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  • mooman
    Free Member

    As other here demonstrate; lack of knowledge of dementia is a significant problem when combined with health care staff who do not know their duty of care.

    Thankfully most health care staff are professional and able to work with challenging behaviours from ill people.

    Free Member

    Reading up on it, this is either some kind of mental health issue

    or .. its just who you are; there is nothing wrong with being the person who is always on the go – some people worry because they are not the type of person who is always on the go … appreciate who you are; we are all unique and different, and its ok to be like that.

    i suffered bi polar for years when I was younger and explained my symptoms to various gps none of which did anything.wasnt till the condition led to depression did the gps help.

    Bit confused that you describe having bipolar for years .. before developing depression. I do not mean to be rude; but that simply does not make sense at all.

    i also self diagnosed my asperger which gave me the confidence to reach out for a professional diagnosis which was positive.

    I would confidently state that everybody who wants an ASD diagnosis will self diagnose themselves as having it – and paying privately for a diagnosis often results in the diagnosis you want too. As written above – its a complex diagnosis that looks at how the traits affect you as much as what you and your family describe .. and of course; we all have the traits to some degree anyways.

    I’d been thinking about asking how folks’ MH was in the lockdown,

    It was very quiet up until about two weeks ago; when the referrals started coming in. And now the GPs etc are referring in because people are socially isolated … I know GPs are often said to be GPs because they were not clever enough to work in hospitals – but surely they will know that most of the country are socially isolated at moment!!

    Free Member

    I take it you mean the MH issues such as anxiety or depression – not schizophrenia/bipolar (ASD is a developmental disorder).

    I personally feel that there are a lot more personality disordered people than those with clinical depression or anxiety.

    My current role places me around individuals with anxiety and depression that most here, even the STW MH regulars who so often identify themselves as having anxiety/depression, would be shocked at how pervasive and disabling it is.

    The vast majority of people will see themselves as depressed because of a bad situation .. which is a normal way to feel; and medication is not the answer because the underlying issue is not resolved. So people keep taking meds at higher doses to zonk it out .. then say they have chronic depression!

    Lots of the MH related threads I read on STW fit this, and a lot more fit my original opinion that the vast majority have personality disorders and crave attention and struggle to manage their emotions if they do not get it.

    But when suicide is the biggest killer of men aged under 45 in the UK and each and every one of them is a mental health issue pretty much by definition,

    What that overlooks is that up until 45 we are generally healthy; and every suicide is labelled a MH consequence anyways, without recognising that often suicide will unfortunately be a rational informed decision for some. It’s not that easy to place suicidal ideation in with another MH problem such as depression: we treat alcoholism as a separate issue from other MH problems – and it’s been argued we should treat suicidal ideation differently too.

    Free Member

    Just as it was promising to be a nerd-fight too!

    Free Member

    Well that went tits-up.

    Struggled to get to 300w to go at the gun … could barely push 400w then to try and get up towards the front of the group … just about managed to get on to the back of a very long stretched out front group; my 400w was dropping like the bottom had fallen out and I was getting dropped from front group within 1km!

    Struggled around to finish, and averaged 3.2w/kg … day off tomorrow!

    Free Member

    Thanks Kelvin – just hoping that my food stays down! maybe a bit too much before a race!!

    Entering as an A cat for this race seems pointless; the front group will all be pushing 6-7w/kg for the first 3-4km … then settle into 4.5w/kg for the rest; I won`t be able to even get close to that, and would find myself in no-mans land with chasing B cats closing me down before the top of the volcano.

    So knowing it will be a DISQ on results, I shall enter B cat and at least get to ride with a fast group most of the way … getting dropped on the sprint at end of course!

    Free Member

    Its worth remembering too that like real racing – its the fast full effort starts that take a while to get used to no matter what the warm-up routine is.

    Free Member

    I’d rather have a competitive race in C Cat than be spat out the back of the group in first 10km of B though. Riding with the stragglers is no fun or incentive.

    Yep – I feel your pain. There is a huge gap between just getting into a category .. and being involved in the race.

    Anyone doing the WKG race (innsbruk) tonight…
    What i learnt from the crit race yesterday is that you actually need to warm up to quite a degree!! not just ‘pootle, then ride’, because as soon as the flag goes, it’s ON! I found the first few minutes really hard, and then warmed INTO the race…

    Too short a race that. Will try for the 18:55 42km race .. rest then tomorrow.

