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  • Mintel predicts £1 billion new bike sales this year
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    If anyone is interested: CAA Flying Display CAP

    Free Member

    Unfortunately for some of you, the MOD and government will give you reason to rant even more soon enough. We are committed to NATO, deployments are only a matter of time. Things will not change in our lifetimes, as much as you may wish otherwise.

    Free Member

    This is one of the issues I have with civilian pilots, former military or not, conducting aerobatics. Who governs the training, who flight checks them to ensure they’re competent? Where is the record of training, how often had he flown in the last 6 months, was he fatigued? As a result of some high profile and fatal accidents the MAA and relevant branch authorities have tightened procedures to ensure that MoD aircrew are suitably qualified, experienced and practiced to mitigate the risk to life. So many AAIB reports show a great deal of discrepancies with pilots.

    I truly hope for everyones sake it was an issue not attribute to human factors. But sadly, I have a feeling it probably won’t be.

    EDIT: I just read the CAP for DA and it’s fairly loose compared to the checks I’m used to. Seems a great deal rests on the integrity of the individual.

    Free Member

    @convert, you could argue that if you commute past areas of high aerial intensity on a regular basis it’s only a matter of time.
    A1 has three MATZ it runs through in a relatively short stretch of road.

    Free Member

    We’re an island. Trying to fight an enemy once they’ve set foot on our shores is tactically unsound, a conventional style engagement would put the UK civilian population at risk, the other option is an asymmetric engagement, which would require cooperation of the civilian populace, which would again expose them to risk. Our fictional enemy can let loose with abandon as they are fighting an enemy with no fallback option and no risk to their own civilian population and economic heart.

    A defence force still needs the ability to project power to protect our borders before the threat arrives.

    Free Member

    I much prefer that title.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    if you own a dangerous dog with a history then do something about it.

    And that is just about the crux of it. IF your dog as a behavioural issue you have a responsibility to ensure you attempt to treat it, or manage it if, like in my case there are issues with brain function.

    Whenever we take Dillion anywhere new, or when I’ve taken him to BDS rounds, he’s muzzled. This is more for his protection than any other dogs. He will react with aggression when he’s scared, there’s just as much chance of him snapping at the wrong dog and having a beast cause him some damage.

    He’s got better, but as we have to revisit his training every couple of months and start from scratch each time, it’s a constant thing. But these are the things you must do, but many do not bother. With the right training, you can train any dog from the right age to be a respectful, well mannered and well natured dog. The effort required though is often more than individuals want to contribute.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Most TAFs for civil airports are produced remotely. The presence of a TAF doesn’t automatically mean local forecasters.

    Ah, I see. I guess I’m used to being spoilt. Just been checking out a Norwegian app, I’m impressed.

    Free Member

    Another option to consider are the TLD shock doctors. Very light, no straps and offer a shin option too.
    I had them for DH, as i’ve branched out into more trail these are still effective with no discomfort.

    Free Member

    Convert, true. But for some people a poor forecast can have pretty disastrous consequences in the extreme, or just a lot of time and effort wasted as a minimum.

    Free Member

    Really? The one for where I am is spot on. Maybe it’s just particular forecasters, we have quite a good team at my place so they’re usually on the money. But then, the MOD does pay a handsome sum for their services.

    Free Member

    Welcome back. I feel your pain, I recently did a European driving rally through France, Switzerland and Italy. Driving over there was an absolute pleasure. Roads where clean, drivers where polite. Must really start learning french.

    Free Member

    It doesn’t matter who gets the contract. TV weather reports are so vague and generalised it won’t make a shred of difference.

    Free Member

    The BBC weather forecast (for my area at least) is generally pants (yes – I mean the forecast – I’m not blaming them for the actual weather ). If that’s provided by the Met Office then I can see why they’d dump them in favour of someone else.

    The forecast would be quite detailed, however the way the information is interpreted and delivered is aimed at the lowest common denominator. if you live near an airfield/aerodrome, learning about TAFs and METARs and getting one of the many free apps would give you much more detailed information.

    Free Member

    Haha, we have a variant as a door stop at work. Weather Brick. But this is a polished and far better one! :lol:

    Free Member

    No experience, but good luck.

    Free Member

    We have MET office forecasters at our place, I’ve never paid any attention to the TV weather reports.

    Free Member

    The two Staffy pups I posted in another forum were from a mother who was 11 months old, face covered in scars from fighting. The pups had to be taken from her at 3 weeks old because she didn’t have a clue what to do, affection and nurturing were not things she could give.

    All the pups we’ve fostered have had some form of mistreatment or neglect in their young lives. There are some absolute animals out there who have no idea or care how to appropriately treat and train their pet. I’m all for people being licensed to own dogs, and new offences created to criminalise these scumbags and lock them up for much longer than the law currently allows.

    Free Member

    Ah, Akitas. The new status dog. We’ve seen an increase in these being bred with Huskies and Malamutes. As the regulations against bull breeds have got tighter, the usual suspects have switched onto these breeds.

    Unfortunately, most of the people like that use the dog as an extension of their egos or use the dog to deliberately intimidate people because they’re weak, bullies.

    Free Member

    BillMC – Member
    I struggle with the idea that Thatcher’s and Blair’s wars in some way helped keep us safe. It made us targets.

    Please do expand on that statement.

    Free Member

    theblackmount – Member
    >Display flying does carry an inherent risk<

    Aye, so do it well away from busy main roads. Simple as that really.

