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  • What Sort Of Van Lifer Are You?
  • monksie
    Free Member

    No interest in a dropper post. I’d pretty much discounted a Whyte due to the poor spec. for the price. I’m definitely looking at XC rather than long travel, slack angled bikes. Almost exclusively for Peak and Wales riding. Very rarely trail centres, I’m not a massive fan to say the least, of trail centres.

    Free Member

    Glad I asked. Thanks for the pointers, so far. One of the links has pointed me indirectly to a Felt Nine 2 or 3. Way over budget but it only weights 23lb before I start swapping parts to make it lighter! Hmmmm £1700…. wonder how long I’d be in the dog house for?

    Free Member

    Good call actually. I might give an XTC another go. Not keen on the overdrive stem though. Similar issue to the Cannondale in that changing the stem was not so straight forward.

    Free Member

    Is the lace up / walking shoe type a definite requirement? I have Bont spd mtb shoes and they are very roomy whilst also being a perfect fit in length. A very supple upper and well defined tread which makes walking very comfortable. Even the cheapest version are the type that go in the oven on a very low temp for 5 mins and then the insole moulds to your foot shape. By a very long way the most comfortable spd shoes I have ever worn. A little odd looking with their ‘tub’ style and as above, nothing like a skate or walking shoe. Sorry if this is no help.

    Free Member

    That’s a goof idea Muddoger. I’ll modify some chicken wire so that I can retrieve the traps (in future). I’ll figure out some way of getting hold of the missing one’s as well.
    I’m going to put the radar noise things in the house to try and dissuade them from coming back and I’ll keep traps up in the loft and check them every few days for the few weeks after we appear to have ridden ourselves of our squatters.
    This house has more holes in the uneven roof and door frames Chief Inspector that I can see this being a ‘lifestyle’. Not a nice experience and seeing them contorted and stiff in snap traps is not nice for either party. I think if I can reduce this down to maybe one catch per week (we’re in the middle of the countryside, so I suppose it’s to be expected to some degree), I’ll switch to humane traps and release them a few miles away.

    Free Member

    We’re now up to 9 confirmed kills and two snap traps have bounced out of sight (don’t have to bounce far for that) so I’m estimating 11.
    14 traps are now deployed with peanut butter
    as bait. My theory is, they can’t resist the bait and slowly but surely (if not quicker), kills will outnumber births. I’m also going to put sonic pulse things in both lofts and round the house.
    In case anybody is looking in the future or stumbles on this through Google:
    Mice are very noisy across loft boards. Foot noise. We’ve not heard a single squeak. No noise at all in a very quiet house during the day and evening past midnight if we’re waking around, watching tv etc. They seem to be active only in the middle of the night when the house is very quiet.
    Just our experiences to possibly help others and thank you for your help and giggles.

    Free Member

    “murderer” 🙂
    My wife, clever lady, big boss at a hospice has just said, “I’ve heard those traps go at least 5 times in the last two hours!”
    There must be a serial killer mouse up there then because we only have four traps. Love her to bits 🙂
    Thanks for all the help and the laughs.
    Hammy – you have email

    Free Member

    The result so far……4 peanut butter loaded mice snap traps……4 DEAD MICE!
    I thoroughly recommend Sainsbury’s budget peanut butter and B&Q’s Diall Trap Mouse Control 107G.
    Hammy, I’m near Hayfield (Peaks). More than happy to send money to purchase and cover postage if you’d like to sell them?
    Apologies for taking so long to get back….I’ve had a couple of whiskeys to steady my nerves and as I’m completely tea total, I’m now a bit drunk.
    Eeeeew, they were rigour morticed as well.
    I used two pairs of blue bike mechanic gloves, googles and a dust mask. My wife was at the other end of the landing, peeping from behind the bedroom door :- )

    Free Member

    Hope it’s birds, probably not racoons. I’m going to retrieve the traps in about 20 minutes. Wife is convinced she heard one of them snap shut last night….I’m not looking forward to this.

    Free Member

    Those ultra sonic things, then. If I plugged it in on the landing below the hatch for the one of the lofts and I kept the loft hatch closed (it’s not very thick plywood), would that work? The only place that i can find locally that I can get to today has 3 plug in to the mains versions (in oner pack) for £25.
    Thanks for all the advice and help.
    Forgot to say, no access to any under floor areas and due to the position of the loft hatches, no way of getting a person over the average size for a three year old into the loft.

