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  • Moses
    Full Member

    I’ll walk down this bit..

    Full Member

    Yes, train it.
    The peak traffic into town can take you 40 minutes, then you’ll need to park & walk.
    What street / building are you in?

    Full Member


    (Poop – do you think that NATO isn’t doing something similar on Russia’s borders? The bombers you refer to are 50-year old lumbering prop-driven, and could have been intercepted 500 miles away if we’d wanted to)

    Full Member

    Question: How does ISIL pay for itself? My understanding is that it controls a number of oilfields and sells the product.
    Why couldn’t / hasn’t the US or Russia eithe bomberd the fields or the pipelines to halt the ISIL cashflow?

    And crude can be identified to a local field by its chemical signature. Surely clients buying it could be embargoed or otherwise penalised. Or is there another reason for maintaining ISIL ?

    Full Member

    Done, but I’ve reservations about the questions, as they aren’t clear enough.

    Full Member

    Do it now. You’ll manage the financial issues, they are less important.
    Putting kids off is the biggest mistake I or my friends made, and I was only 33 for the first.
    You can be friends & active with a child 25 years younger than you, in a way that is impossible with a 45 year gap.
    Do it now.

    Full Member

    Lisa Millberg, the Concretes.

    I was standing the queue outside the venue when the band and retinue stalked in. Among them was this little blonde pixie, whom I wrote off as a groupie.

    Then she turned out to be the drummer, driving the band forwards – she was utterly mesmerising and a real leader.

    Full Member

    No and Yes to the first two posts.

    Knowing the importance of ground clearance in both the city & country road driving, a RangeRover or equivalent would be my choice of flashness. And I could get the bike in the back, too.

    The saddest thing ever was the chap I bought my first house from. He’d scrimped & saved to buy his brand new Lotus something-or-other on retirement, then found that after about 2 months, his back problems meant that he couldn’t get into it. Or out, once he’d levered himself in. So he sold at a magnificent loss and regretted the whole damn thing.

    Full Member

    I’d say that it’s essential. Keep your profile up to date, as many potential employers HR depts use it for searching. Also agencies, as above.
    It’s also used to check your CV, the two should tell roughly the same story.
    Big companies use it to advertise jobs, it’s now one of the most fruitful places to look for work.

    Full Member

    Can anyone explain why the US failed to stop Isil/Isis oil production and export, which it uses to fund itself?

    Full Member

    Very nice.
    Where did you get the hinges/supports for your bed extension flap?

    Full Member

    Wait for DeadlyDarcy to reply – wood floors are his business

    Full Member

    Wonderful ad, addressing a real problem for many people.
    I use an ordinary plastic stool for those special mo(ve)ments.

    The best & healthiest are still those freedom poos in the open air with plenty of moss and damp grass nearby.

    Full Member

    Give up washing with soap / detergent.
    You’re killing the good bacteria & letting the bad ones grow.

    Full Member

    EIther I’m more miserably hung than I’ve been led to believe or your bibshorts must be cut differently from mine, which come up above my navel at the front and won’t pull down to below my groin.
    ANd what about my roubaix winter biblongs, which are up to my collar at the front and ankle length in the leg. There’s no way they can be pulled around to give wee room.

    Full Member

    Mrs Moses & friend have tickets. I find big festivals all too much.
    She’s also already bought Green Man tickets, hippy granny that she is.

    Full Member

    Two in the lobby.
    Another 5-6 rotating between spare bedroom-cum shed-substitute and attic.
    Mrs M would like me to get rid of some.

    Full Member

    If you have access to Memory Map .qct files, then MMTracker,
    and id you’re using paper maps for the big picture, get Grid Ref to show you exactly where you are

    Full Member

    Do you live in a flat or hilly area? If the latter, get some good low gears.
    In addition to the questions above – how fit is your mum, and can she swing her leg over a crossbar? (Edited just in time)

    Mrs M is 60, and uses a disc-braked flat-barred road bike which seems to suit her. It’s triple and she spends a lot of time in the granny ring when going uphill.
    I’d look at something similar for your mother, but probably with hub gears to make life easier. Mudguards add weight but save cleaning if she will cycle in bad weather.
    2nd edit: Binner’s suggestion looks ace apart from the brakes

    Full Member

    tell her how polluting and stinky they are. My pet hate in cities, where on winter evenings you can’t tell whether you’re in a trendy part of town or a campsite, judging by the smell and ashfall.

    Full Member

    What size do you need? I have a small Kona Sutra for sale which I’m not using.
    Email in profile.

    Full Member

    at night the lining is inside so you juast see the lining and the pattern side is facing the dark street.

    Since when?
    The pattern goes inside, the lining is windowside which prevents fading as well as keeping warmth in.
    I bet you wear your underwear over your trousers, too. 🙂

    Full Member

    It’s really going to make IS and other Muslim organisations respect him and the UK, isn’t it? Will the Saudi Royals still shake his hands?

