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  • mooman
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    it was discovered that he has many traits and should have a test, but this was likely to be an 18 month waiting list which hes a couple of months or so down the line.

    he engages with both CPN and OT but hes also stated they dont do any good, just suggest things thatd help, that he knows would help, but hes got no motivation or intention of doing due to his frame of mind.

    Skim reading in work – so missed this bit.

    Most if not all of us will have traits of ASD. Official testing can be a lengthy process, but I expect the CPN or OT will work alongside a Psychologist within their team (would be surprised if there wasnt a Psychologist in a CMHT) – and I am very confident the Psychologist will have questionnaires that your son, with your support, can fill in that the psychologist will be able to look at and see if there are enough red flags to unofficially say if your son has ASD.
    Unfortunately there are all too many tick box mental health professionals – by that I mean they just do enough to tick the boxes of what their job description is, and do not take the extra effort to support people.
    A good mental health professional will work at building your sons engagement and motivation for change; in small steps that identify small successes that encourage further steps towards the bigger goals.
    Lack of motivation is a typical symptom of those with mental health problems – however some professionals use it as an excuse to make their own work easier .. remind the CPN of this; and suggest they ask the Psychologist for an ASD questionnaire; sometimes a nudge is all it takes.

    Free Member

    A good resource is and

    Free Member

    Psychiatrist is a medically trained doctor in mental health – Psychologist is basically a very qualified counsellor .. but don’t ever say that to one!

    I am a mental health social worker.

    I certainly wouldn’t recommend anybody smoking weed; lots of studies identify it increases gray brain matter loss.
    Alcohol is also a toxin for the brain .. just more sociably accepted.
    I have worked with people with Korsakoff’s so seen the damage it does on the brain.

    Free Member

    The medication will zonk him out to some degree to help manage what I expect is anxiety of some presentation. People with BPD/EUPD have difficulty managing their emotions .. this can be emotions from lots of different things, and trying to identify what the triggers are is what will help; often its from early trauma – and when the person feels threatened and stressed it triggers their coping strategy they used when younger; talking therapies would help identify this to the person and find better coping strategies.
    Although CPNs and OTs often complete CBT and DBT courses, the courses are little more than basic understandings of it from what I have seen – for such lengthy courses I am often surprised how little the people who complete them know; It is best led by an experienced Psychologist IMHO.

    Typically we will not even assess a person who turns up drunk or on illicit substances because we wont know if we are assessing their mental health or whatever they have drank/smoked/injected. For that reason addressing the substance abuse is first priority.

    Was Autism ruled out? I banging of the head could (at a stretch) be attributed to stimming … sounds just like frustration to me, but such things will distract people with ASD. Although what you have said its to do with your son realizing that MH wards are typically the worse places to be if your anything other than zonked on meds or oblivious in a psychosis … they are often very chaotic places.

    If he is on the ward then he will have access to Psychiatrists who are the top of the tree to explore options. CPNs will care coordinate and arrange what support they feel is required … as for MH OTs?? I still have no idea what exactly they do apart from arranging people to sign birthday cards and Xmas parties.

    Free Member

    Agreed. It was getting silly.

    Free Member

    As my previous comments on this thread demonstrate – I have no issue with people having different opinions and values to my own; I actually enjoy hearing opposite opinions to my own … and sometimes I am actually convinced that my own view or opinion has been wrong.
    That said, my patience runs dry quickly with idiots spouting nonsensical rubbish.

    Free Member

    Quickly trying to eat my food whilst reading your silly comments. Whats your excuse for the nonsense you been writing?

    Free Member

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    This topic has 112 replies, 35 voices, and was last updated 26 minutes ago by butcher.
    Viewing 33 posts – 81 through 113 (of 113 total)←123
    Geraint Thomas NHS fundraiser on Zwift
    You can’t magic the money, it has to come out of something else?

    I’m not quite sure how you went from my comment to this, but I would happily scrap Trident and divert that expenditure to the NHS for a start. Or HS2 for that matter.

    Posted 9 hours ago
    £100s upon £100s of millions worth ? You think that would have made a dent in what the NHS needs ?

    Literally 1000 £million. I think it would be better spent there, yes.

