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  • Starling Cycles Mega Murmur review
  • moose
    Free Member

    ^ Brutal video that. Perfect example of what happens when you have ‘loose’ ROE and no checks and balances post-engagement. I can’t remember if they were convicted eventually. I’ll go google.

    Edit- Nope, ruthlessly covered up. Thankfully our ROE was a little more restrictive than that. That was blatant murder. But still nothing compared to what Daesh are doing now. Toppling Saddam really did open the Pandora’s box of shitstorms there.

    Free Member

    I disagree Zokes. it may appear that way to you, your sense of what is and isn’t racist is subjective. I’m of Asian heritage, my family hails from Pakistan.

    The labels need to be removed because we are talking about an ideology. A spade is a spade, you can call it a garden spoon if that fits, but you still dig holes in the garden with it. To ethier tend your petunias or bury bodies.

    There needs to be an open and honest dialogue about the perversion of an ideology to push men to commit acts of violence. Chances are things will get heated and close to the bone, that may make people uncomfortable, but I’d prefer you offended than a 10″ knife plunged into your chest.

    Free Member

    I read some good pieces about prevent, certain areas of Islam with the UK ran what would be considered under normal circumstance an amazing counter PR campaign to discredit it. It worked, absolutely destroyed the good work it does. That’s where the government need to wake up, this is a war of words, and we’re losing.

    Plenty of muslims who work in trying to identify and ‘unprogram’ radicalised individuals, they need more support and help. They need to be given centre stage to address the nation not politicians and their hollow sound bites. For starters anyway.

    Free Member

    ^what mike said! Both look like good bits of kit. Especially the Oneup tool EDC.

    That crank one is called ‘All In Multitool’.

    Free Member

    I disagree with a lot of the handwringing that goes on here, but Zanelad, you’re way off the point on this one. The blood hasn’t even congealed yet and you’re making statements like that. Bad form sir, bad form.

    Free Member

    Fox Carbon Pro for DH shenanigans, Fox Metah for all others.

    Free Member

    Mate, I’ll put the word out amongst my dog friendly pals up your neck of the woods. I’ll let you know what drops back.

    Free Member

    Here mate, they do some good colour options with different metalware. always got stock and very quick delivery.

    Watch Gecko[/url]

    Free Member

    I doubt it, we’ll continue on ill-advised foreign policy and push on with the ever growing socioeconmic gulf and see where that takes us.

    Free Member

    Late to this party but:

    He couldn’t have built a bomb in isolation so valid concern that another attack possible until all caught.

    From what I’ve read and know, most likely HME, you’d be surprised how easy it is to make, most likely ingredients stolen or a wide network to acquire them, so not to raise suspicions.

    The bringing of troops in I read to mean, we have got rid of that many Police we are now too pushed and need the army in to take up the shortfall

    Valid, however, putting us on duty at places they’re unlikely to attack means cops with guns are free to protect members of the public.

    I wouldn’t be too happy at having to engage a target with my weapon, we don’t have the rounds the police do, the risk of over penetration is a real risk. In fact, lets just hope nobody has to shoot anyone, there’s been enough death already this month. Well, I’m not sure I mean that. I wouldn’t cry if one of his associates or like minded individuals were put down with a few rounds to centre of mass. Maybe I should be more liberal, who knows. Potato, potato.

    Ironically these aresholes won’t attack the military who are in ‘their’ countries, at least the IRA had a pop at us too. Instead they have almost solely focused on civilians, cowards of the highest order, which is why I give their stated aims and reasons zero credibility. Apart from the attack at Westminster and Fus Rigby, they’ve not tried to attack the establishment once.

    Sad thing is, even if we stopped doing all the things they claim, dumped billions in aid, they would still find the reasons and motivation to murder civilians. this problem is never going away, their’s no political wing to do back room deals with. Sad, very sad.

    Free Member

    What? PM mobilises us squaddies to go pull some dull gate duty while the Police trained for this type of scenario get freed up to do their actual job of policing and public protection? Yeah, political opportunism… :roll:

    Free Member

    There was an episode when the Foos did an album there. That’s quite good.

    There’s a big segment in Metal. Which was a good doc on the evolution of the genre.

    Free Member

    Spotify has a damn good playlist dedicated to him. Go check it out.

    ‘Say hello to heaven’ has a bittersweet irony now.

    Free Member

    Craw, where you at my friend?

    Free Member

    I’m with you Jam. I rarely give a shit about celebrity deaths. But this one is personal, their music, his music helped me through a lot of shit. Dude helped me in ways I’d struggle to express, and I doubt I’m alone in that.