    Free Member

    It’s looking like I have a rat problem then? Traps being purchased later today. Poison is going to the back of the list of options based on the lingering nasty diff experiences. No chance of getting another dog. In fact, when this one goes, we won’t be having another, ever. I don’t own a Go Pro nor any desire to own one previously. Anybody local to Hayfield / New Mills willing to loan me one (but you’ll have to take up any damage costs with the rat in question if any is incurred).
    Without scaffolding and a very experienced person to put it up (very high banking all around the house – either higher or lower than the ground the house is built on). There is no chance of getting up to the guttering etc. this is going to be expensive, isn’t it?
    The radio will have to deployed if it’s bats.
    Just Googled Glis glis. May well make the purchase.

    Free Member

    I’ve done the Sarn Helen completely, twice (3.5 days both times) and attempted it a third time but abandoned on the second day. It’s a tough old route although there are variations of it. The original, Roman Sarn Helen I’m led to believe has sections which are now dual carriageway imitating a motorway so the ‘actual’ route is subjective and devisive.

    Free Member

    Not a massive stink by any means. A bit ‘musty’ if you know what I mean? I’ll go and get rap traps today. Thank you
    The noise is intermittent through the night as well. Sort of 20 mins and then nothing for an hour or so. Occasionally, it sounds like a marble rolling a little bit which made me think it may be squirrels with nuts but the internet suggests the noise is at the wrong time of the day / night.

    Free Member

    Bats we can probably put up with but any mention of them to our neurotic daughter and we’ll be on the move again. One flew into her bedroom in the house I rented from my wife when she didn’t like me very much (long story) and that was not an experience my daughter nor I and definitely the bat would want to repeat.
    It would have to be a ninja cat if I got one as a) the loft space is ridiculously small and b) westie dog is scared to death of them and we’ll have another ‘bat in the bedroom’ like experience with the mutt.
    Rats and the effects of poisoning sounds promising (for us – obvs not for the rats) apart from my newly started Buddhist type wannabe life style karma led philosophy. I’ll put my spiritual ambitious to one side until this problem is resolved. Needs very definitely must (ps. your ‘gift’ from St Ann’s Hospice is about to be donated to a local charity shop, if that’s OK with you Mr N? It’s been a long time).
    A loud Radio playing 24/7 would probably have us out before the bats but I’ll keep it in the arsenal as a last resort.
    I can’t even put the mice traps in the ‘run’ of the vermin as I can’t get in to see what the vermin actually is, where they go and ergo, what will persuade them to leave.
    I’m sure I’m facing a ‘kill all’ poison and hope they venture over for a taste. I can’t even put one of those high pitch noise maker things in there as there isn’t any power up there.

    Free Member

    Forgive me if I’m reading this wrong and my input is not appreciated but it appears that the van is your indulgence vehicle (your wife says she “will get used to it” so it doesn’t sound like she’s too excited at the prospect) but yet the VW Golf you bought is an indulgence purchase that you really wanted, already.
    It seems to me (apologies for this but it does) to be really quite selfish of you to be indulging yourself again if your wife isn’t happy to go with it, especially if your wife is the person who will be making the compromise. I think it’d be really selfish to keep your indulgence car and then ask your wife to compromise her car for Your van.

    Free Member

    Probably isn’t the fork. I’ve just done it up and down this afternoon on a rigid bike. No blurred vision. Definitely no problem on my Cannonade Flash with Lefty.
    You’ll get the hang of it mate. Slow down if you can’t relax or speed up if you can. In no time, you’ll be surfing down it.

    Free Member

    Zag is turn right at the bottom of Zig onto Mellor Rd. 100 yards (if that) on the left is the bridleway known as Zag which brings you out on to Briargrove Road.

    Free Member

    Jules! I often recall and hear again in my mind the sage advice you gave me when I was relatively new to bike riding, just in front of you and on a steep descent just off Forest Chapel…..

