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  • How To Support The Brands You Love – Without Spending A Fortune
  • monksie
    Free Member

    They can obtain the details of the registered keeper. Anybody can find out to whom any vehicle is registered.

    Free Member

    North West born and bred – Barm cake

    Free Member

    Cobden, Stepping Hill

    Free Member

    I was going to type something trite and thought better of it with rememberance of Jahwomble and his family but what I would like to add is: It’s a very nice gesture but be careful, the road to hell is paved with the best of intentions.
    (aimed at the original sentiment of this thread, not anybody inparticular)

    Free Member

    I only ride once a month

    Free Member

    Nah, not a word of it.

    Free Member

    Don’t be daft, cynical. That’s like saying any one of us could save up for a year, take a year off work, ride as fast as we can every day and at the end of the year, sack work and go and win prize money in professional bike racing.
    A cart horse that runs round a field all day every day will never beat a race horse that runs around the same field for two hours per day.
    I reckon you and me are the cart horses. Want a race? :-}

    Free Member

    Hang on. Council tax! You say he pays council tax and fred has alluded to him being named on the council tax. I have a question to both of those points;
    Why has he been made Joint & Severaly liable on your council tax and also why is he paying it?
    You should have lost your 25% single person discount because this guy lives at your property but under the heirachy rules, as you are resident in the property and your lodger has no financial interest in the property he shouldn’t be named on the council tax.
    Having said that, he has no extra legal rights to remain in the property just because he’s been made liable.

    Free Member

    I don’t have a mobile, sorry but they be witchcraft.
    Looks like a nice office door.
    I’d give it a punt.
    I’ve looked (edited in case I get into trouble) at something on a computer. No problems there either.
    I think the address is for the offices, warehouse probably elsewhere.
    Might even be round the back. It’s converted cotton mill central here in down town Reddish, Stockport :-).
    I’d buy something < £50. In fact, have a whip round up to £49.99 and I’ll but something and report back. :-)
    Ps. can I keep the change for going?

    Free Member

    They’re certainly where they say they are according to the sign on the door.

    Free Member

    Just across the road from where I’m sat as I type. I’ll nip out in a minute and have a snoop,

    Free Member

    Please don’t hate me but on all of my rides, road or mountain bike I have to go as fast as I can, all of the time. Even my commute is done as fast as I can. The lockout on my fork is more important to me than the travel it has.
    Even on my multi day off road tours, I can’t take it easy voluntarily. The slow bit comes (all too often) when I’m knackered.
    I just don’t enjoy ‘smell the flowers, look at the view’ rides. I get irritable in groups as the pace always gets slower the bigger the group and if I’m the one lagging, I really go off on one.
    I like to know about head and seat angles, chain stay length, width of seat stays and design, top tube length……

    Free Member

    You’ll drive yourself to distraction (sounds like you have already) if you don’t relax.
    Your youngster doesn’t give a flying stuff that the place is a tip but will be unsettled if his/her parents are stressed.
    The little guy needs you at your best when (s)he’s hurting. Don’t forget, you’re tired, the little one is tired and in pain.
    Prioritise each project, set a reasonable time scale and cost for it to be done, accept that it’s going to take as long as it’s going to take, add a bit longer to each room and if you don’t need the extra time, spend it with the family or on your own.
    You and your wife might even start to enjoy seeing the place slowly getting better if you slow down and relax a bit.

    Free Member

    Is it dry, warm, secure, heated and has a water supply? If one of those is a no, get it sorted, Anything else you can do as you go along a little bit at a time. One room at a time.
    Your skirting board has gaps? How are you managing to cope? No wonder your youngster is up all night.
    I’m trying to think of a phrase……oh yes, that’s it;
    Get A F****ing GRIP!

    Free Member

    marc – that’s not ‘muscle memory’. You’re referring to ‘adaptation’. The two are very different.

    Free Member

    If it’s advertised for sale or to let and it’s substantially unfurnished, it won’t get 2nd home charged. If somebody has lived in it for 6 weeks prior to it becoming unoccupied and unfurnished, you;ll get 6 months max Class C and then it will got to Empty Property Discount which can be as little as 50% of the full council tax charge or as much as 90% of the full council tax charge (depends on the council) until it is reinhabited.
    Is one of the properties in Wales? That makes it a little more complex if one or both is.
    edit – I’ve just read Junkyard’s comments. You may (if I was processing it you would) have to provide evidence that your partner was using the seperate to you property as main residince. It doesn’t usually happen round here as EPD is 50% but in other areas where it it is above 75%, it does.

