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  • moose
    Free Member

    Well as I don’t live in Sweden, I don’t really care about their crime stats. It was the implication that immigrants/refugees are rapists that was my issue.

    How so Craig? All supernazi1 put up was 85% of rapes was carried out by immigrants. He didn’t specify an ethnic group. He hasn’t qualified his statement with an ethnic breakdown. They could all be white!

    Free Member

    Using 2011 stats as an example to debunk the stupidity bukkake you just shot all over the thread. Again.

    Population of England and Wales, source: 2011 ONS Census
    White – 48,209,395 (85.97%)
    [White British – 45,134, 686 – 80.48%]
    Black – 1,864,890 (3.32%)
    Asian – 3,820,390 (6.81%)
    Chinese – 393,141 (0.7%)
    Mixed race – 1,224,400 (2.18%)
    Arab – 230,600 (0.41%)
    Other – 333,096 (0.59%)
    Total – 56,075,912

    Rape/Attempted Rape
    White – 820 (71.11%)
    Black – 118 (10.23%)
    Asian – 85 (7.37%)
    Other – 34 (2.94%)
    Not stated – 96 (8.32%)
    Total – 1153

    So, my wife and daughter statistically have to worry about all the rapey white folk a lot more than some others.

    Free Member


    What you just said. I concur, every word.

    Free Member

    we have room

    Very accurate. Especially the bit about profit.

    Free Member

    Ripon Cathedral is free, it has a 1300 year old crypt in it. Christmas is a good time to visit they have a lot of choir practises. Impressive acoustics.

    Free Member

    With all the good will in the world we (Europe) could very well balls this up. Technically speaking, we already have with ridiculous intervention and inaction. Currently trying to light a match in a hurricane.

    These refugees need immediate help and support, but there has to be a long term solution, somehow we have to create a vacuum that will allow these people to go home and salvage their lives.

    My worry would be Europe being dragged into a ground campaign to fix Daesh, and subsequently move them onto less fronts. To do so would undoubtedly cause more civilian deaths and leave any military force facing the same reprisals it has before.

    People, left, right and those sat on the fence need to be very clear that the only way to restore order is military action. That involves deaths, lots of deaths, and civilians will be the largest proportion. Are people actually ready for that again?

    Because in some parts we caused it, in others we’ve ignored it, we now have a huge humanitarian issue that could very well turn into a security issue if it isn’t managed correctly. The reason I say this is not because of what some EDL/BF loon is spouting, but because using my experience and knowledge from my job, it’s what I’d do.

    So, I will repeat, we could balls this up because there’s a strong likelihood it will be done half arsed, and without a clear and coherent goal (Iraq/Afghanistan)and that saddens me to the core. :(

    Free Member

    Young man, you’re a credit to your parents. Your father in particular, no doubt in my mind he would be proud of you right now. Take care of each other, my condolences to all of you affected by his passing.

    Free Member

    And I will add, if I forget my manners it is because you annoyed and or irritated me. But to assume it implies some kind of threat or violence? That speaks more about you and your perception of people’s reactions to your deliberate trolling than of me.

    I’m keenly aware of when and how to apply the threat of or violence. In the civilian world that I also exist in, it is rarely ever needed. I much prefer to not find myself in those kinds of confrontations. They’re tiring and demoralising.

    Violence is a tool, a tool that should be used in a controlled and deliberate manner. Among my peers we often have robust and vigorous debate, it never ends in violence. Because we are professional and respectful. Maybe if more civilians read the values and standards of the British army the UK might be a less divisive place.

    The British Army’s cores values are:

    Selfless Commitment: Soldiers are expected to put the needs of the mission, and their team, before their own. This is what makes the Army an effective team.
    Respect for Others: The Army believes in equal treatment and opportunity for everyone. Soldiers are expected to respect each other, victims of conflict, prisoners and civilians.
    Loyalty: Bringing soldiers together, loyalty means that soldiers will always be true to our country, the Army, their officers and each other.
    Integrity: This means that soldiers must always be honest and truthful, and put the needs of the team before their own.
    Discipline: A disciplined soldier will obey orders, even under difficult conditions, and act with imagination and resourcefulness.
    Courage: The physical courage to place yourself in danger and the moral courage to do what is right are equally important.
    The British Army’s standards are:

    Be Lawful: Soldiers have to abide by the law of the United Kingdom as well as international law when they are on operations.
    Behave Appropriately: Everyone in the Army is expected to keep to certain standards. That’s why misbehaviour like racism, bullying and harassment is not tolerated anywhere in the Army.
    Be the Best: Soldiers are expected to do their jobs to the best of their ability. They should avoid excess alcohol use and misuse of drugs, and be in charge of their finances.

