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  • The Bossnut is back! Calibre’s bargain bouncer goes 29
  • monkeyninja
    Free Member

    Thanks for all the replies, I’m looking for an endurance style frame. I’m not looking to race and don’t have the flexibility to get right over the bars. Just wanting a bike more suited to faster rides. I spoke with ribble online and they recommended a small frame but if it didn’t fit they would exchange no problem. Canyon and rose websites push me towards the small frames, giant and genesis suggest medium.

    Free Member

    That’s what in was thinking most won’t ship till August, but I didn’t want to buy it now then wait till then only to see the price drop a bit. Probably the worst time to buy bike just now might just ride what I have and pick up a second hand bargain in the winter.

    Free Member

    Hi I’m 3 weeks post revision surgery. I first snapped it about 12 years ago and returned to full snowboarding and started mountain biking in that time. It took 1 year before I felt comfortable snowboarding and about 2-3 seasons before I took knee brace off during those seasons I had about 10 – 15 day trips and week in the alps each season. I also went back and flew power kites which initially caused the problems in the first place. I took up biking during the last 10 years and was riding doubles/drops/ with plenty of crashes and had zero issues with the repair. Then a stupid night out last August and I fell off a chair and snapped it again! The re over this time has been much slower they used hamstring first time and patella tendon graft this time, which was a bit sorer with a bigger scar. Rehab is key get on it ASAP and treat it like a job and do it constantly throughout the day and you will recover back to way you were pre op. Even when you feel your getting stronger keep going till you finish the full programme and then after keep building strength and maintaining mobility.

    I live in a first floor flat and the stairs have been totally fine. Take the painkillers and don’t try to be a hero and you’ll be back on it before you know. Im terms of work I took 3 months off last time as i worked in kitchens at the time and couldn’t stand for long periods of time, I’m now own a bakery so am able to step back and will take off as long as I need to. It’s a pretty successful procedure so you should be totally fine post op. I’ve just tuned 40 last November to give you and idea of my age and I’m of average fitness, the one thing I do regret is I’ve been  dormant since last Aug due to the knee instability and 2 young kids under 3 and work, so haven’t really done any leg exercise and i could feel it post op my legs are so weak, but the rehab will get me strong again. I think by being in a good shape pre op it helps speed up rehab. Hope it all goes well!

    Free Member

    I’d definitely wait to see what the 2017 frames have to offer, I think there may be some changes on the way. I have a 2013 v2 with a dbair and it’s the best bike I’ve owned. However I think a lighter version of the rune may suit my riding style and trails more…just need to wait and see what the new frames offer. If there’s no changes then I’ll be holding onto my v2

    Free Member

    Make your soup in a pot as normal then add it to the biggest jug and blitz it down the texture you get is really incredible, just watch when you remove the lid if the soup is just off the boil or a burnt face/hands could be on the cards

    Free Member

    I use it to blend soups and it gives them an incredible texture light and airy. Finished with a bit of double cream…. Delicious. Also use it to make guacamole, blend spices as well as making juices it really is a versatile bit of kit.

    Free Member

    Sorry it is a pebble not a pearl we have. Thanks for the replies will have a look at the different seats.

    Free Member

    Aeropress user here they are great for quick coffee… need to have a cup to use it with though.

    Free Member

    Like a lot of the comments above what works for one child may not for another. Our 1 year old has just started sleeping through thankfully. The two months before Christmas were really testing. She was breastfed and wouldn’t even entertain a bottle (still doesn’t) and would only like to be settled by my wife. By 1 they are able to physically sleep through waking for milk is a comfort thing or so we were told. My wife was set on not allowing her to cry it out but the night before her 1st birthday she was going for it big style ( we had checked her and knew she was fine) and we just left her. After 20 mins she fell asleep it’s hard but it worked and she’s slept 12hrs a night since then. Is your son able to get to sleep on his own in the eve cause this for us was essential to her being able to get back to sleep during the night. If possible get him out your room ASAP cause you guys might be noisy sleepers and keeping him up

    Free Member

    Banshee spitfire v2 140 rear 160 front… Buy it you’ll love it! Ride all the same trails and the bike is never out its depth, unless your into bigger drops then go for the rune. But even then if your riding a lot of bigger stff a 160 enduro bike will start to suffer after prolonged big hits, if your not smooth.

    Free Member

    I got the dual flow rebound assembly from loco a few years ago and it transformed the sektors. I still use them on my slackline and they have brilliant coil plushness with good dampening, never bothered swapping out the compression though!

    Free Member

    Got to blame something nothing to do wi my ability honest

    Free Member

    Aye did have it fairly hard to make the transitions a bit easier, will take some air out and work on my technique!

    Free Member

    Xtr triples 2008

    Free Member

    It could be the fact everything is new, the gear shift is crisp, there is no back pedal issue as per other 11 speed thread, it just seems that when you turn the cranks whilst the bike is in the stand you can feel and here the rubbing. I haven’t had it outside to test yet.. I just thought there was an issue as it wasn’t a smooth as my old 1×9 setup

    Free Member

    I was just about to ask the same question and a few more so if people are chiming in about 1×11, are xt and sram gx comparable level? Sorry for the hijack. Can i also use existing xtr crank that I have been using 1×9?

    Free Member

    bigjim glad your liking the cakes, got another load heading down to Peebles for this weekend!

