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  • How to Thrive, not just Survive, this winter
  • monsta
    Free Member

    Recently, having started using a Garmin Oregon 450 to record longer rides, I noticed Strava would display the Garmin-recorded GPX route as straight lines, and thought it was a problem with the Garmin device. But in the links below, the ridewithgps map displays the Garmin GPX route as I’d expect to see it, where-as Strava doesn’t. Has anyone had this issue as well, and configured to interpret the gpx file properly?



    Free Member

    Cool, they’re gonna fire them out over London to represent the Norman longbow archers. Or something.

    Free Member

    Her longer speech fell off her lap when she was sleeping…

    Free Member

    Ladies and Gentlemen, Its WTF level 2

    I think Danny bought some drugs from Renton before he came up with this idea.

    Free Member

    Nope, on the other side there’s just a spanner cap which comes off easily enough revealing the threaded end to the shock link on the frame pivot (the thru-bolt).

    Free Member

    Stoner, that’s very nice of you! The pink bits following the non-marked paths along the bluff are useful cos I wasn’t sure how rideable they’d be. Hugor, thanks for the book tip. The weather is fairly wet here in the sunny cotswolds, but the Met office map suggests the storms in the area will clear about 4ish so I’ll have a soggy first couple of hours as I climb out from Cwyoy to the bluff. But then the plan is that the weather will clear up, leaving me with a bright afternoon/evening for the pootle along the bluff, down the valley past the resevoir, through the woods and back to my wagon.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a Bontrager carbon one on my C456 (which might be for sale if I can find a shim for my Thompson alu one… )

    Free Member

    The weight of my new c456 – is it worth trying to get it to sub-20lbs (would need new disc brakes f&r, new rear wheel and probably a new stem). But then it would be sub-20lbs and that would be so cool.

    Free Member

    I ride with Bigfoot – so qwerty, you’re the newbie we’ve been told about? Oh dear, be afraid, be very afraid…

    Free Member

    Yeah, I did a little more tweaking and I couldn’t tell you what it was that worked, but there was some more barrel adjustment and the B tension was prodded a bit. Then I went out for a quick spin and the new 10 speed XT chain snapped which was a laugh.

    Actually it wasn’t, cos the chain snapped at about the time I was trying to style it off a kerb in front of some people pottering about in their garden. So cue me nose-diving into stem with much swearing as I watched the chain wrap round the new frame and flick off into the road. Henceforth, and with a bit of a casual shrug of the shoulders so as to give the impression to the local folk that it was all part of cycling, I recovered the chain and pushed the steed back to the workshop for more fixing. And then back out for a 45 minute blast around the meadows. Which was nice.

    Free Member

    I did the tour du mont blanc in a pair of Salomon XA’s and they were way more comfortable than a couple of years previously when I did it wearing a pair of Chris Brasher boots. The Salomons are quite lightweight but still manage to be fairly robust off-road. Fast lace system is great and there’s a good distribution of grip across the sole. Also, good protection of the toes with the reinforced front box section. Only reason I didn’t get another pair was because I was a bit disappointed with how quickly the sole wore down when I was running on-road and, I felt the heel cushioning was lacking (but that might be down to my style of running).

    I’ve been running on and off-road the last six months in some obscure Nike’s and they’ve been very good on all types of terrain. In the wet weather, I’ll combine these with a pair of waterproof socks and they’re just fine.

    Free Member

    Oh I get it… you’re not a real man but actually a woman and what’s wrong in this picture is the bike is in the house and if ‘he’ doesn’t get it out of the house right this minute you’re gonna unleash a whole world of hell.

    Free Member

    Any riding commute early in the morning, before the masses awaken, usually has its own magic feel. I have a 12 mile pootle through the Cotswolds Lanes to/from work. Anyone doing the Cotswolds Sportive last monday would’ve enjoyed some of the same scenery. Despite being a road route, it rarely gets interrupted by cars.

    Free Member

    Is there a certain qualifying earning bracket/annual turnover where-upon it makes financial sense to switch from sole trader to Ltd liability?

    Free Member

    Sounds like you’ve got Ninja bees. Nothing you can do about it. They’ll disappear into the shadows and you’ll never find ’em.

    Free Member

    No, not financials. We have a lot of template spreadsheets which are opened each time a new project is opened, so there’s quite a lot of information saved to the same fields in a new spreadsheet each time. As everything is tracked by project ID and, because we generally use templates, normalizing should be fairly straightforward. I implied through the use of commas that it’s becoming tedious shifting through so many spreadsheets each time a new project was opened up. I’d be using asp to extract the data (I dabbled in sql and asp many moons ago).

    Free Member

    Your and you’re. And, anyone who publishes magazines with double spaces, grammatical errors, etc. Don’t these publishing companies have people who proof read the material before they go out (proof read – or whatever the job title is of people who check these things).

    Free Member

    Really nice line there, especially as he didn’t try to pull a 360-flip-to-look-down-with-crotch-grab-x-up off every rock and bump on the way down.
    Is hike-and-bike the new heli-biking? It had the mood of a distant valley set in the wilderness. I was expecting him to coast up to a heli at the bottom, with its rotors idly turning and waiting for the riders to get their fill of fresh tracks, before thumbing an uplift back into the hills.

    Free Member

    Thanks for that, some useful points. We’re in the leafy Cotswolds and not the throbbing heart of a cutting-edge city like Bristol where there might be more opportunities.

    I know of a few people who trained as product designers, couldn’t get a job and changed careers. From what I could make out, that particular aspect of the design industry is extremely difficult to break into. But that’s the design side of the industry, not the core group of people that do things like run the office, make the tea, buy the biscuits, that sort of thing.

    Free Member

    female logic

    Men = logic

    Women = emotion

    The two don’t work in harmony; there’s a lot of adjustment and “oh ffs…” from the men and tears from the womenfolk.

