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  • New Liv Embolden – hit the trails from £1,849
  • Moses
    Full Member

    Halfords near Ikea? 🙂

    or I’d second Fred Baker for roadie stuff.

    Full Member

    Stoner, I do agree – but I also recognise that hereditary peers also may display a marked lack of intelligence, but we’ve put up with them for hundreds of years.

    OK – how about giving the option of an aptitude test, with a (say) £100k consolation prize for those failing?

    Full Member

    My reform of the house of Lords.
    Every week, one Lottery ticket winner will be given a seat in the HoL.
    They will keep the seat for 5 years, and after that time will be given help in returning to the real world if necessary – similar to the army or TA. Accommodation will be provided in London. The salary will be more than adequate.

    Accepting / Taking the seat will be optional, and members will be inducted in batches, with training on responsibilities & constitutional matters.

    This way we have a more representative HoL which will be self-funding, ‘cos middle-class tossers like me may buy tickets for the chance of joining the HoL. instead of just for the money.

    Constructive criticism, please?

    Full Member

    Is “sparks” for electrician acceptable by “You what?” Guevara, then?

    Or (in my trade) “Bloody Rep” for international business development manager ?


    Full Member

    Full Member

    Sapphire is still going strong – I had a brief chat on Saturday, and you could see the 6-pack below the crop-top he was wearing. Where did you work?

    Hunnybop – Ashton COurt is a park just outside Bristol which used to be a stately home estate owned by the Wills (cigarette) family.

    Full Member

    bring back the Poly, is what I say.

    (Tho’ my first HE experience was at a Uni that was once a University College)

    Full Member

    Samsung N10 is a little blinder. I prefer it to the big laptop.

    Full Member

    Just snick them off lampposts with your penknife.
    Or the local pound shop

    Full Member

    Dear Flaperon,
    Employers and agencies will lie to you.
    They will lie about how soon they will call you back.
    They will lie about the nature of the job.
    They will lie about the pay and benefits, the prospects, the security of the company they are interviewing you for.

    So lie right back. Not as in “take it up the jaksi”, but as in, tell’em what they want to hear.

    So, instead of saying that you will eff off and do something different after a few monhts, tell ’em you intend to work there forever, and want to rise up their own corporate ladder.

    That way, you may find something suitable for you.

    Good luck, chum.


    Full Member

    Had originally planned to get one when we retire, but MRFC reckons I’ll be dead by then!!

    So, we need some inspiration…show us yours!

    OK, I’ll put some pics up sometime of our Iveco conversion, in which Mrs M is spending the week at Glastonbury. We bought it because a friend who planned to get one when he retired, died first, quite yhoung. So we thought, eff this, let’s get one before we die. So we did, and we like it so much we will upgrade to a stupidly expensive one sometime soon.

    Therefore, ours is for sale so we can raise the necessary cash…but don’t buy it if you;re more than 5’10” tall. The bed’s short. But it’s W reg with less than 55k on the clock, and it’s only £7k ish.


    Full Member

    What? Of me and the waiter? There’s sites on yonder interweb if you wanna see stuff like that in more detail

    Oooh. Didn’t know you were a part-time pornstar.
    I was after something tasteful, but never mind.


    Full Member

    Aaaah. You lucky lucky man. We stopped at two – but I’d lave loved more.

    Full Member

    Pics, please. Of DD, this time.


    And – you gonna be out down the bottom end of Stockton – what’s wrong with that, J-boy? That’s just where I’m from.

    Full Member

    Victoria from the Concretes.
    Katy Tucker – just a local band singer but with a voice like honey & razor blades.

    Full Member

    Seen them twice, ,loved them both times, and the second viewing of Kingdom of Rust vid brought tears to my eyes, as do a number of their other songs. Porky Northerners rule!

    Full Member

    He wants to check that the chassis number you have matches the HPI check…sounds reasonable to me.

    Full Member

    Women have an “On” switch? Not in that sense, obviously.

    Full Member

    Surrounded by cherubs – he’ll love it.

    (And C_G- rubbish: you’re never that old)

    Full Member

    But WHY For example, do you want to see a lawyer in a suit, a doctor in a white coat and a pole dancer in a Wicked Weasel ??

