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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • monksie
    Free Member

    Thank you for the help. I couldn’t find my year model on the Willier website and it refers to “updates” and “upgrades” which was making me doubt what I was reading.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies. It’s a Wilier 503X. Pretty sure it’s not Boost. Front is 100m, 15mm Thru Axle. The Willier website isn’t much help.

    Free Member

    I think I’ll go with the Hope option. Thank you. At this amount of money, I’ not going to be looking at 2nd hand but thanks for the suggestion.

    Could somebody kindly advise what the Hope names and numbers are all about? It’s been quite sometime since I bought new wheels for the mountain bike at this sought of price.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the pointers.

    Being able to buy from a UK retailer ‘off the shelf’ does appeal. I had heard that Mavic were closing down. Is that correct? That puts me off of them, quite a bit. Also, I was under the impression that part replacement was tough so a repair outside of warranty would be nigh on impossible. This does make the Hope wheels more appealing.

    Anything else to consider before I make a purchase (or the funds get waylaid elsewhere so I ought to buy very soon).

    Free Member

    Thank you for the suggestions.
    I hovered over the Zonda wheels for a long time but I’ve had Fulcrum Racing 3’s before on my Focus Izalco and I loved them so they, reinforced by Mr Nettle’s recommendation won the day and they should arrive tomorrow from Wiggle.
    Thank you all again.

    Free Member

    ignore me. wrong company.

    Free Member

    Code claimed, applied and worked!

    Free Member

    Thank you for the help with the link and for the opinion expressed. The March event is on a Sunday so I could ride over on Saturday, take part on the Sunday and get the train direct to Stockport afterwards. I’ve ordered an Element Bolt so I’m going to give it a go, I think. The location looks lovely and I don’t know anything of the area. I’m quite excited, to be honest.
    Thanks again.

    Free Member

    Nope. Can’t seem to get a link to work.
    They are free pre-planned GPS cyclocross/gravel/XC rides/routes from the Ludlow area, on days when, as far as I can tell, bike manufacturers will be having demo days.
    I suppose my question is, is a 200 mile round trip worth it for the terrain these rides encounter, bearing in mind that there is very little in my Peak District locality that is comfortable on my ‘cross bike.
    It’s a shame the link won’t work. Cut and paste to Google works though

    Free Member

    Ha! It’s a BMC Street Machine or something similar sounding.
    To be fair, The Hutchinson Intense tyres are very wide for a 25c.

    Free Member

    Thank you for the offers and potential offers of wheels to try. I’m going to have to put up with the tyres I’ve bought until the summer. I’ll kid myself that they’re good for resistance training without wearing a further hole in my frame.

    Free Member

    Hi James 😀
    Have I bought rubbish tyres?

    Free Member

    I have a resolution! Thank you all for your input.
    The bike came with 23c tyres but I had fitted 25c Hutchinson Intense 2 tyres to the carbon wheels before trying them out. Because of my pretty useless cleaning regime, I hadn’t seen that the shoulders of the rear tyre had worn…. . The frame needs a check over. This could be nasty.
    I cleaned everything. I put the bike on the turbo with my phone held in various positions while riding by my able assistant (daughter – cost me £5) and the the rear tyre was rubbing the frame. I swapped the tyres (after a lot of effort and swearing) for some Continental Gatorskin in 23c with the same inner tubes and it instantly felt easier out on the road and I also have the added benefit of being able to remove these tyres roadside if I have a puncture.
    I am surprised though that at the level of drag I’m sure I could feel and how little it has damaged the frame, even though it’s done enough for me to have it checked out. I know what I mean.
    Thank you again everyone.

    Free Member

    Crikey! Mate! Lovely to hear from you again! That could be a great idea. Maybe even a permanent swap (worth a punt)?

    I’ll see how I get on but if nothing seems to work, can I give you a shout to try it out? I’m really grateful.

    Free Member

    Thank for tall the tips, suggestions and advice apart from “and as for not having a bike you ride very far so wont need to fix a puncture , have a word with yourself”

    There’s always at least one. 30 miles out and 30 miles back is about my limit on this bike. I can mitigate a puncture with a bit of a walk and a train ride home, should the need arise. If I’m doing my every other weekend 100 mile ride, I’ll take another bike. This is only going to be going on for a few more weeks because if I can’t sort it out, either in my imagination or in real terms, the wheels will be passed on with full disclosure.

    Thanks anyway for your partially kind advice and thank you to everyone for your helpful suggestions.

