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  • The First Women’s Red Bull Rampage Is Underway
  • mooman
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    Stay as positive as you can; it makes a huge difference.
    Try not to read too much on the possible diagnosis .. you will just feed the anxiety.
    Focus on the good things you plan on doing in the short term and the long term .. bee keeping; something I too interested in taking up, and something my son is planning on doing when he moves to new house.

    Free Member

    Used Sunset-Cycles of Cardiff a few times and never had reason to complain; only bike shop I will use or recommend.

    Free Member

    Stereotype of a copper

    A lot of people have stereotypes of police being like the off duty copper in the above link.

    Free Member

    Well done both Kelvin & Weeksy👍

    I just tried to do an hour on Zwift – yep was looking to PB the Alpe – but some reason my trainer is not getting identified by Zwift .. hopefully nothing serious; will try to do TTT tomoz if trainer/zwift ok🤞

    What time again is it?

    Free Member


    I’ve been following the training programmes pretty religiously which I think has helped, plus I’ve lost about 26Kg since last October

    If thats true – then thats as impressive as your Alpe time. Have you got any pix of the pre-October 14st you to compare to the 10st you today?
    I guess for such a short person (only 5`8″ shorty here too) losing almost a 3rd of your body weight would make the before and after pics almost unrecognisable.

    Free Member

    44 mins up Alpe is proper fast!!
    That’s 4 mins faster than my PB .. and 6 mins faster than my best time this year!

    How much do you weigh Kelvinshuffle and what power do you need to put out for that time?

    That’s very impressive suffering👍

    Free Member

    I will be riding outside on weekend too.
    Week day evenings 6:30 earliest work fine for me.

    Free Member

    Last I seen Phil was about 1:15 behind me as I came in to finish – I think Peesbee was about 10seconds behind Phil.

    Free Member

    Two climbs helped us chasers – the second one being a longer effort really made it possible to catch the Hares because they were already splintered by then, and not working as a group.

    I did read IvanDobski message as I closed on the climb saying something like “they look like they gonna blow soon” … I assumed you were referring to the front group ahead; It spurred me on to suffer a bit longer to catch them before top.

    We hounds were a bit of a mess in beginning with Phil and myself not paying attention and riding off with hares as we warmed up – we stopped 500m up road till the other Hounds started and caught us up, but splintered on the first climb, then Phil and I rode to the 2nd climb together.

    Good work out.
    And Yes I should be able to make the TTT Thursday.

    Free Member

    Do the hounds join at same time – and just wait on line 5 mins?

    Warming up now and JOIN MEETUP icon there ..

    Free Member

    What route is it?

    Free Member

    I may have be over selling my ability then .. I just thinking how most Hare & Hound races go.

    Free Member

    I hope there more than me chasing the hares😟

    Free Member

    237 watt will complete the course in 55 mins.

    320 W would complete it in 49 mins and 14 seconds

    80w increase to close the 6 mins😟

    I not expect hounds pushing 80w more than comparable weight hare … I see front group of hares finishing a good 2 minutes ahead.

    Free Member

    I did mean to write 45km .. 6 minutes😬

    Ok ..10 min at 3.6w/kg …
    Then when warmed up … Hammer down and try hold it till gap closes!

    Free Member

    How long is this course?
    6 minutes is a big time to close on anything shorter than 40km .. 6minutes!!

    Free Member

    Having worked in an all male working class environment until the age of 43 – it was a bit of an eye opener then to work in an almost all female working environment and to realise that some women can be as big a d1ckhead as the biggest male d1ckheads I have ever met.

    Free Member

    Looks like 6 in hounds group then?

    Will be very difficult!

    My legs a very tired today, so taking Monday off .. hopefully they be fresh for Tuesday 🤞

    Free Member

    I have come off Strava lest some of my activities confuse or upset others.

    Does upsetting people who act like dinner ladies really bother you?
    Unfortunately its best to carry on and just ignore such people because it only validates their bizzare behaviour.

    Free Member

    If there are a couple longish hills it can help – as long as there are atleast 3-4 decent climbers at top to carry on the pace.

    How many in hounds group so far?

