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  • The Singletrack World Festive Five Minutes
  • monksie
    Free Member

    There’s not that much woodsy singletrack around the Peak that is in and next to Cheshire.
    As NBT has mentioned, it’s quite sparse round here .
    We found a really good 100 yards of it on the way back from Lyme Park last week. Just off Middlewood Way. Barely enough for a detour though, let alone a journey to get to.

    Free Member

    When I was applying to GMP J, I was convinced they knew.
    They were bad days back then.
    You’re a Grover? I didn’t know that. This changes everything 🙂
    I’ve just done an hour on the turbo. Even that was ace.

    Free Member

    Friday, Sunday and Monday. Peak District. Monday is a road ride though.

    Free Member

    The very one nockmeister. We were walking back to Offerton Estate from Cheadle Hulme nick. Not because I’d been in trouble though.
    Not yours was it?
    It’s nice to see that Cycle to Work HAS resulted in regular cyclists.

    Free Member

    I was in my very early twenties walking down the road with a mate. We saw a bike that wasn’t locked up so we nicked it to sell on (I wasn’t a very nice person in those days – it’s one of the worst things I have ever done).
    I hadn’t learnt to ride a bike as a kid so my mate showed me how.
    By the time I’d learnt, the bike was damaged beyond (as much as we could) repair so we couldn’t sell it. We dumped it but I’d caught the bug.
    I feel very bad every time I think of liberating that bike from its owner.
    I’ve only ever stolen a bike once.
    If you lived on the private housing estate near Hazel Grove swimming pool about 20 years ago and had a light blue Muddy Fox bike stolen fron your garden, you owe me a kicking and I owe you some money with my shame and apologies.
    email in my profile.
    That’s the first time other than telling my wife that I’ve confessed to that. I feel quite odd.

    Free Member

    “Anyone done a big group maintenance day before in a national park…”

    A pretty fair assumption or were you going to stroke the soil gently and sing to it?

    “Off on one”? I beg your pardon?

    Nice ad.lib. well done.

    I’m off now. I’ll not introduce myself if ever I come across you on one of your enmass Peak District bike rides. I doubt either of us would enjoy the experience.

    Free Member

    You’re seriously suggesting you’re going to pitch up with what, 8..10…more? people on bikes with spades, rakes etc. on Whinstone Lee Tor on some random Saturday or Sunday and start laying a trail that you’ve designated as the correct line? Maybe drag a few rocks up from the waterside to strategically place where you assume is appropriate? The National Park Authority will be ecstatic.
    No, you were taking the piss weren’t you. Nice one. You got me then.

    Free Member

    “Anyone done a big group maintenance day before in a national park…”

    You are actually taking the piss aren’t you?

    Free Member

    A Sram PC-991 chain (brand new) has just become available in the classifieds.

    Free Member

    I’m back from my ride. That was a ride of two seasons! Complete fog and drizzle fest. on Whinstone Lee Tor and then lovely sunshine at Yorkshire Bridge.
    I came home on the road because I was goosed. Specialized Storm Control tyres are rubbish for road riding.
    Oh yes, my point. Some of the ruts on that track up to Whinstone Lee Tor are trenches! As I was climbing up fron Ladybower Wood, I must confess to taking the climbing line which is probably not what The Self Appointed Keeper of the Peak wants to hear. Sorry.
    I enjoyed myself though.
    I came down along the track directly off the top. It was a portage stage close to the top but then was great after that following the telegraph poles down to the road.

    Free Member

    Deep River. I’ve only just seen this -sorry. I’ll be a little in front of that timing and a few miles over the other way.
    I should be around the Sett Valley Trail car park in Hayfield around 8:45 if that’s any good? It’d be nice to have somebody to chat with for a change.
    I don’t mind any route over as far as Hope Cross, I’m turning round at Ladybower Inn and comimg back a differt way than I went so as above, any route to Whinstone Lee Tor is good for me.

    Free Member

    Well, I’m heading out from Marple at 8:00am through Hayfield, Jacobs, etc. on a white and blue Cube Ltd Race.
    Please feel free to say hello or ignore me as you see fit.

    Free Member

    I’m going over to Whinstone Lee Tor tomorrow. I went over Snake Pass and back through Edale on the road bike today. Gorgeous weather but past Glossop, I didn’t see a single other cyclist.
    Enjoy the new bike.

