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  • moose
    Free Member

    I’m offended…

    …that Alan Partridge is back.

    Free Member

    Let’s use an analogy. We all like different foods. These are like opinions. In an office, lots of people bring in lots of foods. But some people bring in really smelly foods. Some people like the food and the smell, but most really hate it. So they put up signs saying please be considerate and don’t eat anything really smelly in the office. Reasonable, no?

    Most? Do you mean a few forum members who like to rag on specific individuals? Because that’s what this thread has become now, personal. People should just come out and say it. Call for those individuals to be perma-banned for having an opinion they find distasteful. Just be honest.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Unfortunately, it’s the existence of the thread that’s the problem. If you want a thread ogling women, create a WhatsApp group or something. I don’t think many women want to see a group of boys phwoarring over women on STW.

    Oh god no. I bloody hate Whatsapp groups with a passion. I guess this comes down to the increasingly common debate; who is right if one individual’s opinion causes a negative effect in another?

    Even if you throw stats, data and any other bunch of references, does that make it any less or any more right?

    This will continue to be done to death, especially if people believe strongly in their opinion, so what’s the remedy?

    Free Member

    Appreciate all the replies. Going to pull pin on a set and see how they are. Nothing ventured and all that.

    Free Member

    I guess the irony is you’re only going to get absolute attention-whores celebrities like Miley discussing such issues, all the ones who have a more solid reputation rarely discuss their private lives.

    I for one don’t care much for the labels and descriptions, who you find attractive is who you find attractive. More power to those who find their ‘one’ whatever {insert label here} human they happen to be.

    Free Member

    It was either that or BREXIT to blame.


    Ebikes blamed in the very first response, BRAVO! 🍆

    Free Member

    So labels are okay as long as the individual in question uses them, but when people refer to the said individual it’s not okay?

    If I asked you to describe yourself, you’d use labels such as sex, nationality, beliefs, music… Labels help others to be able to identify with you and give you a sense of belonging. They become more important when you face prejudice because of something like your skin colour or sexual orientation, leaving you ostracised from the mainstream. If we then choose to dismiss these labels because we think it’s attention seeking or whatever, we’re also dismissing the difficulties they have in being accepted

    Free Member

    Work the system. Get signed off for stress, he’ll most likely get in touch, which is prohibited giving you further grounds for a bullying complaint.

    Just lay the bait, mongs like him will always take it.

    Free Member

    Why are you so offended about a conversation about male DV Edukator? No one is comparing anything to female stats or dismissing the evidence that women are abused and killed in far higher numbers than men? So what’s your beef?

    So basically because more women are killed than men, male DV isn’t an issue that we need concern ourselves with or be bothered about in the slightest? You’re a **** troll mate.

    Free Member

    I guess reporting and conviction increases are good if you look at it through an optimistic lens.

    Just wish I could my old man to talk to somebody, I miss the man I remember.

    Free Member

    @technicallyinept I know. It was a dig that were getting more enlightened but bad shit is increasing. Why is that?

    Free Member

    I’m aware of the helplines, tried to get my old man to call them and access some support, no luck yet. There’s still a lack of refuges available, 20 beds I think in 2017 which is a shame, but I’m sure that will increase given time. Still, helplines are better than **** all.

    All it needs now is for the police, courts and social care to take it seriously and maybe we can prevent the shit that myself and others have gone through. You’d think they would when kids are involved, but amazingly they don’t. Still the old ‘man-up’ mentality at play I guess. Life goes on and people are still being demons to their loved ones, I feel for every poor bastard that has to suffer this and worse. But it’s not going away though, we’re getting more woke as a society but the violence is increasing, is it reporting or more people abusing their partners?

    Free Member

    Well according to ManKind there’s a lack of support. But hey, how would they know eh?

    Free Member

    Good point well made there. Guess that goes for gobuchul’s point too –he considers it abuse on a level – it’s not a case of comparing one thing to another.

    Abuse is abuse, no matter what form it takes and who is the perpetrator or victim. Talking about abuse faced by others in no way diminishes the fact that the overwhelming amount of abuse is perpetrated against women. again, it’s an attitude thing, and when you don’t take one seriously it gives way to MRA’s instead of healthy conversation and action.

    Like I said, having lived with it like so many other kids, now adults in this country, I don’t really care the gender, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, or for anyone to witness it. It left me with so many issues and one was a deep resentment and distrust of women and a self-confidence issue as a guy. **** messed me up royally and took a long time to get to a point where I can openly trust and am quite comfortable with who I am. My old man is a broken, he just plods on day by day and no matter what I and my brothers try to do or encourage him to seek help, he’s just stuck in this space plodding on until he checks out. It’s **** horrible to be around.

    I just wish there was more support for all victims and not just those that fit the majority demographic.

    Free Member

    And here we go, how about we keep it on the topic of DV against male partners shall we? Or let’s do what we always do and bring out the subject of DV against women as though that somehow makes the violence against men null and void.

