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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 10: DMR Bundle of Joy
  • monksie
    Free Member

    “…a blind man, was doing diy with a circular saw….”

    I’m sure there is a joke in there somewhere but I don’t get it.
    I laughed anyway.
    I’m sometimes not a nice person.

    Free Member

    I’m doing Penmachno and Marin Trail on Boxing Day.

    Free Member

    I took a large amount of antidepressents and sleeping tablets while I was sat in my car. Two days later I opened my eyes to see if I was alive or dead. I felt like I should have been dead but was still alive. A cute blonde nurse with big blue eyes was sat staring at me not knowing what to do. It was the first ward of her nurse training and she’d been tasked with sitting with me and was to shout up when I was ‘going off’.
    I bumped into her again six months later in a pub. We chatted, I chanced my arm, she said she could lose her job and her career but I owed her a drink for nearly putting her off nursing before it even got properly going.
    Apart from me doing my best to self distruct us both on more than one occasion, we’ve got 17 years marriage totalled up this coming March.
    She’s ace!

    Free Member

    Email sent Leon. Hospice and a young person content. What a very kind, generous thing to do.
    Much applause

    Free Member

    I know of somebody ltheisinger. I’ll email you now.

    Free Member

    Find your own way Hora.
    One of my brothers sat talking to our dad for over two hours at the end of his funeral. Just telling him how he had made him feel, how hard he’d wanted to make him happy and how he was going to have a good life despite his upbringing.
    That made him happy and gave him closure.
    I spat on his grave and got myself the hell back to my family in New Zealand.
    That made me happy and I was never open enough to need closure.
    Everybody is different.

    Free Member

    My curiosity got the better of me and I Googled Guillian Barre syndrome.
    YIKES! Get well soon Paul.

    Free Member

    Bike officialy written off – dent in down tube, lots of bent and broken parts as well.
    Driver going to Crown Court – too big for Magistrates Court.

    Free Member

    I’ve not read the whole thread but less than £35K = Failure? WTF?
    My wife was an Oncology Nurse Specalist and is now Clinical Wards Manager (new speak for Matron) at the UK’s largest Juvenile and Adult Hospice. She earns just under that and is a failure?
    That’s made me chuckle. Some people do talk parp.

    Free Member

    Last Tuesday. Bi-monthly appointment with The Thought Police but that’s boring stuff.
    Actual one off incident/accident type thing? Early September. I was rammed into the side of a bus by a road raging Mondeo driver. Lots of bruises but no bones broken.

    Free Member

    We agreed a maximum of £300 each per person. There only is three of us in the whole family so should be a £900 total spend but I got giddy and bought my daughter an iPad as a surprise stocking filler as well.

    Free Member

    Google is all you need Simon.

    Free Member

    I’ve got mine.

    Free Member

    Hey Martin
    Nick says “Hi” back. “Hope you’re well”….telling her mate all about it as I type. Incidentally that young man is a rather nice young man and is doing very well for himself. His mum would have been proud.
    There’s happy and sad tears now.

    Free Member

    you lot are not right in the head

    Never has a whole thread‘s list of contributors, nay forum‘s membership, been summed up so perfectly

    Free Member

    Offerton Green to as far as I can toward Ladybower before I lose the will to carry on and come home again (Probably about as far as Marple then based on yesterdays Hathersage excursion).

    Free Member

    I was riding on and off road there yesterday. Road was fine, off road was ‘orrible.

    Free Member

    It was a joke. I mean it is my birthday and I went for a ride from Redmires to Outside Cafe and back but the annual 30th was the joke bit.

    Free Member

    I was up there today for my annual 30th birthday ride. It was a nice walk 🙁

    Free Member

    And compared with proper Peaks riding, it’s not especially interesting
    Other than the above noted cycleways and towpaths, the singletrack sections are very interesting and in parts on occasion much more technical than the majority of the straight at it with speed and conviction, rocky bridleways of the Dark Peak area.
    I’ve just noticed this as well, which confuses me.
    then it’s towpath to New Mills where you pick up the Sett Valley Trail to Hayfield.
    No mention of Rowarth, Robin Hoods Picking Rods, Lantern Pike, Pennine Bridleway, Brookbottom James? Even through Lyme Park and by the side of the Moorside, skim above Whaley Bridge, past the caravan estate, Furness Vale and onto Birch Vale would be better than the Peak Forest canal.
    Whoops, pipped by the faster typer

    Free Member

    There is two reasonably nice routes out of the city centre but even those involve i) tow path as far as Hyde and then urban woodland to North Reddish. After that it’s the cycle path to Reddish centre, Reddish Vale Country Park and on to Offerton, Chadkirk, Marple, Mellor etc. or ii) some flat but not unpleasant singletrack that goes out under the M60 and back round, eventually to the towpath at Hyde. Depends how many miles you want to make it
    The woods (well, more like field edges with trees) and tracks linking Hyde to North Reddish are as much fun as Offerton to Chadkirk. Singletrack with drops and roots to have a go at. Other than that, it’s as above, make the best of what there is and get it over with.
    Manchester to Sheffield or vice versa is a nice day out but it isn’t great at the city end of things. I’ve particularly struggled to find off road stuff to get into/out of the very close to Sheffield section but as you’re not going that far, it’s not going to be an issue for you.

    Free Member

    bridleways are basically a non-tarmac way of joining up the good stuff.

    please don’t misunderstand me, i know some lovely trails around the peak, but without exception they’re footpaths/off-piste.