    Free Member

    binners – it’s a kind of anti-therapy.
    Hora had me giggling earlier – the worlds gone mad.

    Free Member

    “The BBC has learnt….”
    People who say or indeed type ‘Grrrr’
    More than one exclamation or question mark.
    More than one etc.

    Free Member

    This ‘check out – next customer’ thing.
    Surely, if you are the next customer ie. stood behind Terrahawk, shouldn’t it be you ie. the person behind Terrahawk who is in fact the ‘next customer’ and ergo or thus, whichever you prefer, you, being the person behind Terrahawk should be placing the ‘next customer’ bar on the conveyer belt?
    Does that make sense? It does to me.
    I’m currently struggling to get on with men that are less tall than me. Irrational but true.

    Free Member

    What I really struggle with is having a full and flowing head of hair on Thursday but a number 1 shaved head on Friday with no recollection of how the hell that happened.
    Another good one was engaging the services of an estate agent, conveyancing solicitor, surveyor and a mortgage company to buy myself a house without mentioning it to my wife or daughter (who weren’t invited to move to the new house) and believing it would be OK because they won’t notice
    It’s a right laugh.

    “I would suggest that now, more than ever before, the majority of folk are treading a very fine line. We must all, as decent human beings, be vigilant concerning our friends and family.”

    Sorry, I know it’s probably my inability to comprehend but could you be kind enough to be a little less cryptic? Awfully sorry.

    Free Member

    He was annoyed because he perceived you were queue jumping and would possibly slow him down when you both got to move off.
    I’d not report it. What’s anybody going ot do about it?
    I would however be having a word with myself about going up the inside of traffic (stationary or not) including a lorry!. Nutter!
    Actually, I’ve been up most of the night…have I just been sucker punched by a troll?

    Free Member

    Double sheet! Clearly, you’re infinitley more attractive than me J. It’s not all bad being as ugly as I am. I can always find a silver lining :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Shit! It could have been my face!

    get well soon though.

    Free Member

    You too J. It was a nice surprise.

    Free Member

    Me. I’ve been riding on road more than off by a wide margin of late but I did a huge Peak District ride on Saturday and I enjoyed it so much I managed a 90 minute leg loosener off road around Roman Lakes on Sunday.
    I’m on long term stay way from work at and my fitness has rocketed. I love my mountain bike the most at the moment.

    Free Member

    RIP Jahwomble
    They say every day takes courage, sometimes there’s just not enough.
    (My post prompted by meeting a very nice lady out cycling this morning. You know who you are and to you I say thank you and have courage)
    ps. that singletrack is awesome but I took the wrong line back onto the bridleway….the bike was a couple of seconds behind me.

    Free Member

    8;30am tomorrow. Sadly no luck on the alternative to Middlewood Way. Nothing at all on the net or from anybody else. Never mind, it’s a means to an end.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the suggestions but sadly, neither get me off road from home to Macc. Forest.
    I don’t mind a bit of not very interesting cycling to get to Macc. Forest if it’s not Silk Road, canal or Middlweood.
    I’m trying to get to Macc.Forest from Marple. Then it’ll be over to Buxton, Fairfields, Cruzheckler’s route to Perryfoot, Bradwell, Hope. Hayfield via one or the other routes, Rowarth, Mellor and Roman Lakes.

    Free Member

    Thank you Cruzheckler, that’s Buxton to Hope sorted.
    Any other ways of getting from Stockport to Macclesfield?

    Free Member

    There is a 38 year old guy in the wife’s hospice at the moment with Asbestosis.
    He used to sit on his dad’s knee when he was a little lad when his dad came home from work and his dad was having a cuppa’ before going for a bath.
    He picked up asbestos spores from his old man’s overalls who only worked at the factory that was being demolished for 6 weeks or so.
    He won’t be walking out of the place.

    Free Member

    “The bit from the masts behind Llandegla and above the Ponderosa down to the road at Crag Arthur. Not ridden it for about 10 years but it was always the best bit of trail for me. May not be there anymore, TBH I haven’t ridden at Llandegla since it became a trail centre.”

    The baby elephant’s head sized rock in the middle of it is both a good and bad thing.

    Still there as well mattbee. I did the ‘old’ Llandegla bridleways (and other bits) a couple of weeks ago.