    There’s a lot more detail and some of the points cover more areas now. But it gives you an idea of what the majority strive for. Not saying it’s the be all and end all or that every soldier even tries, there have been some epic failures. But it’s not too bad and ultimately what sets us apart from civilians. But do think for one minute we’re brainwashed drones.

    Free Member

    Oh please. Save your faux hurt for others who may care. Your tact is as subtle as a brick to the face. I’ve had to remain calm in far more sensitive situations than an Internet forum. It’s why I’m still employed. As for the questioning, you’re way off base. I’ve seen far harsher and stricter working practises imposed on civilians and people getting sacked for things that aren’t even an issue in the military.

    As for me being a disgrace to my uniform, in your opinion maybe. Thankfully your opinion matters not to me. An opinion based on secondhand, dated and inaccurate information, riddled with stereotypes and assumptions.

    Again your very limp insults, soldiers go AWOL for a variety of reasons. Some genuine, some not. But I assume you are implying about the mental state and issues with their behaviour in society. They’re only human and represent a cross section of society. Sometimes we get it wrong and the wrong people get in, sometimes service life takes its toll and they break mentally. But I wouldn’t be as arrogant as you and judge a man unless I’d walked a mile in his shoes. That’s if he has still got feet.

    Free Member

    Diesel. Standard nickname for those who lack ‘spark’.

    Free Member

    Common misconceptions you have there. In fact most of what you wrote is plain wrong. We do question, it is encouraged. The way we learn, improve and evolve is through questioning. It still amazes me that people think of the military as an archaic organisation full of drones. It couldn’t be further from the truth.

    Having served in those areas, as well as having spent a great deal of time prior being educated by the same people from those areas about their culture, I’d say it puts me in a far better place of understanding than an armchair general.

    Also, you are aware of the wide variety of ethnicities that have served in the British armed forces? The Muslims, Sikhs, Fijians and Africans to name a few?

    Be very careful with your veiled insults, I may forget my manners. I’ve buried some of the most dedicated, selfless and professional Englishmen I’ve had the privilege to serve with and call friends.

    Free Member

    Well rene59, my plan isn’t the best, but I hate bullies so it involves considerable shoe-pie for them.

    The world has evolved, I think we will be at ‘war’ in some form or another for a great many years yet. Which makes me sad for humanity. But there is a serious amount of hate in the world.

    Free Member

    Congartulations superstar1, you’re wrong on many levels. I’m 38, 39 next week, have served in the Army since 1996, have deployed multiple time to Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan. What have you done, apart from spread your hate and vitriol, oh and spin the same old dirt about your grandfather fighting and dying. Pretty sure if he had any pride in his uniform and country he’d be ashamed of you.

    I DO NOT need people like you, nor will I ever. I have 18 year old soldier who have a better values, standards and humanity than you could ever hope for. The same people I can rely on to stand up and do the right thing when it counts. You keep dreaming your EDL/BF dream, the reality is when things get kinetic you’d wet your pants like a load of pre-teens at a one direction concert.

    As for race card, maybe. But the difference is I’ve served with people from all over the world, I’ve gone to war with them. I’d take them over someone like you any day.

    Free Member

    I get that. But what is done is done. The circle jerk that is some threads on here and what is the current state of UK politics is going to change that. What we do to move forward is where the conversation needs to be.

    Free Member

    Your freedom was earned with the blood of many immigrants, and is defended by just as many. You, whichever way you dress it, are a racist and the worst of what this country has to offer.

    Free Member

    Jonah, British pilots attached to the US airforce have attacked Daesh targets, along with a handful of Dedicated strikes from RAF jets.

    The Coalition government gave authorisation for the financing for arms sales to some of the groups who have now aligned themselves and become Daesh.

    Free Member

    Yup, handwringing liberal that has spent a fair amount of time in Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Free Member

    Indeed. War is a profitable business. It would be nice for once to actually go and help people.

    Free Member

    But weirdly everyone forgot about this during the election.

    Yup, but then the other option was Labour (Iraq), so I guess the electorate didn’t have many other options?

    Free Member

    Royal Blood? Rock for hipsters.

    Free Member

    Yeah, very true. I guess the politicians care little for history. The military studies the lessons, but their policies cause the same mistakes to be made and the same outcomes to occur. I’m pretty sure a bunch of high school kids could do a better job.

    Oh and to add, Iraq was never contained. Trust me on that. It was a **** mess from the minute we rolled through the berm, to the minute we closed down in ’09.