    Posted 9 hours ago
    but I would happily scrap Trident and divert that expenditure to the NHS for a start. Or HS2 for that matter.

    So because you don’t want them that means they’re invalid ? Hmmm not sure that’s how things work in the world.

    It got to this because there’s so many people who say “fix the NHS, do this for the NHS” but without any idea how it would actually be done in the real world.

    We’re talking MASSIVE amounts of money here, not a pittance.

    Posted 9 hours ago
    The money should come from taxation. You, and me, and all those on the minimum wage. Which I’m fine with – I’ll contribute my share to get public services I want to see.

    And as long as millionaire celebs and businesses can export their money offshore, it means our taxes will go up more than they might otherwise need to.

    Posted 9 hours ago
    The money should come from taxation. You, and me, and all those on the minimum wage. Which I’m fine with – I’ll contribute my share to get public services I want to see.

    SO tehy’ll increase tax and the UK public are OK with that ? 1% ? 2% ? 5% ?

    I’m not seeing that being accepted.

    Posted 9 hours ago
    And as long as millionaire celebs and businesses can export their money offshore, it means our taxes will go up more than they might otherwise need to.

    Agree. But if those millionaires don’t live here, and don’t make their money here, I struggle to see why they should pay tax here. Different story for people who DO live and make money here, but as mentioned above, it’s the game, not the players, that should be criticised.

    Posted 8 hours ago
    So because you don’t want them that means they’re invalid ? Hmmm not sure that’s how things work in the world.

    Well, I’m not entirely convinced that we need an independent nuclear deterrent or a massively expensive high speed rail system, but that’s how discussion about budgeting works. My argument would be that we need a well-funded NHS rather more than the ability to wipe humanity off the face of the earth – or at least bits of Russia – at the press of a button.

    I’m not even saying I’m 100% correct, but you asked where money could come from and I gave you a couple of suggestions. Your reply is that my argument might not be valid, which is fair enough, that’s how discussion works, but just saying ‘you might be wrong’ isn’t that persuasive.

    I’d argue that if you want to take the whole idea that running a nation state is like running a household, having nuclear weapons is a bit like insisting you need a Ferrari as well as your normal household car. Which is fine if you can afford it, but if it means you’re struggling to, say, pay the electricity bill, isn’t necessarily the best use of your finances.

    Why do we need nuclear weapons?

    Sorry, this is just a dead end. What we really need to do, like some of the nordic states, is shift the way we think about taxation levels and wealth distribution.

    Posted 8 hours ago
    Why do we need nuclear weapons?

    I guess the simplest answer is “because other lunatics have them”

    Although in your defence i’m not convinced in a civilised society we need them either… but there are some really special people leading governments in various parts of the world… So i can kinda see why we do.

    Don’t get me wrong here, i think the NHS really needs to be funded better and really deserves to be… even before this pandemic ever appeared…. But it’s not really that simple is it…. As you’ve compared it to running a household, that’s exactly the phrase we’ll use, it really is like that, it’s a finite budget of funds and putting it into pot 3 means it has to come out of 4, or 6, or 12…

    I don’t know the answers, i am not saying for a second i do… but i’m not convinced there’s ANYONE on here who has a grasp of the decisions that governments have to make day in day out.. Do i think the government is great/right/correct, no, not really…. But that doesn’t mean some random bloke in the street could do better as so many seem to think.

    Posted 8 hours ago
    But that doesn’t mean some random bloke in the street could do better as so many seem to think.

    I don’t think anyone’s suggested handing over the control of state expenditure to a ‘random bloke in the street’ – it would make good television though 🙂

    The rest of it is about living in a democracy. If you don’t believe we have a right to scrutinise government spending and policies, then you might as well live in China or Putin’s Russia.

    Regardless of all that, you wouldn’t catch me spending 36 hours on Zwift 🙂

    Posted 8 hours ago
    He’s a really good athlete and I’m sure he’s doing this with the best intentions, but the idea of reframing the NHS as a charity has the potential to do more harm than good.

    There is some truth in this, but it is absolutely not the fault of anyone raising money or making charitable donations. This is the symptom of an overall problem elsewhere.

    And it’s not tax-avoidance either.