    Free Member

    That course looks mint for a mountain bike race. Very spectator friendly.
    By hell, what a miserable, negative place this website has become.

    Free Member

    I don’t look at this website much anymore but I’m glad I did this morning. You brought a (very cheaply achieved) smile to my face snakie. Now assume the position while they get ready to ram the pitch forks, there’s a good man 🙂

    Free Member

    The Sarn Helen, solo, self supporting over 3 days was a baby epic for me last year. My second attempt at it and I’m doing it again in the summer. This time travelling lighter. I’m doing it with a Transalp rucksack rather than a trailer.
    ‘Epic’ means different things to different people but organised events with support don’t seem at all epic to me.

    Free Member

    I have not had any dealings with this gentleman but:
    How will the bank cover you? (I assume) You asked them to send some cash from your account to another persons account which (I also assume) they have done.
    If you go back to them to say I want my money back, they’re going to give you one of these 🙄 and a very obvious shrug of the shoulders.
    You did ask for a home address, landline telephone number etc. and made yourself reasonably confident all was well with the seller before you sent some cash to some quoted numbers on a computer screen didn’t you?

    Free Member

    Some for sale in the classifieds I believe.
    I currently have Spesh’ or Ergon on my bikes. Both as comfy as each other and no loss of control or discomfort climbing or descending. I ride weekly in a notorioulsy rocky, hilly place. I couldn’t go back to standard round grips.
    The only issue I find with the built in bar end type is the outside of my hand (below my little fingers) get a little cramped by the bar end when they’re on the paddles.

    Free Member

    I have them and the Ergon. Infact I have a near enough brand new set of the Specialized version for sale now that that particular bike has been commisioned for turbo duties only.
    They have the bronze lockrings. £10 posted if anybody is interested?
    I find both types feel identical and incredibly comfortable. Even on technical sections, they just feel right.

    Free Member

    “bit of an odd present to give. Its the sort of stuff I can go and buy myself if I need too.”

    Eh? What have you asked for then? A voodoo doll made from the hair of a pigmy chief’s first born?

    Do you send your gift givers out on a mission?

    I have requested one of those Rapha scarf things, a Rapha jersey and some Gore bib longs. Some of the parcels under the tree look like I may have been a good boy this year.

    I love Christmas. Best wishes to everyone.

    Free Member

    The roads from Chapel-en-le-Frith to Rushup were clear of ice this morning. No hassles on my ride. I can’t imagine Edale Road from Mam Nick would be a problem. Winnats could be though due to the high sides preventing the sun from raising the temperature much.

    Free Member

    I’m not long back back from a Hazel Grove to Chapel roundabout and back road training ride. It’s fine. Just wet, no ice at all. I’d imagine the road to Macc. would be just as clear. Busy though. The small roads through Sutton to Macc. Forest however? Good luck with them. I wouldn’t in a car.

    Free Member

    I’m a little late but I’d like to ask this of elfinsafety.
    You stated:
    “and makes a big thing of quoting the dad, which is basically nothing more than the dad’s opinions, but quoted in such a way to add emotional weight to the story. The Guardian doesn’t bother with all that, which is quite frankly irrelevant anyway.

    I could well believe that the poor blokes comments were pretty much what he would have said in his Victim of Crime statement that he would have been invited to give to the Police and the Court.

    Are you saying his legally entitled, nay invited statement is irrelevant?

    If I’ve interpreted your comments correctly, you should have a long think about what you’ve stated.

    For the record If it was my daughter, neither the driver of the vehicle nor myself would be members of this mortal coil for very long afterwards. I wouldn’t be able to carry on knowing that my daughter had suffered like that and that bastard sure as hell wouldn’t be carrying on either.

    Free Member

    Have you considered the very simple fact that she doesn’t much care? What’s with all the amatuer head shrink stuff?
    If she can’t see that the situation is going to change in that due to the youngsters being present and / or your financial situation it’s highly unlikely that either of you can or will make other arrangements, she just can’t be bothered arguing with you?
    I do it with the gobshite at work. She shouts at me, I ignore her and carry on. Can’t be atsed.
    I still don’t get why asking you to pick up some milk on the way home is so unforgiveable.

    Free Member

    Why are more than a couple of people going off on one about pickng some milk up from the shops?

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