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  • moose
    Free Member

    I used to be the same, got put onto so SiS products, an electrolyte drink for during training and a recovery shake for after. Sorts me right out and feel pretty fresh afterwards and the following days.

    Free Member

    JHJ was being a douche. He threw out his usual, vague passive aggressive comment. Then when called on it, tried to back track. He did it publicly, calling into question the MODs, I see nothing wrong with information disputing his rubbish being produced to counter it.

    I’m all for privacy, but if you want to sling mud in public; remember, it’s a two way range.

    Free Member

    It’s caused a bit of a stir in the US. A lot of military and government email addresses on there, compromising a great may people. 8O

    Play stupid games and all that. :roll:

    Free Member

    Certainly makes you think…..

    Not sure if it was patience beyond the call of duty or letting him get enough rope to hang himself, but well handled by the powers that be.

    Certainly made my head hurt.

    Free Member

    If you like this, you may like Corey Taylor’s new book; You’re Making Me Hate You. 270 pages of him ranting about humans stupidity.

    Free Member

    Thank god for that. I’ve never read so much drivel in a while as I have in his posts. Clearly he’s on unsupervised care in the community.

    Free Member

    Give TF a call, they’ll give you good advice on what may suit your needs and their service standards are brilliant.

    Free Member

    What allan23 said! Mine is maxed out too, so bought a external drive, works a treat, I just move old game saves to it and keep the internal memory for current games.

    Free Member

    ^ Awesome!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I Prevail – Blank Space (Taylor Swift)

    Free Member

    Currently fostering these two midgets, Hooch and Moonshine.

    Free Member

    Haha, sorry. I misread the bloody thing. I shall edit forthwith! :oops:

    Free Member

    Read the Daily Mail.

    Then think of the polar opposite to what you read.

    That’ll be somewhere around the truth I’d imagine.

    Free Member

    David Walliams, or his bald mate.

    Free Member

    Very nice ride Sir. I notice you’ve changed the saddle, selling it? :P

    Free Member

    IT was me who discovered salt was a catalyst in our dogs fits. That was after I gave him a big piece of fish from the chippy. 9 hours later and 12 fits I felt like a prize c*#t.

    Free Member

    I liked it, but came across as a bit angry compared to Danny

    Yeah, bit more aggressive compared to his more relaxed style. Good polar opposites.

    Free Member

    You must have difficulty reading.

    Not on this one particularly, mainly referring to when similar videos have been posted. Usually that’s the general reply.

    Free Member

    I didn’t like it, I couldn’t possibly get any enjoyment from watching a cyclist demonstrate their high level of competency and skill of their chosen niche, nor could I appreciate the skill, dedication and discipline to achieve that level of skill.

    Said almost every STW poster. :roll:

    Again, young lads like him and Danny Mac pushing the limits of what can be achieved on a mountain bike.

    Free Member

    Survives 22 years in the Mob and a bloody tree gets him. Life really does troll us sometimes. :(

    Free Member

    Find and make friends with a South African. The best you’ll ever taste.

    Free Member

    The other side of the coin; I had parents that didn’t give a shit about my education, went to some pretty shocking schools, where they didn’t really care about my education. I, in turn didn’t really care about my education. I left school with zero qualifications and not really much going for me. To be honest I was a miserable little shit who made other people miserable just to feel something.

    Joined the Army, as it was that or bashing pots in a kitchen or flipping burgers for the rest of my life. Thankfully there were some people there that gave a shit and I have a healthy raft of qualifications, work ethic and experiences, I’m also currently looking into a degree course. Because I can.

    I’m not middle class, but by god my kids will go to a good school, be it private or state, and I will do everything I can to equip them with the skills and experiences to be successful, productive and happy members of society. I couldn’t care less of what anyone thinks of that.

    Free Member

    We bought Hudl’s for the kids, didn’t last long. Broken cables, charging slots and very buggy. We got our money back after having two pairs of replacements and bought Kindle Fire HDs, no issues at all.

    Free Member

    You can get rehome puppies from reputable rescue centres. Personally I don’t rate Dogs Trust nor RSPCA, too man examples of home checks and behaviour assessments not being done correctly.

    In a 15 month period these are all the puppies we fostered for the Blue Cross. Maybe fostering could be an option for you? Probably the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done.

    Free Member

    Everything you’ve described mirror our dogs seizures. If he fits reassure, but keep your hands away from the mouth. When he comes round keep talking to him, he can hear but his eyesight will be blurred. Does he get right in your face? The more he comes round does he become hyperactive, pacing and whining?

    Our eldest dog Dillon, a patterdale/whippet cross is epileptic. He’s currently on 90mg of Epiphen, the tablets are 30mg, he has 1 1/2 morning and evening. This keeps fits at bay for the moment, he’s had a few bad days here and there, mainly due to sickness which causes him to either refuse to eat or vomit, can be a struggle getting his meds in, the longer it goes on the more the levels in his blood drop, then the fits start.