    We know the NHS have received some of the largest funding cuts in its entire history during the past decade. And yet the government have stood there and told bare faced lies about it, proclaiming they are better funded than ever, and large parts of the media have backed them up.

    Even people here are asking where the money should come from, like it just doesn’t exist. Yet it did exist prior to the current government. Perhaps it was never perfect, and it never will be, but it was much better funded under the Labour government. The figures tell us this, and the doctors and nurses at the NHS are all telling us this. In fact it was better funded by every government prior to the current one.

    But through all the corruption and disinformation we have in the age of information, we actually have little understanding collectively as a nation of WTAF is going on. And that vulnerability is being used against us. And as such, a lot of people still think the government are doing a fantastic job.

    Don’t blame a guy riding a bike for charity, raising almost half a million for a good cause.

    I actually thought what Geraint did was a really nice touch, highlighting the efforts nurses put in on a daily basis.

    Posted 8 hours ago
    WHere did you want the money that you put in the NHS have been taken from ?

    Defence ? Terrorist attacks ? Floods ? Roads ? Police ? Litter ? Parks ? Regeneration ?

    People paying taxes I reckon given the theme of the thread.

    Going into tax exile and paying into an ISA are in no way similar.

    Different ends of the same spectrum.

    They really are not, one is a government supported scheme to encourage savings in relatively small amounts, the other isnt. If you can tell which is which ypu can understand the massive difference. I’ve never seen a government scheme for the other one.

    Posted 8 hours ago
    Agree. But if those millionaires don’t live here, and don’t make their money here, I struggle to see why they should pay tax here. Different story for people who DO live and make money here, but as mentioned above, it’s the game, not the players, that should be criticised.

    Ok. I’ll accept that Mr Thomas LOVES Monaco, has fully embraced the lifestyle, and permanently relocated there – having decided he much prefers it to Wales. He definitely DOES NOT have a Monaco address purely for tax “efficiency” purposes. Remind me again, where is he, right now? At home, right?

    Posted 7 hours ago
    Remind me again, where is he, right now? At home, right?

    Haven’t a clue. I do know that living somewhere doesn’t mean you have to be there all the time though.

    Posted 7 hours ago
    SO tehy’ll increase tax and the UK public are OK with that ? 1% ? 2% ? 5% ?

    I’m not seeing that being accepted.

    I got murdered for this on another thread, but I’ll try again….. banging pots and pans once a week, or putting £10 into Geraint’s fund (or indeed Captain Tom’s*) is a lovely gesture but to fix this issue will take real sacrifices, and I have no time for the folks that will follow this up by looking the other way when the request comes for people to make that sacrifice by putting their X in the box.

    * amazing as it was, that’s less than £1 per household as an average across the UK’s 28M households. We’re in the hole for several orders of magnitude higher.

    Posted 7 hours ago
    Haven’t a clue

    Yes, probably a bit much to expect you to read the thread before commenting, or any of the supporting material e.g. the GoFundMe page everyone’s talking about. 🙄

    Posted 6 hours ago
    banging pots and pans once a week, or putting £10 into Geraint’s fund (or indeed Captain Tom’s*) is a lovely gesture but to fix this issue will take real sacrifices, and I have no time for the folks that will follow this up by looking the other way when the request comes for people to make that sacrifice by putting their X in the box.

    Yep, and before anyone starts I’d happily pay more tax if was used to improve health and social care or improve social mobility.

    Posted 6 hours ago
    Well if we’re locked down much longer he’ll end up with a tax bill.

    Posted 6 hours ago
    Yes, probably a bit much to expect you to read the thread before commenting, or any of the supporting material e.g. the GoFundMe page everyone’s talking about. 🙄

    There are conditions that allow for folk residing elsewhere to come back for x number of days per year, without having to pay tax, as linked to above. Where someone is at a particular moment is irrelevant, unless they’ve been there for an extended period of time previously. As said above, if lockdown continues, he may well be liable for tax. Again, hate the game, not the player.

    Posted 6 hours ago
    Remind me again, where is he, right now? At home, right?

    Haven’t a clue. I do know that living somewhere doesn’t mean you have to be there all the time though

    Of course you don’t ..
    You really are special!