    I find its a balancing act of warming up and not taking anything from legs. I used to do 15 minutes and have a few efforts to warm HR up to 160-170bpm .. but sometimes misjudged it and took that little poke out of them for the race.
    Good 10-15 mins warming HR to 130bpm seems to work best for me now.

    Free Member

    I was finding it harder to stay with front group from about the 8th lap up the cobbled climb; it was taking me longer to get back to the front of the group each time.
    I think it was lap 11 that Kelvin and I lost the front group – just a case of sitting in with a group then .. no chance of getting back on, and nothing to chase.

    I am well below the average W/KG other A cat 71kg riders push out, I only manage 4w/kg on a course that suits – and on my best day; so wont be long at A cat.

    Free Member

    No idea. Its a nice route. Nice flats out; the volcano climb to split the groups, another short power climb to shake it up a bit more .. and a flat run in to finish.

    Free Member

    were you guys A cat?

    Kelvin is A cat; I was entered as B cat today .. but unfortunately been bumped up to A cat following the race!

    The 18:55 42KM USA Cycling Race League by Indoor Specialist tomorrow anybody??

    Free Member

    Yep – I was on my limit by then; we came up to lap the big group of B cats, and I got stuck in the sticky draft of the group we were lapping .. school boy error of not pushing on hard through them (not mentioning I didn’t have strength in legs too ..).

    Sat in with that group to finish.

    Me & Kelvin finished on same time. Phil finished a minute ahead in lead group.

    Free Member

    25k = less than 16 miles .. too short a distance for anyone to be thinking of pacing themselves, so a very painful 35mins!!

    See yous in mo😬

    Free Member

    Kelvin – just skimming under the A cat W/KG at moment .. I know I am not an A cat; and would only be riding in with the B cats if entered as an A anyways.

    That’s why I have been avoiding very short races; they exaggerate your w/kg and bump you up!

    I hope I average below 4w/kg tonight .. but 25km is still very short and I expect to either get bumped up or Disq; Disq would suit me better🤞

    Free Member

    Seeing as it’s a 25km not the 16km crit I shall enter as B cat too .. and risk the Disq if it goes over by too much.
    I got no chance of getting a podium anyways because lack of sprint always lets me down.

    Free Member

    How long will 14 laps take?

    My guess would be no longer than 40 minutes if you can stay with front group.

    Free Member

    Crit suits me .. B cat here. But will probably have to join A cat because these flat short blitz type races always exagerate your W/KG

    Free Member

    Kelvin – I’d definitely recommend a direct drive as first choice though; the Elite Suito looks a very good choice.

    Free Member

    Now is not the time to buy a trainer – this lockdown, and good weather, has seen people get super bored and taken up cycling or jogging en mass🙄😳
    Apparently bikes and indoor bike trainers are sold out most places .. or do the media is saying.

    Yes – other people have commented on this thread previously about their power reading being different on a direct drive unit .. keep your fingers crossed it won’t be too big a drop.

    Free Member

    Get yourself a merkur 23 if you new to old type razor blades or the 41 if you want to go full on.

    Double edged shaving a bit daunting to begin with. But much better than safety razors.

    Free Member

    Id go Elite route again. Their direct drive units consistently get good reviews – I have had my Direto a couple seasons now and its been faultless.

    Expect a big difference to your existing unit.

    Free Member

    The Islay`s are not to everyones taste; couple of my friends positively hate them!

    Play it safe I suggest; get him a bottle of … Nikka Miyagikyo .. right on budget too.

    Free Member

    I can only imagine how frustrating this will have been.
    I am very confident I would have gone down the ride-bye with paint stripper in the squeeze bottle route at least 3 days ago .. before their MOT runs out and they likely get another old banger.
    A visit off the police will only provide them with extra kudos and a giggle to brag to their mates IMO .. they are not very likely from the type of homes where the parents will be concerned to have police knocking.

    Driving around in a car that shows someone has taken the piss out of them will hurt them a lot more.

    Not that I am recommending or condoning doing so though.

    Free Member

    For anyone not riding up massive hills tomorrow there’s the ZHR hare & hounds at 1800 if they fancy building an STW presence

    I do like a Hare & hounds race👍
    Will be doing an outside ride this morning, and hopefully make this later .. not the nicest course, and not many entered at moment; could turn into a very gentle plod until the A cats pass.

