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  • monksie
    Free Member

    Something isn’t quite right here tails. Are you sure you’ve got the right end of the stick from the council. If the property is HMO, the landlord is liable. If it isn’t, you’re liable as far as the Council Tax people are concerned. They don’t get to choose. It’s legislation. The occupant is the liable person, even if for what ever reason you’re exempt from paying it, you’re still liable i.e. ‘The Liable Person’.
    If the landlord has been to the council and had a Special Payment Arrangement (SPAr) put in place (increased instalments before summons and Liability Order at Magistrates Court), he must be the liable person as due to DPA, they won’t discuss any of it without getting the liable person’s permission.
    Something isn’t stacking up I’m afraid. I’d do more talking with the council.
    As previously, the council can’t make the landlord liable based on your tenancy agreement. That’s your arrangement with him, not the council.

    Free Member

    Good point! If you’re going anywhere near Piccadilly Gardens, get an umbrella. Those pigeons have no respect! A good selection of brollies (of the use twice, throw away once standard) are available from the African chaps on the pedestrian bit.
    DON’T buy one of those bird tweeter noise things off that bloke a bit further down Market Street. He lets people Try Before You Buy and they never buy. Them things have been in all sorts of peoples mouths.

    Free Member

    The Peoples Museum. A couple of art galleries. National Football Museum. Is the Police Museum still open? University museum on Oxford Rd. I’m from there, work there and end up in the city centre at least once a week and I can’t find any really intersting thing to do there…just museums. Whitworth Art Gallery.
    Manchester is rubbish and I’ve only just realised.
    Be shops to have a look round: Bike Rooms. Evans. Harry Hall. Keep Pedalling and that Bike fitting place round the corner from Keep Pedalling.
    I’d just head for Premier Inn for what it’s worth for sleeping.

    Free Member

    Sorry Oink. I was harsh. I apologise.
    The clue is in the title though. Council Tax. They really don’t have much room to deviate from the script but the people are mostly human and are usually very sympathetic when somebody is being ripped off. They pay council tax as well as everybody else.
    Council Tax staff can’t and won’t get involved in the tenancy contract Jambalaya. Private / civil arrangement.

    Free Member

    Sorry to say, you’re in a bit of a fix. Definitely a seperate dwelling and you’re liable from the date your tenancy began to the date it ends. Tell the council if you live alone (25% SIngle Person Discount), if the property is rented furnished or unfurnished (Empty Property Discount) and any dates you were the tenant but didn’t move in.
    The council are really not your enemy in this. In fact, they can be a huge help. Best of luck and chuck me an email if I can help any further.

    Free Member

    If you’re receiving a council tax demand, in your name, it’s not been registered as HMO. You’re being held as liable. It could be that the landlord *has* told the council it’s HMO and it’s not been changed but as the council have your name, I would put my bike collection on your landlord being an idiot.
    Be nice to the council people. You really want them on your side.
    In the example above, the people were living in a Home of Multiple Occupation and quite rightly, the property owner is liable. Move into own property (owned or rented – doesn’t matter), the occupants are liable. Each person (unless exempted as student etc.) are J&S (joint and severally liable).
    Any agreement you have with the landlord, even drawn in blood and cast in stone, is an agreement between you and the landlord and us a civil dispute that the council don’t and won’t get involved in. You’re the Liable Person. Sorry.

    Free Member

    Call the council and tell them your plight. They could (I did) put a hold on the inevitable summons and I’d refer you to CAB and/or Shelter but ultimately, your arrangement with the landlord is your arrangement. The council won’t and more importantly can’t discuss it with your landlord, even if they wanted to.
    I saw this pop up so many times. You do need to get on top of this before the liability order is obtained at Magistrates Court. Costs escalate quickly. It won’t effect your credit file though but don’t let it get to summons.
    Email in my profile if you need some help. I did 7 years on the council Court & Bailif team.

    Free Member

    You’re the ‘Liable Person’ so the council tax won’t bother the landlord. The landlord would only be ‘liable’ if it is a HMO or it’s unoccupied.
    “Theiving bastards”….. yeah, course they are. Council employees ripping everybody off so that they make more money and get to keep the excess every month! I loved my time in Council Tax dept. I doubled my income every month by being a theiving bastard….