    Posted 4 hours ago
    Of course you don’t ..
    You really are special!

    I’ll refrain from giving my opinion of you.

    As I said above. It matters little where he is at a given moment. What matters is how long he is here around said moment. You never know, you might get your wish for him to pay tax if he’s here long enough.

    Posted 4 hours ago
    Again, hate the game, not the player.

    Hate’s a bit strong. More resigned disapproval for our country’s proud Monegasque.

    Actually are they our country’s? If they were from the US they’d have to give up US citizenship to not pay the IRS tax on income. I’ll guess that G’s kept British citizenship.

    Re ‘the game’, there’s no rule than when your income exceeds a certain amount you have to go and live in Monaco. A few do, most don’t.

    Btw and just out of interest, anyone have an idea how much G’s sponsor Zwift have made out of the crisis so far? I mean good luck to them. I can think of a couple of friends who’ve now got a set up partly because of lock-down. Tempted to join them…

    Posted 4 hours ago
    Of course you don’t ..
    You really are special!

    I’ll refrain from giving my opinion of you

    As you demonstrate – your opinion is irrelevant and quite frankly nonsensical at best.

    Posted 2 hours ago
    So my initial thoughts when I started reading the thread, in relation to G were:
    1 – Seems like a really nice bloke
    2 – Fair play to him to raise some cash (yes despite him being sponsored)
    3 – Tax evading scumbag

    But, as the principle of taxation is to pay for the services of the country you live in, then if he mainly lives in Monaco then fair enough really. But, keeping your citizenship is another thing – if you want to go live somewhere else, and pay their taxes instead, then I think you should take on their citizenship and give up your old one.

    Posted 2 hours ago
    As you demonstrate – your opinion is irrelevant and quite frankly nonsensical at best.

    How is it any more or less relevant than yours? You’re the one applying your own levels of morality to the law, yet my opinion is nonsensical?

    Posted 2 hours ago

    Where have I mentioned the law?

    Yep – your opinions are irrelevant and nonsensical as you once again demonstrate.

    Posted 1 hour ago
    But, as the principle of taxation is to pay for the services of the country you live in, then if he mainly lives in Monaco then fair enough really. But, keeping your citizenship is another thing – if you want to go live somewhere else, and pay their taxes instead, then I think you should take on their citizenship and give up your old one.

    I think this thread is completely missing some of the practicalities of the situation.

    As much as I’m sure it’s being used as a tax haven, you only have to take one look at Monaco’s geographical location to determine that it’s an ideal base for pro cyclists, situated right between the French and Italian Alps, and a relatively short drive from either Switzerland or Spain. The allure isn’t entirely financial.

    And a rider’s career may last 5 or 10 years. Geraint is probably approaching the end of his.

    Surely for most riders it’s a practical but temporary residence?

    I’m also assuming the team spend a lot of time training together which impacts on any individual choice of residence.

    Posted 1 hour ago

    You are criticising him for not paying tax. I’m saying that ..

    Your saying your usual nonsense again is what your saying.

    Free Member

    Where have I mentioned the law?

    Yep – your opinions are irrelevant and nonsensical as you once again demonstrate.

    Free Member

    Of course you don’t ..
    You really are special!

    I’ll refrain from giving my opinion of you

    As you demonstrate – your opinion is irrelevant and quite frankly nonsensical at best.

    Free Member

    Remind me again, where is he, right now? At home, right?

    Haven’t a clue. I do know that living somewhere doesn’t mean you have to be there all the time though

    Of course you don’t ..
    You really are special!

    Free Member

    TomHoward – maybe re-read this thread from the beginning to get a basic understanding of the answers to the questions you ask, or maybe you too could ask an adult to read and explain it to you if that is too difficult.
    Also to maybe emphasise it a tad better – remind yourself of what country he moved back to as this COVID19 crisis developed.
    His move to Monaco – the same as some of the other SKY/INEOS riders was simple tax evasion … I have little doubt as soon as the multi-million pounds cycling contracts end he will move back to the UK.

    On the funding he received whilst an amateur – don`t you think it would be fair if he paid into a the same system that gave to him so other athletes could receive the same opportunities?