    Free Member

    A key part of my childhood. Fond memories shredding bikes listening to Superunknown on cassette round a camp fire. RIP.

    Free Member

    Nope, I get them from work. I can sort people if they want some.

    Free Member

    No real emphasis placed on domestic abuse, which if this were a man, would be very much at the forefront of things. And rarely does that kind of violence just pop out of nowhere, there is almost always a pattern of escalating behaviour, now just like female victims, that could have been omitted. Just like men who perpetrate this kind of violence, I hope she gets help to overcome it. Oh wait…

    Free Member

    Yup. Also a bit of resection and intersection location finding, that’s also a handy skill to have in your back pocket.

    Free Member

    Oof, strong shout that slim. Each to their own in that specific case! Vera Farmiga for me. Stunner.

    Free Member

    Tiny bit? I just full on called god in the porcelain telephone. Bunch of slack jawed pussies. :wink: :lol:

    Free Member

    Is it wrong to think he’s entitled to employment and simultaneously hope that he meets some serious misfortune?

    Not at all. It is what is legally right and morally just. :wink:

    Free Member

    As long as he’s safe. When I’m back up North in the summer I’ll get him out with the motley crew I ride with. Awesome bunch of bastards that’ll put a smile on his face.

    Free Member

    Now I know this I’m off to mumsnet to watch the frothing over there. They do it so much better than here. :lol:

    Free Member

    Have a look on AirBnB, you may find somewhere nicer for the same price.

    Free Member

    Esse if you can find someone down south who stocks them. Bloody good bits of kit.

    Free Member

    Jesus, I’d be in Guantanamo for my use of the C-bomb if that were the case.

    Free Member

    I’ve rolled/leapt into a fair few dog eggs on Salisbury Plain over the years. And I know I’m not alone in this. At least it’s always to the amusement of my muckers… :lol:

    Free Member

    Took two hours for me to be seen at Northallerton when I had my big off. Asked countless times if I could have some gauze or dressing to put on my wounds to prevent blood pissing everywhere. Finally went in to see the triage nurse, came back out and could hear the receptionist moaning about the blood on the floor and the seat.

    That was the point I snapped and chewed her out. Pointed out that if she had got me what I’d asked for in the beginning there’d be a lot less blood all over the waiting room.

    The actual medical staff were diamond, usually are. It’s the thick pitbulls behind the glass that’s usually the problem.

    Free Member

    OMB, people have views, however, until the law changes I guess they can wrap those views in an old 26″ tube and wedge it up their arse using some ceramic grease.

    Get out there and enjoy the countryside. :D

    Free Member

    Dude, I have a set of revision sawfly if you want them?

    Free Member

    On a related topic anyone any ideas for a filled pooh bag carrier when riding? Swinging from the bars is fraught with dangers and I’m not a fan of in the pocket or camelback for the same reasons.

    Climbing Chalk-bag?
    Military Magazine Dump Pouch?
    Small Dry/Immersion Bag?

    Combined with scented nappy bags either of those options stops smell and contains them rather well.

    Free Member

    I used to use a cheap climbing chalk bag, works a treat, especially if you double bag using scented nappy bags.

    Free Member

    I swear by these for work.

    Klymit Mats

    Free Member

    Three years inside, dismissal from service and a serious offence that will continue to affect his employment for at least five years post-release. As for the ban, even once he’s got his license back he’ll have to declare that offence to gain insurance, which will most likely prove financially unviable for a while. On top of that he has the deaths of those two young ladies on his conscience. To behest I think this is something that will continue to haunt him for the rest of his life in one form or another, which is just as the loss of those two girls will have the same affect on their respective families.

    Free Member

    Ironically I was up the other bloody side of that hill when he was pootling about. Altitude got them I heard.

    Free Member

    Military, so you decide. However deploying to the Philippines to assist with resupply and rebuilding after the typhoon destroyed their lives. I’ve never seen devastation like it and will always be proud that for that moment at least, I had a tangible positive effect on peoples lives. The rest of my time; I don’t really feel that way to be honest.

    Free Member

    To echo free agents very well put point, a recent video released by the Iraqi are force clearly show IS fighter manoeuvring through the streets with women and children in tow as shields. That place has gone to hell in a hand basket and will continue to deteriorate further. Dying through conventional munitions is bad enough, but chemical weapons, those poor people. :(

    Free Member

    I believe this movie is about the kids, he nest one will be when they’re adults. I’m sure I read that somewhere.

    Free Member

    Look, there’s no doubt he stepped, nay, leapt way outside of the rules. He’s been judged for it, I’m not going to condemn the man. He is a good man, who made a bad choice and will now have to live with it.

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