    Free Member

    “it’s much easier & more boring than Cannock or Degla.” Is that at all possible? And anyone who calls it “Degla” needs a punch square in the face. Even the original bridleways, way before they turned it into a trail centre are now virtually all overgrown.
    I’m just finishing a riding holiday from home in the Peak and I’ve been to Snowdon, Marin and I’ll be stopping off at Llandegla (barring any mechanicals – rear hub sounds a little distressed). They’re in my order of fun. Got to be honest, I’ll probably just get something to eat at the cafe before heading home. Not too bothered about doing a lap of any.

    Free Member

    Either the Sheff. to Manchester or New Mills Central to Manchester trains will give you no trouble at all getting a full size or folder bike on before Marple James but from Marple where the train goes from quiet to almost full, you’ll have next to little chance. Only because of the amount of people getting on. I sometimes get the 7.40am from Central and it has 4 carriages. The ticket guy doesn’t even bother checking tickets from Marple. He can’t get past people.
    No issue at all before then. Even if there’s four or five bikes on. It’s all very civilised before Marple.
    Likewise, getting your bike off (even a folder) would be near impossible until you reach Piccadilly.

    Free Member

    I did it this morning. I got 48 mph on the roadie into Marple Bridge just outside James 🙂
    The only place it gets a little ‘nervous’ is the pinch point in Longsight.
    You’ll probably be aware of the off road from home to Woodbank Park through the woods behind what was Offerton High School. A ‘cross bike is perfect for your commute.
    Good luck getting a bike on the train at Marple station in rush hour. You’d be much better getting on at New Mills Central or Strines.

    Free Member

    By road? Torkington Rd is nasty James. They fly through those lanes. Choose a route that suits as far as Hillcrest Rd. Left there and up to the junction with Dialstone Lane. Right at the lights and then left at Fingerpost on to Hempshaw Lane. Left at Pure Gym on to Longshut Lane and then right on to the A6. A6 all the way into Manchester then but be careful in Longsight. This is assuming you’re going Monday to Friday between 7am and 10am and 4pm and 7pm. The bus lanes are open then. It’s a breeze.
    Off Road? Boring canal to Northern Quarter or usual Peak District light to Stockport and then Mersey or Reddish Vale and Fallowfield Loop from Stockport centre.
    I do it past your house and then on to Talbot Road in Trafford three times a week. Those bus lanes are a blessing.

    Free Member

    September 2008, I boarded the Coast Starlight in Union Station, Portland, Oregon bound for San Francisco.

    The vacant but reserved seat next to me would be occupied by a vivacious Italian girl who got on in Eugene. She and I talked about Italy, family, food and all the stuff that makes a train ride memorable. She got off somewhere over the state line in the middle of the night……

    That has to be the best start to the best book ever written! Please let me know when it’s published.

    Free Member

    You move ‘out’ to overtake stuff. Unless you’re undertaking, where you’ll move ‘in’ and get a right bollocking on the Internet for telling poeple that you’ve done it….evidently.

    Free Member

    Thank you very much Chowsh! That’s very generous of you. I’m definitely going to get one.

    Free Member

    Lane nearest the central reservation would be the ‘offside” lane. Lanes to your left are ‘nearside’ or ‘inside’. I’m not a huge driver and barely know a bmw from a skoda but I’m pretty sure that’s right.

    Free Member

    Thank you. Etrex 20x for me then. I get bored even researching technology, that’s how much it stimulates me but I’m grateful for your response. That’s all I needed.

    Free Member

    I go past your house on the way to work most mornings James. Always available for a bike ride. I’m just round the corner from the Pack Horse. Glad the guys made use of the tent. I’m pretty sure it’s a better tent than the bag says it is.

    Free Member

    I’ll have a look at that James, thank you. I have an idea about doing it as a night ride. Would that route be any good through the night? Probably London to Manchester direction.

    Free Member

    Some of these comments really highlight the lack of knowledge for what Audax is, its history, its culture and in many ways, the loss of history and culture of cycling in general as it becomes ever more popular which is a shame but I suppose is inevitable.
    A certain member of this forum regularly makes reference to new road riders with a decent enough disposable income to be able to buy a nice bike, kit and pay to ride every other Sunday, £50 to be herded around a designated route with the safety regs. and people on the route to “ensure your safety and satisfaction as you complete the challenge” (see, I’m doing it now) as ‘buyers’. I get the point although I find the term quite derogatory and I try not to be as sniffy about it and them.
    Back to Audax though. It is, what the particular organiser of your particular Audax says it is. If they put in 4 cafe stops that require receipts, or if they require the number of bottles of milk on the doorstep of the church with the twisted spire, so be it. Them’s the rules and its up to you if you want to participate or not.
    “Done a few cant see the point in them, pay for a ride I can do any day of the week for free? I’m CTC anyway so I’m covered. Of course I wont have a stamped card to confirm I completed the course. Oh hang on Ive got my GPS …” Perfectly highlights my point. Audax and all that goes with it isn’t for you. You don’r see the point and quite rightly for you, you probably won’t do any more. That’s absolutely fine. It doesn’t make Audax wrong though. It is what it is. Same as the Sportive events. They are what they are and if they’re for you, great. If not, still great, don’t do them.
    I can’t see anybody ever making a profit out of organising an Audax and this in itself highlights the beauty of the events. Done for the love of them by people who love to organise and ride them and out of any of the myriad cycling disciplines I’ve participated in, they are by far the most inclusive with track and anything with Rapha attached to it at the complete other end of that scale. I’d put mountain biking firmly in the middle of this scale.