    Free Member

    **** man, the middle ground could have been found. RIP. Thoughts with your family.

    Free Member

    I’m 5’9″ and ride road bikes with effectve 53.5 and 54cm top tubes, 110mm, zero rise stems, top of seat to centre of bb 74cm and 175mm cranks.
    It’ll fit like you were born for it, ride like it’s floating with a permanent tail wind and you’ll smile from start to finish.
    You’ll love it and soon realise what an ace purchase it is.
    I’m very jealous.
    Royles in Wilmslow (South of Manchester) is ace for road stuff but their online sale range is limited so only any good if you’re local, really.

    Free Member

    You’ll fit it fine at 5’11”
    Audax? Stop that nonsense talk at once :-)
    If you can’t collect in person, pay through Paypal, they’ll protect your purchase money and the seller has 100% feedback so I’d not be worried at all.
    You’ll be fine, I’m sure.
    Enjoy your new bike, I’d be well chuffed.

    Free Member

    You’re the UK distributor aren’t you, Milkman.

    Free Member

    That’s a very nice bike, well done.
    Are you between 5’10” and 6’1″? You shoud be able to change the odd thing like stem length, rise, bar reach and width without upsetting the handling much and be able to get comfy if you are, I’d reckon.
    Im 5’9″ and that size would be ‘just’ too big for me.
    That needs to be ridden a long time, lots. I think it’s too nice for commuting. Mid and top end componets. The more I look at it, the more I like it. That’s a very good buy

    Free Member

    Are – Sweden?

    Free Member

    Sorry (quite embarrased).
    I should spend all my spare time on this website as well then.
    Sorry again – still made me laugh though.

    Free Member

    Holy Hells Bells! I’m manic depressive with the luck of the damned but you Sir have major issues beyond mental illness.

    Free Member

    Even better, thank you cynic-al. B&Q will do if the bike shop can’t

    Free Member

    Thank you all. I’m suitably reassured and I shall send everything to the purchaser, happy in the knowledge I’ll be able to get anything I might be missing from the local supplier of all things bicycle.

    Free Member

    Thank you. I didn’t want to send mine with the bolts and then when I buy the replacments be stuck without a means of fitting them.
    My brakes are being sold with the adaptors included and I’m pretty certain there’ll be a period inbetween before I can buy replacement disc brakes. Purely down to the logistics of sending mine off and sourcing new.
    Are these bolts easy to come by, would you think? Just in case I’m stuck without.

    Free Member

    They’re called breakfast rides round here. We take a stove, a small frying pan, some barm cakes, bacon and a flask of coffee. Ride in to the Peak District, choose a spot, cook breakfast, eat and drink, watch the day start and ride home again or if it’s mid week, on to work.
    They’re ace (but only once a week at most).

    Free Member

    Decals? That’s just wrong, sorry.

    Free Member

    Yes. Absolutely. I’m usually happy for the first two weeks or so after an upgrade or change of component and then I start lusting after another new part.

    Free Member

    My wife is the Matron, I think they’re called Band 7 or 8 these days at the UK’s largest adoloescent and adult hospice. Loads of Oncology qualifications and stuff, she seems to surround herself in misery (except for me and the youngster) but keeps smiling. I worry about her.
    Anyway, I am aware she has given enough pain relief etc. that she knows will effectively end a persons’ life in short time where as if they didn’t have the drugs, they could last a few days or longer. Euthanasia by any other name but all perfectly legal.
    She sees some stuff that would break a stone heart and absolutely believes in the right to die, assisted suicide stuff.
    In fact, last weekends rant was all about a junior doctor on rotation who despite very definite instructions not to give certain meds. that would prolong a persons life but in great distress (the poor person was already showing signs of terminal agitation – wholly unpleasant) so that they could ‘go’ with their family close by and in relative peace all be it drugged up to high heaven and completely unaware, only gave the drugs asked not to and did some resusc. stuff.
    the family are now even more traumatised and they all have a big worse mess to deal with.
    I think she mentioned he (doctor) is a born again christian.
    I think he’s going to get a fail mark in this placement.
    It’s our lives, how dare anybody else choose when it ends if we still have the ability and capacity to choose and the helper along is willing.

