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  • Cheap Things Tuesday: Whatever Gets You Through The Shi…
  • monksie
    Free Member

    He’s been arrested!.
    Silly man made a further complaint to the police that I have again threatened him. Supposed to have done it at 3:40pm, Saturday 14th May 2011 (yesterday afternoon).
    Sadly for him, corroberated by 13 other people (all of whom were in our mini bus), copius photographic evidence, programme, reserved car park ticket proving beyond any doubt what so ever, I WAS AT WEMBLEY YESTERDAY AFTEROON WATCHING THE FA CUP FINAL![/B]
    I can’t say much at this point but police are more than happy that I didn’t do it on the previously disputed occasion and I absolutely didn’t do it yeterday!
    Hair is very definitely kept on through out this full sorry saga!
    For once (well, quite oftenly actually), in the never a dull day that is my life, something has gone very, very well.
    My ride today was cancelled…..I took my wife and daughter out for a massive big Sunday lunch, cinema, shopping trip and I got some £100 road shoes to celebrate!
    I’ve had loads of cuddles from my wife and daughter. I kept saying I hadn’t done it. I might have a mental hinderance but I’m not a nutter 🙂
    Looks like the idiot is in
    huge trouble
    Happy, happy, happy!
    I love everyone.
    Does anybody fancy a massive Peaks mtb or road ride tomorrow? I’m absolutely buzzing.

    Free Member

    Apart from the obvious (mudguard, seat post, stem, bar angle. seat angle), the gear cable is not trimmed. No aheadset spacers? Not enough cable for the front brake.
    Decathlon – Stockport?

    Free Member

    Thank you Tom. That’s very kind and much appreciated.

    Free Member

    Yellow cleats, Shimano pedals. Basic type I think, nothing fancy.
    Nobody would be able to keep up with Phil the Driver, he’s a nutter in that yellow bus. He stops for a bacon butty in the layby round the corner and then has to make up for lost time.
    On the way home, the pubs are open 🙂

    Free Member

    I am the husband of a lady who was just yesterday invited out to dinner and possible further romantic liasons by a current (and married) Manchester City player whom she met while fundraising. The very cheek!
    A tenuous claim to fame I know.
    If there wasn’t only one home game left I’d be burning my season ticket. I’m still going to Wembley though.

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the tips. Very obvious now you mention it.

    Free Member

    I would have come out that way if I’d seen your post earlier dbUK. I pedaled over to Hayfield on the road bike for today’s ride.
    5 weeks in to long term sick, at least another 3 weeks to go and I’m very bored of being on my own during the day.

    Free Member

    Sorry to be a bore. I phoned the guy up. We did it all over the phone. He just wanted to hear what happened from me.
    I advised him that I have no idea what the complainer is on about. That was good enough for the copper and nothing more is to be done.
    I’m going for a celebration bike ride today. Phew!

    Free Member

    Boblo – he said I was not going to be arrested, that’s why I wondered if I had to attend or not.
    I have concluded with the kind assistance of my wife that I had barely been out of the house last week apart from going bike riding with other people. Nobody has mentioned any kind of unsavoury incident involving me at any point apart from the complainant.
    Therefore I am innocent and consequently will not be going anywhere near any police station.

    Free Member

    I’m back – City won. Champions League next season!
    Thanks again everyone, I’m going to ring tomorrow.

    Free Member

    Thank you Deluded. If I’d done what I’m accused of, I’d go in and hold my hand up but I’m convinced I’ve not (since the previous time as above).
    Shutting up now.

    Free Member

    Hippy – the school bus stop is outside his house. He lives with his parents. Always out messing with his car when they come home from school, trying to find their cat in the morning, things like that. He then found reasons to talk to the girls at the bus stop etc. Suspicions went right up when he’d be out on the drive polishing his car every afternoon when they all come home, with no t-shirt on when it was sunny. Lots of parents voicing concerns.
    My youngster came back in the house in tears one morning when he’d been leary at her specifically and put his arm around her.
    Eight 12 to 13 year old girls getting hysterical kind of muddied the tale of true events so the police could only have a very severe word with him. He’s not been near any of them since.
    Thanks everybody. Lots to think about and especially crankboy I’ll ring in the morning, apologise for not being there tonight and arrange for a solicitor to come in with me.

