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  • New Affordable Shimano ESSA, Short Reach Levers, and Cross Compatibility
  • Moses
    Full Member

    Assuming you can read your own writing, just load the pdfs into OneNote as pictures. You could add tags & titles to aid searching later.

    Full Member

    Have a look at the EuroVelo 6 route & the Loire. It’s flat, with vineyards.
    The local tourist offices will help you find plces to stay, whether B&B or hotels.

    Full Member

    You might be lucky, you might not.
    If you get uptight about paying the penalty, you can still book hold luggage at the lower rate until you’ve checked in. But skiiing requires a lot of clohting & paraphernalia. Why not do a trial pack now, including everything you would like to take, to see how well it fits into a carry-on.
    Include your thick gloves, goggles, spare shoes, washkit & be amazed how bulky it gets.

    Full Member

    What’s your house worth?
    What would a structural engineer cost, for an opinion & report?

    It would be worth a few hundreds to be sure of the right answer.
    You’d also need to look at the foundations. You might be putting a lot of pressure on a small area with two beams crossing over a small pier, and that might lead to long-term subsidence

    Full Member

    For the film nerds, the opening scenes of flaring towers and skyscrapers are supposedly based on the view of Billingham’s ICI chemical works when Scott was commuting by bus between his home in Stockton and Hartlepool art college.

    Full Member

    The essence of bimbling! Find a jump spot & avoid it. 🙂

    Full Member

    ALpha, anyone who is still same afte3 hours of Cribbs deserves at least two bibles.
    Where did you explore? Any good?

    Full Member

    Some brake travel adjusters

    Full Member

    Just my normal donation to a BIg Issue seller down the road.

    Full Member

    If you’re in when he calls, give it him directly

    Full Member

    His parents are quite well off and quite old how where does he stand in terms of wills and inheritance?

    In that case, he should go for a quick divorce. That potential inheritance will not be take into account, as it would depend upon the will being in his favour.

    A female friend’s husband screwed around for many years and was unwilling to collaborate in the run-up to a divorce, delaying it for years. (He claimed it was against his religion). Once he learned that he was to be the beneficiary of a sizable will, he divorced damn quick.

    Full Member

    I was at an IT conference a couple of months ago that said the current cost was around $100 a genome but it would rapidly fall to >$1 with the computing power that’s going to be available in the next 10 years.

    But getting a skilled bioinformatician to analyse the data will still cost $00s, and storing the data securely another $100 per year.

    Tonyg2003, could you contact me, please?

    Full Member

    “One of the things I truly hate about the world today is how, to some people, intelligence is seen as a threat, or something to be scorned”

    Mao felt like that in the 1950s. Getting rid of the intelligentsia and skilled people / experts resulted in millions of dead and starvation.

    Also see Pol Pot and Kampuchea.

    Full Member

    They’re fine so long as you’ve got decent flow and pressure. If your household pressure is low then yes, you’ll get a boiling trickle if someone is using water elsewhere.
    We’ve used them for many years with no problems.

    Full Member

    Yes, an excellent jumble. Thanks for your work, Mark.

    If the bearded gentleman from St Andrews with the Kona frame, old-school XT levers & the Nitto saddlebag support for sale would like to get in touch, I’d be grateful. Email in profile.

    Full Member

    I could also be interested in a small 26″er FS frame. My medium Litespeed is just too long, and my old bones need less stretch.

    Full Member

    They are more common than 2CVs in france.
    Mrs M had one in the early 70s, until the brakes failed and she ran into the back of an ambulance. Write-off.

    Full Member

    I * think * there’s a repair shop just before the side slip road to the M32 on Mina Road, but can’t remember its name, nor whether it is still there.

    Full Member




    Full Member

    942 8080 ?
    They’ve turned up with a people carrier for me – but you’d have to ask if you could have one..

    Full Member

    Jambo- it wasn’t terrorism, but an accident.