    Free Member

    Round the corner and another corner and up the road a bit Martyn. Not far at all from you. I’ll wave and shout next time 🙂

    Free Member

    NBT and his lovely wife (much nicer than he is*) has(had) a friend in Mellor who runs (ran) skills courses. Maybe drop Jules a line for more info?
    *Is true.
    Found some stuff via the Stockport Clarion website:

    Free Member

    I might just do that Scud.

    Free Member

    The Castle?

    Free Member

    Thanks all though I don’t think it’s deserved. A fail is a fail. Never thought I’d be an inspiration either. I’m quietly enjoying that feeling. Thank you.

    Free Member

    Where were you! Non turn’er up’er!.
    Thanks for the kind words guys. Something James said was churning over in my mind and it got the better of me and I bottled it.
    “Last time Monksie did London – Manchester I met him in Buxton and rode the final few miles, he was physically pretty broken….. I don’t think I’ve got the mental strength to do that again.

    Free Member

    Sorry. I got to Leicester and turned back. 160 miles round trip instead of 220 to London and the train home but turning back seemed so much more comforting than carrying on. A bit depressed about it now though.

    Free Member

    I’m worried.

    Free Member

    I will. Will he know why? Shall I mention that you asked me to do it? I think they already have my tel number as they fixed a road wheel hub for me a couple of months ago.

    Free Member

    That’s a shame James. I was looking forward to that. It’d be great to do a few miles (again) with you. I see you ride past the house quite often. And Badly Wired Dog. And Martin S. You must all be very local.
    I’ll give you a bigger wave next time. I’ve binned the Facebok page thing. Pretty much only post on here occasionally now as well.

    Free Member

    Sorry James, I’m having to go for the ride tomorrow (Saturday). I plan on leaving Sainsbury’s or Co-Op in New Mills – whichever suits best around 7:00am? I’m thinking 15 hours should ensure I’m at Euston for a train back to Stockport and then ride home from there.

    Free Member

    Change of plan due to circumstances brought about by the family. I’m going tomorrow not Monday. Apologies if that’s a problem for anybody coming. Hope not but negotiations were terminated at a very early stage.

    Free Member

    Long Lane out of Chapel into Dove Holes? That goes right up before if comes down again! I was planning on going down the by-pass to Dove, straight through to Buxton and down through Ashbourne.

    Free Member

    ^Good God Milkie!^ I don’t think I’d be taking that much stuff on the Divide!

    Free Member

    To start it is to finish it….and it’s free.
    When you mention Chapel….you do mean the by-pass, don’t you? I’m not letting you talk me into Long Hill again…sadist!

    Free Member

    Oh no! That means I have to climb all the way up past the town hall and drop down again to Sainsburys! Co-op would have been so much easier….
    So, that’s me, James and James so far. We’ll just storm our way on to the train at Euston for the ride home. What two bike only rule?
    Anybody else coming?
    I’ll definitley email for that gpx mate, really sorry but I’ve not had a minute….

    Free Member

    Custard creams courtesy of Fat Boy Jon from Asbourne to Buxton and then you and Crikey shouting at me from then on 🙂
    I’m beginning to have 2nd thoughts….

    Free Member

    No thanks but thanks anyway 🙂
    London to Manchester is and was bad enough.

    Free Member

    It was 224 miles when I did it Olympic Park To National Cycling Centre. It will be a bit less (I hope) when I do it from New Mills on Monday (on my own if nobody is joining in).
    We *still* have your gift from the guys at the hospice from the last time I did this silly thing, Mr Nettles.

    Free Member

    That’s it James. Setting off from New Mills Co-op just after they open as I need to buy cake first

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