    Free Member

    @oldnpastit, yup! Old Bill Hague thought aiding in the arming of those trying to topple Assad would be a good idea. Even though there are many examples of this in history where it has come back to bite. He also ignored the advice of the very people employed to advise on such matters.

    Low and behold their true colours have shown, cue wholesale slaughter of civilians. And atrocities that really would make your eyes water. Facepalm Hague. Faceplam.

    Free Member

    Which is why in the case of teachers bonking students, female teachers get charged with indecent/sexual assault, the men; statutory rape.

    Free Member

    Syria. It’s only a matter of time.

    Free Member

    West. In the sea.

    Free Member

    As I’ve had to take an enforced break from DH, I now run a LT trail bike, being a pikey I didn’t want to buy all the bloody parts again so moved most of the parts across from my DH bike. My Saint mech with a OneUp RADr cage has performed brilliantly, taken some hits but still going strong.

    Free Member

    You hassle, bump, or hurry any kid on the trail. You’re a dick.

    Free Member

    The reality is that most of the people being glib about this subject have never experienced anything more horrifying than a splinter I would expect. Very easy to be a cocky troll when you’ve never had to deal with wounded and maimed people. But also supremely arrogant to suggest weakness or that someone is less of a person for not. The things I have had to witness I would wish on no man. To do so would be cruel and inhumane. People do not need to see that kind of horror to have empathy and sympathy for others suffering.

    It’s used as a cheap trick to shock, but it won’t change the minds of people. And those who think that not watching it is some kind of denial of reality, well I don’t see you volunteering with an aid relief organisation to go and help?

    Free Member

    Northwind – Member
    I get stacks of anti-immigrant bollocks on facebook, most of it not of the high-grade racist awful variant, but of the low-end uninformed/kneejerk variant. I figure they could do with seeing some dead babies, it might help convince them that not all immigrants fly here in a learjet and instantly get given a mansion, or whatever the hell it is you have to think to post all that shite.

    My bold; the lack of that is the issue!

    Free Member

    You’re supposed to lube the chain?

    Free Member


    ‘synaptic diarrhoea’

    I’m nicking that. Bloody brilliant.

    Free Member

    I’m with you Peter. It’s there, if people want to see it all they need do is google. Plastering it about without care for who will view it, is crass to say the least.

    As for death, I’ve seen enough torn bodies over 19 years in the military that I’m happy to never see another. It’s emotionally draining and at some point it will catch up with you.

    Free Member

    Definitatley. Just found this from a quick google that may be of help?

    Cafe Treviso advice

    Free Member

    Aras Memorial is sobering.
    la Carrière Wellington – Wellington Quarry. Tunnels built by the Brits, good little museum.

    Free Member

    Because people love tragedy/grief/outrage porn. Sad but true state of modern social media.

    Free Member

    I’ve had a similar experience. I used descaler then rinsed it through a few times. The descaled gets rid of not only limescale but any other crap that might be in there.

    Free Member

    We’ve become? There has always been that element within the UK, migrants have been treated with suspicion and hostility for as long as I can remember. Unfortunately it seems people have become swayed by the mass hysteria that has been so skilfully created.

    I’m all for helping people who genuinely need it, and there are a great deal that do. What we need is an efficient and rigorous system that can ensure those that need help get it, those who are working their ticket get dropped on their arse. The UK has enough of its own citizens who are a burden by choice and have no wish to be anything more, but the system we currently have is under-funded, under-staffed and under-resourced.

    But if we try to address the issues in their home we’ll be seen as imperialists, and all the other bollocks some espouse on here. I would much rather go to Eritrea and beat the crap out of the criminals that take all the international aid for themselves, than some of the other jaunts I’ve been on. Some of these countries have woefully inept security forces that could do with rigorous training and funding to ensure the security of their own people.

    Free Member

    There were 25,020 asylum applications (main applicants) in the YE March 2015, an increase of 5% compared with the previous 12 months (23,803). The number of applications remains low relative to the peak number of applications in 2002 (84,132). The largest number of applications for asylum came from nationals of Eritrea (3,552), followed by Pakistan (2,421) and Syria (2,222).

    Migration Statistics Quarterly Report, May 2015 – ONS

    After seeing all the TV news reports, looking at the many photos taken and interviews, I’d ask ‘where are all the women and children?’. The majority of people that appear are males between 18 and 35, hardly ever do you see women and children, or the elderly. Are they content to stay in deplorable conditions or are the men trying to get to the UK and then establish themselves to bring their family at a later date?

    Free Member

    cobraikai, I remember him! He used to do a daft salute and wore DMS boots with putties?

    Free Member

    @renton, sounds familiar!

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