    Free Member

    But it’s City -v- Spurs nickf! I’ve also got the cup final at Wembley on Saturday. This is all getting a bit much for me.
    I might hide for a bit.

    Free Member

    He left a telephone number to call back on. It was the Community Police Dept. at out local nick. My attendance is required at the big nick – gulp.
    J- can you talk Mr J in to going for me? call from H/Grove, have to go to C/Heath. I’d be more grateful then he would ever know. I told you if I wrote a book they’d have to put it on the fiction shelf. Nic is heading for a breakdown…..or a rolling pin!
    ps. she’s on TV on Saturday. ITV as part of the cup final show. Two players were at the hospice. She was in the Independant on Sunday.
    Thanks thegreatape. I’m taking your advice above all others 🙂

    Free Member

    I was in the middle of a particulary manic period when I’ve supposedly threatend this bloke.
    I can’t recall it having happened and to be honest, I wouldn’t have done it the first time if he hadn’t have put his arm around my daughter at the school bus stop. She came home in tears! The guy is fairly big bloke and is in his thirties.
    The police are aware of some other ‘incidents’ although I don’t know what they are.
    Anyway, all replies greatfuly received and I’d be especially interested in a reply from a serving officer.
    Other than not going to the station this evening (I’m sure he’ll understand. it’s a massive game), I’m only asking if I HAVE to go.
    I can only tell the bobby what I’ve said here. I don’t think I did it. In fact, I’m positive I didn’t. There are no ‘black holes’ in my memory, it was just a giddy episode (to put it midly).
    Singletrackmind – that’s scary! I’ll make plans accordingly.

    Free Member

    I genuinely can’t say if I did or nor wwaswas.
    He’s previously been reported to the police for leering at my 13 year old daughter and I did the juvinile thing of telling him I was going to do him physical harm that time (police ans wife calmed me down though).
    I have certainly thought about how nice chinning him would be since then but when I have a degree of equilibrium about me, I wouldn’t punch a bag.

    Free Member

    I managed to get three for my daughter and friends for Manchester, June 8th.
    It’s her birthday the next day and she already has plans and is not too fussed about seeing the band so these may well be readvertised for sale.
    You try to do a nice thing and all that…………
    *She’s mighty chuffed with her Tiny Temper tickets for the Arena though

    Free Member

    I’ve only read the first few comments so this may have been covered already but if you’re still thinking that you’re in a position of strength re: birth certificate, forget it. Your ex partner can get a copy for *£9:00 from the Registrars within three days or *£25;00 the same day (Stockport Council prices)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Fortunate- I ride on road 20 times, I get 1 bit of grief.
    I rode off road 20 times, I fall off at least 3 times.
    I reckon on road is safer.
    Usual caveat. Above stats. may be a generalisation.

    Free Member

    Golf ball in your jersey pocket. easy to get to, bounces down the road for ages until it hits something….car like :-).

    Free Member

    I’d have preferred a full suspension bike over my 100mm hardtail so it’d be the Ellsworth for me, weaver.
    I’ve only ever done it clockwise.
    There are some places to call into to to get supplies but you’d need to take a slight detour. We took our own. 3 litres of water with electrolite stuff in the Osprey back pack and 2 x 1 litre bottles with energy solution in the bottle cages was more than enough. Too much really, especially as we had sandwiches as well.
    If it’s very wet, I’d go ride somewhere else.

    Free Member

    I’ve asked and she says Ernie knows what she means. She also said that if he was in the latter stages of the illness, he wouldn’t want alcohol no matter how chronic his alcoholism is. Apparently, the stupor the drink would take him to, being an alcoholic (different from being drunk apparently) would make his pain and other symptons harder to deal with if he’d had a skin full. It seems that even being utterly plastered won’t help unless he’s drunk himself comatose.

