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  • New Second Generation Geometron G1: Even More Adjustable
  • morgs
    Free Member

    whoooop – an into day 3. How’re the others gettnig on?

    Free Member


    Its a 5 hours shift, on the door to a proper live music ‘boozer’ (in fact, its an ace place!).

    Binners, more chance of that during the day job (more stressful!)
    Hora – Careful, or I may take Binners up on his suggestion :evil:

    Free Member

    camo – great going! I’m up to 44hours (near as makes any difference).

    I feel I have the not smoking at work thing pretty much beat! The problem is going to be the not smoking when stood outside the front of the pub working my door shift tomorrow night!

    Now, how to get through that one!

    Free Member

    Mwah :wink:

    Free Member

    Nice one gents! All this mutual support is getting bro-sexual*

    Still gettings these bloody sweats though :(

    *i am suffering from withdrawl symptoms, please excuse this outburst!

    Free Member

    I’m not thin/fit/good enough to be a racer…but if I did, I’d just throw some off road tyres onto this

    EDIT – damn my lack of ability to post pics – try THIS[/url]

    Free Member

    Anyway, wouldn’t normally have posted, but knowing morgs personally and knowing he could do with some moral support, I did.

    Yup – and could need it! Must admit, after a not so good meeting with the Boss last night, I was ready to spark up. Managed to hold off though and now I’m 42 hours in!

    Free Member

    TSY – yup – I’m into day 2 now!

    knock coffee on the head? is decaf ok?

    thinking I may as well make all these changes at one…..cycle instead of drive, smoke-free and no coffee?

    why not! :)

    Free Member

    15 mins away from the magic 24 hours mark and feel fine (if not a little hot!)

    TSY – i see what you mean about caffiene intake…..not good when I’m a hypertensive as well!

    mboy – love your posts – always put a smile pn my face :)

    Free Member

    nice one camo!

    It’s going to be the hour long 12:30 – 1:30 break that’ll be tough….so, I will nip to the supermarket for my lunch….something naughty and nice for a treat….followed by sitting at my desk with my book.

    22 hours in and feel fine…..apart from the hot flushes that feel how I would expect those suffered my menopaulsal women to feel…


    Free Member

    happy days!

    all parts ordered and should be with me by pm firday.

    A nice little set up ride some time obver the weekend and ready to start commuting on Monday.

    Probably a bad time of year to start (never done it before) but, well, If I can stop smoking and start commuting, a healthy life will be mine to lead :)

    Free Member

    Well, next test passed! The 10:30 smoke break involved making a brew and some fresh air with some wordfeud (scrabble).

    Roll on 1:30 and the 24 hour mark (although lunch is at 12:30….good job I brought my book!)

    Free Member

    trail_rat…..DrP may disagree :lol:

    Free Member


    18.5 hours in and feeling pretty good. The test will be the drive into work and the 10:30 smoke break. I reckon if I can get to lunch then I’ll be ok as that will be the magic 24 hour marker.

    Camo – have you joined us yet? I’ll still always be ahead of you ;-)

    Binners, how are you getting on?

    motivation is varied for me.
    – health (son, partner & family to live for)
    – money (I smoked between 10 and 20 a day, but working on just 10, that’s over £1300 a year = a lot of blingy bits)
    – career . I’m back to uni next year, so need to be smoke free for the course (teaching) and my overdraft
    – fitness. Self-explanatory…?

    loads of others that aren’t coming to me right now :)

    Free Member

    random pointless update….

    got through the afternoon with out too many problems.

    The evening entertainment will keep me smoke free until tomorrow… all I have to master is the driving without a smoke!

    Free Member

    The Southern Yeti – Member

    Shut up morgs – have you seen how beautiful I am?

    Sammie-Louise x

    You are such a hero!

    * salutes morgs *

    Surely camo wanted a picture of me……who’d want one of you????????? 8)

    Free Member

    and I will need a poster-size picture for my wall

    ain’t nobody who wants that!


    Free Member

    Camo16 – Apples. Go off and have an apple. They take about the same time to have, they involve your hand and your mouth and they’re good for you.

    what about when they slice your gums open and make you bleed? (or is that just me….?)

