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  • moose
    Free Member

    The individual they sent it to is definitely of the ‘blue falcon’ variety. Trio of dumbasses.

    Free Member

    Haha. I forgot to add smileys!

    Free Member

    I believe the creation was bought about due to various scandals both home and abroad surrounding the intelligence services. As for public consultation, most likely as much as there is for any legislation the MP’s slide through parliament. i.e., very little!

    Free Member

    Hang about, you faux **** hipster douche. I’ll walk right into your bar stare you in the eye and order a Mojito. Why? Well, first you’ve told me not too, so unless you somehow think I give a **** about what you say, you can go **** yourself. Two; I quite **** like Mojitos, so get your **** shake on and serve me my **** drink you ponce.

    Free Member

    Graham, I wholeheartedly agree, something like this?

    The Intelligence Services Commissioner’s Office

    Free Member

    Double edged sword there Ernie. The government have tacit control, or else you’d be moaning that they’re a law unto themselves and operating outside of the control of elected officials!

    Free Member

    the number of people who would have to know and have to be kept silent, in this case people working outside the security services within Google and Apple.

    That’s exactly what a Section 5 warrant can do. Old Edward likes to swoop the cloak but the reality is that when an individual falls under the gaze of the intelligence community, these companies will often offer up information once a request has been made via the Home Office.

    It’s things like warrants and the due process he fails to mention, mainly because it makes his version of events seem nefarious and exploitative.

    Free Member

    ^That is the part I find interesting. One weapon with sufficient magazines and training would be just as effective.

    Free Member

    Watched one episode out of idle curiosity. Apart from the entertaining reference, I agree wholeheartedly with your synopsis. :D

    Free Member

    Treed, Wheelies, MTBbitz. They all try to compete with CRC but with none of the customer care. **** abysmal service on all levels.

    Free Member

    I’m excited for you bud. Shame STW doesn’t have a bike check facility like Vital. Love a bit of bike porn me.

    Free Member

    I have three step-children. Their dad is a see you next Tuesday of the highest order. A slow and painful death would be to good for him. Him aside, it is without a doubt the hardest and most challenging responsibility I’ve assumed thus far in my life.

    No matter the stress their father puts on our relationship, I wouldn’t change that choice.

    Free Member

    I know some cheeky tracks like this Cleethorpes way.

    Free Member

    Speshpaul, I imagine that is what may have led to the aforementioned landowner being so accommodating. :lol:

    Free Member

    I’m onboard, just so long as nobody offers up Sam Smith to write and or sing it.

    Free Member

    Controlling your dog in public

    Banned dogs
    Public Spaces Protection Orders
    Dog fouling
    Report a dog
    1. Overview

    It’s against the law to let a dog be dangerously out of control anywhere, such as:

    in a public place
    in a private place, eg a neighbour’s house or garden
    in the owner’s home
    The law applies to all dogs.

    Some types of dogs are banned.

    Out of control
    Your dog is considered dangerously out of control if it:

    injures someone
    makes someone worried that it might injure them
    A court could also decide that your dog is dangerously out of control if either of the following apply:

    it attacks someone’s animal
    the owner of an animal thinks they could be injured if they tried to stop your dog attacking their animal
    A farmer is allowed to kill your dog if it’s worrying their livestock.

    You can get an unlimited fine or be sent to prison for up to 6 months (or both) if your dog is dangerously out of control. You may not be allowed to own a dog in the future and your dog may be destroyed.

    If you let your dog injure someone you can be sent to prison for up to 5 years or fined (or both). If you deliberately use your dog to injure someone you could be charged with ‘malicious wounding’.

    If you allow your dog to kill someone you can be sent to prison for up to 14 years or get an unlimited fine (or both).

    If you allow your dog to injure an assistance dog (e.g. a guide dog) you can be sent to prison for up to 3 years or fined (or both).

    From here:

    I’m a dog owner and rescue fosterer for the Blue Cross, I’d call the police. People need to understand that not training their animal or taking precautions to moderate and limit its negative behaviours carries penalties.

    Free Member

    Having met said tool whilst on a SERE course, I can confirm he is a valid replacement for Trident.

    Free Member

    I imagine that JC would very quickly learn the way to save a few quid; make the ridiculously high number of senior officers filling random staff jobs redundant. He’d soon realise there is little left of the actual soldiers to clip.

    I imagine this ‘General’s’ response is based in the fear that he may have to take his snout out of the trough. Ah well, the less brass the better.

    Free Member

    @peraphlite. Spot on, I have s full thickness Supraspinatus tear which is due to be fixed the same time I have a distal clavicle excision. Cannot wait for that!

    Free Member

    b r
    Police and Armed Forces seem to think that the rest of us owe them a long and comfortable (early) retirement when the rest of us are having to work longer and put greater amounts in for less return.

    Really? How so? You may want to check your facts old bean before you make yourself sound slower than you actually may be.

    Free Member

    I use high intensity cyalumes. Oodles of them at work, I can source you a box if you’d like. Cheap and disposable, just zip tie them to the collar.

    Free Member

    Ah, the ‘you’re ignorant/uneducated’ argument. I’m not insulted, nor offended, I understand it, I just think it’s a bit shit and they could have done better.

    Free Member

    As for the feminist bit, meh. Bellthronks exist in both genders. I’ll be honest when I was a young squaddie I was a mysoginistic piece of shit, women were worthless in my eyes. I just didn’t know it and was happy in the ignorance of belief.

    Then my ephinany happened in the form of a work related mental breakdown. Queue, a long period of intervention, which allowed me to undo, shall we say, some of the programming from my much younger years.

    My outlook and attitude these days is very different.

    Free Member

    Very easy to argue the opposite. Pain and failure can drive a person to be better, to work harder to care for a patient, to save their life.

