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  • moose
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    Blue Cross

    Just select the breed. Bran at the Thirsk centre is a sweetheart.

    I may be a little biased towards them. :wink:

    Free Member

    MacGruber and Dillon.

    MacG is the one with the genitals on his back, Dillon is our old epileptic man.

    Free Member


    And he was a crap shot, too; seven or eight shots to kill two people a metre or so away?

    It takes incredible discipline and skill to put rounds centre of mass efficiently. And that’s with two hands!

    Free Member

    @Flash, no need for such a hand cannon. My dad swore by his 1911 when we lived in SA for a while. That and his Remington in the car.

    I’ve grown up around weapons of various sizes and have used them whilst serving, never felt the need to own one in the UK though. However hypothetically, if there was a lifting of restrictions and more people had access, I may change my mind.

    Thing is with shooting people, unless you drill and drill and drill, you’ll be all over the place, more so if you’re a little bit mental. Once the adrenaline starts pumping rounds go bloody everywhere. The reality is most people wouldn’t have the time to develop that kind of discipline, so the comment about passengers being armed on the French train, it would have been carnage if a bunch of people pulled out handguns and started shooting.

    Interesting thing I read about the second amendment, it’s there to protect people from federal interference. the states can impose the rules they see fit. So if they say you can only own a single shot .22, best suck it up.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t, I know a few guys that could take your head off with an old musket or rifle at a good 100m+. :wink:

    Free Member

    They are buddy, I have one I acquired on my last trip away.

    Free Member

    Apple store, there’s very little difference in price I think. It’s registered to you there and then with zero faff.

    Free Member

    I have an old issue one that’s going for free if you want it.

    If you insulate the airbed with a topper or even a roll mat it’s not too bad. I have an IM you could borrow and see how it suits you. There are some pretty good, large thick ones out there that may suffice.

    Go Outdoors link.

    Free Member

    Depends on the ground. If you’re camping by car, go for the airbed.

    Free Member

    Nope. I love mine. Do it, do it now.

    Free Member

    You’d be better looking at a dutch gore-tex or even a US army ECWS jacket. Better bang for your buck. The new issue MVP waterproofs are pants, the CS95 style are slightly better but lack decent pockets.

    Free Member

    Sandwich, I wish I had your faith in people to do that.

    Free Member

    Soldier. Not popular with some, but I thoroughly enjoy my job, even in the face of obvious issues.

    Free Member

    Those guys saw an opportunity, nutter had a stoppage so they charged him. Total respect to them, they took a calculated risk and it paid off. Did have a giggle at the mobile phone footage of the attacker hogtied in the aisle with is weapons unloaded and cleared. Good drills on the part of all four guys who dealt with him.

    Free Member

    I’m not saying that, but how many people go banzai with legally owned weapons vs those with illegally owned weapons? People use the UK, and Island with pretty well enforced borders as an example, the US has a huge land mass beneath it with a huge quantity of illegal weapons that are moved over the border in a variety of pretty sophisticated ways.

    2012 I was lucky enough to spend a day with the US Border Patrol in El Centro, Southern California. Absolutely mental what crosses that border. It made me realise how difficult it is to smuggle weapons into the UK. Compared to the US we’re pretty safe.

    As for the knife question, totally. Or if not he could have picked another moment to strike. Depends on the level of crazy. I personally wouldn’t choose a bread knife. The length is good to damage internal organs, but with no point it would require a fair amount of force to pierce clothing and skin. But you can buy a variety of fairly evil looking knives over the counter these days.

    Free Member

    @wobbliscott, totally agree. My point is that gun control is not going to prevent all attacks, it may reduce them. Just look at that kid from Newcastle who used the Dark Web to buy weapons and IED components to go on a spree with.

    The knee jerk gun control argument is tired, just the same as more civilians should have guns. Crazy people will usually find a way to kill.

    Free Member

    James McGee’s Hawkwood series.

    Free Member

    Go outdoors isn’t too shabby, nor is Mountain Warehouse for cheap kit.

    Free Member

    I think you’ll find that you’re wrong.

    Really? Was gun control or lack of it the reason for some US servicemen having to beat unconscious an individual with an AK, 270 rounds of ammunition, complimented with a pistol and stanley knife?

    Free Member

    True, but taking a moment to reflect.

    The proposed strategy of ever increasing deployment of growing numbers of CCTV, officers, etc, seems like a slightly unfortunate direction to be forced into.

    Hasn’t an effort to get society to alter of it’s own accord, got a place in the ranking of desirable solutions?
    Of course and not only has it a place, it’s likely the ideal solution. Where no matter how pissed up or frustrated a Man may be, that he’d never think to stoop so low.

    Social stigmatism of such behaviour, just as we seem to have managed with drink driving, is a worthy goal?

    Very true, but how many times does drink driving actually have a victim? People still drink drive, you will always have that one idiot that even after all the awareness training will still go and get in his car smashed.

