodgy carbs, and I mean a lot. Nearly a whole 500g bag of pasta last week (mmm).

    Is anybody else finding it not quite as effective as anticipated from others’ feedback? I was hoping for 2-lb a week as a reasonable rate of loss, or am I expecting too much? Has anybody come to a weight which they cannot seem to get below?

    Free Member

    As a baby/toddler i did eat broccoli with ice-cream, so lucky it’s not the ice-cream test.

    Free Member

    oh yeah, pickled eggs, and gherkins

    (just to get the thread back on track)

    Free Member

    I have checked out and think are ok:
    dried chickpeas in chilli powder,
    humous and veggies for dipping
    pate (make sure one with no flour/sugar in though!)
    bits of chicken/fish etc
    bean salad, make up a batch of small snack pots

    Free Member

    Deaf people manage to survive quite well. People who walk around with headphones in (myself included) manage just fine. I have a second nature blind spot check (from cycling and driving) which I do before stepping out, and looking around before crossing into a road. It’s not like there isn’t a 4 inch drop down to most roads. As said above it may be the thing needed to make all road users (peds, cyclists, cars etc) be a bit more aware, and consequently reduce incidents.

    Free Member

    Their proper name is tumble flaps, looking at those google results it seems BMW have decided to rename them, because they can. They are inside the inlet manifold and are a valve/flap which directs the airflow to the actual inlet valves, with a profiled runner to introduce tumble/swirl of the airflow, promoting better mixing of the air fuel mixture, and so better combustion.

    Free Member

    All that furious fighting keyboard bashing, you guys will be super fit in no time!

    Free Member

    Why do you want cheap and bulky foods? To fill you up? Make sure your meat portions are large enough, and the protein will give you that filled feeling. And loads of veg. Something you have to get used to, as it is a big diet shift. There were lots of root vegetables mentioned earlier which are suitable for a side part of a meal to replace potatoes. I had shephards pie yesterday with butternut squash for the topping. Different texture and taste to potato, but very nice. Oh and put beans into anything you can (chilli, mince, bolognese sauce etc etc) as they help to bulk out a meal, as do lentils. These can stretch out the meat part of a meal without costing much, not impacting the taste/texture, and are quite cheap to put in.

    Free Member

    Denny’s for breakfast. One of the highlights when I went (about 8 or 9 years old.

    Free Member

    Couscous is made from semolina, and so no, I don’t think so. Sorry! Try quinoa instead, which is a bit pricier but pretty much just protein.

    Free Member

    Just thought, in the world food section (near all the spices and where gram flour is) they do chickpeas coated in chilli powder, as a sort of crisps type thing. Quite spicy but very nice indeed if you find you want something snacky.

    Free Member

    This is from sainsburys, and is available in 1kg bags too. They also have quinoa which we bought yesterday, but haven’t tried yet, took 3 customer services people to find it for us!

    Edit: are you in Germany? Just remembered you saying something about it. In which case go to Das Sainsburysgevert.

    Free Member

    Obviously the veg would get fatter, the sugar person would loose weight through teeth falling out!

    Free Member

    I have never seen a study which compares the benefits of eating fruit, compared with the benefits of being normally sized. If you’re a fatty and eat fruit, are you more likely to die/have health problems than if you are thin but don’t eat fruit 6 days a week, and eat a massive pile of vegetables? Are fruit really that wonderful? There’s an awful lot of deaths being attributed to being overweight. Not that many due to scurvy.

    Free Member

    iDave Recipe Thread 1
    iDave guide – with rough idea of meals
    Another thread

    These are all the threads I know of with recipes so far. A lot of it is experimentation and trying new things, so look for ideas and adapt them with things that you like, particular beans/veg/fish etc.

    Also, just look up recipes and omit the white carbs! Spaghetti bolognese you’re going to struggle with, but a curry on rice becomes a curry with cabbage or with gram flour flat breads, or a medley of veg, or lentils, or quinoa. In other meals pasta/potatoes can be replaced with bean salads or anything from above to give you something filling alongside your meaty thing (if your a meat and 3 veg and stodgy carbs kinda person). Most meals you can take something from and with small modifications have an iMeal.

    Free Member

    Tried adding you, but apparantly that’s not a valid number? It could be because my connection is crap though. My number is 4339-3489-1636 if you want to add me.

    Free Member

    I’ll give it a try, have managed to connect wii to internet for updates etc using my mobile as a portable wifi, but not sure if the connection is up to actual gameplay, doubt it.

    Free Member

    Just chickpea flour and water and salt, so I don’t think there is a restriction on it. Willing to be corrected though. You end up making a batter, so they turn out like pancakes, but without the egg they’re a bit drier and more ‘floury’. Still nice, and with eggs would be good. Apparently they keep in the fridge for a day or two also.

    Free Member

    Fruit is good for you. Why? Because it has good things in it. These good things aren’t exclusive to fruit. So if you exclude fruit, but eat other things with the good stuff, but which doesn’t cause an insulin spike, then there is no harm done. As has been said previously, eat lots of veg, because they have lots of good stuff in them too. Hopefully this is all the scientific double blind tested evidence required by anybody. :wink:

    Had a dal curry tonight with green lentils and turkey breasts, was very nice indeed. Also made some chickpea (gram) flour flatbreads to go with, really nice meal altogether, didn’t feel diet like at all.

    For those interested:
    Flatbread Recipe
    Green Lentil Dal Recipe[/url]

    Free Member

    Broccoli, dipped in… vanilla ice cream!
    As a toddler, parents would bring out the ice cream and sit it in front of me as an encouragement to finish my veggies. Cue one day me reaching and grabbing the bowl and dipping away merrily. Recently rediscovered as a treat, although I quite like veg now anyway.

    Free Member

    I’m a student! On student loan, with no other suppport. As said above it’s costing me and my gf £60 ish a week, so £30 a person per week. Normal food spend for me has always been £25 to £30.

    Try to maximise the cheap filling things such as lentils/dried beans to replace the previous cheap filling things (pasta etc), and cost shouldn’t be much different. Would definitely suggest giving it a try. 10 days in now and enjoying it. The wii suggests I’ve lost a tiny bit, and the gf has lost some too. No side effects apart from rabbit droppings :-) :?

    Free Member

    2 salmon fillets for dinner, with lots of veg. Moving onto pumpkin seeds now. Num num num.

    Free Member

    Ta for that. Will look into it a bit more, but as you say it is a bargain at that price!

    Free Member

    Sweet potatoes are ‘low GI’, but this isn’t strictly a GI diet as dairy isn’t allowed, so would say not, unless someone with underestanding says it won’t affect the mechanisms of the diet.

    Green tea, sparkling water and coffee work well for me to stave off hunger, although that is one surprising thing, I don’t really feel hunger so much any more.

    RE Fruit – custard test. DWISOTT. Anything sugary will go with custard, anything not – won’t, is my reckoning. As scientific as it gets :D

    Free Member

    For those looking for recipes:

    Free Member

    You can have my genesis forks if you want? Got two cracks in them mind, through normal xc (whilst in my possession) use.

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