    *Sounds like jeffin

    Free Member

    That’s (almost) behind my house. Definitely technique. I’m not belittling your ability at all, some people can do some stuff better than others but it’s really not that rocky that it should cause huge problems. You’ll be bombing down it without a care when you’ve loosened up. In fact, It’s a good line to practice riding up and down. Almost dead straight, not a severe gradient, wide…… . I’m heading over to Manchester in an hour. I’ll ride up it and get a photo.
    How are you at riding down the bridleway to the bench on the other side of the golf course? That’s much more technical but a good example of speed being your friend. Stay loose on the bike and off the brakes and it can feel almost Zen.
    Forgot to mention but somebody else didn’t, look up! This in itself hugely helps you to relax and smooth stuff out.

    Free Member

    As noted, fitness is a relative term but a general indicator of one person’s fitness over another’s or indeed increase or decrease in your own fitness levels is to time how long it takes to get from ‘your’ maximal BPM to ‘your’ resting BPM rates.
    I would suggest raising your heart rate by running hard and measuring your resting rate by laying down in a moderately temperature room and a comfortable position.
    That’s about as good an indicator as you’ll get for a massively generalised indicator.

    Free Member

    Oh dear! Calm yourself Molgripes. It’s just a message board

    Free Member

    “For this we only have the OPs word that the good or service was up to the agreed price.”

    Incredibly tenuous at best and as the tenant agreed to live at the property for the agreed rent price, it’s hugely safe to assume that yes, in the errant tenants opinion, the goods or service were up to the agreed price.

    My wife has rented a couple of properties out. Not a buy to let mortgagee though. Bought with inheritance money and her savings. She’s been very lucky in that all the tenants have been ace, looked after the properties, paid all the bills etc. Except one. That one was me 🙂

    Anyway. I’m with the sane majority. The guy is an arse for not paying the rent but for going on holiday. Even if the holiday had been booked ages ago, he should have cancelled and paid something if not all of the outstanding rent. Legal and moral obligation. The guy is a thief.

    Free Member

    Changed my mind! It sounds MINT! Let’s go mountain biking. Out in the hills and the countryside. Away from it all. Just us, our bikes, our riding skills, navigational aptitude, good decisions and our adventurous spirit, …….and a silly talking gps so we don’t find ourselves in a situation where we have to use our riding skills, navigational aptitude to help make good decisions and our adventurous spirit!
    Yeah……sounds mint….

    Free Member

    Trails and tracks, unlike roads change without much notice. Even riders straight lining a corner would render your ‘in-ear’ instruction obsolete. “Take the next turn sharp right” could very easily go straight on not long after you’ve uploaded the ‘route’
    In ear encouragement? Are you 8 years old?
    The whole concept flies in direct contrast to the reason I ride a mountain bike.
    “I had a great idea for a MTB app.” You really didn’t. Stupid idea and for that reason, I’m out.

    Free Member

    Just up the Sett Valley Trail from my house. I’ve been off work for 4 months and filling my spare time with biking on my own. Training for a(nother) huge bike ride in the summer…… I might be tempted to come and annoy some people for a bit.

    Free Member

    Unless I’m miss reading something, the frame / bike is being warrantied in as much as you’re being refunded should you accept it and how is it 2nd hand? It may well be last years model (hence the reduction in price) but if you’re the first consumer / owner, it’s not 2nd hand.
    If you no longer think the bike is worth your purchase price, send it back and get your cash back.

    Free Member

    “Then there’s the ‘Elite’ side, lots of little kids, usually girls being trained to be the next Nadia Comaneci and that shit is brutal. It’s training, competition, training competition and the coaches are ****, no lessor a word will do. I once witness, with my own eyes and ears a girl of no more than 4 being folded in two by her coach, tears pouring down her face and asking them to stop, I was just about to tell the guy to ease up before I folded him in two, when the girls Mum told him to carry on “she’s only playing up”.

    An everyday scene at Stockport Metro swimming club. Lots of Olympians coming out of that place but it’s certainly brutal.

    Free Member

    You’re most welcome 🙂

    Free Member

    Limbo Jimbo and Commander

    “-Save 10% of your money.
    -Read about politics or culture for 20 minutes a day.
    -Spend 30 minutes exercising.”