    Free Member

    I sold the original wheels.
    From the first ride, I’ve been completely underwhelmed. A total contrast to the other three Prime disc brake wheelsets that I have. They’re considerably better than those they have replaced on the disc braked bikes.
    I’m beginning to think it could be the inner tubes (would that really make such a difference?) but I also wondered if there was possibly a problem with the bearings or freewheel. Is there a way in which it would only cause issues when the bike is weighted and/or the drive train is under tension?
    I doubt it is flex in the frame but I’ll definitely have a look at that over the weekend.
    I’m tempted to sacrifice the tyres, buy new and see if I can set them up tubeless.

    Free Member

    I don’t bother taking a tube or a pump when I go out on this bike. No point. I keep my ri9des on it fairly local and use a different bike for my bigger rides.
    I’d happily donate them to somebody else when they do come off but they’ll be cut in half.

    Free Member

    I hadn’t thought of geometry actually.
    The tubes are definitely from Decathlon and may have been less than £5 each….. is this the problem? It would be both great and not great if so. Great because it will be fixed but not great because I’m going to have to cut those tyres off. I have four different types of tyre levers, all proclaiming to be the lever that will work on any tyre…. it still took two burley blokes and a lot of pain to get the tyres on.

    Free Member

    The road bike in question is at least 2lb lighter than any of my other bikes. The other bikes are all disc. The Phantom Bike is the only one with caliper brakes. All the road bikes and the ‘cross bike are set up the same. Within a few mm anyway, following a bike fit.
    The drivechain has done around 1000 miles. No play in the bb. The chain length is good etc. This bike had the basic Shimano (circa £100) wheels which were replaced with the Prime carbons. I was expecting a significant increase in performance. I’m still waiting. It’s been around 3 months since they were swapped. Disappointing from the outset.
    The only thing I can think of is that the carbon wheels have basic £5 inner tubes fitted as I couldn’t get the Hutchinson tyres to seal tubeless and I nearly broke fingers getting the tyres on and off where ALL of the other wheels are tubeless. Would tubes make that much of a difference?

    edit: 35mm depth rims, not width, sorry. Everything feels fine in the stand. BB spins easily, as do the wheels. It is definitely harder work on the expensive road bike. I’ll move the pads even further out although they’re very ‘open’ as it is but it’s worth a go.
    I’ll try running a stopwatch on the same stretch of road with different bikes.

    That’s the size of it Matt. Hutchinson Fusion something or other. 25mm width. Cheap tubes in the tyres. All the other bikes are tubeless

    Free Member

    I’ve just put my daughter’s iPhone X up for sale in the classifieds.

    Free Member

    I have this pinned to the fridge door for when my quitiapine, kemadrin and lamotagrine are falling a little short.
    Hope it helps. It’s been a massive help to me;

    GO PLACIDLY amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.

    Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.

    Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

    Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

    Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.

    Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass.

    Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

    Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

    Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.

    And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.”

    By Max Ehrmann © 1927

    Free Member

    Thank you.
    I can’t get on to YouTube because of the work firewall and there is very poor mobile reception here so I can’t even see it on my phone.
    I’ll do my best

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the tips, pointers, experience and advice. I bought a 2019 18.5 (no actual or virtual involved) Pro Caliber and it fits me fine.

    Free Member

    Thank you for the replies. It’s going to be an Ebay purchase unless somebody on here has one for sale so trying for size is going to be difficult at best. I’m pretty adaptable so I’ll look at frames that have 17 and 18 virtual / actual but I’ll assume that anything with a 16 or 19 on it’s frame, either virtual / actual will be too small or too big. Thanks again. You’ve been massively helpful.

    Free Member

    It’s starting to look like there could be a lot of rain round here. The wind is picking up and it’s bringing rain clouds with it.

    Free Member

    The River Sett levels have dropped considerably outside my house following last weeks heavy rain which is a good barometer for the natural state of the various water outlets. The Mersey wasn’t particularly high around Didsbury either, yesterday.

    *cryptic message for Bunnyhop.*

    Mellor Road and onto Dye House Lane or a massive detour and Hayfield Road and turn right opposite the Co-op are the only open routes by car.
    No problems getting anywhere by bike though.

    Free Member

    I was a patient on the first ward of her nurse training. 29 years ago and our 25th wedding anniversary next year. I owe her so much more than I can ever give but I’m trying with a brand new VW T-Roc when it arrives at the dealer (currently advised as late December)

    Free Member

    Besides which Charlesworth is exactly where I said it was.

    Free Member

    We’re both wrong then. While Heaton Moor etc are no longer in Cheshire, they’re definitely in Stockport and no matter how you’d like to phrase it, they’re not in South Manchester. Just as the area of Stockport that I grew up in, Offerton, is not in South Manchester. Anyway, I have some geography to read up on.

    Free Member,-1.9455785,13z/data=!3m1!4b1

    Charlesworth, next to Chisworth, just up the road from Chunal, near Glossop.