    Free Member

    Bumyhop – I have no issue that you have a different opinion than mine; we all have different social values and opinions of what social responsibility is. If you feel he does more good for the NHS by encouraging people to donate a off amount towards the NHS instead of paying UK tax on his multi-million pounds cycling contracts then thats your decision.

    As you state – your a big fan because he wrote you a note; if that makes him a great guy in your book then I guess nothing is likely to alter your opinion of him.

    Free Member

    Yes – things seem to be planned around what the media says is happening in London. The planning of social services resources seems completely out of sorts with whats happening – and the only reason there is not big problems with that is because it has been so quiet the last 3 weeks or so .. there is the usual hospital discharges – just less of them coming through. From what I hear there is more available capacity from care agencies than usual too.
    Those of my colleagues working from home and expected to pick up any issues in the community are telling me its even quieter for them; they seem to be taking great pleasure in rubbing my nose in it that I`m still required to go into work whilst they are topping up their tans in their garden.

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear things have not improved.
    If he no longer has the Schizophrenia diagnosis, and it is now seen to be a personality disorder then as previously said – it is more important to understand the BPD/EUPD because meds may hide the issues by zonking him out – but talking therapies will help your son to manage them long-term and get his life back.

    I expect his CPN has already told you it is important for him to address his alcohol use before they can even try to start therapies, because the alcohol will just give a whole lot of symptoms for him (and you) to deal with which wont be down to the BPD/EUPD.

    That he wants to go into hospital is typical of the personality disorders, but it is important to point out it is a false environment, and when he comes out of there things will be exactly the same .. he needs to learn how to manage his emotions when stressed/anxious/etc if he wants to get his life back.

    It all sounds easy and simplistic – but I know it is anything but!
    There is good news that he does not have Schizophrenia, although the PDs are learnt behaviours and responses which require insight and awareness to resolve.

    Good luck.

    Free Member

    Theboatman – two weeks ago I was put onto 3×12 hour shifts 7 days a week rota in anticipation .. they cancelled it last Wednesday because lack of work coming through. I have had to visit 4 local hospitals as part of my job, and all but one of those hospitals are quieter than normal; the one that is busy is the one they have moved all the older people ‘bed blocking’ patients too .. what I am seeing is a lot different to what the media are reporting.

    Free Member

    Also: Are you OK Mooman? You seem surprisingly vexed by a relatively innocuous event here.

    I am very good thank you; just back from a very nice 3hr sunny bike ride, and whilst the head wind on the way back was a little challenging at times, overall it was a very nice ride. Thus I can allay your concern that I may be vexed xx

    Free Member

    Bunnyhop – just a suggestion on where to focus: maybe explore the tax avoidance criticism before the bag of peas criticism eh …

    Frank Conway .. I am still keen to hear what you have been doing during this COVID crisis; because seeing as you were the one asking us I can only imagine you must be in the thick of it at the front line ..

    Homerun – if you look back at one of my previous comments you will find a link to explain it. Ask an appropriate adult to read and explain it if its still a bit complicated for you.

    Free Member

    Flange – I hope your right; but sadly you got too many people who can get fooled too easily by a fake selling a good cause .. and too distracted to look any further as TomHoward here demonstrates with his imagination of what Geraint Thomas has put back in covering what he has taken out.
    It’s kind of like Phillip Green some time ago; then he was seen as a philanthropist and generally great guy .. once you scratched the surface things looked a lot different; but bias or ignorance can disguise such things.

    Frank Conway – I have continued to do my normal work visiting and supporting vulnerable people within hospital and community settings during the COVID situation. Which not looking to big myself up – is a lot more worthwhile than sitting on a turbo trainer getting publicity for zwift and encouraging people to donate money.

    What have you done during the COVID crisis?

    Free Member

    All done … I think!

    Free Member

    ditch_jockey – I totally agree with you with regards to appreciating our NHS service, and those that work within it. I have conflicting views on the fundraising going on to raise money for it though. Whilst I appreciate the efforts and good intentions of the vast majority of the people doing so, I am also concerned that this allows the government to fund it less in the long term if they see that money going into it from elsewhere … as has already been wrote, there is an open book to the NHS at the moment; but once this is over with .. there will be another distraction from funding the NHS.