    Free Member

    Maybe you should remove the bars as well? I mean, if the bar end hadn’t got her, the end of the bar would of. Having said that, if you removed the bar, the stem would have clobbered her….or the headtube of the frame…or if that was gone, the steerer of the fork…
    Hope she’s OK though.
    ps. I love my Ergon grips with bar ends.

    Free Member

    You said “co-worker”. I couldn’t get past that bit in case you said something else equally as bad such as “trail head”.

    Free Member

    Colin Bell and Francis Lee

    Free Member

    We’re going through the exact subject at the moment Andy. My daughter is 13 and my wife has a Nikon D40. The Nikon is ‘too complicated’ apparently.
    Young’un has her heart now set on a bridge camera with a decent zoom and flip flop screen.

    Free Member

    He has every right to know where his debtor lives. Pretending to be a luscious blonde who owes them a favour but turnng out to be a 5″ 6′ angry out of pocket bloke will not get you into trouble for blagging their address, trust me.
    I an employed to help bring about the payment of outstanding council tax, housing and council tax benefits. I’ve not claimed to be luscious or blonde but by the same token, I won’t tell them I’m fron the Court and Bailif team either.
    Another example of obtaining info. without the info. giver knowing is if it’s clear why I’m phoning or sat opposite them is we’ll be going through income and expenditure to see why they can’t pay. I’ll chat about mortgage interest rates, they’ll tell me their on a high fixed rate thinking the council will accept a lower offer to the outstandng debt. Fail! The only reason I ask is so I know if a charging order or bankruptcy is doable.

    Free Member

    You’d not be breaking any laws at all. I routinley phone people while being economical as to who I am and I work for the council.
    We’re looking into how useful online searches of social networking sites could be. It’d be cheaper than Experian searches.
    Think about it, it’s not illegal for an adult to chat with a youngster on the Internet. Only the purpose or intention of your contact can be illegal.
    As long as there isn’t any injunctions etc. preventing you from contacting this person and you’re not seeking to establish their location to allow you to do something illegal, you’re perfectly within your rights to do so. If they tell you, are you supposed to not hear or see it?
    Let’s say for instance, you manage to blag their credit card details but ultimatley you did this quite openely but did not use the information illegally, you’ve not broken any laws and they freely gave you the info.
    Get stuck in. If they owe you money and you claim to be from Camelot with a fat cheque for them. When they fall for it and you turn up to collect rather than give cash, try and imagine your local nick taking the phone call. “Whaaa – Fred with the Padded Bra Safely person caught me out because I’ve been sneaky with not givng him his money back by sneaky about giving me more money!”
    That wouldn’t work, would it?

    Free Member

    mortuk2k – there is somethng very wrong with your statement or your council. I suspect the former. Are you referring the publicly available register? You can opt out of your details being public knowledge but the credt companies will still see who is on the roll. You don’t get to opt out of being registered. The property you live in has to have somebody registered as owning it.
    It will ultimately be searched on the land registry if all other attempts at findng the occupier/owner turns up nothing.
    We do Lockter and Experian credit searches every day of the week to find absconders.

    Free Member

    They (the people door knocking, who are employee’s of the council and will have two forms of ID – one of which will be their council ID) get £3.50 for each singature obtained on the form or £1.25 for every form posted through the letter box.
    Stockport Council, this year will give you one more chance after the door knock or hand posting of the form to comply before the trouble starts – that’s where I come in (I hate my job though).
    They only go to the plebs (a technical council electoral register dept. term apparently) on the list. The non plebs read the letter that goes out with the confirmation notice, see that it is a legal requirement to correct any changes from the information as noted from the previous register and return it with the correct inforation.
    The information is required for a numner of reasons. The most part in our department is to cross refernce benefit claims for council tax and housing benefits, application of council tax discounts and exemptions such as Single Person Discount, 2nd home entitlements & Empty Property Discounts
    We catch lots of people out. It saves the councl hundred’s of thousand’s of pounds each year.
    Every pound saved instead of being falsley claimed is a pounnd less on somebody’s council tax.
    Childrens Services use it to ensure families are in the catchment area for the correct school.
    The Police often apply to us for confirmation of who is resident at a property. I speak with the Organised Crime Unit at Longsight nick near weekly.
    You have the option (for free) for your information to not go on the publicly available register.
    Why would you not send the form back? It just means somebody who needs the extra cash from various departments of the council (anybody who works for the council can do it) will get some extra cash which is pad for by council tax payers anyway.
    If you’re concerned about how much info. is known about you, this stuff isn’t the half of it.

    Free Member

    You’ll soon be up to that :-)

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