    Actually….(insert embarrassed face and with thanks to NBT)…..there actually is a Charlestown…just up the road from Charlesworth. My apologies. The footpath etc that i was describing are at Charlesworth….

    Free Member

    The four Heatons (Heaton Moor, Heaton Mersey, Heaton Norris and Heaton Chapel) are not in South Manchester, they’re in Stockport, Cheshire. Don’t know why that bugged me so much but it did.

    Love where we live. Small village on the very edge of the Peak District. I rarely, if ever drive and the cycling to work or out to play is superb. My wife and daughter don’t ride much, if at all so every journey is by car for them. It’s a long way to Manchester and they’re getting fed up with the drive. My wife works in Central Manchester and my daughter is at university there. I had a missed called from a local estate agents yesterday. Think we might be moving, I’ll see if they can go without me.

    Free Member

    Which would make sense only it’s not called Charlestown, its name is Charlesworth. Next to Chisworth. Just over the hill from my house. Just over the way from Chunal.

    Free Member

    Charlesworth. Charlestown is near Salford. There is a sneaky footpath in between the houses on the road going up toward Monks Road that takes you out to the bridleway below Robin Hood’s Picking Rods. You can then go down toward Rowarth, a little bit of road (Shiloh Road) toward Mellor and then head off to Mellor Church or go back on yourself and pass the Picking Rods for Hayfield or Lantern Pike.

    Free Member

    I’m another XC biased 100mm fork travel hardtail rider living and riding in the Peak District and I love it.  Today’s ride took in Hayfield, Jacobs Ladder, Jaggers Clough, Hope Cross, Roman Road, Broken Road, Rushup Edge and back to Hayfield via South Head.

    Relax on the decents, knees out, arms bent, heels dropped and a long look ahead of you not what’s about to be directly underneath you and you’ll do fine. if this was your first ride in the Dark Peak, don’t write it off. You’ll do better every time you ride it.

    For a less rocky ride I’d go up the bridleway next to the car park on the road into Fairholmes (sorry, I can’t remember its name but it’s directly opposite the village ruins that are now apparent as the water is so low). Right upon the top and over to Lockerbrook, right on the road to Fairholmes and then up to Whinstone Lee Tor, down to Yorkshire Bridge and back to the car park. Short for tired legs but fun. Get there early if your driving though. The village ruins are proving to be quite a spectacle and the car parks fill quickly.

    Free Member

    “but the honkers force me to be awkward and make them wait until they can pass,”

    They’re not forcing you at all. You’re choosing to be awkward. You could put your hand up to acknowledge you are a ware of them, pull over as soon as you can, same as I suppose you do for the non “honkers”. Let them pass and find roads that are not so narrow to ride on so you avoid confrontation and, I dare say, enjoy your ride more?

    Free Member

    Please stop being deliberately obtuse. That’s not what I’m saying and you know it.

    Free Member

    “Whatever you think of their parenting, it was not their fault. It was the fault of whoever abducted or killed the child. No one else.”

    You seem to be very keen on absolving the parents of any responsibility for what happened. They have to take some responsibility. If they hadn’t left the children alone, either by taking them to the bar or restaurant or even just one of them staying home while the other went, this wouldn’t have happened. Do you leave your bike outside, unlocked while you go round the supermarket safe in the knowledge that if (or more likely when) it gets nicked, you can console yourself with it not being your fault? Of course it would be partly your fault in the same way the parents were partly at fault. Your insurance company would be very quick to advise you of just how much at fault you were if you told them you hadn’t locked it up.

    I wasn’t aware that the very victim in all of this had actually asked her parents not to leave her alone again having woken up the night before to find herself alone with her younger siblings. Heartless b*******…….

    Free Member

    “When would you give up if it was your child?”

    Wouldn’t have been and never was an issue. We didn’t ever leave our 3 year old daughter alone, 100 meters up the road while we went for a drink nor left her upstairs on her own in the hotel room while we went down stairs to have some food. Not until she was a surly teenager who would rather stay in than be seen with her parents anyway.

    By leaving your child in the hotel room while you go for food, you are placing your child at a heightened risk of misadventure. That’s your choice. *Most parents would deem that risk too high. That’s why most parents don’t do it.

    *At least this would appear to be the case.

    Free Member

    You had a really bad crash because you had World Champ stripes on your helmet. It’s not allowed.

    I look at your helmet and the first thing that springs into my mind is how your egg shell like skull would have coped if it didn’t have that magic few cm of polystyrene sat on the top of it? Thank you for the real time confirmation of why I think I’ll keep wearing mine on every ride.

    Ride the emotions and get well soon. This time will pass.

    Free Member

    For those using the River Mersey as the border between North and South, the Mersey starts where the River Tame meets the Goyt River behind Asda in Stockport town centre. Just saying.

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