    Surely you jest?

    Free Member

    Mugboo. Worse than useless. They get it wrong EVERY single time, take ages to do anything while being completely aware that the clock is ticking and agreed deadlines for various stages of recovery are passing, fail to send payments according to negotiated schedules which renders the repayment plan void, charge the debtor for their services that actually makes the situation worse and don’t do anything that the client can’t do themselves for free.
    If I was up to my neck in debt, I’d draught up an honest and proveable income and expenditure breadown, prioritising my outgoings as:
    Long term perscription costs
    Council Tax
    Utility bills
    School Transport costs
    All other debts
    Send this and an offer of payment to each creditor showing how much you are offerng to all so they can each see what is going on.
    The ONLY places I would be going to for offical help would be the council’s Welfare Rights Unit and as above CCCS.
    CAB are larely staffed by well meaging volunteers with a legislation book but little idea of what can and what can’t be done. Treat them with extreme care.

    Free Member

    Just my experience with complete honesty but I have to say, although I love her dearly and she will say she has the best dad in the world, becoming a dad was the 2nd worst thing that I could ever have done (the first being getting into a work accident that has mentally and to a much lesser degree physically kiboshed me).
    Maybe being a dad is not for you or you might as others above had said, love it.

    Free Member

    I have to deal wth a large amount of people who have accounts at court or have bailffs on their way round. It’s saddening that so many of these situations could have been avoided if the person with the council tax debt had gone to the council rather than these at best, poor performing and at worst dangerous businesses. Of them all, I would say absolutely avoid at all costs Christians Against Poverty.

    Free Member

    There is a revolt taking place in the southern end of Stockport as we speak!
    Fair enough Hora, they knew it was unlikely to happen. They’d see me out of the door before our dog would go.

    Free Member

    You’ve sanded it smooth? NOOOOOO! Those pointy bits are the only grip you’ll have! Get some padding on the back of the stem, quick! You’ll need it.
    I’ll have it back for the price paid if you don’t feel its’ baer carbon love. I have a few orders and no seats to paint.

    Free Member

    Your “friendship” with me? 😯
    You’ve set your Facebook status to ‘single’ haven’t you?
    Oh the shame, I’ve been Internet dumped! Still loving you though 🙂

    Free Member

    I had a heap of coal or charcoal shoved down my throat by the dr’s or nurses (don’t know which, I was comatose at the time) at the hospital when I took a massive quantity of anti depressants and sleeping tablets.
    I had a raging sore throat for a week afer it and an infected trachula (I’m sure that’s not spelt correctly).
    I wouldn’t recommend eating coal to be honest.

    Free Member

    Can I with respect, ask everybody to shut the hell up with all of the take him here and give him to them advice?
    He’ll be dead set with us. The Ladies(tm) are already priming Chompmeister for his new best mate and are out looking for a new dog cushion, blankets and toys for the new addition.
    Hora – we’ll pick him up from Tatton Park on Saturday morning. Chompie will be taking his weekend constitutional at that time.
    Job done.

    Free Member

    I don’t. They might say yes and that would be a problem because
    i) I’m more likely to make things worse
    ii) it wouldn’t be my bike so why would I want to stop
    iii) I ride on my own almost all the time becuae I hate the stop/start/stop start element to group rides so stopping for a stranger isn’t going to occur
    I’d stop everytime if the person was injured though.

    Free Member

    I’m back. The lovely wife and the lovely daughter love him already. Just Chompmiester remains to give his consent.
    Just shout up if you’re up for some dog meetng action (oo-er, I’m getting involved in dogging!) at the weekend and take it from there if you like?
    I can promise you this, he’ll be spoilt rotten, just like his Lordship. I’m typing this sitting on the floor ‘cos he decided he wanted to curl up on the sofa where I was sittng.
    Hope he likes walking in the Peak District.

    Free Member

    No worries, no hassles, no rush.

    Free Member

    Dunno’. Don’t know what you’ve entered so I have no chance of offering a suggestion why you have.
    Don’t you have the slightest inkling why? That’s a pretty big split personality you have going on if not.
    Equally don’t know why you are damning the rest of the world.

    Free Member

    We could always comprehensively ignore you? 🙂
    The Chompmiester doesn’t seem to care about boy or girl dogs, they’re all just dogs to get giddy with.
    No Indian giving though. I don’t think I could cope with a 13 year old daughter’s broken heart.
    Something to think about though if it comes to it. He’d be happy as a happy westie in our house though.
    I’ve just seen your photo’s. They’re mint dogs aren’t they?

    Free Member

    We have a Westie (4 yesrs old – Chompie). They could be peas in a pod. You’ve just described him to a T.
    Should you be unable to rehome him, we’d do it (subject to them getting on together).
    I am however on a bit of an upswing at the moment so I could be talking giddy nonsense but once I’m commited to something and my daughter is aware of it (he’d become her pet), I stick to it.
    Ps.Any previous angst fogotten.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the offer of a PDF. I’ll do that very thing. Thanks
    I’m going to try and piece together something in London around canals and parks if I can.

    Free Member

    That’s great, thanks.

    Free Member

    They’ve been opening the small museum in the dam every Sunday for a few years now.

    Free Member

    I’ve just had a Cane Creek fitted to me my 08 Ltd Race. They have a headset finder on their website.

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