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  • moose
    Free Member

    Now I’m confused. JJ has never kneeled, he’s had a few kneel before him, before he’s slit their throats.

    I get peoples issues with the use of UCAVs, I get peoples issues with war in general. Especially when our dodgy policies cause us to suffer attacks at the hands of these people and their supporters.

    Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t happily send a few of these animals to get their 72 virgins. Have you not seen the video of them throwing gay Iraqi men of the roof? Or seen the reports of the mass graves around Mosul, 100+ beheaded corpses found. Please explain how UK/US foreign policy caused them to meet this violence out on their own people?

    Free Member

    Does make you wonder how desperate/brave people have to be to take on a technologically advanced foe.

    They do what most combatants do, adapt their tactics to defeat the threat. They’re not as dumb as many like to believe. Hence why they’re not dropping like flies, because they use the internet to gain information, use it to mold their tactics.

    Free Member

    My concern is not that it provides an ability to make strikes without friendly losses, but that it makes the decision making process to actually carry out that strike seem less consequential.

    As opposed to what? Putting an individual on a target set and allowing troops to engage? Believe me, the force of violence and action used to put in a strike on an HVT by the more specialist troops we have is brutal.

    Loud, aggressive, violent.

    All the same risks remain, you are just removing the ‘soldier’ from the process using UCAVs.

    Free Member

    I guess if you have the technology you can kill others without any fear of death to yourself…seems a bit cowardly.

    You know we’ve always strived to do that? In every war we’ve ever been in, you strive for technological and tactical superiority. This is not a new game.

    Free Member

    What scares me is the delusion some people have relating to weapon proficiency. The hours I have to put in on the range to remain proficient is ridiculous.

    So when I hear the Americans talk about keeping them for home/self defence I cringe. We do specific under-stress serials to ensure that we respond swiftly and decisively to ensure maximum effective rounds on target.

    It would genuinely scare me being surrounded by civilians packing heat thinking they’re competent and drilled enough to draw a weapon under stress and to engage a target without hitting anyone else. Terrifying.

    Free Member

    Wrist mounted, touch-screen, moving map GPS. My Foretrex 401 is great, but that would be next level.

    Free Member

    Convert, I passionately believe in freedom of speech and I fully support differing opinions, there has been too much of what you have described happening in the UK. It reminds me of all the high profile issues the USA is having. Civil, informed debate can be educational, it’s just we often choose not to bother and just gob off at each other.

    I’m more than aware of people’s opinion of my career choice, I respect other peoples INFORMED opinions, if people are uniformed and I’m equipped to do so, I will try to inform them a little. If they’re not interested then I pay them no attention from that point.

    I wrote that little personal perspective because this topic, as always is awash with uniformed conjecture, it’s tiring to be labelled the way we are. Just as I imagine other demographics are. So when people are throwing around their ‘opinions’ then they better damn well be prepared for an informed counter-narrative. It may come across as you say, maybe thats more to do with the individual reading it rather than the person writing it?

    Back on point; Armistice day is as you say, remembering the futility and brutality of war and how it destroys everything it touches. Both military and civilian, as well as the need to be mindful that it should never happen again. But as my career clearly demonstrates, we have failed at every turn and have continued the cycle.

    The poppy appeal is just one charities way of trying to raise funds for those who have served and their families to give them the support that their former employees fail to do. The fact the people get so het up over a small piece of paper and plastic is beyond me. I personally don’t give a shit what people wear or not, if you want no part in the day, fine I respect that, just afford others the same respect.

    Just as a side, I’m a paid member of the RBL, I also make a standing donation every month to the Red Cross, because it’s not just the military that needs support post conflict.

    Free Member

    I’m back in. So I deployed on the initial Op Telic, which we all very quickly discovered was utter bollocks, But then I went back a further two times. Why? Not for Queen, not for country, and certainly not for some random civilians, I went back because my friends were going. The thought of not being by their side, to watch their back, that was not an option. Now, don’t think it was a choice made lightly, but these are guys who are closer than family, it’s something I can’t adequately put into words, something I understand most cannot comprehend.

    So the thought of me putting my feet up at home whilst they walk IED ridden streets, constantly under the threat of sniper fire, not going to happen. I wanted to be there, right next to them, thats the comradeship and brotherhood that people spout off about, I literally would walk through fire with them and for them.

    I’ll leave the legalities and morality of the decision to deploy troops down to the politicians and armchair quarterbacks, my focus is first and foremost to the man to the left and right of me. It is our job to look out for each other, to protect each other, to ensure nobody strays from the path of ROE and LOAC. To get our assigned tasks completed and bring everybody home alive.

    For us it is that simple, yes I knew the other times I went were a crock of shit, but my loyalty was to my friends, it just so happened that I failed on my final tour and I carried my friend onto a Herc, I can still remember that day, the day the vehicle drove around and stopped, we marched around the corner and there was Dave’s casket on the tailgate with the Union Flag. I remember the weight, the smell, feeling his body shift inside as we lifted him up onto our shoulders.

