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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • moose
    Free Member

    He made a choice, a bad choice.

    Free Member

    tjagain – Member
    If his judgement is clouded because of the stress he was under and the attitudes of those around him normalised such behaviour then is he “of sound mind”?

    Very much no. And I would argue that none of us really are when we’re there.

    Free Member

    Junkyard, really? Murder? How do you murder someone you’ve been sent to kill?

    And that’s the part that confuses me. He shot a man, who a mere few moments earlier had been legally sanctioned to kill. Hence why an appeal judge has decided to overturn the original conviction.

    Free Member

    Not at all. I agree with the judge, he broke the rules, bang to rights. PTSD doesn’t excuse you from your actions.

    I also completely understand why he did it, it’s very easy for someone sat at home, never having been in that situation, to go OTT with the condemnation, I prefer a more sedate level.

    I guess some people on here like to run up their colours and take the moral high, high, high ground. Such is the internet. But they as well as some of Sgt B’s more ardent supporters I find just as distasteful.

    Horrible things happen in war, the line between right and wrong is constantly moving depending on the situation. Although what he did was a deliberate act, it’s not hard to see where he is coming from.

    Free Member

    Very droll. My point still stands, a judge has addressed the issue, there is no doubt he killed an enemy combatant outside of the rules. The mitigation put forward a judge has felt is sufficient to correct the earlier verdict. I don’t disagree with the legal decision, however some of you with your holier than though opinions are rather, well, **** stupid.

    Free Member

    You either agree or disagree. Your opinion on the facts as you see them, unless you’ve actually served on the ground somewhere like that, is factually irrelevant.

    Not a dig at anyone in particular, and this isn’t a ‘you weren’t there man’ situation. But honestly, how can you say what you’d do if you’ve never ever had exposure to that kind of life?

    Free Member

    Aye. Tom, you got a little carried away me old fruit. You know SF boys are used to operating on a different playing field to the police. The CTSFO are bloody highly trained, drilled and lethal if needed. This was an unfortunate chain of events that led to an unarmed officer being the target, it may have been different if he was armed, but in my experience, highly likely it may have been the same outcome. Sad, but bloody true.

    Free Member

    I can’t be arsed. The whole thing stinks to high heaven, but it still doesn’t solve the issue does it? Bring Saudi to heal and all those complicit; you honestly think it’s going to stop the sociopaths and their minions perpetrating attacks against those they deem infidels?

    I’m not advocating that you forgot that the Saudis aren’t clean, they’re dirtier than Jimmy Saville at an under-age gang-bang, but these are, like it or not separate issues. The horse has bolted and no amount of kicking the stablehand in the goolies is going to get that bastard back in the pen.

    Free Member

    Which have been investigated and just gone away after ‘Intervention’?

    Free Member

    What, BAE and it’s dodgy deals for oil?

    Free Member

    Everyone is aware, and any sanctions or accountability put in place will be labelled as an attack on Islam and Muslims. So plan B?

    Free Member

    Not in the slightest. All you do is post links and others opinion. What is yours? War with Saudi Arabia to hole them account for it? C’mon, tell us, put your cards on the table.

    Free Member

    Dude, random links or quotes on the internet, whatever. You have an axe to grind with the Saudis, thats clear. So unless you’re advocating an all out war with them, I don’t see the point you’re constantly trying to make.

    Free Member

    You cannot defeat and ideology that has no real roots and no real viable aim apart from jihad. Fighting this is like trying to wrestle a well oiled midget.

    Free Member

    jivehoneyjive – Member
    I’m not scaremongering… there was a terrorist attack yesterday, that was a result of ideologies that are on the increase due to radicalization fueled by taxpayer funded conflict.

    And shortly after Katie Hopkins bought up refugees fleeing war in the Mediterranean, much of the media jumped on it in the run up to the EU referendum

    Islamic fundamentalism has steadily grown since the 50’s. The internet and social media has aided their ability to organise and improved communication, so rather than relying on the printed word, they can collectively share ideas and indoctrinate followers.

    Yes, you can continue to blame western intervention as justification for this, just like owning nice stuff is the reason for getting burgled. It’s always a good idea to continue to make excuses for others abhorrent behaviour…

    Free Member

    jivehoneyjive – Member
    How long before it’s illegal for UK citizens to work in (or perhaps even visit) countries that we previously had full access to, because of scaremongering built up via a narrative involving immigration and refugees fleeing wars that were paid for by our taxes?

    {Irony alarm going full tilt}

    Free Member

    Fundamentally, at our core we’re empathetic creatures, we understand suffering and will do what we can to ease that of others. For some it’s overwritten, they are the minority and are lost souls. For some it’s a calling they make a profession, those who knowingly put themselves in harms way to help others. I salute them, their professionalism is to me commended. Then there is those who just do it because they want to help, I salute those people as well, you didn’t have to, but you did anyway. Humanity at its best in the face of its worse.

    Free Member

    If an attacker is in or around 21 feet of you, with a holstered or low slung weapon, you’re in for a bad day given the right set of circumstances for the assailant. Even if he had a weapon, the outcome could have been the same.

    It’s not a hard and fast rule, but having an attacker catch you unawares or up close leaves you extremely vulnerable. Even the best of us would still get sliced in that regard, unless each individual ran an exclusion zone, which I might note, armed offers don’t. However next time you chat to one, you may notice their partner stood oblique to you and paying you and the surroundings a little more attention, mutual support.

