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  • Singletrack Reader Awards 2021 – Time for something a bit different
  • monkeychild
    Free Member

    I like single speed and I like 1×9 as it adds more of a challenge to your fitness than mincing through the gears.

    Free Member

    +1 for Ubuntu. Windows is a virus :D

    Free Member

    iphone??? o2 are doing good deals on refurbs at the 'mo.

    Free Member

    Been twice never got pick pocketed although one of lads did but he got his cash back (long funny story involving fly kicks and bras). I kept the majority of my dosh in my shoe and only had max 20euros in my pocket. Only time I felt unsafe was being on my own on ramblas at 4 in the morning absolutely hammered trying to remember where I was staying :lol: I elbowed an African hooker in the face by accident :lol: 'twas quite a twitchy bum moment.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Totally agree with your mate.

    Free Member

    I think I may have fell off and injured myself if I had done it :lol: That does look 'kin steep mind

    Free Member

    I run non chilli verticals on both my mtbs and love them.

    Free Member

    FFS another admin burden!!! At least she's gone. I am sorry but most single parents are an absolute nightmare in the forces. It's not a normal 9-5 job so if you don't like it, get out.

    The former corporal said she was expected to be available for duty "24/7, 365 days a year" and was told the Army was "unsuitable for a single mother who couldn't sort out her childcare arrangements".

    Well that's what you get paid for!!! This is a total farce and people like her make urine bubble.
    This made me laugh out very loudly

    The tribunal criticised the Army for not helping to make childcare arrangements.

    **** off. Why are the Army/MOD responsible? They have a duty of care to her but that doesn't extend to sorting out her own admin. Jesus H what next??

    The Army will have to look very carefully at what they are asking single parents to do, she added.

    Simple get rid of those that moan and let someone who is capable of doing what they are paid to do!!
    My mates now wife was a single mother when she went out of area for 4 months did she try and dodge it? Nope she made arrangements and got on with it as it's her DUTY!! I know when I go out of are next, I will not go as it upsets my Mrs and I don't want to be away from my son :roll:

    Free Member

    Tiger sheds are ok for the cash.

    Free Member

    The problem is soem folk are not just purely drinking. There are those taking columbian marching powder as well as boozing which makes a very cheerful combination.

    Free Member

    All it will do is line the pockets of private vpn companies. It makes me laugh tbh as it was proven that those who do file share spend more money on music, dvds etc than those who don't.

    Free Member

    Virgin adsl is God awful and I escaped my contract for rfree due to it! I am now with IDnet and they are ace!

    Free Member

    Well you will say goodbye to access to youtube for a start
    FFS the UK is turning into China!!!
    Is that the sound of private vpns cashing in on this?? There is always someone 10 steps ahead of these idiots in power. The American government have even funded software to stop censorship in China (freegate) It just makes me laugh that we are living in this so called free world. Aren't umpteen thousand troops fighting off in a dusty hell hole to fight oppression?
    Also it puts vulnerable web users (see your average none web savvy user) at risk from folk hacking their wi-fi and using that to file share!

    Free Member

    That is sic to the power if rad (is that correct??) Seriously though if it works who cares?

    Free Member

    Having your culture and religion demonised and regularly attacked

    Isn't that what Mr Islamic Terrorist and fundamentalist is doing? I am sorry but both sides are guilty of the same thing if you ask me. I have no issue with whatever fairy story you want to believe, as long as someone is a good person that's all that matters in my eyes. I just wish this ridiculousness would bugger off and maybe people wont be so angry like hey are today.

    Free Member

    Wahl balding clippers ftw!!!

    Free Member

    Will British troops be going to Basra and Baghdad

    I guess the pilot must have had a heavy night before if they are :lol:
    Seriously though does part of the Muslim community have nothing better to do than find stuff to get upset about? This is why your average Joe does not get/like (delete were appropriate) Muslims imho, you never see Buddhists getting angry over photos of fat bald blokes saying it's an insult to buddah, or Hindus upset at mountain biking cows. I had the good fortune to spend quite a few months in Oman and spent time with Muslim Omanis and found them to be generous, tolerant (the supermarkets were full of Easter eggs and they love Christmas) have fantastic family values of which most countries could learn from. I just don't get why a small minority of UK Muslims seem to have this huge voice that gets upset over ridiculous things. Still chuckle over the image of the drunken Omani asking forgiveness from Allah after every mouthful of beer :lol:

    Free Member

    Clearly a slow news day! I laughed my head off when I saw this on the news. It's ridiculous. Everyone is offended about everything these days! Life's too flaming short.

    Free Member

    Always have your support crew nearby

    Free Member

    On-one pompino :)

    Free Member

    Yup same happened to me, the front and rear pads got destroyed in one ride!! Will never use them again!!

    Free Member

    I did as I am visiting so only had certain days I could ride.

    Free Member

    Bloody hell it was like the circus was in town up by the pike!!! I was not alone it seems as I saw a few disgruntled cyclists weaving through. Why do people walk 18 abreast in a group it's so annoying then they look at you daft when you want to get past! I gave up in Healey Nab as I had no idea which way the trails ran. I did 38miles in total I enjoyed it but will only do it again when it's not a bank holiday!

    Free Member

    Tension was a smidge to slack on my rear mech. It's all good now :D

    Free Member

    I use a longish (can't remember the length) ea50 stem with my Mary bars and I find it ok. The only issue is the steering is a bit slower but it's on my rigid ss so it's not too much of an issue.

    Free Member

    I have planned a route that is 41 miles long utilising the flatmtb route :D Quick question regarding Healey Nab woods. From this point is it fairly obvious where to scoot down to the woods?

    Free Member

    Good question :lol:

    Free Member

    That is awesome to the power of 1000000. An absolute leap forward for those poor folk who have lost limbs.

    Free Member

    I begrudged paying my parking fee at Sherwood pines when I rocked up at around 8ish and the bloody toilets weren't open!!!! I had to turn back and head to the Maccy Ds for a Mc Dump :lol:

    Free Member

    To be honest some fc parking charges extract the michael imho.
    Bit iir Hamsterley was £3 whch is more than reasonable.

    Free Member

    Depending on how naughty you are searching for memorymap.rar lists some goodies :D

    *Expects this post to dissapear

    Free Member

    Grabs a brew

    Free Member

    Awesome :) I love Skiddaw.

    Free Member

    Many thanks to all who have contributed to this :) I will have good old looksie at home.

    Free Member

    I currently live in Lincolnshire so lumpy riding from my front door doesn't happen :lol: I don't mind riding a distance to get to it as it's a good warm up and warm down.

    Free Member

    I can use the canal up to Haigh hall. It will be on mtb.

    Free Member

    When the fixie craze goes

    What does it matter if it is a craze? If it gets people riding surely that's all that matters?? I ride a fixie purely for economical purposes i.e **** all components to replace and I live where it's flat so no need for gears.
    Leave us fixie riders alone you racists ;)

    Free Member

    just in calling a spade, well…. a spade!

    Bit racist isn't it?

    Damnit beaten to it!!!!!! :lol:

    Free Member

    Do you have your hoods slightly angled in? I found this made a whole world of difference on my commuter.

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