    Once we marched him onto the Herc we had a few seconds to say goodbye, I couldn’t leave, there was my best friend of 10 years, a guy that I’d never see laugh again, share a shit joke with, there’s a hundred and one things I’ll miss about him. I had to compose myself and march off that plane and watch him leave, the worst part was because we were mid-tour I couldn’t make his funeral, to say a final goodbye to him. But in one way I was glad because I didn’t know how I was going to look is fiancee, daughter and his family in the eyes knowing I failed to keep him safe.

    Now multiply that by the 100,000’s of people the wars have killed, if you think that a great many of us don’t think about that, you’re high. We do, we just don’t wring our hands and make excuses, we chose our job and will continue to serve our friends and do our best to protect each other and those not deemed targets. To insinuate or even openly express we’re unthinking and blindly follow orders, well again, demonstrating how uninformed you are.

    Only problem is when you start throwing high velocity and explosive munitions around, people die and not always the **** you want. Some here most likely believe that leaves no stain on soldiers consciences, I can tell you from a very, very informed position that is most definitely does. A stain no amount of cleansing can ever erase.

    We chose our job, we accept the risks and when in those situations we always try to do the right thing, both morally and legally. Sometimes we fail, factors outside of our control and the fact that some **** nutters get through the screening and revel in the carnage.

    No matter the dubious nature of our deployment, the government has a legal and moral obligation to ensure those marked by conflict are looked after. By all means hold them to account to try to ensure they only use as the public see fit, but even in spite of that we will continue to deploy because we will always look out for each other, our brothers and sisters that chose the same path as us.

    Some may find that an uncomfortable truth, but I couldn’t care less, that is the ground truth.

    Free Member

    fullsizeoutput_d68 by will moule[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    i have just realised that i have veered wildly from the OP’s post sorry and from own original post, and for that reason i’m out.

    Whatever you feel about out military and whatever you feel about the current political climate, remember what the original purpose of the poppy was, don’t read the Daily Mail and to quote Charlie the Bikemongers first race rule “don’t be a dick”

    Ditto. Same tired arguments, I’m guilty of letting myself give a shit about some people’s opinions, when in reality, they matter not. Politicians hijack shit, as do the left, right and stinking media.

    Bleat about the legality of wars all you want, it’s done and all it has left in its wake are thousands upon thousands of shattered lives. That is what it should be about remembering and trying to prevent in future, but instead it’ll be the same circle-jerk of petty point scoring. I’ll leave you to it. Out.

    Free Member

    Only because some of you damn well keep beating that drum. You are one of the biggest culprits.

    Free Member

    Ffs, a post about poppies is soon to rehash British foreign policy choices. Again.

    Free Member

    Wear what you like, many died to allow you that freedom of choice, it would be nice if we could just respect each others choice. I’ve served for 20 years, I still have four to go, I’ve deployed to Bosnia, NI, Iraq and Afghanistan. In these places I’ve seen humanity at it’s worst and at it’s very best.

    I’ve watched as men and women carry out the most selfless of tasks to protect the innocent, I’ve seen medics breakdown when they’ve failed to resuscitate a young child after stepping on an IED. Watched the fallout as a young man realises that a civilian was just killed in an exchange of gunfire and he may have been responsible. I’ve attended too many remembrance services for those being flown home for the last time, listened as their friends spoke fondly of the mate they will never sink a pint with again.

    I’ve seen war, I’ve lived it, its shadow permanently left on my psyche. Only the naive and uninitiated glorify war; the rest of us see it for what it is evil, hateful and destructive, a maelstrom of confusion and violence that destroys lives, whose reach goes beyond the comprehension of those who sit at home waxing lyrical on their moral high ground.

    This bullshit debate happens every year and it’s as bad as politicians highjacking the appeal for their own ends. The poppy appeal is there to help all those who have served and their families when they need it, it’s that simple. The act of remembrance is personal, remember who you like, how you like, just do so with decorum and respect. For some it is a deeply personal day, many stood amongst you will have personal demons come visit, it will be a deeply painful and emotional day.

    Stop the debate and just be mindful of your words and actions.

    Free Member

    I can help on the financial front if you need it. I’m back in the UK late December, floating around Leeds for a bit before starting a new job down in Hampshire. Just keep us updated and I’ll help where I can.

    Free Member

    Which is why the teach troops to resist torture. Just resist mind – everyone breaks.

    We’re taught to resist interrogation for as long as is safe, the aim is to return with dignity. It’s really that simple.

    Free Member

    Olympic pootling about, it would be great.
    They could spend half an hour at the start waiting for Spain until Germany suddenly remembers that he saw him in the pub on Thursday and he said he wouldn’t be coming because he’s got to visit his mum. Then Italy would discover that he’s forgotten his helmet but USA says it’s OK he’s got a spare one but by the time he’s got it from the car France has got his shock pump out and is fiddling with his forks, at which point Australia says sod it and goes off on his own, then everybody else decides to just go straight down the pub because it looks like it’s going to rain.

