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  • International Women’s Day is Every Day at SingletrackWorld
  • Moses
    Full Member

    Have a look at the Motorhome & Caravan show at the NEC in October. If you’re going to spend a shedload, at least look at the options! There are loads of converters there, so you’ll get an idea of what’s possible for what money. Going up a size and losing th VW badge will make make life much easier for you. (Ducato conversion owner speaking. On a run we get 30-32mpg from the 3L engine, but I drive lke a grandpa)

    Full Member

    As the suggestions above, but keep an eye on the weather when you go.
    I’ve twice turned back from climbing Pen-y-Fan from the north side, when the weather turned nasty. Once was at New Year with driving sleet, another in March. Another friend broke his ankle on the walk up, also from the north route.

    Full Member

    Are there any other activities which interest you, which could lead to meeting new people?
    Yoga / pilates classes? Book groups?
    Mrs M joined a couple of book groups a few years back, from which she’s developed a really good social life.

    Full Member

    There are many directions of intelligence, as said above.
    There are some who whiz through a cryptic crossword but can’t start a sudoku, and vice versa. Logic and verbal agility seem to be opposed in many cases, and mechanical aptitude and emotional intelligence are different things altogether.

    My late uncle was a prof at Edinburgh University. He had to call his wife to dislodge the soap when it had dried stuck to the basin: that task was beyond him.

    Full Member

    I found computer programming works exceptionally well at showing you how intelligent you may or may not be. In some cases it might take minutes but in others it can take years.

    Can you explain why computer programming takes such a variable time to demonstrate intelligence level?

    (Or, why do you think that programming is an adequate indicator of intelligence?)

    Full Member

    Stoner, I recently saw a caravan called a Pastiche.
    That might have been accurate.

    Full Member


    Any Zappa track. I had tickets many years ago but some fool in London pushed him off the stage and broke his leg.

    Me too. He should have played the Bristol Anson Rooms, but didn’t.
    I’ve missed out on seeing Hendrix, too – he’s the only artist that I don’t think can be played effectively by a cover band.

    Full Member

    There is an anti-malarial spray put into water supplies in southern Africa which is very effective, and saves thousands of lives.
    However exposure to the treatment results in a very small percentage increase in “intersex” births , people whose genetic and/or physical make-up don’t fit the norms. I presume that Semenya is one of those people.
    There, the proportion of the population like her are enough to ensure that she is just a fast female athlete, and that’s how the world should treat her. If the gods have given her that make-up, then other athletes should accept that, just as they have accepted their own physical make up to excel over other less athletic people.

    Full Member

    It also has the highest Somalian population in the country.

    Possibly true. I do some voluntary reading practice with 9-year olds at a local primary school with a very mixed intake (they all speak Bristol), and see plenty of Somali New British.

    I asked one little girl about languages at home… I speak Swahili, Somali, French and some Arabic, she said. At 9.

    Anyway, we even welcome northerners here. I was one, once.
    Good idea about the ride, though. It could be organised via the Cheesy riders, if anyone was they way inclined.

    Full Member

    5thElefant – Member

    I blame The Young Ones.

    Filmed 50 yards from where I’m typing 🙂
    Bristol is a good place to live. It can be expensive to buy a property in the better/trendier parts of town. What do you enjoy doing? Climbing indoors & out within a mile of the centre, good nightlife, excellent music, acceptable cycling infrastructure, & lots just outside the city. The dockland area is interesting and never dulls. Rowing – yes. Fishing -yes, high culture – yes.
    It’s got hills like Sheffield has & Manchester hasn’t. Life is fine.

    Full Member

    Nah, they are called Morris Men because Moorish = blackamoor = african

    By the way, why don’t you get any Muslim or Jewish morris men?
    Because you have to be a complete dick to be a morris dancer.

    Full Member

    I’ve had the same problem.
    Pull up the runners, and cut all the shoots right back.
    Also, don’t walk on the lawn in bare feet, those pencil-like spikes can cause a lot of pain.

    Full Member

    Revolut ?

    Full Member

    ‘cos the layer of skin above the ink is very thin, and to ensure that a new pigment is put on top rather than below, is nigh impossible.

    Full Member

    If you are working in Frome, live in Frome. If in Warminster, live there. The commuter traffic in the area is fast and unforgiving of cyclists, with narrow roads and not much verge. ( Mrs M is from Dilton, we stay for the odd week at a time)

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Bristol – bath is not a commute I would ever consider.

