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  • Fizik Gravita Tensor Flat Shoes – Editors’ Choice Awards 2021
  • Moses
    Full Member

    the fuel for nukes is scarce and in countries that are unstable

    That’s why we used to have breeder reactors in the UK, to ensure a supply of fuel. I guess more could be built if the economics were right.

    TBH, we need to do all three, invest in nuclear power, cut down usage by travelling less and insulating more, and by investing in solar sources (nanosolar, for example, make printed solar electric films that should provide electrcity as cheap as coal – but we need to start investing in better research now)

    Full Member

    TJ- The Pelamis pilot, off Portugal, is curently offline & u/s with engineering problems.

    Generally, the world has 2 choices. Rely on fossil fuels for the next few years and destroy the ecosphere as a place habitable for humans within 50 years, or go nuclear and find a way of coping with the waste. I prefer the second option.

    Full Member

    Suggest you ask if Jason at MudDock needs somehwere; he’s just returned from overseas & is living with his family

    Full Member

    Grizz- you’re slightly wrong.
    The ship was a warship. and instead of a crate of monkeys there was just one – the ship’s mascot, who was dressed in a miniature uniform. So he looked and talked just like a small, hairy Frenchman. Yes, obviously a spy.

    Full Member

    Bristol based?
    Well, we’ve Pieminister pies, which are fab.
    Lots of local cider, and just to the south –

    Cheddar Cheese.

    Full Member

    Yokel smocks, oi reckons.

    Full Member

    …and recently, 100 miles on the Kennet-Avon canal path, Reading-Bristol. That’s a good ride, too.

    Full Member

    At 17 – had to get home. So Whitehaven to Stockton, 118 miles on a 5-speed Raleigh with panniers via the Lakes and over the Pennines.

    I couldn’t do it now.

    Full Member

    Cut a long piece of beercan so that you can wrap it around the seatpost when inserting it into the frame. It may slip upwards, so make it deep, as well. Say 8×8 cm?

    Full Member

    Where guacamole becomes mushy peas.

    Forget the Barth/Bath dichotomy; the real locals pronounce it Baath.

    Full Member

    Mammals that are faithful in pairs /monogamous tend to have both sexes the same size; those that don’t tend to have males much larger than the females (think deer, gorillas, where the males weigh twice as much as the females).

    In humans, males are on average about 15% larger than females, so we’re basically monogamous, but meant to mess around a bit.

    Full Member

    oh yeah, snakes.
    Commuting from Radley station to Oxford Science Park via (??) Sanford Lane, the biggest adder I’ve ever seen. I put it on my rack, but it slipped out of the bungies en route. Shame, as I wanted to put it in my mate’s desk. He got a squashed frog instead.

    Full Member

    and Ton, I apologise for the slur on your credentials.

    Full Member

    ASk me in 2 weeks when I return from a walking holiday in Tuscany.
    FLing to Pisa, => Lucca then somewhere else what MrsM has arranged.

    Full Member

    Its called a Target Rich environment. Imagine if these people were killed.. imagine the effect on our economy… imagine all those productive, hard working, ambitious people who provide wealth and employment …

    Oh no .. wait.. imagine empty dole offices..

    Exactly, Stoner.
    Imagine if all those productive hard-working people had been involved in making things or improving lives, instead of inventing financial fairy-tales that made themselves rich and the country poorer; we might have empty dole offices.

    Full Member

    “The working class can kiss my arse,
    I’ve got the foreman’s job at last”


    Full Member

    —and does a wallaby in Wales count, though that was when driving.

    Full Member

    A hare on the road, still warm, near Craster.
    I put it carefully aside in the verge & collected it later, carried it by zip-tying its hind legs together and putting them round the handlebars.
    Three decent meals for 4 later, yum yum yum

    Full Member

    Try Simon Armitage:
    It ain’t what you do, it’s what it does to you.

    I have not bummed across America
    with only a dollar to spare, one pair
    of busted Levi’s and a bowie knife.
    I have lived with thieves in Manchester.