    The issue with Geraint Thomas is that he moved to Monaco to avoid paying taxes on his multi-million pounds cycling contracts; even though tax payers money enabled and supported him to achieve his cycling potential. The argument that he moved there for the mountainous terrain is silly – there are many other countries with a warm climate and mountains .. its just not many with the generous tax system of Monaco.
    He is sponsored by Zwift for an undisclosed amount to promote and publicise it – which he has done so brilliantly – it would have been nice if he now states he will pay UK taxes on his cycling contracts to support the NHS, maybe also donate what Zwift pay him to the Zwift NHS fundraiser too … but I havent heard him doing so, and quite frankly wouldnt have expected to either.

    He’s done it and now asking for a bag of frozen peas for the nether regions.

    And basically thats typical Geraint Thomas – always expecting things for himself to be provided by others.

    Free Member

    6:30 races tight .. but 7pm perfect👍

    Happy to ride in any group

    Free Member

    B cat here … If you need👍

    Free Member

    45th in a large B cat group is very good. As you well know – a lot of the top B cat riders in the bigger groups are A cat riders holding back for the sprint.

    Short 16km races are just 20 minutes of pain – well done. And your correct; no time to pace yourself with only 16km to do!

    I will be doing the 19:15 ZHR Hare & Hounds race tomorrow. 2 laps/36km of Tick Tock course .. flat and fast. So if anybody wants to make it a STW group, In am willing to pull on the front until my legs pop to try and get somebody a result.

    Free Member

    4pm Friday is too early for me – so another no show.
    I have hit the Not Going so invite can get put back out.

    Enjoy all

    Free Member

    As requested; Just for you Steve.

    having existed or done something for a long time and therefore recognized and generally accepted.

    Definition of idiot
    1: a foolish or stupid person

    Hope that helps Steve.

    Free Member

    Finished early today so decided to have a go at a race for the first time in over 2 weeks. The 18:45 Royal Pump House 28km 6Points Mallorca GGCC Race was the only one available at the time I wanted.

    Really tough course, and tough field of riders. Stayed with front group for about 10km, then fell off back and tried to find a small group to work with. Constant grind up and chase till the end. Finished 7th in B-cat on companion; 1st B rider was 5.59w/kg .. the lowest w/kg ahead of me was pushing 4.43w/kg. I averaged 4.15w/kg which is most I have averaged in a 28km race for quite some time; very happy with that. I have upped my weekly mileage since I started new hours in work and it looks to have benefited my fitness.

    And also given the gold cup on ZP.

    Free Member

    So glad I started a positive tread for you cockwombles to troll. Well I did my 2 hours. I enjoyed it so Fucj the lot of you miserable ****ts

    Cockwomble? you really do identify yourself as an idiot by using that word Steve. Keep up the sweary rant too … it really emphasises what an established idiot you are too.

    Free Member


    Blame the system, not the man

    I respect your views, and recognise we all have different values.
    My own values are that if you have taken a large amount of tax payers money that has enabled you to pursue your dreams, and earn millions along the way. Then you should be happy to pay your own taxes which will enable the youngsters coming up behind you go have the same opportunities.
    And expecting others to donate money – whilst avoiding paying your own tax is blatantly taking the pi55

    Free Member


    He earns well due to the enormous sacrifices he has made, his natural talent and the good fortune that he has experienced.

    And don`t forget the tax payers money that saw him funded throughout his amateur cycling career as part of the Olympic development squads.

    He has been advised to retain as much of that wealth as possible through perfectly legal means. I doubt that many of us would act any differently, and good luck to him.

    Nobody is saying what he is doing is illegal – its just not ethical as far as I am concerned. Taking from the pot – but not happy to put any back in.
    Lets not forget he isnt putting any money himself into this fundraising effort .. just riding his bike and getting more publicity.

    And now when he decides to raise some cash for the service that is helping the country survive, he gets criticized. He could have just hidden away in his hollowed out volcano in Monaco counting his cash and laughing at just how much revenue he has deprived the country of like some crazed Bond Villain. Instead he has chosen to use his fame to raise money for a good cause, no doubt raising more in the process than most of us contribute through PAYE to the NHS in a lifetime of earning.