    It’s only 12 minutes by train between the two if you are working or living close to a station. Plenty of people do that daily,

    But as ^^ above, both have decent riding. Where will you be working?

    Full Member

    THis was interesting.

    It seems that police have the ability to stop drones from flying in controlled areas – see the end paragraphs

    Full Member

    We fell out following an argument about lady friends. These days, I would happily send a thunderbolt up his chuff if I could arrange it.

    Full Member

    And a chap also studying physics at Bristol Uni, who is now a professor at Cambridge, spent some time explaining to me that “skipping” stones on water was impossible.

    This confirmed that:
    a) He’d never done it so had misspent his youth.
    b) He didn’t know that much physics at the time
    c) He’d never seen the Dambusters film
    d) He didn’t believe me when I said I could do it

    Full Member

    It’s a car rather than a van. The organised chappies use vans.

    Full Member

    That’s exactly what e-bikes are for. Go to it!
    I’m sure that I’ll be on one before too many years pass.

    Full Member

    Why the objection to medication?
    Ask about ACE inhibitors, which drop BP with very few side-effects. I’ve been on Lisinopril for several years, as have my brothers. (I’m early 60s now)

    High BP also makes maintaining erections more difficult for the body, so there are positive sides to taking the drugs.

    Full Member

    Nope, Tom is an abbreviation, not the full name.
    There are plenty of men named (just ) Tom who are not Thomas.

    Same as Harry/Henry, Fred = Alfred, Frederick, Elizabeth = Liz, Bett, Beth, Liza.

    You can’t always rely on the officials’ discretion

    Full Member

    Now the Grauniad is agreeing 🙂

    See – told you.

    Full Member

    Bloody bamboo. Potentially literally.
    It sends underground runners into the lawn, where they surface as spikes like sharpened pencils.

    Full Member

    The hooky bit on the end is great for retrieving other tools from under cupboards.

    And scratching my back.

    And pulling small things down from high shelves.

    Full Member

    We are choosing to put lottery (state) money into specific sports, funding a few elite competitors rather than “sport for all”, while libraries are closing, food banks are sprouting, arts are losing funds.

    Full Member

    Buy cargo trousers and a belt. Problems solved: more space in your pockets and your duds won’t fall down.

    Full Member

    Most stuff I’ve had from Aldi is fine.
    I split the zip on the bib shorts I bought, at the very first try-on. I’m not that clumsy, so they went right back.

    Full Member

    Toasty means warm, therefore toast should be eaten warm.
    Out of the toaster, onto the breadboard, butter on, then the topping.

    Peanut better, marmite, (or both), jam, honey, pate or cheese. Your choice, so long as the toast is still warm.

    Full Member

    I’ll try to send you some notes from my trip there , in the morning. Had 2 weeks there a couple of years ago, recommend ed.

    Full Member

    If you ever get the chance to see the Superbolt theatre group, take it.
    They are indeed super, & their current production of Dinosaur / Jurassic Park is wonderful.

    Anything at the Tobacco Factory in Bristol is good

    Full Member

    No, I think that Agency Scum is on holiday. He’s taking the day off, anyway.

    Full Member

    What do you mean by “say” Sweden? Will Denmark do? Or Estonia?

    And where from? It’s cheap if you live in Finland.
    There are cheapish flights from some UK airports, but if you live in Cornwall it’ll cost you to get to those too.

    Full Member

    Nope, the areas which are SSSIs are small compared with the areas of managed shooting.

    Full Member

    Grouse moors are subsidised by the state at about (I think) £56 /ha. Nice Mr Osborne increased it a couple of years ago. This goes to the landlord, and the benefits to the local economy are minimal.
    Maintenance of moorland for grouse, in particular drainage, is shown to greatly increase downstream flooding, so poor old us pay a second time. Thanks, guys.

    Full Member

    It might be best if you are there with a specialist when telling her. My MIL knew she was dying and was in pain but the dr in hospital thought her statement “I want to go on” meant she wanted to live, rather than moving on to the next world. We had to translate.

    Full Member

    Don’t go too cheap, she’ll need a good screen if she has old persons’ eyes. Why not another MotoG?

    Full Member

    The advantage of email is that there’s a record of the communication. Yocan both prove dates etc. Much better than forgotten phone calls.

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