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  • monksie
    Free Member

    That bad Kitz?
    Red saddle, tape and cage?

    Free Member

    Evans will do 10% off with BC membership. You could pick it up from NCC when you next visit. Mention the discount when you order over the phone with a £50 refundable deposit and pay the balance on collection. Hope you and your son are both well by the way.

    Free Member

    A(nother) witch!
    It’s going to get white bar tape and a white saddle and a lime green bottle cage.

    Free Member

    Let’s be honest CG. It would seem from your posts that you despise the NHS completely (for reasons you feel are valid).
    Deviant – you should be running the country :-).

    Free Member

    Thank you.
    Mr. P. that’s witchcraft.
    A bit of both Mr Blobby. Work is 20 miles each way with a right boring off road route along the Mersey so I’ll liven it up a bit on this rather than my Flash 1 and some racing at the Macc. Boxing Day event at South Park where I’ll again get to be in front of Nick Craig, Liam Kileen and Rob Jebb (ignoring the very rude fact that they’re lapping me on each occasion).
    I’ve paid the £50 deposit to order it in (I only have access to £50 at any given time) so I’ll be negotiating like Kofi Annan this evening 🙂

    Free Member

    I’ve been to the Manchester Christmas Markets iolo. I nearly got arrested and several people nearly got hurt. Hateful thing!

    Free Member

    My wife is desperate for a holiday iolo so I’m going to have a look, thanks.
    Keep a sense of perspective as best you can. Other great Dr’s are out there. Your previous was not the only one.

    Free Member

    Riding my bike. Honestly. Day off to ride my bike and I can’t be bothered.

    Free Member

    I’ve never been to Slovenia. Or Vienna. I’d like to though.

    Free Member

    My wife prefers (out of various ranges. – she’d much prefer none at all) depressive state when I’m poorly. At least she knows I’m in a safe place albeit I could get out of bed and out of the window head first than when I’m manic where I disappear for extended periods and if I have access, spend lots of money.
    I was in the middle of a house purchase just for me once. Mad!

    Free Member

    It’s shit having bipolar. Some days you just don’t know if you’re coming or going. Rapid cycling bipolar is great though. Fast on a bike with no effort.

    # just two of my current favourite ‘in’ jokes.

    Free Member

    Turn up and wait at 9:00am? I’d still be sat there next week!
    I’ve just been to get my emergency prescription (great work by my new surgery) and a lady was having a right rant because she’d turned up for appointment 20 minutes after it was set for and the GP couldn’t now see her. Some people’s sense of entitlement is astonishing.

    Free Member

    Thanks Houns. I didn’t know that. Nice lady at the surgery has just rung. If I can take the packaging for my meds in.GP will get me a few days worth and give me the first cancelled app. they get.
    I agree with the OP’s post although I reckon the medical professionals get scant thanks as it is.

    Free Member

    Sadly MSP, my registration at the new GP’s took 22 days to be processed (for which they have apologised) and my previous GP wouldn’t write up some meds as I was no longer registered at their practice. Sorry and all that. No moaning, would just hope for a better way.
    If GP’s worked shifts, those of us who are working could probably get appointments outside of office hours (I don’t work in an office) which would free up demand for those unable to work.
    I’m going to work really hard on being more forsight full now that you’ve pointed that out to me. Thankyouverymuch.
    Quick footnote for MSP. As I noted, I was told last week to phone on Monday morning. I have. It’s gone wrong. I registered weeks ago when I had loads. Now I have very little. I seem to be coping. This surprises me. I value greatly the NHS and doctors and nurses. I even married one. She’s lovely.

    Free Member

    I’ve just come off the repeated engaged tone from my GP’s for half an hour. Finally got through and no appointments left this week even though I was told on Thursday of last week I couldn’t book in advance and I have to call on Monday morning. Next appointment is next Monday and I run out of meds tomorrow.
    GP (according to the phone answer’er) won’t write a script without a consultation even though it’s repeat meds, albeit from a different GP’s.
    I need to go to psychie nurse for a script now or things are going to get ‘exciting’.
    I’m not complaining as such. There has to be a better way though. I appreciate I get a lot more than my money’s worth out of the NHS and I am very grateful for it (the NHS).
    MSP – there is quite a gulf between a bit ill and emergency which will probably see you out on your ear at A&E if you turned up there. There’s quite a government information campaign about it at the moment.

    Free Member

    Good thanks Jon. You and yours ok I hope? Sorry I let you down with the big ride. I went off again…..I’ll call in if it’s safe? 🙂

    Free Member

    No bother at all Mosey

    Free Member

    Hey up Jon!