    Free Member

    About 7 hours duster. We weren’t particularly hanging around nor hammering it if that makes sense? A good pace and we only stopped and got off the bikes for some butties (apart from gates etc.)
    edit. mate reckons nearer 6 than 7. I’m sceptical.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I’ve just asked the wife. She’s an Oncologist Nurse Specialist. She says that alcohol will make him a cheap date but won’t help countering any side effects he may be having from the drugs he’d have been prescribed.
    She says the guy just wants a drink for it’s own sake. You were right to refuse him.
    She also says alcoholism is a pre-desposing factor but not directly linked to bowel cancer. I can’t make sense of that but then again, things are a little Happy Mondays in my head at the minute. Got to love lithium

    Free Member

    We did it last Monday. It was ace in the dry. Prior to this I’d ony ever done it when it’s been wet. The dry ride was considerably nicer.
    Isn’t the fastest time to complete it during one of the MTL Challenge events under 5 hours?

    Free Member

    That was Romster. He also had a bike realted t-shirt printing business that appears to be closed.

    Free Member

    That’s been a bridleway as far as I am aware for years. I remember Gaz (Granny Ring on here) from what was then the John Hayles Bike Shop Club going over the bars on it and that cycling club has been gone a long time.

    Free Member

    Some lucky people get to vote twice round here

    Free Member

    Abandoned and not for the first time. I did a total of 2 miles. Not sure why but I was barely out of the door and I turned round and came home.
    I spent more time getting ready that actually riding and I’ve wasted two Nuun tablets in the process.

    Free Member

    Hospital. I was the patient, she was (still is, of sorts) a nurse.

    Free Member

    A road ride out to Hope and then a walk up the Roman Road to Hope Cross for a picnic with my wife and the mutt. There was loads of mountain bikers up there.
    Thanks very much to the married couple. Our day off has been top.

    Free Member

    Mellor Cross is about 12 miles from Manchester city centre, 6 miles from Stockport town cente, on the edge of the Peak District.

    Free Member

    When was this? Today? It might have been me. Sorry if it was. I’ve not been great at all today.
    Blue and white Cube Ltd Race.
    I don’t remember seeing anybody on a bike but then again, I can’t remember much of my ride. I was up there between 9:00am and 11;00am’ish.

    Free Member

    In that case, I’m in 🙂

    Free Member

    takisawa2 – if it’s less than two hours, no. It’s our riding rule. No stopping if it’s less then two hours (regardless of terrain or distance). That ride would be close but I reckon if would qualify.
    Cake in Edale though, not at Miserable Mary’s* in Hope.
    As nbt has pointed out, if your going to be pushing up Mam Nick, you really don’t want to be doing it on Edale Rd. There isn’t a foot path on either side, there are lots of bends and cars going up don’t like to drop the revs. as it’s very steep and cars coming down are usually canning it.
    I think she’s called Judith but we call her Mary anyway. Miserable cow.

    Free Member

    Are you planning on riding up Edale Rd to Mam Nick? Why not go up to Hollins Cross and then over to Mam Nick? Just a thought.
    Gears would be more comfortable, virtually all doable for average or above riders with gears, maybe a bit of pushing for all but the strongest on singlespeed I would have thought with regard to to getting up to Mam Nick on or off road.
    A nice route, that one. Not an epic but long enough to warrant a coffee and cake.

    Free Member

    “Spent most of the weekend researching online.”

    You party animal, you!

    Free Member

    I’m no great criminal and/or owner of a pawn shop in Manchester city centre but if I was, I wouldn’t have a brand new nicked expensive bike on show for all to see.
    I must be a better criminal than the shop owner though. I can’t see him having the bike or shop for much longer if he’s knocking nicked stuff out in this fashion.
    The man must be an idiot….or he’s not an idiot and the bike isn’t nicked?
    It’s a tough one to call

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