    Free Member

    I would hereby like to apoligise in advance to anyone who is at the receiving end of any gratuitous and totally unwarranted tirades and abuse over the next week or so

    Apart from the people who are normally at the receiving end of any gratuitous and totally unwarranted tirades and abuse. Business as usual there I’m afraid

    This +1!!!!!

    Camo – :oops: – no need to salute your superior, it’ll make mu gush ;-)

    Free Member

    camo – cold turkey for me :)

    Free Member

    Cheers Yeti… 1 down, 2 to go!

    Free Member

    Made it!!!

    first break has past….went outside for a breath of air with a colleague (also a non/ex-smoker)and just chewed the fat before making a brew and getting back to my desk!

    Next testing time: 5:30!

    Free Member

    problem is, I’m the last of the smokers!!!!

    I do have some white choccie chip cookies in my drawer though…..and a nice cuppa tea….?

    No there’s a plan!

    7 mins to go until tea-time!

    Free Member

    binners… the ‘D’ refers to ‘Danger’ and the ‘W’ is a four letter word ending in ‘k’, then NO!

    Free Member

    Well, the first test is fast approaching! Out dedicated afternoon ‘smoke break’ is at 3pm….finish at 5:30 and need to leave straig away as I have an hour drive to meet up with the better halffollowed by a meal and cinema so no opportunity to smoke there!

    So, suggestions needed on how to spend the smoke break…..and no points are awarded for the answer ‘erm… smoking?’

    Free Member

    come on, snapper……all the money you save on fags can buy you a travelodge for a few weeks :)

    Free Member

    whippersnapper – you joining in too?

    Free Member

    Me and Binners – Mo-vember quitters!

    Anyone else joining in for the typical STW group support available?

    Free Member

    cheers guys…

    just posted this link to some colleagues….

    hoping the supportive comments will help provide an ‘up yours’ to them :D

    Free Member

    work is my main issue…

    I don’t smoke at home (at all!) and only at work and when out. I have two jobs (office during the week and doors at the weekend) and the smoking is the thing that breaks up the jobs up.

    Can sometimes get through 10 fags on a 5 hour door shift…it can get pretty boring and helps pass the time.

    Just been told if I last 2 weeks, I get an extra £20 in my Mo-vember fund….. gotta be worth a try!

    Free Member

    prepare the day before!!!!!

    Veg peeled, in pans ready to go on…..pre-boil your spuds the day before *(no, the potatoes, not your pedals) basically, do as much as you can and leave as little as possible for the day!!

    Free Member

    Luckily my commute is on pretty quiet roads / cycle paths (exclusing a 1.5 mile A-road blast).

    I made sure I have invested in a proper hardcore lock though!

    Free Member

    I try to be original!

    The seatpost, saddle, seatclamp (gunsmoke) and the front skewer (gunsmoke) have been ordered…. the hose is getting shortened on Friday…

    Mudguards and lights are waiting to be fitted (probably tonight)

    Roll on weightloss!

    Free Member

    If memory serves its 203mm.

    Bear in mind, I have no knowledge of this ‘fact’, I just remember seeing something on here saying the same! :?:

    Free Member

    When I was 14 I cycled from the top to the bottom (well, Llandudno Junction to the coast just past Bridgend).

    We were riding mostly roads then, when we got to Mach, thought we’d take the trail to Nant-yr-Arian and rejoin the route there.

    Needles to say, a raligh special and my old mans bike (which, if I was being trendy would describe as a CX bike…..but did they exist 14 years ago?) with panniers was not well suited to offroading so we headed back and ended up losing half a day.

    Got a great sense of achievment out of it, especially being one of the ‘fat kids’

    Free Member

    what molegrips said.

    I’ve got an atrix and use the hd media connector thing to my tv….the lapdock is meant to be mint but I haven’t invested because I have a laptop and there is now need for me to

    Free Member

    thanks! Pretty chuffed and I’m sure it’ll do the job. As a commuter it’s not something to get excited about, but at least the wheels will fit in the bike shed at work!!!

    Free Member

    tell me how to post one, and I’ll get one up (by the way, now flikr et al….just have facebook!)

    Free Member

    to be honest I don’t care about any capital (if there is any)

    no other joint debt….just the house. If it had gone to court and been repo’d, i’d honestly have been a happy bunny as it would have got the whole situation ended.

    Free Member

    Go for electronic.

    Download in word…..type out….then pdf the word doc and submit it in pdf format

    hope that helps

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