    Free Member

    I put some slicks on it already for Skinny tweed and it made a difference, just wonder if spending money into making it something its not really supposed to be is a wise spend. Or would a nice light hand built wheelset make a big difference? I’m doing tour o the borders and the other 2 people will be on carbon road bikes.

    Free Member

    Will drop my saddle 10mm and definitely look at increasing my hip mobility, this is something that I know need to work, flexibility is not one of my strong points.

    Free Member

    Any saddle recommendations, I’m currently on the standard flux saddle on a 2014 croix de fer.

    Free Member

    For a brownie you can directly replace the quantity of flour with ground almonds and gluten free baking powder for normal and it works really well, for cakes you need to alter the recipes and method.

    Free Member

    You should try some recipes using ground almond instead of gluten free flour, I sell a lot of gluten free products and don’t rate gluten free flour at all for cakes. The ground almonds add moisture and you can get gluten free baking powder to give the lift to the sponges. If you split the eggs and whisk the whites and fold in at the end this also helps to keep cakes light.

    Free Member

    This happened to my brakes as well, i have xt brakes and ice tech rotors. My bike sat in the spare room for 6 months without getting used (shoulder injury), and on the 1st ride out the noise was deafening and the brakes were rubbish, even though they worked fine before sitting for 6 months. No way they could have been contaminated. I sanded them and then hit them with the blowtorch and cleaned the rotors and they were back to normal, however, i let the bike sit for another month and the next time out squealing again, but all it took this time was some water from a bottle and they were quiet again, I think its dust from the air that gets on the pads when the bike is sitting and unless it washed off they squeal.. i could be wrong but they are fixed now.

    Free Member

    I have a slackline and use an adjustable fork, and it climbs well. If i’m climbing for ages i drop the fork to 110mm and it helps a lot, its not a bad climber though at 140mm just lean forward a bit more. It still descends well at 110mm just need to pick your lines better and if you like jumping it jumps better with shorter fork. Maybe you should think about lowering your fork to 120mm.

    Free Member

    Mindmap3 would you consider a swap for a medium spitfire, I have a 2012 and wonder whether a rune would suit me better. I’m not 100% set on this just putting the feelers out.

    Free Member

    So the driver came back and is paying it he says it was his fault,I had to drop some bread to the same restaurant tonight and noticed that directly outside is a bus lane, however there are signs saying that goods vehicles can park in it to deliver. He must have seen the bus lane and thought he couldn’t park outside. Also at the start and finish of the metered bays there is ample single yellow lines for delivery. So no excuse really and he had lots of cash had he needed to pay for a meter.

    Free Member

    Nice one I like the sound of the grounds for appeal, I may contest it just to see if I can win. If I end up losing and paying it, is it tax deductible?

    Free Member

    It is the fact it was in a metered space not a loading bay that is the issue I think, I will find out when he returns.

    Free Member

    It’s his 1st ticket, they are militant in Glasgow about stopping in metered spaces and not paying. Will see what he says when he gets back if he offers to pay I won’t object.

    Free Member

    Thanks iainc, I know it’s not a race I just want to be able to make the distance the most I’ve ridden in one day is about 60k so this is something completely new to me. Was just wanting to get an idea if I was on the right track.

    Free Member

    Bit of a hijack here but i’d like some pointers to getting ready for the tour o the borders. Basically i’ve not had much bike time since July last year due to injury and then a new baby on the 31st Dec. I have never done any road biking just mtbing. When i was riding a had an ok base fitness nothing special. I bought a croix de fer off Iainc on here last December and am using this as my road bike, my plan is to commute roughly 30k a day 3 times a week and as the nights get longer maybe ride a bit further, plus a ride at the weekend. I have been doing strength training in the gym, squats and kettlebell routines since October but am still pretty overweight at 88kg for my height 5’8. Hopefully this will drop off the more time i spend on the bike. I have entered skinny tweed which is the middle of May. So would the best thing to be to ride a much as possible till Skinny Tweed then after that start a proper 12 week training plan for Tour o the Borders?

    Free Member

    z1ppy if you want a phantom just buy it, email Keith the designer he will set you straight on the right size for you. I bought a spitfire v2 this time 2 years ago, direct from banshee as there was no UK distributor at the time. The frame had just been released in the US, there were no reviews at that point, only descriptions of how it rode from Keith. I took a gamble it paid off, it’s an amazing bike and the reviews now show that. What I’m saying is speak to the guy who designed the bike he knows exactly how it rides, it’s sized etc and then go for it!

    Free Member

    No worries i’ll have a shot with them and if there no good you can have them.

    Free Member

    So I have some new cowbell bars to fit, thanks Bregante.. As this is my first road bike and I’ve never set up this style of bar I have a couple of questions

    1 Is there any special formula to set up road bars should the bars be parallel to the ground? Is it just trial and error to get the shifter/bar angle right?

    2 Can you re use the bar tape?

    Free Member

    A good macaron is amazing.. I make them every weekend for wholesale and for weddings, people go crazy for them!
    Here are some I did for a wedding a few weeks back 3 flavours: passion fruit, raspberry and choc/orange. Agree with cupcake thing too much icing is bad!


    Free Member

    Sent you an email

    Free Member

    what size? i may be interested

    Free Member

    Thanks iainc will be in touch

    Free Member

    Probably order a set of cowbells i think and in time go for the kinesis wheels.

    Free Member

    Your welcome enjoy the new bike when it comes..

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