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  • Moses
    Full Member

    Have you ever seen a plastic bag or sheet of paper flying through the air? They are hundreds of times denser than the gases you refer to. The greenhouse gases will diffuse into the air like solids diffuse into liquids. There’s so much movement at molecular & macro scales to spread the gases evenly.

    Full Member

    The return on capital for BTL seems to work out at about 3%, less than you might expect.
    Personally, I’d do it as house values should never approach zero, unlike some shares and pension plans. It’s a safeish place to put money.

    Do the sums: look at rents for the area you’re interested in, then the prices for those properties. Take into account overheads such as maintenance and management fees, and assume 10-15% voids, and then calculate the ROI based on getting a lowish rent for the area.

    Full Member

    So what exactly are these woods, and how large are they?
    Are they a public park, as you suggest, or are they owned for other uses, either privately or publicly?
    If it’s not really a park, I suggest you live & let live.
    The cyclists will make a few paths through the woods, in the same way that walkers & dogs do. They won’t leave piles of poo though.

    A 10 minute drive to you may be an hour’s cycle each way for them: not really feasible for an afternoon.
    Of course the dog-walkers could always go to the fells instead of using the woods – or is that not just as reasonable a request as suggesting the cyclists move?
    Perhaps you could offer them a lift?

    Full Member

    Many of these comments are extremely useful. Perhaps I ought to get a proper job instead. 🙂
    There are some near-competitors in the market, but they are not very well done or appealing, and their models for monetization are poor. I think I can see a way to make some money, way down the line.
    I’ll be either rich or skint by 2016.
    Specification & design comes first, I reckon.

    Full Member

    When the cool “Vintage” clothing shop sells the stuff you threw away years ago.

    Full Member

    I’m going to have to think hard, aren’t I ?
    The few people I’ve discussed the idea with all think it’s a goer, and there is little competition at present. There’s a definite path to monetization, but….
    6 months at £300ish /day = £30k which I haven’t got.
    Additional project costs would eat up another £10k.

    So I’m left with no alternative to DIY. Looks like a 2-year project from what is said above. Time to start learning!

    Does anyone have any more input about timescales and/or environments?

    Full Member

    Torminalis: Quite right, that’s why I reckon I have to do it myself or pay someone. Yes, I think I have spotted a niche that would make money, which is why I haven’t been too specific about it exceot for suggesting a couple of similar types of database-backed applications / websites.

    Full Member

    BBSB, yes, there must be some interaction with users. Search & the like.
    Assume I’m going to be competent, are we talking about 3 months? 6 months? a year? I know it’s not going to be instant, but finger-in-the-air time would be helpful.

    Full Member

    Choose something which has a nice abbreviation so she can have a choice of names.
    Go retro with Elizabeth, Rebecca, Adelaide, Brunhilde.
    Go Welsh with Mfanwy (Muffy to her mates) or Gwyneth or Angharad,

    Full Member

    Haro Mary, mainly ridden around Bristol.
    My favourite bike at the moment, & for the last year.]

    Full Member

    Warthog stew, one of the best meals I’ve had.
    Squirrel, not so nutty as you’d think.
    Roadkill hare & roe deer.

    Full Member

    I dispute that figure of £47k.
    Remember that income tax & NI are not the only taxes, we all pay VAT on many goods, plus a variety of other taxes.

    Full Member

    Anyone passing who might have nicked anything would already have done so, so don’t worry.
    I’d buy a ground anchor & some heavy chain, though, just to be sure

    Full Member

    Check the width of the road wheels, some 29er tyres need wider rims & bigger tubes than are standard on road bikes.

    650 is something different, in between 26 & 28/29er & not compatible with either

    Full Member

    Dead crow? Pfft.
    A couple of weeks ago a crow dropped a dead rat onto my head. Thankfully I was wearing a hat.
    (To be fair, this was in India)
    Do you want pictures?

    Full Member

    Me too, now for about 6 months.
    I’ve just turned 60 (hooray!!) so I may be involuntarily retired, but it’s not so much of a worry since Mrs M works, and I have another small source of income which helps.
    I apply for lots of jobs, spend too much time doing so, & there are the usual housecare, cooking, cleaning things to do as well.

    Then there’s the website I need to build, so I have to learn programming etc… 🙂

    Full Member

    There’s no need to prepare, apart from making sure the images aren’t too huge. I think fb compresses them anyway.
    Just make an album on fb, and choose the photos you want to upload.

    Full Member

    I started in science, but decided I wasn’t suited after 8 years.
    Then into technical sales for 30 years, which worked very well until late last year. I’m a good salesman with enough techy background to convince.

    I’ve just turned 60, with enough cushion to live on, and can’t decide whether I’m retired or looking for the next step.

    Are there any jobs around or does anyone have any idea of what to do next ? I can’t just twiddle thumbs all day….. or even ride the bike that much.

    Full Member

    You need some black pudding with that, Ton.

    Full Member

    Join a book group or two, they’re really for talking just as much as reading.
    Then there’s the website that keeps popping upon my screen as an advert: Mature Singles.

    Full Member

    Yeah, but you’re talking about a mineral, not a vitamin (which was what you said originally).
    Mg citrate will be the same in cheap & expensive supplements. Just read the tin.
    And magnesium’s not exactly scarce in our diets, is it? Apart from for sheep in wet springtimes.