    The most effective bombs seem to be those which the “developed” nations drop on the poor ones.

    Full Member

    Better to use a roof light designed for flat roofs.

    Full Member

    I replaced a road chainset with an MTB double, 40/28 I think.
    That helped a lot.

    Full Member

    EJ is fine.
    Read their T&Cs first so your luggage is the right size, & you#ll be good. Check in as soon as you can online, to get seats together, & remember to print your boarding pass before flying.

    Even Ryanair is vastly improved: they now allow 2 carryon items, though with restricted sizes.

    Full Member

    Yes, I do.
    There are 2 guys I met at secondary school aged 11/12 whom I see most years, >50 years on. One is a fat operetta singer following his retirement from IT, the other is a lean streak of piss who wins in-line skating marathons. Both live 200k from me. The latter’s little sister & I met last week for a catch-up.
    Both are good guys, who knows why they stay in touch with me?

    Full Member

    If I remember right… Chlorine is a gas under normal conditions. What’s sold as chlorine solution is actually bleach / sodium hypochlorite. That’s an oxidising agent, which breaks down when in contact with organic matter & other stuff, to a brine solution.

    Full Member

    Hypochlorite does break down to salt quickly, on contact with organic matter. It should work on your path – just brush it in.

    Full Member

    Mrs M used to suffer from soreness in the flaps area before changing to a women-specific saddle. She found that sex lubes helped more than chamois creams.

    Full Member

    That’s just like the foxpoo in my garden.

    Full Member

    Leaking solvent.
    Try putting petrol in a polystyrene mug to see how fast it dissolves.

    Or even put a rubber-sealed reusable wine cork in an olive oil bottle, to see what happens to the rubber.

    Full Member

    I loathe the pencil spikes that bamboo sends up in our lawn, designed to draw blood from bare-footed lawn-lovers.
    I pull these out as sooon as they appear, but the only real answer is to get rid of your neighbour’s plants. Spray with glyphosate while they’re on holiday.
    (Bamboo is a grass. Check that any herbicide works on grasses)

    Full Member

    Oh, a stealth advert.
    What model, what year, how much and where ? 😉

    Full Member

    3/16. But I thought of myself as middle-class, based on using STW and having a bike.

    Now I know that I’m a pleb, all is clear.

    Full Member

    Okay, I was being negative. But second houses take money to run, and income is uncertain, especially if you want to use them yourself. The cost of running a second home can be the cost of a good holiday. They need maintenance and that takes time and effort away from your holiday hours – hence the remark above above about mowing the lawn on a second home.

    Full Member

    50 years of £5k’s worth of holidays? PLus costs of getting there.

    When in recent years Mrs M and I have spent around £1.8k between us on each 2-week holiday in India, Mexico, Jamaica, including flights?
    That would leave £3k/year for odd weeks and weekends elsewhere.
    I’d rather spend my money elsewhere.

    Full Member

    Afte 30 years of being a rep, my fave car for town use is the Micra – nippy, fast enough to 30, reliable and comfy, easy to park. Out of town, daughter & boyfriend managed to get 2 bikes & a week’s camping gear into one.

    Full Member

    Now the price is back up to £800, as of Monday afternoon 🙁

    Full Member

    I usually only use soap or detergent on my face & hands. I shower without either & Mrs M doesn’t compain about a smell. (Unless I’ve gotten really dirty from cycling and need somehting to shift the mud)

    Just give up the products.

    Full Member

    Wot Greybeard said. Friends went on the Hurtigruten ferry trip some time ago, & missed the lights entirely due to wrong weather & atmospheric conditions.

    Full Member

    Well, my Ducato is now 6 years old, with 45k miles. It’s had some problems but it’s sound. I don’t recommend leaving a roof window up in a Gale. The hinges aren’t strong. I also suggest a demand operated water pump, not a pressurized system. Jubilee clips can come off hoses. That’s a pain, too.

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