    Free Member

    What is the best way to ‘break in’ my arse?
    Perhaps try the personals section of Attitude magazine?

    Free Member

    Slight thread hijack, but on pivot tables in excel 2003: a user clicks a checkbox on an open spreadsheet, but do I use pivot tables to enable data from a worksheet in a closed workbook to be imported to create a new worksheet in the open workbook? If so, why when I go through the pivot table wizard, can I not just select the spreadsheet in the external source and import everything (I don’t get an option to select a range of cells anyway)? Cheers.

    Free Member

    I learned all about the CDM 2007 regs today. But I’m not going to start explaining it now.

    Free Member

    Mrs Monsta[/url] uses Elements 8. She says “it’s way easier to use than P’shop” and she’d never used any post processing software. Actually, it’s good to see PE is getting recognised as a product in its own right, rather than a photoshop ‘lite’ which is what it isn’t.

    Lightroom is good – but at five times the price (new) of PE you’d expect it to be. But look, you can buy LR at a later date and it has a plug-in for Elements so the two can work together. There are plenty of plug-ins for PE too, so you can extend its range as you become more au-fait with it.

    Free Member

    >> Also has bright green grips
    May well be the best chance you have of identifying it!

    Free Member

    michaellhome – I always wondered if real people won flash bikes in mtb mags – I thought it was just a marketing ploy to get more people to buy the mag! I don’t have a Klein, but a friend has just had to move his attitude (with the rainbow paint job) out of its spare room to let the wife move her wardrobe in. Sad times indeed.

    Free Member

    A group of us went with Sierra Cycling quite a few years back. Things that are unlikely to have changed that we thought were better than Morzine:

    – the sea to swim in after a long day riding in the hills

    – san miguel to sup after/during your ride (I don’t remember there being ale at the time)

    – paella served on the restaurant overlooking the beach

    – less rain, lots of sun

    – the road link-ups weren’t tedious high altitude hill climbs but instead dusty trails between villages

    – if you went out for a bit of a beer session and came back really, really late and couldn’t remember how to get into your appartment you could fall asleep in the garden without fear of freezing to death.

    the lap dancing club

    Free Member

    MM, when you get to Marlborough you could do a nice little sprint through the High Street (ten abreast at least…) then take the right fork past the town hall, and head through the town to the A4. Climb up the A4 into Savernake Forest, past the hospital on the right. Take the left about a half a mile further on and it takes you northwards out of the forest onto the scarp. You’ll drop down a nice little switch-back with a short, sharp descent down to meet with Chopping Knife lane. From there, join back on to the road to Ramsbury.

    Free Member

    Amendment fees. That’s what really p*sses me off. I’ve just switched car insurers and the new one came it at a reasonable price so I bought it. Then they produced a little document I hadn’t seen during the online process stating the £15 charge per amendment. I’ve argued with insurers before on this amendment fee; surely the point of the ‘up-front’ quote I get on the t’internet accounts for admin fees to do stuff like amendments??

    Free Member

    Your wife?


    Free Member

    Presumably it uses fibre optic braking…

    Free Member

    Shorts + knee warmers. Then take off the knee warmers and stuff ’em in your pocket if the weather warms up a bit.

    Free Member

    I discovered this one the other day and showed it to some stiffbacks and they were impressed. Only the one short video but it’s watchable more than a few times! If the song doesn’t grate, and you can put up with heli-cams and cable-cams, then this is a good one:

    Free Member

    >> living in London you don’t get to many big downhills

    I know it’s not strictly the same sport, but I was chatting to a fellow at an ultramarathon awhile ago, and he had just won a Swiss mountain marathon. He lived in London and trained mainly around Hyde Park. So living in London is no excuse!

    Free Member

    Canon photostitch is pretty good – and free if you can find it/have a Canon. But we also generally use the 30% overlap rule on each pic in the series of the pan so you can increase the likelihood of a good match. Oh yeah, and use a tripod if you’re able to.

    Free Member

    Yeah there’s bugger all mtbing around the water park lakes. You might find the plain a bit windy and chilly. Are you restricted to starting at Avebury? An alternative, and fairly close to Swindon: park up next to Barbury Castle, ride down Smeathe’s Ridge, turn right to Southend, cross the A436, up the other side and mess around on the Poulton Downs. Turn back down to the A436, through Ogbourne Maizey, onto the gallops then along 4 mile clump.

    Free Member

    Depends what you’re doing. I’ve just bought some sealskinz walking socks which have a merino wool lining, and have been wearing them with M&S wool socks as an inner and they work fine for outdoor stuff. The seaskinz have the added bonus of windproofing too. I also use Brasher socks which are pretty good; they do a four season sock.

    Free Member


    “an exclamation mark…often marks the end of a sentence”

    Therefore, by way of example, “is she mad?!” is ‘correct’.

    Wikipedia continues:

    “The exclamation point is sometimes used in conjunction with the question mark. This can be in protest or astonishment (“Out of all places; the squatter-camp?!”)

    Before introducing the introbang:

    “however this can be replaced with a single, nonstandard punctuation mark, the interrobang, which is the union of a question mark and an exclamation point.”

    With reference to my example above, you’re asking a question then making an exclamation.

    Free Member

    >> (-9c overnight at Sennybridge)
    Hmmm, still wondering whether it’s worth going to Brecon this evening to run around the hills for four hours…

    Still mild, and getting warmer and less snow-like in the Cotswolds. Might put my shorts on.

    Free Member

    Takes a while to get going, and if you’re not used to Jimmy ‘singing’ it can be a bit dull, although the lyrics are good. But the guitar bits really pick up towards the end… Oooh, Nigel Kennedy on TV bashing out some Vivaldi.

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