    It’s an issue that’s increasing in prevalence and there is a total lack of support for male victims, some of those male victims are attacked by other men, some don’t identify as women or men. The black and white approach to DV prevention, intervention and support must change as our relationship choices have changed.

    I grew up watching my old man be mentally and verbally abused by my mother, then when he finally got the nerve to walk out, she then weaponised me and my two younger brothers. My childhood was **** miserable and left us with a load of issues that we had to address later in life.

    People need to take this shit seriously.

    Free Member

    Because they’re full of shit @tinribz.

    Free Member

    Indeed. Nobody is disputing that fact. So if you’re thinking of going off half-cocked, dial it back.

    Free Member

    Isn’t that a milk/coffee option in Starbucks?

    Free Member

    Hopefully, due to the nature of our varied relationship choices support needs to be more varied. Especially when you consider the LGBTQ community.

    Free Member

    Mmm, steak.

    Anyhoo, as she is (was) a British citizen, does she qualify for the Op Shader medal? Asking for a friend.

    Free Member

    That died a long time ago, along with many other things. Ah well, we can rebuild.

    Free Member

    Nicely done Sir.

    Free Member

    It’s a lose lose situation.

    We can chin of our rule of law, well that’s a shitty path to start on and what stops that rule being applied to anyone that UK Gov deems a nuisance.

    Or we take her back and have a punt at trial, she may go down, she may not.

    Either way she becomes a risk and q burden the child is at risk of being indoctrinated as well, leaving social care, schools, police, MI5 to be up her chuff until such a time as someone makes a poor judgement and says shes ‘safe’ and then she goes bang or assists some nutters doing something nutty.

    Or she rehabilitates and becomes a productive member of society.

    Who knows?

    Free Member

    Joking/arguing aside, bloody horrible what this boat went through. She was certainly a piece of work. Hopefully he’s got the help and support he needs to get on with life. Although there isn’t that much out there for dudes, it is getting better, just a shame that DV is on the rise.

    Free Member

    Sigh, sometimes this is the cross we bear for being tolerant and having a fairly decent legal system. Whatever happens, it’ll be a shitshow, she’ll be a drain on the taxpayer one way or another.

    We’ll just have to wait until her beliefs rear their head again, but no doubt she will get herself involved with her chosen brothers on her return. She is after all a ‘silly’ girl.

    Ah well, jail is still cheaper than a JDAM.

    Free Member

    He was a ****. And that’s exactly what we needed, a nice guy isn’t going to win a total war, a **** arsehole who can willingly sacrifice other humans will though.

    Free Member

    Echo all of the above, I will be there tomorrow and for the Tuesday night ride. Great for solo sessioning or with a group.

    Free Member

    Holy shit!

    Free Member

    Spoke to MsMoose, she used to work for WDH, that’d have you evicted under their tenancy rules.

    Free Member

    Careful if ever you drive in France, Moose. In that exact situation you would be responsible even if a pedestrain crosses illegally. Even if the light is green at a pedestrian crossing the driver is expected to anticipate pedestrians crossing and be in a position to be able to stop. If the victim is under 16 or over 70 you will be liable for full damages unless you can prove the victim was committing suicide.

    Little humans are predictably unpredictable.

    Meh, that’s what I pay insurance for, can only do so much not to endanger others. Some are just oblivious to it through stupidity or in the little humans case, inexperience.

    Free Member

    Kids can be dicks

    Sometimes, shit happens. Little humans can be unpredictable.

    Free Member

    Very good, one less piece of metalwork in a bag or pocket.

    Free Member

    The impact appears to have caused her face to start melting…

    Free Member

    Look at the SP Connect system or Quadlock. SP Connect utilises gopro compatible mounts, comes with a cover and a rain shield. I have one for my S8. Very good and solid.

    Free Member

    DMR Deathgrips, turbo comfy. The Ergons that Seagrave rides are supposed to be pretty good.

    Free Member

    Not sure how you and it seems MG miss the point. The poster names the knuckledraggers as a group that need to change, accepting there is a problem but only that “some” need to change. You and the add give the impression that men in general are a problem not just the few.

    Exactly, people are being damaged, there are some that need to change their ways, there needs to be a consensus on the best way forward to achieve this. Talking at people doesn’t seem to be working terribly well thus far, does it?

    Free Member

    …and that’s without mentioning the close shaves.

    Nicely done Sir.

    Free Member

    @johnx2 I think the risk taking is one of the issues, I did read something about that. It is often referred to in a negative way.

    Free Member

    @MOLGRIPS, unfortunately the term and many others have been weaponised just like ones from the other side of the hall, they’ve started to alienate people because they’re used to silence opposing opinions and no platform. What’s to lose by parking it for a bit and seeing where the conversation goes without them? If it brings peoole to the table and greater understanding it’s a good thing, no? Anyone with an ounce of sense knows these issues are real, but if something is blocking reasoned conversation, where’s the harm in trying something new? There’s very little ground being made while the shitstorm ensues.

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