    Free Member

    I should be able to make this – I think I follow you

    From what I understand, most are C&D cats which means a big group of hares .. work together and you will be very difficult to catch.

    Pretty sure there are not too many A&B cats .. and from what I see on ZP very few of those are pushing A&B cat power for the longer 30-40km distances .. so the hounds group will be a very small group of riders🥵

    Free Member

    This cheeses me off a bit …
    I know that cycling with others has a pretty low risk of transmission, but it will only feed anti-cyclist feeling.

    What feeds the anti-cycling feeling is people posting criticm of cyclist that the haters can use as ammonition .. like what you are doing.

    You know there is a pretty low risk of transmission .. so run with that instead of getting a bit cheesed off.

    Free Member


    this is something I’ve noticed about the shorter courses too! Begs the question tho, if you KNEW you were going to be over, why d’you enter the wrong category? 😉

    Valid question I guess.
    The reason being that I know I am not an A cat rider; if I had entered that category I would have simply been dropped from the front group within 2km because those fellas would also have been pushing 1w/kg above their typical 30-40km power … and then very likely riding the course on my own, or with 2-3 others, and not getting a solid workout.

    I not concerned the result was disqualified because it would have bumped me into A cat .. and as said – I simply not an A cat!

    Free Member

    Rollers will smooth out your pedalling form if your a newb; you just cant chuck yourself around on rollers. And rollers are indeed much less boring than a dumb turbo trainer .. although once you have mastered rollers they too become boring very quickly.

    Zwift is where its at though.

    Free Member

    On the typical 30-40km races I have been hovering just under the 4w/kg for some time now.

    Tonight I entered the 16km Team Italy Superveloce Race, knowing full well on a very short and more or less flat course I, and most other B cat riders in the top 20, would go over the 4w/kg.
    Sure enough all except 1 of the top 20 B cats went over 4w/kg … I finished 7th B cat but disqualified for going over the limit (not in race results – but show me in unfiltered results); how does ZP decide who to disqualify and who to enter when almost all top20 finishers had gone over??

    Free Member

    If my understanding of what you describe as ‘overflow wards’ is correct then these ‘overflow’ wards seem to be the only wards flat out. My wife has also been working on such a ward since the beginning of all this; they seem to be moving all the older patients from various hospitals to one place to make room at the hospitals they expecting things to kick off at … but as the numerous Tik-Tok videos of NHS staff having time to arrange various dance routines whilst in work demonstrates – they not got as much as usual to do.

    Free Member

    Convert – maybe you need a bike ride to ease your anxiety regarding your interpretation of the new guidelines? .. exercise is not just for our physical health – it’s good for our mental health too.

    So stop your fretting .. the sun is out & the world is still turning. Have yourself a nice bike ride; take notice of how fresh the air is at moment (probably not apply if you in Cardiff) focus on how clear the birds sound, and relaxed everything appears to be at the moment; visualise your concern about reasonable cycling distance as something you can feel in your hand .. imagine how it would feel in the your hand – all cold and hard; then imagine placing it on a passing car .. and watch as the car disappears into the distance .. with your concern about reasonable cycling distances.

    Has that bit of improvised Mindfulness helped? I hope so😉

    Now If the police stop you, just say – Mooman said it’s all good👌

    Free Member

    RichPenny – point taken😟

    Free Member

    It does explicitly say it’s not what YOU consider reasonable, it’s what other normal people consider reasonable.

    In which case what I consider reasonable is normal, because all of my cycling friends also agree. So I guess that cleared that up!


    I’m really happy to be spending my nights working in Intensive Care while people piss and moan about how far they can play out.

    Then you Sir are a gentleman, and worthy of the clap .. every Thursday evening.
    Although myself – I would rather not have the clap. And I am not happy to spend my working week visiting hospital and community settings while being dictated to by people, most likely sat on their overweight arses WFH, repeating opinion as fact about where I can take my 1-a-day exercise on the days I have off.

    17. Cycling is a valid form of exercise and is also a suitable way of going to work. Cycling is generally a low-risk activity but with emergency services under pressure, it is important to take steps to manage risk wherever possible. An accident or a breakdown far from home would place additional strain on health services or require a further journey to be made by someone else to provide assistance.

