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  • New Specialized Hillbilly looks ace, costs £45
  • Moses
    Full Member

    Rachel, what’s wrong with boots & tights?
    I cycle in div-style 5-10s and Ron Hills; there’s not much difference.

    Full Member

    I’d be Stud Stingray.
    Then I could go around in calf-length boots & tights & no-one would bat an eyelid.


    Full Member

    My grandfather was in the RFC and was the librarian in the real squadron in which WC Johns put Biggles (617 th ?) He was given signed copies of all the early novels as they came out, up until the end of the war.
    They were all nicked, of course.

    Full Member

    As a salesman, I have to say that the phrases:

    it has been decided not to go down the route of scanning documents for now.

    I’m sorry for messing you about but the decision was not mine.

    mean that you’ve been talking to the wrong people for much of the time – that is, not the man who made that decision.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Ask him which is the best / local pub for a post-climb drink. (Unless it’s the Miner’s, in which case it’s obvious). Then say “Thanks, perhaps I’ll see you there?”

    Full Member

    IdleJon, I do know something about science, thanks.
    I spent a happy half-hour this morning chatting to a pharmacogeneticist.
    I know enough to understand that 3 generations is plenty of time to determine whether a population is changing (ie is evolving, as per the programme title), if you have a town-sized sample.

    Referring to the original document is NOT a cop-out, it’s asking you to educate yourself about the methodology before criticizing it.

    Full Member

    If you want a nice road singlespeed (49cm Langster) cheap, do let me know. It’s too small for me.

    Full Member

    Hmph, Saxon.
    58 year old bloke here, perfectly capable of using text, phone, lappy, and even still riding a bike.
    Ageist whippersnapper! Have you learned to wipe your own arse yet?

    Full Member

    IdleJon, I assume that the population studies were done by competent statisticians. Why don’t you chase up the original article and answer your own question? Then present a reasoned criticism.

    Full Member

    I understood that in general height and weight in developed countries was increasing almost purely because of improving nutrition in childhood.

    That was the fascinating thing, they showed that there is a tendency towards shorter and fatter (and I presume with a large database & good statistics they can account for the additional fatness due to overeating), so we’re not turning into the tall & slender gods that was assumed.

    Full Member

    RD- in that case, I’ve no idea how you get £100. For this Saturday, Brum to Bris is only £36 or £46. Dunno where or how you found a price for £100.
    Tell me exactly when & where you’re going, I’ll look for you!

    Full Member

    Climbed the stairs to my garret office, opened curtains, swithced on computer. A slow start to the day.

    Full Member

    I just checked the costs for a journey on 5th – this Saturday- on the National Rail site, & it would only be £36 Bristol – Brum return, leaving at 0845. Some journeys were £47return.
    Do you know how to buy train tickets? Where did you look?

    Full Member

    Saw them a few months ago & loves them, with luck will get to the Fleece for Monday night, even tho’ I’m gonna be three times the age of most people there.

    Full Member

    Believing in God is just a cop-out.
    It’s a way of saying that my tiny brain can’t take uncertainty,

    and it leads to the next question, Where did God come from, and why did he make the universe?

    What’s the point of adding this extra layer of unknowing?

    Full Member

    what on earth has dick size to do with urbanisation?

    Full Member

    You’d wreck your battery I reckon.
    You may as well get a generator if you’re spending that much: alternatively get the dirtworker.

    Full Member

    Why not an option? I’m 58 and would have no probs with that.

    Thinks – what default format are the files stored as? That might make a difference.

    Alternatively, see if there’s an updated driver for the printer.

    Full Member

    tyger – sorry, I don’t understand you.
    What is based on chance?

    Passing on characteristics through sexual reproduction has an element of chance in it, yes.
    The presence of a particular organism in an environment is chance, yes.

    But the overall ability of the theory of evolution to account for why life is as diverse & as complex as it is, cannot be matched.

    Full Member

    When a theory is advanced that lasts for 200 years, and more & more evidence is found for its correctness, and its underlying mechanisms are understood, then it’s likely to be right.
    OK, it’s tweakable by mechanisms such as epigenetics just as the theory of gravity is tweakable by relativity – but it’s much more than any other conflicting explanation of the diversity & complexity of life can show.