    Best comment I’ve read in here in a while! Bravo sir, bravo.

    Free Member

    You’re taking this seriously rather than just arguing about it on here? I don’t think the IOC or UCI are going to be particularly impressed with the argument that the UK has better DH riders.

    Of course even if they did manage to get it included, the earliest possible event would be 2024 (realistically, given the time needed to lobby for new events 2028) – what’s the chance of the UK having the best riders in the world by then?

    Quite high, the UK has been at the top of the sport for decades, for some reason we do quite well and always have done. There was a Brit on the podium of the three cats at MSA, two of them were the top step.

    Free Member

    1 or 2 mph too much, sadly.


    Free Member

    What kind of speed was she doing?

    Free Member

    I’ve heard XC unicycle is in next time round…

    Free Member



    There is no two ways about it, niche or not, DH is far more dynamic and exciting to watch than XC and more importantly, for UK cycling, we have better DH athletes than we do XC, that’s a fact. So at the very least, in terms of drawing in funding and support, BC pushing for DH to be included in the Olympics would be advantageous.

    Free Member

    Currently stuck in Kenya with work, put the MSA DH on the projector in our crew room, Quite happily sat chilling my beans on my own. As people came in to grab a brew, they stayed, before I knew it the room was full and cheering Danny on to the win. It’s dynamic and exciting, especially to those who don’t follow it, be good to see it there but won’t lose any sleep if it doesn’t.

    Free Member

    I echo Mike’s advice. I can recommend a good campsite near Reims. We stayed there during the Crumball rally, cheap with wifi and a pool.

    Free Member

    bongohoohaa, standard. I’m sure the reason most female voters don’t like Trump is due to misandry. :wink:

    Nothing to do with the fact he’s well, just everything that could be wrong with a human!

    Free Member

    I’m currently living in Kenya, the times I muttered about roadies and their lights; I take it all back. The bloody loons out here don’t use them, on roads with no lighting. When I get back I shall never complain again, even if you’re all lit up like Dynamo from ‘Running Man’!

    Free Member

    I think for her there is a lot of ‘murkiness’ that surrounds her. Be it the emails, Benghazi and some of the other stuff. She does walk away clean from it all, be it she is clean, or she has a very good team of cleaners who make this stuff disappear. Chance or design?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    No, he did on her. Ironic really. Ah well, time to move on.

    Free Member

    It’s the only thing I can do. Be there for the kids and keep shit even. I’ve had problems in my past and our marriage, this is a significant event for me to start making some positive steps. This ‘affair’ is the closure I think I needed to move forward.

    Chances are this will blow up in their faces, even though I’m getting the blame for it by her, she seems to forget that his and her friends will car little for her stories. She’ll be a home wrecking slapper. Nothing can change that.

    Free Member

    Yeah, I was just getting to a bit of even ground and this shit has pushed me back down the hill. Bollocks!

    Free Member

    I’m surprisingly calm about all of this. Maybe the turmoil is coming. Who knows.

    Free Member

    Exactly what I thought, I found out from him the ground work was played before the split though. I know it’s wrong but he’s shitting himself about what I might do.

    He’s married, his wife is having an affair apparently. Well she won’t like this nugget when it comes out.

    I’m going to see my sister, stay with her and enjoy the sights. And figure out a clear path away from this mess.
    I’m incredibly disappointed in her if I’m honest. I thought she was a better person, clearly I was wrong.

    I have no doubt this will explode in their faces, I care little, I’ll be there for my step-kids, but she can go smoke a shotgun for all I care.

    Free Member

    Well, interesting times. Seems she’s fallen for a bloke at work. A guy I was a bit suspicious about, been going on pretty much since we split. :evil:

    Free Member

    Thanks, Dave. Will likely take you up on that offer soon. Things are still cold but I’m getting there, off to London for the weekend with my sister.

    Free Member

    I’m not settled into the single soldiers accommodation. The kids have been told tonight, there were tears, I just hope she and I can remain amicable for their sake. But she was very cold tonight after a week away, I’ve backed off and am letting her call the shots with support.

    I’m quite content with where my head is at. Things are moving forward.

    Free Member

    Ugh. sweaty, hairy hand shakes.

    Free Member

    Yes. Chickens are ace.

    Free Member


    The amount of hours i’ve had to put into firearms training to get competent borders on sad. It would genuinely scare me to know other people are walking around with firearms with minimal training.

    Free Member

    166 magazines of 5.56. I”d imagine that number would include pistol and sniper rounds. The shield man would have been carrying a pistol, I’d imagine a few shotgun rounds for possible breaches and then not forgetting the party piece; 40mm grenades. That’s my kind of party.

    Free Member

    Ala this. Big gun shooting.

    Designed to not pass any recoil to the firer. But the kinetic energy would make a big hole.

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