    The important bit I picking up here is – it is important to take steps to manage risk wherever possible.

    So dont be a dick; and take the items needed to cover such events so nobody has to drive to pick you up if you do have a mechanical … thats what the pockets on back of your jersey are for; its not difficult to understand!
    Tubes – pump – multi-tool – spare link .. sorted!

    Free Member

    I should be good for Thursday.

    Free Member


    So you consider a 50 mile walk home after a bike mechanical a reasonable walk to take on if required? Or is it in fact that you are a little bit as unreasonable and self in real life appear to be by your post on here

    I consider that each time I venture out on my bike – so I take items with me that would prevent the 50 mile walk home if I did have a mechanical 50 miles from home .. not that I find that unreasonable; in fact .. that’s very reasonable I’d say.

    Any other questions?

    Free Member

    One way to look at furlough though is that those chosen to go onto it will very likely be the first to be made redundant when things go back to normal and the company needs to streamline things.

    Free Member

    No, I think you interpreting the recommendation wrong. It’s a case of what is considered reasonable.
    I consider 50 miles to be the maximum reasonable distance from home; for that reason I shall venture no further than 40 miles from home to ensure I abide by it👍

    Free Member

    Reluctantjumper – that sounds an unfortunate but predictable situation.
    Most of the social worker and OT social services staff in my authority are WFM sending pix of themselves sunbathing or taking family walks (which I would be doing if WFH too) whilst a handful of us are still in work dealing with hospital discharges and picking up the community stuff too .. this week rumblings began to start.
    I am happy to still be going into work because it’s a different area and feels like a break anyways; but some others are getting very unhappy about picking up more work whilst others have nothing to do at home.

    Def a them & us developing!

    Free Member

    Sorry had to miss this; on duty phone and got call last minute … first time it has rang all week so typical its when I am on it!

    hope it went good.

    Free Member

    I mentioned this on another thread a week or so ago; I went out for my usual 1-a-day solo bike ride.
    I happened to stop at lights with two other cyclists (yep – cyclists do stop for red lights). I recognised the riders and nodded hello as you do, keeping our 2-3m distance👍
    As lights changed we set off and single filed up a little hill because a woman cyclist was pedaling squares up it very slowly; when it was safe we passed her single file one after the other .. to be shouted at for not social distancing. Nobody said anything in reply, I guess we used to spoutie types yelling some sort of abuse (although typically they are in cars).
    Anyways … Top of the road I went my way and other cyclists went theirs.

    After ride I get a txt from a mate with a clip that had been uploaded to FaceBook by the woman cyclist. Wrongfully assuming the 3 cyclist who overtook her were riding as a group, and stating we would be the reason the Government would stop everybody in country exercising outside … obviously totally oblivious to the fact that her wrongfully uploading videos to FaceBook could potentially have that effect.

    Facebook is swamped with idiots – who will upload anything to their newsfeed/status to get themselves attention.

    Free Member

    I am a social worker not a nurse so maybe different policy. But i go into people’s homes without wearing a mask – I am required to wear masks when visiting hospitals .. yep not too clear.

    Visiting a covid ward today I was carefully instructed to rub hands with steriliser on entry then inspected I had the flimsy surgical mask on correctly; sat reading the notes before meeting patient when a nurse manager came into room to ask me a question – within a couple minutes her mask was pulled down under her chin so she could talk to me more clearly .. I guess the masks are just for show anyways.

    Free Member

    49yr here. True resting HR is 43-45bpm and max I have hit this year is 188bpm.
    Some people have naturally high or naturally low heart rates, I don`t think its anything of a gauge of fitness against others.
    Where HR demonstrates fitness is the ability to hit your red zones, and then drop back down BPM quickly … or to maintain a high HR for significant length of time.

    Free Member

    DBT is a lengthy process that needs the person to be onboard all the way. This is where a good mental health professional can demonstrate their skills by motivating a client to stick with it .. of course the client needs to be ready for the change too!
    A new one I am in the process of reading up on is MBT .. a relatively new type of therapy which seems to get results.

    Ultimately the person has got to recognise that they need to work on change; which is very difficult when their schemas and automatic thoughts have been so beneficial at challenging times in their lives.

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