    Free Member

    Whiteline’s – jeez what an absolute pile of shit. Avoid.

    I managed to watch 2 episodes .. it’s total shyte!!

    We quite enjoyed Babylon Berlin series 1&2 .. just finished 3rd series and it’s gone a bit too weird; still worth a watch though.

    Free Member

    Something that’s interesting to me but I can’t quite understand is I seem to be able to do 20 minutes at 300 ish on the Alpe/Innsbruk KOM but put me anywhere flat or rolling and i’m maxed 275-280.

    I think with climbing the power may be higher as you find a nice cadence rhythm – with the flat races your reacting to the surges and cadence typically stays higher, so your heart rate is typically higher and its not so easy to find a tempo tapping out higher watts as you can when doing a sustained climb like the Alp.

    Free Member

    Zwift Companion showing me as second with V.Temprano taking 1st B and the overall win too I think; they started sprinting as expected 400m from end, I tried to give what I had left and managed just under 6W/KG but those around me were pushing 7+w/kg to sail past me.

    Free Member

    Unlucky Kelvin – it helps if you’ve raced that course before because you know when it ei surge or psuse. Did you start with A or B?

    I noticed Phil56 in the group – sitting on wheels like a pro👌
    I was expecting him to take me at end on sprint – but on the last little incline out of tunnel I think he missed the break .. I just about managed to stay with the break to sprint to 2nd in B cat (1st on ZP) with Phil5- getting 3rd B cat (2nd ZP) .. result!

    Free Member

    Good man .. in B?
    Not sure if A start separately?

    Free Member

    Yes raced it a few times. It always starts very fast .. and you really need to stay towards front and not get caught at back the first 5k .. it typically eases up with the inevitable big surge on the little incline to catch out those napping or hanging on at back .. the last lap will not ease up much from the incline; sprinting isn’t my thing, so I typically stay with front group until final 300m when the stronger riders sprint past me.

    Group B for me.
    Hope to see other STW named there.

    Free Member

    We got rain forcast Saturday – so looking at doing the 12:15 3R Tick Tock Flat Race.

    Its my favourite course to race. Pretty much flat and fast, with just the one little effort to try and drop the hanger-ons .. anybody else entering?

    Free Member

    I just use Strava to log my rides, and to see where people I know have been riding.
    When Strava first came on the scene it was fun comparing times to other locals, but as some seriously fast riders (or ebike riders) have put in times to get the KOMs so far out of reach I am not in the slightest bit interested in leaderboard results.

    Strava was a good thing for cycling a few years ago – now it’s nothing special; certainly not worth paying for.

    Free Member

    So you’re only as fast as the slowest group within your group

    And how do you make a group out of group? its by one rider going off solo and others chasing him down to join him … it always takes one rider to start the process.

    I every hare & hounds race I have done there are always numerous solo attacks – it helps keep the pace high, and dropping the guys just about hanging on. By the end, the winning group is wittled down to only a handful of riders.

    Free Member

    In a hare and hounds race both groups need to be shelling the weakest riders to ensure the pace is kept as high as possible. Whilst it is often beneficial to find a group to help on the flats; if the group are too slow then sometimes you just got to go solo.

    Having a no breakaway rule simply means you can only go as fast as the slowest rider.

    Well done the Hares … I guess thats one win each now.

    Free Member

    I recently got a Xiaomi MI 9T Pro … Has been much better than the iphone7 it replaced.

    I think they can be had for about £250 now if you Google around

    Free Member


    you were supposed to wait until start + 6.5 mins before setting off. It doesn’t tell you when to go, you just have to know

    I guess I didn’t know – I didn’t have time to read all thread before race .. busy trying to get ready and warming up!

    Nevermind; just did gentle 200w solo .. whilst reading different teams complaining about people drafting them .. some take it a bit serious don’t they 😂

    Free Member

    Well that didn’t work – set off and no sign of STW .. solo TT it is then

    Free Member

    I all ready – but no idea what to do .. lots on start line; how do I know who to ride with??

    Free Member

    What do you need for Discord? a microphone??

    How many in each team? do we all have to finish together or is it first person from team over the line?

    Free Member

    savoyad – I have entered.

    Never done these TTT before – so you will have to let me know what the plan is; tactics/teams/etc

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