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  • Nils Amelinckx, Rider Resilience Founder and all round nice guy: 1987-2023
  • Moses
    Full Member

    Can you clarify?

    Full Member

    Thanks all. I’ll start by finding some replacement tubes & tyres, I don’t have a Woods valve adaptor anyway.
    Any other thoughts?

    Full Member

    Bing maps has the option to show OS at 1 to 25k or 50k. Then screen print.

    Full Member

    If it’s in the UK, all land between low & high water marks is crown owned, & open to the public. So if the tide is out, you can use it.

    Where is it? Can we view it on googleearth or similar?

    Full Member

    The Elon Musk quote above is right , but doesn’t go far enough.

    All life, Gaia, exists to reproduce, multiply and increase the land which it can colonise, from the Arctic to the equator to the oceans. Man is Gaia’s chance to leave this world and move onwards. We are the earth’s one chance to spread its life to other places in the universe. Space exploration is the m ost important thing we can do.
    (Signed, several glasses of wine)

    Full Member

    Solo, apparently that’s because there is a real correlation between a man’s skill at & willingness to dance, and his ability and enthusiasm in other activities. That’s why all human societies dance – it’s a way that women can assess blokes’ shaggability.

    Full Member

    I also recomment trting some different bars, with lots of sweep.
    Mrs M had a similar problem which disappeared when she swapped to On-One Mary bars. I also find them much more comfortable than straight bars. They are also cheap enough to experiment with – not much more than a pair of Spesh grips.

    Full Member

    Sorry to disabuse you, Stoner, but those urges and activities seem to carry on to well beyond 60. I know, it’s distressing, isn’t it?

    FWIW, my aunt met her current man when she was 78. I haven’t asked about the physical side of things 🙂

    Full Member

    Nope,shortest day is today.

    Tomorrow’s the solstice, sometime around 1 a.m.
    With luck I’ll be at Avebury for dawn to join Terry the Druid, I might even take the bike.

    Full Member

    the “drown a toddler in my panties” zone


    Full Member

    If your IT policy does not forbid you to copy emails, or make backups, then do that asap. If you think that once they have your laptop then some might get deleted to make arguing hard, do it anyway, or take screenshots of the summaries so that you can identify what they destroy.

    Full Member


    You won’t get a BTL mortgage unless you can show the rent covers the mortgage by 125% – shortly to be increased to 135%.

    This only applies to interest-only mortgages, where you’re not paying off the capital.
    Excluding changes in the property value, you’re probably looking at a 1-2% overall return on investment, which is OK if prices remain stable or intrease. But a bad tenant or a void period could put you badly into the red.

    Brooess is right, you need to do lots of reading first, and if you go ahead buy locally. I know of several people who bought cheaply in depressed areas at the wrong time, and lost huge amounts of money.

    Full Member

    He looks a bit like me. That “cyclist”, not DJ Fox.

    The story does look one-sided.
    Try, cyclist attacked by uncontrolled dog, then by the enraged woman when he defends himself by kicking at the dog. He pushes her away, she stumbles down a couple of steps.

    It seems just as probable as the above story

    Full Member


    Monbiot’s general intention is relatively sound, but his argument is typically opportunistic

    Since the guy’s been hammering about this for several years with little effect on the NFU, NT, etc, you can hardly blame him for repeating it. Only last month or so he was telling the National Parks body to get their policies changed. Fair play to them for inviting him. KNowing that government often makes new policies on the fly when faced with disasters, it seems a good occasion to remind them of other ways of managing water.

    Full Member

    I mentioned George Monbiot a few days ago. Here’s his opinion in today’s paper.

    Flood management

    Full Member

    No-ones’s mentioned Elon Musk’s Hyperloop ideas in this context, yet.
    It would do the same job as HS2 for about 25% of the cost, as the infrastructure would be simpler.
    If the gvt was farsighted, for 1% of the £50bn it would at least build a test track to see if the idea worked. If it did, then the skills gained would be marketable to the rest of the world

    Full Member

    Just buy Who’s Next, you need the complete album.

    Full Member

    Jambo, which particular

    modifcation of river flows and flood planes due to development

    are you thinking of that could have made a difference here? We’re talking about a sparsely populated area, not the sodding Thames Valley. Have you travelled north of the M4 ?

    Full Member

    Well, the last 2 responses were at odds with each other.

    This amount of flooding/rainfall is not that unusual

    Yes it is. The churchyard at Appleby is flooded. Churches didn’t get built in areas subject to flooding, as the graves lifted. The 2009 event was described as a once in 100years – except it’s happened again.

    Whitestone, yes the tree cover started to get cut back fromm the iron age onwards, but it’s noticeably worse now. The pollen analyses show it’s changed in the last 80 years. You can see run-off channels / hushes now that just weren’t there when I was young.