    Brian Holm – This month’s Cyclist magazine. In the very interesting feature, he quotes it as some sage advice he was given.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the update Mister P and a good result, so far at least.
    I scrolled past the pages of noise without reading to see if you had updated with news.
    I’d like to see automatic 6 month bans with no mitigating circumstances allowed for people who use phones in vehicles. On the first occasion they’re caught as well.

    Free Member

    I’ve joined and I have a daft question. Do I have to have a gps to register a ride or can I manually input it, as in: “Dear Strave, I promise I rode 100km yesterday”?

    Free Member

    a) This thread? Seriously? £12.50 for a haircut, you don’t like it and you’re asking the Internet for advice?
    b) Thank you for it anyway. That picture posted by unovolo is hilarious!

    Free Member

    Mate. You’ve advertised something for sale. Somebody has offered you an amount which appears to be a good price for you but still a 3rd less than the new price. You’ve agreed the offer if payment is made by PayPal gift……and you’re stressing about it being a scam! You’re more than a little prior with the scam suspicion, aren’t you? Why would you think that somebody’s account has been hacked? Because they want the item enough to pay more than you would?
    Be careful opening that box of Cornflakes…..there might be Frosties in there!

    Free Member

    OK. Good luck with the paranoia treatment. You want to put people off buying your items for more than you would pay for them if you were in the market for 2nd hand stuff? Good luck with the business acumen as well.

    Free Member

    Am I missing something? You’ve agreed a price to end the auction and you’ve asked the buyer to pay via PayPal gift……and you think there may be a scam?

    Where’s the scam?

    Free Member

    My commute home from now until Spring is in the dark through the Peak District. Off road twice a week at least. It’s just like riding in the day but it’s dark. Except for where you’ve lit the trail with your light(s). Nobody from my work rides mountain bikes and lives out this way so I have no choice but to do it on my own.In fact, I mostly prefer riding on my own. I’ve not died yet. As far as I’m aware.
    It’s just bike riding, Go and have some fun and don’t over think it.

    Free Member

    I put the bike at a diagonal downward position and clip the nearest foot to the bike in while stood to the side and slightly behind the saddle with the same side hand holding the grip and brake lever. Then, as I throw my other leg over the saddle, let go of the brake so the bikes starts to move (or push it slightly forward if it’s hung up against a rut, root or rock. Throw your leg over and Get on to the saddle and the other foot ‘on” the other pedal. The slight momentum of the bike and movement keeps the bike upright. All done in a quick movement of a second or two. I then immediately apply pressure through the clipped in foot with the brake reapplied slightly if needed so I can track stand while quickly clipping the other foot in. Then a lift or turn of the bar and release of the brake so the bike begins to roll down hill.
    It reads as being complicated but in practice, it’s very quick and if done smoothly, works well.
    Come up to the Peak and I’ll show you. It’s easy….until it goes wrong. At which point, it’s quite painful but hilarious for anybody watching.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I don’t know anything about tenancy and contract stuff Cougar but ‘Liability’ and ‘Liable Person’ are set in legislation. Even a house full of students who are exempt from paying council tax will still be the ‘liable person'(s) ‘ or indeed Joint and Severily Liable persons even though they have nothing to pay. Now, assuming that they rent the property fully furnished but move out one month before the end of their tenancy agreement ends, they would be ‘liable’ and actually have to pay the Empty Property Charge at what ever amount of discount their local council set it at ( each council makes it’s own discount threshold in terms of dates and amounts) as it would be assumed that they would be claiming student status at the property they have moved to. You can only claim a discount at one property. In this instance, the students could go from paying nothing yo paying up to 75% of full rate.
    As bone, each council will set it’s own criteria if discounts etc but something that is set by legislation is Hierachy of Liability. This dictates that tails *IS* the liable person and will be the person that the Liability Order will be obtained against at Magistrates Court and the amount owed recovered through bailiffs, attachment of earnings or benefits, charging order etc or in extremely rare cases, inprisonment. The landlord isn’t liable. Tails us. I don’t understand how or why the council have told tails that the landlord has been made liable (unless it’s HMO) and the landlord has been allowed to discuss the council tax charge and indeed, agree a SPAr.
    I is confused.

    Free Member

    And pooing pigeons. £3 for a brollie. Spend it!

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