    Full Member

    Gaia hypothesis, please.
    It’s not a theory. 👿

    Full Member

    tyger –

    molgrips – I’m not saying it’s all rubbish (although it might be!) I’m just hacked off with it being portrayed all the time as fact – when it isn’t!

    It’s as near to a fact as possible though. The theory of evolution is based on evidence & can be used to make predictions and many of its mechanisms are understood. What more do you want?

    Full Member

    tinribz, no.
    The programme did not make that assumption at all.

    As for Simon’s

    No one is saying that the environment “drives” evolution,

    that is exactly what we are saying; that organisms’ long-term reproductive success depends upon responses to the environment and becoming fitter (= more adapted) for that environment,.

    Full Member

    You talked about holes in the theory, without showing any.
    Now you’re asking us to answer “why?” Totally different.
    Back under your bridge, please

    PS – A theory is backed by observable evidence, and can be used to predict further observations.
    That is to say, it’s shown to be true without effective refutation.

    Full Member

    Saying “I aren’t” is dialect.
    Confusing our & are is ignorance.

    Full Member

    My uncles cottage was drowned when the lake was formed. It was lovely around there once.

    Full Member

    But the simple painkillers aren’t what big pharma is researching: the OTC drugs are nearly all old ones and aren’t marketed by big pahrma or in the same way.

    Saccades hasn’t mentioned release modifications, where the formulation (ie how you grind up the active ingredient, what you mix it with) is designed to either deliver quickly or keep releasing the drug slowly.

    Incidentally, ibuprofen was invented by a Boots scientist in Nottingham when they still did proper research. Once they were merged with an international company, all that stopped 🙁

    Full Member

    Best ever marketing campaign was De Beers in the late 70s / early 80s, telling cinema audiences that the right amount to spend on a ring was 1 month’s wages. Before that lads were happy to spend a week’s or less on an engagement ring, afterwards they felt like cheapskates if they did.

    Fantastic result, diamond sales went sky-high.

    Full Member

    When it’s your 58th birthday and you can’t be arsed to go out in case it renews last night’s hangover.

    Full Member

    Your patio needs weeding, and I can’t understand how the oval brake rotor works.

    Full Member

    “The facts of life do invariably turn out to be Tory.”

    Yep. The Tories get in & we’re all shafted.

    Full Member

    No, the best place is on a river bank where the stream can descend into a cool still pool before being swept away.

    Full Member

    Yes, about 3 years ago in summer.
    I did Reading to Bristol (100miles) in a long day, Mrs M and I took 2 leisurely days over the same distance. There’s an awkward road bit around Pewseyish, otherwise it’s all fine.

    Full Member

    The scenario we’ve forgotten so far is the Far East, as we were also fighting (and being beaten by in the colonies) Japan, allied to Germany.
    With Germany taking over our Atlantic colonies, including Canada’s coaling ports in Newfoundland & Nova Scotia, plus having access to bases in the Caribbean, it’s probable that Japan would also have walked into British Columbia.

    As a result, a more concerted effort against the US would have allowed bombing not just of Pearl Harbour, but of Seattle’s & LA’s aircraft industry and the US Pacific ports. The German fleet could have kept the US Atlantic fleet in their home ports – I think that the US would have been divided between Germany & Japan eventually.

    Full Member

    Girls like them down so they don’t have to touch the seat with their delicate fingers. In a mixed household, however, you should minimise effort for all by leaving the seat as it was when you finished whatever, up or down as the case may be.

    Full Member

    We have an open fire that is sometimes slow to start & gets downdrafts.

    I find that blowing hot air up the flue for a couple of minutes before lighting the fire works a treat. We use an old £4 hairdryer.

    Full Member

    Have a look at AlpineQuest as well.
    Getting the maps in is a faff, but it’s possible.

    Full Member

    Hah! I’ve been on stage with John Hurt in his theatre daze. Prince Chuck & his chums were in the audience one night.

    Full Member

    Kitties are great if you all drink the same value & at the same rate. I don’t mind rounds, but if I contribute £20 and drink halves instead of pints, then I’m missing out; similarly they would think I’m taking the p if I have a big glass of wine to their pints.

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