    RIP to PC Palmer. One crisp salute to a man who has served his country in two uniforms.

    Free Member

    crankboy – Member
    Obama refused the raid and it was pocket vetoed what ever that means the reports suggested that trump wanted a quick military hit , remember his campaign propaganda about killing the families of terrorists , he picked a ready made off the shelf plan for speed it suited his purpose , imagine what Spicer would have said if it had succeeded Trump had the balls to do what Obama was two liberal and scared to do.
    I don’t see the us military pushing to expend valuable troops on vetoed plans on their own initiative.

    So now we’re both just spitting out conjecture. As for balls, Obama got Bin Laden as well as dropping a lot of bloody munitions on the USA’s ‘enemies’, Trump has got a lot of work before he can call him out on being too liberal.

    I think the orange one is a **** clown, but I also view all those desperately trying to smear him in the same light. He’ll do it in his own sweet time, seems nobody has the patience to wait even though he’s going nowhere for a while.

    Free Member

    I love my YT Capra AL. Couple of changes to make to get it running how I like, but apart from that, it’s bloody brilliant.

    Free Member

    And when that plan was put in front of Obama, he said no thanks. Trump said yes to it, then declared it a success after it went tits up.

    Right, so who is to blame, a president with zero tactical knowledge or the people who went back to the table because they knew the current incumbent was up for a fight?

    Free Member

    Sacrificed, Jesus you do love a bit of melodrama don’t you?

    And there would have been a fairly length post-mission debrief and report, no need for it to become public.

    Free Member

    He’s asking for a enquiry on a special forces mission gone bad? Good luck with that, his son would have been on countless jobs in shit-holes where there were no troops. also, how does he know there were no troops on the ground in Yemen?

    Also, I doubt very much they will ever say why, certainly if the intelligence was from a human source, they won’t want to compromise that. The best thing for everybody is to just walk away, the DoD and White House has more leaks that a sieve being used as a dingy. Anything gets into the staffers hands it’ll be in the press.

    His son volunteered to join a unit whose specific reason for existing is high risk missions with little or no support. Thats why they’re ‘special’.

    Free Member

    First I’ll lay my cards on the table, Trump is a bumbling cock-womble, however, you do know he would have had no say in the planning of that Yemen mission right? None whatsoever, that would have been planned from the ground up by the special force’s, he would have been briefed on the plan by either SECNAV or the CO of JSOC, they would have given him the risk/reward angles.

    If anybody is to be held accountable for that SEAL’s death it is those who planned it. It is unfortunately cheap politics by those trying to blame him. That man’s father should know better.

    Free Member

    what choices does he have?

    more (drone) bombing? Ongoing along with airstrikes.
    troops on the ground? Already there.
    pour more weapons into the region? Possibly, but he may actually be the first one not to.
    take all their oil? Doubt it

    Free Member

    Also in ‘Navy Seals’. Along with Aliens one of my favourites from my yoof.

    Free Member

    Have a look on the GoPro site, there’s a few tools to download. There’s a quick-edit program (Quik) and then their more complex program (GoPro Studio).

    GoPro Apps[/url]

    Free Member

    Congrats dude. Bring on the sleep depravation and stinky nappies!

    Free Member

    Bloody brilliant actor. Damn shame.

    Free Member


    They look like they belong in some kind of horror movies as a murderous cannibal couple.

    Free Member

    At least Mattis has seen firsthand the cost of war, that’s a good thing for America. Seems all to easy for a career politician to send people off to kill and be killed, hopefully he’ll be more measured in his approach as well as having the knowledge to make informed, strategic decisions. I’m bloody jealous of the US military right now.

    Free Member

    Anything by Woody Allen. Utter tripe.

    Free Member

    Indeed, Leeds until the end of Jan, then Salisbury.

    Free Member

    When I split with my ex (different situation granted) my dogs where a huge solace. We had many a one-sided conversation, but by god did I feel better. A dog may be extreme, but the advice others have given is spot on, where are you in the UK?

    Free Member

    Swear by my Foretrex 401. Used it in places where there are no features, at night and in bad vis. Dogs dangleys.

    I’ve used far more expensive GPS devices, that still comes out on top. Simple and effective. Also, get better with a map and compass!

    Free Member

    Notter, I’ve seen that, I’m not sure it would have made a difference, Conor was calm and measured, his strike rate was ridiculous, Alvarez just didn’t look like he had any answer at all. Ironic since he criticised Conor’s choice of opponents, then he folded like all the rest.

    Free Member

    **** it, it’s open and allowing people to see their favourite artists. The best ‘**** you’ to those who carried out the attack.

    Free Member

    Control, discipline and patience. Alvarez didn’t really have a say in that fight.

    Free Member

    H4H are not the most forthcoming about their charity workings. They are not the saints that they’re made out to be. Only a percentage of what you donate reaches those who need it, whereas with the RBL if it’s part of the poppy appeal, then 100% of what is donated goes to projects/people.

    After having a good friend badly injured in Afghanistan, then seeing how the charity behaved and treated him, I’d not give them the steam off my shit. RBL, ABF, BLESMA, Combat Stress, all bloody good places where your money will do good.

    Free Member

    I don’t know…seems all the worlds problems are caused by adult males.

    Pretty much on point mate.

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