    Full Member

    Nope, there is no difference in quality. The raw vitamins (chemicals, to those of us in the trade) come from the same manufacturers.

    Full Member

    Furred up artery in leg = furred up artery in heart.
    Statins are likely to do more good than harm, otherwise they wouldn’t be prescribed. Not taking them with a furred up heart = death.

    DEATH, or multiple operations & living crippled.
    Take the bloody drugs, man.

    Then also change your diet as above, you will not regret it.

    EDIT: Rich,

    your suggested foods do not really float

    Not now, but they might float your red blood cells, & that’s what matters. You just need to get used to them, living in the North or not.

    PS – Sorry to hear about your condition.

    Full Member


    They won’t be able to do that, so will have to sell for a loss.

    Or they just keep them and keep renting them out.

    But the point about interest-only mortgages is that you still owe the original amount at the end of the period, you haven’t paid back the capital. This means that you have to either pay it back there & then, or take out another mortgage which may not be feasible or desirable. So the property then becomes a distress sale.

    In much of the south, at any rate, the rental income on a property is less than the rpeayments on a normal capital & interest mortgage.

    Full Member

    I reckon that in the next 2-5 years prices will come down.
    There were a load of buy-to-let landlords who decided to take interest-only mortgages, assuming that the house price rises would allow them to sell on for a profit at the end of a short 10-year mortgage, They won’t be able to do that, so will have to sell for a loss.
    It’ll drag down prices elsewhere, too.

    Full Member

    Pork goes well in a slow cooker.
    I tried a joint at 100c for 24hrs in the ordinary elec oven this weekend. It was yummy, fell apart beautifully.

    Full Member

    It’s a shame that the presenter was a comedian rather than an historian, and that the dig was treated rather lightly in the early phases.
    I guess they expected the find to be some arbitrary medieval bloke rather than the king, and were somewhat shocked at how it turned out.

    Full Member

    All the things you’ve planned are pretty unimportant compared with having children, and they can be delayed. Having children is best done early in my opinion, and you will love the child when he or she arrives.
    You can still go the USA when you’re 50, you know.
    Just be supportive of your wife, don’t say anything more about doubts, and believe all the fathers on here who were also scared about having to grow up.

    Full Member

    A few years back, our neighbours’ rabbit used to regularly roger their cats. for some reason it preferred to do this on the windowsills, who knows why?
    Funny animals, rabbits.

    Full Member

    So how’s it going?
    Have you been to bed yet?

    Have you picked up any interesting itches?


    Full Member

    In England, arms are awarded to the man, not the family.
    IIRC, you are not allowed to display arms to which you personally are not entitled, and you can actually be prosecuted for doing so.
    Not that it ever happens now.


    I think you are allowe to display the crest, though, the bit at the top over the helmet, like the 3 feathers above or the blue dolphin thingy below.

    Full Member

    An IT consultancy in Abingdon a few years ago.
    I walked through an office full of IT bods in white shirts, ties & suits. No one talking to each other, no-one.
    It was so soulless, I couldn’t have worked there, even before they explained the dress code to me.

    Full Member

    Tech, what difference did the tyres make? Since we have a panel van conversion, I wasn’t aware of special tyres for campers.

    Full Member

    You barsteward!
    I’m going to trash the place before I leave!



    Full Member

    Personally I prefer pooing in the bushes, but Mrs M doesn’t. She also takes our van to festivals, as an ex-hippie chick would. Having her own loo & shower makes all the difference to the experience. The cassette loos aren’t that unpleasant to empty, a 5 minute job. The combination of a valve over the hole & the chemicals mean that they don’t don’t smell, either.

    Full Member

    Sorry, no idea why my pics are restricted. They’re all innocuous, I think.

    Full Member

    Fine chopped celery & onion fried, add lentils. Cook gently in stock, about 30 mins. They don’t usuall need soaking.

    Full Member


    Tis fab

    Full Member

    We have a Ducato conversion, which suits Mrs M & I fine. The double bed at the back is up most of the time, so effectively the van is a small flat, with bathroom, kitchen, bedroom & living room. We had it converted by Autohaus, who were 95% ok, some compromises were made in our spec.
    However I really like driving it, except in town. Tis a bugger to park in tight spots, at 6m long. I can send pics if you want. We’ve hada couple of fortnight holidays, & it’s just great for 2 people.

    Try L&C vans in Stone. They know what they’re doing.

    We get 30-33mpg at 25000miles.

    It sounds silly but one of the criteria we had for our design, was to have a side door which slid open far enough for both of us to sit on the sill. It’s just very companiable, if not downright romantic. Coachbuilt campers have little awkward doors so you lose the open airness of van conversions, and the big sliding doors are very secure when closed.

    I agree that one of the virtues of a bigger camper is that we can keep basics in there are all times, so that a weekend away can involve just chucking a duvet & a pint of milk in there.
    Having the bed at the back ready made means that we can just pull up somewhere, make a cup of tea & crash without rearranging everything.

    Full Member

    I cannot believe that chart – death by firearms assault at 1/314.
    In the UK?

    Are you sure this is UK statistics?

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