    I know that is true in my case anyway.

    Free Member

    @Tom_W1987, indeed. Better to seem like we’re doing something, than actually doing something. :lol:

    Free Member

    Bombs are rarely if ever that precise in the devastation they deliver.

    Too true, which is why a 7.62mm or 12.7mm to the cranium is far better. Cost effective and, well, effective.

    Free Member

    I know a few have said it, but rescues are a good option. Here’s a snapshot of the pups we fostered for the Blue Cross in 2013.
    We’ve had a few this year but haven’t added them to the rogues gallery yet!

    All bar one have gone on to be healthy well adjusted pets. One unfortunately went to the wrong home and was mistreated and as a result had to be euthanised.

    Depending where you are in the country I may be able to help, certainly in finding any rescue pups that are in the system but may not be ready to home just yet. Email is in profile.

    Free Member

    Thing is we cannot just intervene in Syria. Even though IS are operating there, it would be an invasion. Assad is still the leader of that country, he has Russian and China in his corner. It would never happen, even with UN resolutions. Not one single politician in the UK would dare propose something like that.

    IEven with a clear and coherent goal, many people would die. Regular forces will always be at a disadvantage against insurgents. We have rules to follow, they don’t. And I am not even going down the road like some who call for those rules to be abandoned. You can never defeat an insurgency by military might alone.

    Free Member

    It’s all semantics binners. Technically we’re at war with IS, but you cannot really be at war with an organisation. IS and their affiliates are a threat to the security of most western democracies, so as and when required the government will authorise strikes using military hardware against specific targets.

    I get your points, and no matter what I say you will have your stance on it. Which I respect because it ensures balance. I just wish more information could be made available but for many more reasons than I could type it won’t.

    As for a ground campaign. It won’t work because mission creep and politics will take over. Of late we don’t have a good track record of making a plan and auctioning it. We flick from one idea to the next, with no consistency. All that does is get people killed and piss off the people we’re supposed to be helping.

    Free Member

    seosamh77 – Member
    It really is, always amazes me how the security services were utterly shit at stopping IRA bombs, but manage to thwart about 99% of islamic attacks!

    Either they’ve improved immeasurably, or we’re dealing with extremely dimwitted jihadis(4 lions must have been a documentary! :lol:) or what we’re discussing here is essentially propaganda.

    Little off the mark there me old fruit. Politics hampered the rates of successful operations against the IRA. We were brutal in the early days, beaten confessions and the like, so as should happen, the elected officials pulled the reigns. Problem was they pulled too hard and that tight leash ended up making us pamper to them. Hence why so many convicted murderers of civilians walked free under the good Friday agreement. Sad, but true.

    Free Member

    Problem with this is you will never know the details. And the legality is all in the details.
    On the PMs desk there would have been a report detailing all the Ins and outs about these individuals, how this information was gathered, by whom and what methods where used.

    I would imagine the majority of it would have been human intelligence led, use of informants, covert surveillance all coupled with effective signals intelligence. Disclosing all that information to the general public would most likely leave a great many people happy with the decision.

    However, it would confirm the presence of individuals who could really do without appearing on the next IS youtube video, it would compromise those who inform on these animals and more importantly it would arm IS with the information to effectively counter the methods used to effectively target them.

    I know many of you will, no matter what is said and done, refuse to believe this was legal and/or justified, who will continue to debate from the position of an armchair quarterback, mostly in part to their hatred of government and the military. I wish more information could be shared and it wasn’t left down to a ‘you’ll have to trust us’ statement. But sometimes that is what is needed to keep a great many other people safe.

    I don’t agree with it, but I understand and respect the need for it.

    Free Member

    Was meant to read deadly force. But you get my drift.

    Free Member

    @chewy, nope. ROE is derived from the applicable laws of each member of the coalitions land. As an example US troops can use deadly to protect property. We, cannot.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    So go on chewkw in what way was Afghanistan fought differently to any other similar operation so as to appease Muslims?

    I’m curious too. :lol:

    Free Member

    Superstar1, do you get all your info from the daily mail. ROE are there to ensure that the rules of war are followed. IT has never hampered me dispatching the Queen’s enemies. Most people do not realise where or how such things are drawn up. It’s not made up and is drawn from UK law. And as UK doesn’t allow the death of people for a variety of reasons, therefore we cannot go around and kill with impunity.

    I won’t even go into the rest of your mess, it will derail the thread even more, needless to say you need to dig into the information a little bit more. Just because it appears on social media doesn’t make it true.

    Free Member

    Fair point. :wink:

    Problem is the middle ground gets lost in the noise from right and left. I’ve deliberately avoided the obvious security issues that a refugee crisis from Muslim countries presents in todays climate. I briefly mentioned it, If I were an IS planner, I would definitely use this opportunity to get some faithful soldiers in through the system, the issue would be logistics, how they would arm themselves and plan such an attack. I imagine it would take quite some time for them to establish themselves and make contact with like minded nationals. Hopefully by that time the security services have done their thing and they’re picked up. But that risk is not enough in my mind to deny help to so many displaced by war.

    Any response needs to be measured and sensible. Not influenced by knee jerk responses from either side, just plain sensible and humanitarian measures, that keep the refugees safe and the population of whichever country they finally arrive in.

    Free Member

    This is the only Sensei a man needs.

    You’re welcome.

    Free Member

    Not at all, what I posted was about as relevant as what our closet nazi posted. Totally irrelevant and off topic.

    Free Member

    I’m sure the photo of the ISIS fighter/refugee will be posted soon. Even though it’s fake and the man in question was actually a FSA commander who’s unit was decimated so the remaining members hot-footed it out of there. But I digress.

    Bloody muslamic rayguns coming over here stealing the jobs we don’t want to do.

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