    My unit has discharged a few repeat offenders due to drink driving, that’s even after being punished by both the civilian and military justice system. Some people just don’t learn or care no matter the ‘stigma’.

    As a sidebar, having sex with children carries a fairly hefty stigma, those offences are still on the rise. Repeat offences have increased.

    Effective policing is part of the solution, you can’t do that if there are no officers to be seen. Having cops on stations and trains would definitely provide deterrent and reassurance.

    Free Member

    @Cougar, and that is the sad truth of it.

    Free Member

    After reading the FOI requests and seeing that violence against staff, sexual assaults and assaults with intent have increased, I stand by my opinion that more officers are the answer.

    Free Member

    @deadlydarcy, I’d suggest more officers on transport at those times he alludes to would be more effective than gender specific carriages. If a woman chooses not to sit in a segregated carriage, she could still be assaulted. A more visible presence from police may deter and/or provide intervention.

    Free Member

    @Capt Flash. Indeed. I see some education in my future!

    @molgrips indeed, but some suggestions are once looked at with fresh eyes, not very good.

    Free Member

    Better resolution CCTV with audio and better coverage for evidence gathering and more importantly, increase in officers on trains and platforms, not only a visual deterant to would be offenders, but also there to provide intervention if needed. Education will work on the clueless, but not the determined. Handcuffs and cells are the only way of taking them out of circulation.

    Free Member

    @Junkyard, if we were having this discussion face to face, and you were waving your arms around I would fully expect it could become a physical confrontation. To assume otherwise would be a ridiculous underestimation on my part.

    Violence is the go to for a great deal of people to deal with disagreements and confrontation. It is indicative of modern society and most definitely a certain section of society.

    Free Member

    @Junkyard, maybe you live in an alternate universe where the roads aren’t seemingly chock full of people who are willing to escalate to violence at the drop of a hat, same with those who like behaving like pigs in public.

    More often than not, they will escalate to violence for very little, and even more so if they perceive weakness or vulnerability.

    If you want to go around thinking we live in this nice polite world where you confront these people and walk away unscathed, that’s your shout, just don’t expect the rest of us to be that naive.

    Nobody deserves to be assaulted, but sometimes that is going to be the consequence of doing the right thing. Or doing nothing, some people need no provocation to attack, they will find it themselves.

    Free Member

    Helmet cam. Asking him to keep out of the way. Possible acrylic nails.

    Clearly, this kind of thing would drive the most easy-going guy to push a girl off a bike.

    Most definitely.

    Free Member

    @Convert, most cyclist are vulnerable, unless they can get the drop on an individual and dismount the bike before an assault occurs, you just end up on your arse. SPD/Road shoes are not the best footwear to stand your ground in either.

    Clearly he’s someone who will escalate to violence every time he has a confrontation.

    Free Member

    The guy was an arse. I was bored the other day at work and watched a load of those road rage compilations on YT. Made me realise there are a lot of angry and frustrated road users out there. But the level of violence they go to for the most innocuous incidents is pretty scary.

    Free Member


    That would depend on you. I’m fairly large and have a significant weight advantage to the woman in question. A good arm bar until the police arrive would probably suffice.

    What he did was ignore an increasingly violent woman after she had already assaulted him, she then attacked him from behind and got his eye as he lost her shit. He regrets his lack of action, unfortunately hindsight is 20/20, well, not in his case but you get my meaning.

    Free Member

    Jesus, did she have acrylic nails too?

    I’m slowly coming round to the bloke’s point of view.

    Haha, I think she also had a stiletto she was going to hit him with.

    He was clearly already an angry man, if it wasn’t that cyclist, I’m sure someone would have copped that rage at some point that day.

    Free Member

    Unless that kind of violence against women is in any way justifiable in your world.

    I have a friend who is partially sighted due to his refusal to appropriately deal with a violent woman. An acrylic nail can do a great deal of damage to an eyeball.

    Violence and confrontation from any gender must be addressed and challenged in an appropriate way. being of a particular gender does not give you a free pass to act like an animal.

    Free Member

    @hilldodger; If she was rude as some believe, she was indeed asking for retaliation. However that retaliation should have extended to nothing more than harsh words. What he did was an unnecessary and illegal escalation.

    Free Member

    I swear by my Hennessy, pricey compared to others but has survived unscathed for the last 5 years of regular use in all climates. Light, small, rapid erection (ooer), plenty of protection from the elements and bloody comfortable.

    Free Member

    Sniper saluting. Keeps me entertained for ages.

    Free Member

    U.S. Rangers Centre, Carrickfergus, NI. Small and quaint cottage but full of really good stuff.

    Free Member

    @aracer. Very much so, the checks to to gain your display auth are stringent, but once you have it, is a very different story.

    All of this is irrelevant to a degree, lots of people have died, and I’m sure there will be blame attributed on a few factors.

    Free Member

    I have a pair I no longer need if it helps.

    Free Member

    Just be careful, The sole under the insole is cardboard on my 5.10 Impacts. Dry gently, like others have said.

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