    Free Member

    I’m driving home from work in Urmston on Saturday so I can leave it on your doorstep if that’s any good or I can probably drop it off tomorrow evening if that’s better but I’ll have to put it on the bike trailer. I get to use the car on Saturday but I ride through the week.
    I’m in Marple.
    Chuck me an email and we’ll sort something out, I’m sure.

    Free Member

    I can drop one off with you on Saturday evening if that’s any good?

    Free Member

    Evans would need to place a customer order which would require customer contact details. When the item arrived in store, the customer would receive an automated email. I doubt it would have been Evans.

    Free Member

    You’re having problems getting hold of 9 speed chains and cassettes? I have a shed load of both in a box at work. All ratios of cassettes from Shimano, Miche, Campagnolo and Sram. Chains from Shimano, KMC and Sram.

    Free Member

    Fervoured – my wife is an Oncology Nurse Specialist and the Ward Manager at a huge Manchester hospice.
    She says stop pretending and talk to your mum and dad. Then talk some more. It’s happening and you all need a coping strategy.
    Email in my profile if you’d like any more third party advice

    Free Member

    God help him and every other bugger who happens across him should he ever get to actually attempt GDR. No bitch is going to provide a packed lunch there, either 🙂

    Free Member

    My employer doesn’t pay for any of my food or travel expenses. Just the amount of money they’ve agreed to pay me for the work I’ve agreed to do.
    Feeling overly self entitled at all Mr Mol Gripes?

    Free Member

    Sandwich and apple from Sainsbury’s (national chain). Coffee from McDonalds (international chain). Stop whining and be grateful for what you have.

    Free Member

    Be grateful that you’re getting anything at all!
    Some people are unbelievable
    £6 per day for lunch? Butty, Apple and a coffee. £2.50 in Manchester.
    I hope your HR dept have a sense of humour.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Fan type are noisy. Magnetic less so. Fluid feel nicer and are quieter than the former two. Rollers are much more pleasant.
    Make sure that the one you choose will fit your bike. I spent a frustrating hour yesterday adapting a Taxc to fit a 700cc road bike when it had previously been used without issue with a 700cc hybrid.
    Get a riser block for the front wheel and check it has silicone or rubber grip underneath it.
    Get a turbo trainer ‘thong’ for your bike and maybe even a mat.
    Lots of fans.
    Consider having a spare wheel with turbo specific tyre fitted.

    Free Member

    Making a simple thing hard ^

    Tell them to pay the bill or you’ll be claiming through your and / or their insurance.

    Making a simple thing made hard easy ^

    Free Member

    I ride up the side of the Mersey and back twice a week Bregante. Some interesting diversions could save my sanity and give the others a different ride as well! Excellent! Thanks!
    We don’t finish work until after 8:00pm and some of us don’t drive so I doubt we could make it to Prestwich, sadly.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Thanks Bregante. We’ll give it a miss then.
    1 shed. We ride from my house in Marple at 8:00am on Wednesday’s for two hours and then drive to work at Trafford Park for an 11:00 am start or I ride up the canal to National Cycling Centre and have a mess around on Clayton Vale before work.
    Any early morning or after 8:00pm night rides we can do from Trafford Park would be mint if you’d be so kind?
    Thanks very much.

    Free Member

    Wash them before you send them back this time though, won’t you (please)?

    Free Member

    We had a Specialized Crux in the shop last week and I felt that the hydro discs were ‘too much’ for me.
    I really wouldn’t like them on my road bikes but people’s opinions differ. I love the cable discs on my CaadX though.
    Have you tried hydro discs on a road bike yet? If not, try and give them a go. You may find that you’re not so keen and the good deal you have on the Ultegra bike could be ideal.
    I really don’t think hydro’s on road bikes are all that. Maybe an innovation just because ‘they’ can rather than ‘they’ should?
    As mentioned above, bolt through is easily done.

    Free Member

    Wrong thread

    Free Member

    “Worth more”?

    Free Member

    Oh. it’s something that I should be considering as well? I had no idea. I just cut it when it gets long and leave it when autumn arrives as it has now.
    What would be the benefit of cutting it more now or leaving it until spring?

    Free Member

    I went to the excellent People’s Museum in Manchester this week and there is a photo exhibition about a pit that is still open in Barnsley. Quite an eye opener and the recorded comments from some of the miners were very interesting.

    Free Member

    Really? What would be the harm in cutting it or not cutting it? Honest question. I don’t understand why anybody would even ask this.
    I’m confused.

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