    Really? Most airfields I know of that are capable of hosting a show have at least one major, busy main road near them. The two are intrinsically linked for very good reason.

    Free Member

    Hit the other dog as hard as you can and act quickly.

    Be very careful, some of the dogs I’ve dealt with at the rescue would tear your assaulting appendage off without a second thought, they’ve gone on to be destroyed, but god knows what damage they’ve done before we get our hands on them.

    Some breeds you will have to be fully committed to going all the way in defending your dog as a few hits could make things worse.

    Edit: My pooch is a Patterdale/Whippet cross. So far from a traditional dangerous breed. Just a very nervous and fearful old boy.

    Free Member

    I have an on/off aggressive dog with epilepsy. We’re not sure if the epilepsy was due to the abuse he suffered as a puppy. Thrown against walls, down stairs etc. He does have a problem with receptive behaviours and routine.

    However we manage it quite effectively, full body harness, long line for leg stretch. I carry a soft muzzle for when he is having a difficult day, his harness is has bright red “nervous dog’ panels on it. We have a compound we use where he can run off the lead away from other dogs.

    He’s never bitten another dog, even if he’s wanted to because I manage him effectively. Most owners don’t bother with obedience training, or more importantly socialisation. The lemon juice works as a training tool, also if a dog is attacking yours squirt it in his eyes. Harsh but they will release.

    Free Member

    The ‘propaganda’ pushed by both H4H and MP’s has nothing to do with the military. We are apolitical, we obey our masters, the taxpayer, via the elected officials.

    It is not our place to question, the nature of our business is to follow orders to achieve success in austere and challenging environments, often hostile to our presence. I wouldn’t expect you to understand, it’s very difficult to get your head around. However, that discipline is what helps keep everything together when the shit is hitting the fan. Without it you get the My Lei massacre and the like.

    Yes, certain recent deployments have been questionable, no matter that, what you have currently is an Army of around 85,000 volunteers who would put themselves in harms way for you, without question, when needed.
    Heroes? No, mostly just dedicated, professional individuals who do it because they want to.

    RBL and Combat Stress are much better options for your coin.

    Free Member

    wrecker – Member
    Nope, I definitely joined because I wanted to go to far off places and kill the locals.

    How did you end up a clerk then?

    Well, originally I wanted to join the SAS, but they weren’t recruiting so they suggested the AGC as their training is just as tough….

    Free Member

    wrecker – Member
    **** me, I’m anti war as much as anyone and I’m an ex squaddie.
    The point is, these people were sent to war by someone elected by the british people on our behalf.
    You can’t just rinse your hands of it.
    Blair got 40-odd% of the votes in 97 and 2001 and 30something % in 2005 well after the wars were started.
    Thinking that wars are wrong is absolutely correct in the vast majority of cases, it doesne’t mean you can’t have compassion for those hurt by it (on both sides).
    And jesus christ, all this trained killer nonsense is pure bullshit espoused by those with a serious misunderstanding of what drives most people to join the forces.

    Nope, I definitely joined because I wanted to go to far off places and kill the locals. :roll:

    Free Member

    Charities are the cheap alternative for the government, charities are enablers. It allows the government to get away with woefully inadequate levels of support for the injury/hardship/etc. The more of these charities that pop up, the less they have to do for their current/former employees.

    As a side note, I’m still serving and I’ve never given a penny to H4H and nor will I, having had the inside line on the finances and wages, it left me with a bitter taste. My money goes to the RBL and the ABF. They have stood by the Army in particular for many years and offer a far wider range of support options to those serving and those not.

    Free Member

    I know it’s small fry to the police but a good job for a small nationwide, deputised team to track down high end jobs. Or maybe just a good idea in my stupid mind.

    Free Member

    teadrinker – Member
    Am I the only one who finds it strange that someones sexuality is news?

    I don’t find it strange, compare it to some of the crap the media puts out and it has a certain validity!

    However, I don’t care. Not in a negative way, but in no way shape or form does another humans sexual identity matter to me. But, I can see how it could empower those who have yet to step out and be themselves.

    Free Member


    Inspired my good man. Inspired. :lol:

    Free Member

    soobalias – Member
    some people just like to watch the world burn

    That is very true. Who’s got the marshmallows?

    Free Member

    Just seems a lot of work, the hack coupled with the ‘swatting’ and the twitter account, just for giggles, no?

    Free Member

    dirtyrider – Member
    Boxing Day Tsumani Victims

    get in the **** sea

    too soon?

    You bad, bad man. :lol:

    Free Member

    The problem I have is that the only people I actually know who are divorced/seperated from their other halves. Did so for completely selfish reasons and they have royally dumped on all others involved.

    Is there another option? I’m pretty sure nobody gets divorced for any altruistic reasons.

    Free Member

    Anyhow, back to the topic; any developments as yet? Have they got any idea who has done this? Clearly someone with a serious axe to grind with the site and it’s founders/users.

    Free Member

    renton – Member
    I drink that much water out of habit to be honest. Lots of time in Afghanistan got me into said habit.

    I hear ya!

    Free Member

    To be fair, when they just targeted us I could respect that. Then the sectarian violence started.

    Free Member

    palatable but full of chemicals

    To be honest I find them quite good, don’t make me feel like crap and I get them at 50% retail. After recovering from serious injury and surgery, they’ve certainly aided me to get back to full fitness. And are approved by my employer, so no drug test failure!

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