    Our vets are quite good, if he starts to eat grass, or vomits they give him an antiemetic and antibiotics to prevent things getting worse. We also have to be mindful of his diet, particularly anything with salt, it prevents the body absorbing the meds, thus causing fits.

    The tablets are 5p, we pay £20 for 100 at a time, every 6 months he requires a blood test just to check his levels.

    Free Member

    I used to have my GT Fury DH bike and a 140mm travel everything else bike. Decided to get a GT Force, 160mm slack Enduro bike, got rid of the other two now as this meets all my requirements. Climbs well, descends like it’s on rails and never fails to leave me with a smile.

    Free Member

    After a quick google, seems it’s quite common. Get’s worse if your Skype and Facebook account are linked, allows the blackmailer to post a link to your entire friends list. All very odd.

    Free Member

    I’m pretty sure ‘threats to kill’ is a fairly serious offence.

    Free Member

    @Junkyard, I wouldn’t say that. May make some roadies think twice about spending their money in an establishment run by someone who clearly has an issue sharing the road with cyclist.

    Free Member

    @DT78, I think that pretty much on point. I’ve been cut up by roadies, and when I’ve been commuting on my DH bike, been cut up. There’s just no need to treat people in that way.

    Free Member

    He is dressed like a shit midget Hasselhoff.

    Free Member

    I’m not a lycra clad oddball, however I do my best to give them plenty of room on the road. I don’t care who has priority or right of way, even if one is being a douche I’d rather they not go under my wheels, far too unpleasant. Unfortunately seems quite a few drivers don’t think that way, I’m sure they’d feel differently when they’re washing brains out of the front grill.

    I find hurtling downhill between trees, through rock gardens and over large gap jumps safer than riding on the road, those of you that do; I think you’re bonkers!

    Free Member

    Normandy is stunning that time of year. Plenty of sights to visit, some well off the beaten track.

    Free Member

    I imagine from the cyclist the filter passed and assuming there were more, that’s probably where mini Micheal Knight got himself all riled up. Both seemed fairly wet, I’d choose not to ride with a camera so these kind of disputes can be settled in a more ‘robust’ way. But then I am a fairly anti-social person, I tend not to play well with morons like this.

    Free Member

    I swear by Surefire for off the bike illumination.

    Free Member

    In this situation who started it is irrelevant, that may have be pertinent if it was two civilians having a dispute but in this case one of them is a trained LEO who is trained in threat assessment and the appropriate use of force. Like I said in a previous post, unless he was armed a posed a risk to thers then the officer would have had cause to fire on him. I think the cop is going to jail in the near future.

    Free Member

    A 1st degree conviction in this situation would be hard to prove I think, it requires proof of premeditation and malicious intent, I imagine it’ll be downgraded to 2nd or possibly voluntary manslaughter. Allthough either of those will be as welcome as a fart in a spacesuit for the dead mans family.

    Free Member

    MSP, I agree. Also the only justification for engaging that man for me would have been if he was armed and his demeanour and attitude led me to belive he may attempt to harm someone. Other than that a good solid rugby tackle and arm bar to submission would suffice.

    The issue is the officers actions post incident are suspicious to say the least. The ‘item’ dropped should be left in situ for CSI to document and process, the fact he moved it means he actually tampered with a crime scene!

    Free Member

    I don’t envy the job of US police officers, unfortunately absolute gash-bags like this clown destroy any or what little credibility they have left. This case will be interesting to follow and see if they can honestly represent the facts and hold those accountable.

    That doesn’t excuse some of the comments here though, some are genuinely laughable; Any comparison between our police and the Americans are disingenuous to say the least.
    Our firearm teams are medically trained or have a specific medic, they are legally bound to provide treatment to any and all that are wounded, once an individual has been shot or are no longer deemed a threat medical assistance is given. US officers are not obligated to provide first aid to someone they’ve shot, they call and bus and let the EMTs deal with it. Not saying it’s right, but that’s the way they operate.

    The comments about ‘gun culture’ are the best. People going banzai with legally owned firearms is an issue and one that needs dealing with, but in reality due to their right to bear arms will never get touched, coupled with the power organisations like the NRA have in lobbying congress. Even if somehow tighter controls or bans were put in place, in no way would that eradicate gun crime, nor the risk posed to police. Not when you have a steady flow of Russian block weapons and equipment crossing the southern border for supply to extremely violent and organised gangs, also the same gangs have members joining the U.S. military and supplying them hardware as well.

    Some of the Mexican gangs have been linked with the likes of AQ moving weapons across the border for their nutcases, they also quite violently protect they people trafficking business as well, I spent three days with the border guys in Southern California and had my eyes opened in a big way. Most people don’t realise how lucky we are to live on this tiny island that has effectively banned all weapons and does a fairly good job of tracking those that want to bring them in.

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