    Can you not see beyond the shell-suit to the substance of the man (or woman)?
    It’s a uniform, no more. Does BD stop being so punctilious once he takes his suit off? Will a policeman in plain clothes be less of an officious thug? (Apologies to the plods on here, I know you’re not like that)?

    By kowtowing to the norm, and expecting it, you are perpetuating a situation where we value looks more than function. Which, I belive, is one reason why the UK is suffering in relation to many other countries.

    Full Member

    But sold out. Possibly in both meanings of the word, but all tickets taken – so who cares about your opinion. Not the charities for whom it’s run, certainly.

    Full Member

    Rude Boy, you are talking through your arse as usual. As is anyone who whinges about the bogs – they’re fine, cleaned every two hours. Much better than most student flats, I reckon. Or they were the last 2 times I’ve been.

    If you’re a music fan, you’ll pay about a quid per band. How much do you pay for an equivalent big name at the Dome or wherever, and you’d be just as far away? Plus circus, comedy, poetry, philosophy talks…

    I don’t like crowds anymore, but for those that can take it, the place is great. The foods not too extortionate either.

    The Eavis family do OK, but they’re not richer than other local farmers. Regard them as CEO’s of a business turning over >£20million, & they’re underpaid. The benefits to charities are huge, millions and millions.

    Full Member

    Nah. That’s a baby robin.

    Full Member

    Mrs Moses is there stewarding: she really enjoys it, as does my baby brother (50) and his family. It’s too overwhelming for me.

    But I’m somewhat stuck as Mrs M has the van, and my daughter stole our car…bikes only for me, this weekend.

    Full Member

    I’ve bought / sold stuff on the Bristol site- it’s fast & free, very effective.
    But as for your sunnies, who knows?

    Full Member

    The Budokan is good, yes, just up from the COlston Hall, 5 mins walk from the centre.

    Full Member

    Is the Queen’s Shilling still going?
    Or the Elephant?

    Full Member

    Yes, I know…but the article refers to a study of “average” people, & I bet that their excess BMI does not comprise muscle. The point being, we’re too hung up on being slender, without the real evidence that it improves our wellbeing & lifespans. This study suggests it doesn’t, and that being underweight is bad for you as well as obesity.

    Full Member

    Mike- did you bother reading the article ?
    It says that higher BMI’s are better for than “ideal” ones, and implies plenty of extra fat isn’t too bad at all.

    Full Member

    Fatties, eh ? [/url]

    Live longer than the skinnies, it seems. Ton & WCA & I are pleased.

    Full Member

    So what’s the difference between pizza and cheese & tomato sandwich?
    And if the kid had eaten toasted cheese with tomoato on top, why would that have been wrong?

    Full Member

    First read “What Color is your Parachute”, which will give you better advice than above and can be kept as a reference. An excellent guide to careers.

    Full Member

    Years ago, trekking in Nepal, needed to go while walking through a rhodedendron forest.

    I squatted, broke first wind, then noticed the forest floor come alive as dozens of black leeches headed towards my backside (they detect body heat & gases) , all of them hungry for blood form my bottom. So I shuffled sideways, dropped a portion. Shuffled sideways, dropped another turd, repeat, repeat repeat.

    I hate leeches.

    Full Member

    at least moon-Nazis drive on the correct (left) side of the road.

    Full Member

    ah, Alpin, ever the practical man. Good idea.

    Men can’t really win, can we?
    It’s either “Oh, already?”


    “Aren’t you finished yet?”

    with nothing in between. Women, eh?

    Full Member

    Since I cycle to Waitrose, cycling shoes.
    Flip-flops in Somerfield, however

    Full Member

    Finish the job first, get paid, THEN ask!

    Full Member

    ‘cos Nu-Labour is not left-wing or interested in a cohesive society. Divide & rule is their motto, which is why we’re not in the Schengen Agreement.

    But good luck with both the trains & the girls.

    Full Member
    Electoral Rolls?
    Straight to jail?

    Full Member

    Yep, especially in winter when its dark & the neighbours can’t see.
    And in the greenhouse.

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