    Full Member

    It’s time for the National Parks & govt to listed to George Monbiot on how our subsidies of sheep & grouse moors are turning upland areas into deserts with little capacity to hold water. And just like deserts, when it rains, the areas downstream flood. We need to change the upland ecology by planting trees & allowing regrowth.

    Full Member

    Ask your neighbours if they know the owner. If not, cut it off.

    Full Member

    Reckon on 5 hours each way, plus stoppages. Rather you than me.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    2nd hand Meccano ?
    (I have some 1950s stuff to dispose of)

    Full Member

    It’s difficult, but there are companies working on new antibiotics. Even near Manchester.

    Here’s a scientist’s take on it.

    Full Member

    Because we’d have more people killed overall, that’s why.
    Even if there were armed partygoers at the Bataclan, it would probably have made the situation worse – the attackers would have shot eveyone and kept firing, instead of killing something like 80 of several hundred attendees.

    Full Member

    The trouble is, that

    The more that are eliminated in the 1st instance the better. Screw any ‘arrest them & bring them to justice’ bollix.

    often you eliminate Brazilian electricians and other innocent people. The Birmingham 6, the Guildford 4 ? Should those innocent guys have just been eliminated too?

    Full Member

    The eggs & larvae will be dropped onto the carpet and any furniture where the cat goes. I think that the larvae eat detritus, but check. Vaccuum everything at least every 3 days, for a couple of weeks. And spray, one room at a time.

    Full Member

    I can assure you that WE did no such thing edukator, and neither did the French. So not comparable really.

    Memories are long.
    Our record in Mesopotamia is far from unblemished.
    As for the French, the Algerians living in the banlieus might have told some stories to their middle-easern neighbours. Check out Mr Churchill’s attitudes to foreigners with regards to poison gas and delberate starvation.

    Full Member

    Jambo, if

    I am not sure anyone in Raqqa can be described as an innocent. I would take the view everyone there is an IS militant or sympathiser, someone choosing to live in and support the Caliphate

    then you have to accept that to Daesh, no-one living in London, the seat of our * adjective* government, is innocent. Do you think that everyone in London should pack up their bags and go, leaving their homes, jobs and schools?

    The ordinary people of Raqqa have enough to put up with, without a threat of more Western terror.

    Full Member

    It takes a ridiculous amount of time, planning and co-ordination to do something like this. You can’t just nip down to Aldi and buy a bootload of explosives and Kalashnikovs, you know. And as for persuading a dozen people to wear suicide vests, another level of complexity.

    2. No, they couldn’t have detected that. Full surveillance is difficult, and needs resources.

    3. Daesh exists because we created the conditions for it. Thank you, Mr Bush & Mr Blair. It’s easier to make a mess than clear it up. ISIL has clear roots in scriptures, so unless you bomb all the local schools it will grow until superceded or successful.

    Full Member

    If the article is wrongly described, then the sale was fraudulent and could be classed as a criminal offence. There will be records of your name, bank details and address so it’s likely that something unpleasant could happen.

    Full Member

    ISIL because Iraq & the Levant, a term for Syrial Lebanon, bits of Turkey, etc.

    Full Member

    As someone elsewhere said, the perpetrators of these acts are the same people that the Syrian refugees are fleeing from. Yet it is the refugees who will suffer consequences.

    Full Member

    You’ve already compromised yourself twice by sneaking a look at her phone messages, and by contacting the other man. Unless you break off all contact you’re going to look even more like a petty loser. So drop it, don’t speak to the bloke, don’t tell the wife, excommunicate your ex.

    Full Member

    Being vindictive is never a good idea.
    It’ll just come back on you one day.

    Full Member

    Yes, I can see the difference clearly. But we’ve been making films about WW11 since 1945, and Iraq / ‘Ghan since before they ended.

    In this specific instance, there are similarities to the Pimlico man-in-a-bag but also major differences that make the parallels unclear or deniable. So it doesn’t make me uncomfortable any more that the the TV programmes featuring IED disposal operations in ‘Ghan, which killed a relative of mine a few years back.

    Full Member

    I thought it an excellent drama, very well paced. The gay sex scenes were possibly the most graphic I’ve seen on the box. And what the hell were those stainless steel objects for?

    not sure what I think of ripping off the real spies death for a TV drama – poor taste??

    I can’t see this as a problem – otherwise there would be no drama based on anything historic at all, none set in wars, no Jack the Ripper films, nothing featuring car crashes…..

    Full Member

    Yes, years ago, via statutory declaration.
    It was easy & fast, no problems apart from the hassles of telling banks, changing passport, driving licence, etc.

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