    Once this is over. See if he moves back to Monaco or stays to pay tax on his cycling contracts.
    As for raising more money doing this Zwift gimmick than any of us contribute through PAYE … I can guarantee it wont be half as much as he would have raised if he had paid tax on his cycling contracts instead of moving to Monaco.

    Tax avoidance

    Free Member

    Apparently he is hoping people donate £100k – he not so keen to give his own money though.

    He could have supported the NHS a lot more by paying tax on his multimillion pound cycling contracts instead of moving to Monaco … Typical he moves back to the UK in a health crisis though.

    Free Member

    when it was safe we passed her all together .

    You could have all waited your turn.

    We did as the video clip shows👍

    Free Member

    Quite an apt thread this.
    I went out this morning for my usual 1-a-day solo bike ride.
    I happened to stop at lights with two other cyclists (yep – cyclists do stop for red lights). I recognised the riders and nodded hello as you do, keeping our 2-3m distance👍
    As lights changed we set off and single filed up a little hill because a woman cyclist was pedaling squares up it very slowly; when it was safe we passed her all together .. to be shouted at for not social distancing. Nobody said anything in reply, I guess we used to spoutie types yelling some sort of abuse (although typically they are in cars).
    Anyways … Top of road I go my way and other cyclists went theirs.

    After ride I get a txt with a clip that had been uploaded to FB by the woman cyclist. Wrongfully assuming the 3 cyclist who overtook her were riding as a group.

    So, before making wrong assumptions. Maybe just consider alternative reasons first.

    Free Member

    If someone asks to volunteer on here then they got to be willing to follow it through; actions speak louder than words. Making excuses that rule themselves out from anything other that sitting in the safety of their homes is being dick.

    Fire away👍

    Free Member

    I heard that the NHS were looking for IT workers as volunteers. Anyone know why or what for? Looking for ways to help.

    If you are serious about volunteering to help out during the C.19 crisis then all you have to do is phone up your local care/nursing home or care agency, and I can guarantee they will be very appreciative of your help.
    That said – it wont be working from the safety of your own home – you would be expected to be one of those ones that are actually doing something during this crisis!

    Update us if you decide to; some how I think you will come back with an excuse though ..

    Free Member

    Sandwich – your son is one the many unsung heroes during this crisis, and you and your family should be very proud of him, and also yourselves, for your part in making him the person he is.

    Free Member

    Sandwich – unfortunately speaking to my colleagues from other teams it seems what your son is describing is the norm.
    Whilst I support businesses and individuals donating things to NHS hospitals, I also feel those working the front line in the community need their contribution recognised .. maybe they can be encouraged to make dance videos on Tik-Tok too? But some how I don’t think they will have as much spare time during their working day.

    Free Member

    Been redeployed to hospital discharge this week, and to be honest it has been very .. very quiet 1st week.
    All but one of people on list are C.19 positive, so unable to be discharged. Already some of the bright ideas from those at the top have made from the safety of their own homes WFH have failed miserably .. I have been required to go onto C.19 wards wearing my flimsy little surgical mask and goggles.
    What surprised me too was the mountain of freebies coming in for NHS staff: pizza; Indian & Chinese takeaways; cakes & biscuits, and the senior nurse told me they are expecting a load of iPads donated soon too. All great – but when compared to the care/nursing home I visited just before that still hadn’t received the recommended PPE it really emphasised the continuing lack of recognition and value of those working the front line of C.19 outside of the NHS.

    I will be unable to do my job if the care agencies and care homes can’t increase their contribution in this, and asking an already undervalued workforce to take on even more will be very difficult – that will mean there will be nowhere for vulnerable people to be discharged to, so hospitals will likely be put under even more pressure.

    To be honest it’s all feeling a shit storm ready to hit. And I not slightest bit confident those WFH are the best people to be making decisions on the safety of us at the front. Donkeys leading lions.

    Free Member

    I not make Friday so an invite available.
    Have fun👍

    Free Member

    How does the race end ?

    Today’s was end of 3rd lap which came about 52-54 mins for the faster guys.

    Phil56 and myself finished 3rd lap according to my Strava .. on 51:37.
    Although I had no idea where the finish line was as I rode around, so used the banner on the Mall as an end of lap marker.

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