    Full Member

    If anyone would like either a 286 or 386 Victor laptop, please ask. I need to clear the attic.

    Full Member

    Our cheap laminate chipboard surface lasted nigh on 25 years, and the replacement is 40mm oak. So far, so good. It weathers well, and any scratches can be rubbed out. It doesn’t seem to chip like stone or fake stone.
    Sinks – keep them stainless, and have a full double if you have the space

    Full Member

    Suggest that you both go to a bike shop together, & ask them to fix it.
    He pays.
    That way you won’t end up with an ally frame and downmarket components fitted.

    Full Member

    Give the man a phone call, just clarifying that you’ll expect any damage to be fixed before it’s returned. The he will know beore you see it – it m ight take an extra few days until you see it, though/

    Full Member

    Hi CG, I hadn’t thought of heading SW from Salisbury, so yesterday I had a tootle about, taking my very tatty ratty OnOne.
    I took the train from Bristol packed with the early morning Bestival crowd, & from Salisbury stn went across the serene Town Path (beautiful), behind the houses to the Harnham quarries, east to meet the Old Shafterbury Drove, SW past the racecourse and the trig point (flytip central most of the way),
    down to Burcombe and double back on the rd to Wilton.
    Rt 24 along the Wylye valley to Steeple Langford (v pretty)
    N up to Yarnbury Castle, but needed 1/4 mile of the A303 to get to the byway. Huge numbers of partridge and sunflowers.
    Byway N to Tilshead. Nice gravel roads, open views, with Little Germany to my left.
    I diverted around Westdown Camp, where there were many mice men in uniforms.
    Heading NE on the byway, ignoring the red flags, I didn’t ignore the locked gates across the byway before Summer Down, nor the military vehicles and loud bangs. The whooshing noises were missiles, I was told.
    So instead of continuing N as per my plan, I diverted SW to Netheravon. I had a little chat with a heavily laden superfit Gurkha, and various chaps in olive vehicles.
    Since I was off-route and off my printed map, I used the back road to UpAvon, then the nettle plantation due N on the bridleway to Manningford Bohune, a mile or so on the A345 then N again to the c45 and E into Pewsey.
    Including little diversions due to getting lost or heading into closed ares, around 45 sweaty miles, then took the train home.

    I was knackered.

    Full Member

    Firefox, Win 8,
    Just the ad shows, but on refreshing the forum loads properly.

    Full Member

    It’s probably the same as it was 50-ish years ago, because that’s around when fluoride toothpaste was introduced. That made a huge difference to dental health, and cut the rate of decay tremendously. Anyone who is under 50-ish who brished their teeth as a child is likely to have good teeth compared with the over-55s. Water fluoridation made a big difference, too.
    Up to around 15 years ago that difference was visible because the pre-F generation had loads of amalgam fillings which gave them mouths full of flashing pewter-coloured metal, but now that’s been replaced by synthetics which are tooth coloured and don’t show.
    Both are real advances in science and public health.

    Full Member

    Thank you. The OS map is open in front of me.

    Full Member

    CG, can you recommend any routes around there suitable for hybrids, preferably reachable from a station?

    Full Member

    Train to Didcot, change for Goring&Streatley, cycle the Ridgeway to Avebury, then cut across to Chippy, train home. One very long day out.

    Full Member

    In an interview with a consultancy in Abingdon: I walked through the main open plan office area, where all the men were wearing suits with ties and white shirts, desks in neat rows like an old schoolroom. I had an instant No thanks moment.

    Full Member

    Wear a worn-in pair of ners. If you don’t mind looking silly in the city, use poles with rubber stoppers on for speed & to save your knees. 14 miles isnt that far.

    Full Member

    Insight was totally missing form the programme. Can you think of any provided by the presenter or the US graf artist? Blek le Rat was the one high point.

    As CG noticed, there’s so much graffiti around that just wasn’t picked up on, from the Viking letters on stone age chambers in Orkney to the Civil War inscriptions in many English churches, to the modern celebrations of street art like Up-fest 3 weeks ago, that I consider superficiality to be the key aspect of the programme. A bit like lots of street-art, appropriately.

    Full Member

    Pretty dull, really. A superficial programme not worthy of BBC4.
    It’s all “moving” or “Amazing,” – plenty of description but not much analysis. What little analysis there was, I reckon was wrongly interpreted.

    Full Member

    Autotrader, RAC site (free), Gumtree, tout it around dealers. Selling a car is hard work, that’s why there are dealers. is an option, too

    Online book values can vary so check several.

    Full Member

    Epicyclo – thanks.

    Full Member

    Epicyclo – where did you buy the Smooth Drop bars?
    I’ve looked but can’t find them for sale.

Viewing 40 posts - 641 through 680 (of 2,812 total)