    I have not padded through the Taj Mahal,
    barefoot, listening to the space between
    each footfall, picking up and putting down
    its print against the marble floor. But I

    skimmed flat stones across Black Moss on a day
    so still I could hear each set of ripples
    as they crossed. I felt each stone’s inertia
    spend itself against the water; then sink.

    I have not toyed with a parachute cord
    while perched on the lip of a light aircraft;
    but I held the wobbly head of a boy
    at the day centre, and stroked his fat hands.

    And I guess that the lightness in the throat
    and the tiny cascading sensation
    somewhere inside us are both part of that
    sense of something else. That feeling, I mean.

    Full Member

    My Casio must be getting on for 20 years old. It’s had 1 replacement battery, cost £12, and tells the time & is waterproof. DO I need more?

    Full Member

    No! Poetry is for everyone. You can even set it to music, and call it “songs”.
    Well, I like it, and I’m not a poof.

    Full Member

    Where are you? I didn’t think they were native to the UK?

    Full Member

    Dawson- my mate is selling a 53reg, 62,000 mile Mondeo diesel estate in good nick, FSH, for £3000 or less.

    Full Member

    Halfords? Poundsaver?

    But I don’t understand the A-shape comment. You need to bungy or strap the handlebar grips direct to one of the roof bars, really tightly. The seat will rest somewhere on the other bar, and strap that hard down, too. If you try to rock the bike when it’s tied down properly, it shouldn’t budge.

    Full Member

    Mrs Moses & I do quite a bit of long distance walking, usually B&B ing carrying only daypacks. We reckon that 15 miles is an easy-to-middling day which can be sustained. 20miles/day can knacker you quickly. “Easy” country with lots of stiles is surprisingly slow especially if it’s muddy whreas open uplands can be quick.

    Full Member

    Spesh Sirrus.

    Full Member

    Pink hose too? Sooooo sweet. Admirable.

    Full Member

    I had similar probs with the van – it turned out to be a disconnected air hose to the turbo. £0 to fix.

    Full Member

    Hunters are everywhere.
    Mrs Moses & I were hiking near Entrevaux (Var) last October, and as we climbed to the top of a ridge we saw that we had been watched by two boar-hunters (Sangliers) with very smart guns of a type that’s illegal in Britain: combined shotgun & rifles. (Two barrels, under & over)

    Full Member

    Yep, it’s designed as a commercial / goods vehicle, not a car.
    As is the Dispatch.

    Full Member

    Get rid of several of the spare frames littering my spare room.
    Get the SS working again.
    Ride more.
    Stop falling off sideways. My ribs hurt still from last week.

    Do the Reading-Bristol / Kennet-Avon ride again.

    Ride more.

    Full Member

    Reliant Scimitar? Princess Anne had one. for what that’s worth

    Full Member

    Good luck.
    Remember, bullshit experience is always good in interviews so long as you know your stuff. And you will by then, so you’ve as good a chance as anyone.

    Full Member

    I’d second the Saab – they can go on forever.
    I’ve also got a mate who’s selling a Mondeo diesel estate, 53 reg, 62k miles, for less than £3000, which sounds good to me.

    Full Member

    I’m godfather to my first girlfriend’s grandson. Does that count?

    Full Member

    Try Axminster: Here

    Full Member

    That’ll be fun if you go there ski-ing sometime or need to go on business. They’ll stop you at the border, and it’ll cost more than just a speeding fine by then.

    Full Member

    WCA – are you on LinkedIn? I use it a lot for sales prospecting, but others use it for networking / finding work. I’ll invite you if not.

    Full Member


    It’s like that nutter in the corner of the world’s pub. Most of the time it’s just unpleasant, laying people out for a couple of days.

    Then, once in a while it goes berserk and kills millions of people. It’s due for another episode soon.

    Full Member

    Hmmm. Tempting, especially if it’s a gentle pace. Grid Ref?

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