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  • is a scam website
  • monkey_boy
    Free Member

    its ok but nowhere near as good as it could have been, rage meter is key, took me a while to suss that out, forget how you do it but you have ot wait for the icon to be fully red? then it slows down time and you can pick your targets.

    end of the day games like this do get boring, go here get that, take it back to point b, etc

    mind you i cant wait for GTAV

    Free Member

    one word beats all of the above…

    Zombies! 😉

    Free Member

    dont be a badge snob, hundreds of cars out there for that price much newer and more than enough kit! 😉

    Free Member

    Free Member

    aaahhh thats what it was, my o2 contract phone has been playing up last couple of days.

    Free Member

    before you all start i have my rose tinted specs on, im more of a radio 2 man these days, radio 1 hurts my ears.

    anyway moyles gave me a few chuckles if im being honest in the early years but then climbed up inside his own a**se – you couldnt beat chris evans in my eyes.

    Free Member

    ringtone- theme tune to the ‘american’ office

    message tone – close encounters DOO, DOO, DOO, DOO, DOOOOOO (You get what i mean)

    metal gear solid christ that brought back some memories of wasted hours!

    Free Member

    i really dont get it, a few women i know have said its a load of bollox and cant see what the fuss is about, from what they said it seems to be an internet phenomenon and its gone ‘viral’ (as they say these days)… and judging by the illiterate posts on their facebook pages 90% of the woman who bought it cant even read anyway and skipped to the ‘best bits’ whatever they are.

    i told them all if they want porn i can give them a few URL’s that will boggle their minds 😉

    Free Member

    our little un is now just over 2, we had a few bad weeks when she was about 9 months, we were dead against controlled crying.

    one night we were so knackered we just let her cry and cry…. she finally wnet off to sleep and was fine in the morning. we got to the point where we’d sneak in try and calm her down, make sure nappy wasnt wet/dirty put her back down then just, well… left her to cry it out.

    some may slate us for doing that but i dont care a she is going great guns and the clinic say she is fine.

    ours never had a dummy, we tried it a few times but then just didnt bother and it didnt seem to bother her.

    in our experience the first 6 months were by far the easiest, but looking back we have had a dream child (so far)compared to friends!

    only advice i’d give is dont read any of the books or go onto the web, ignorance is bliss to a certain point, how the hell do people think they coped years ago!

    nothing wrong with this nutter…

    Free Member

    Rourke in Angel heart, cool as **** and amazing when he looses the plot!

    Free Member

    yes had it on since the day i got married, im a good looking guy so it keeps the single woman and divorcees at bay.

    Free Member

    ConvertXtoDVD is the dogs!

    it does everything with a few clicks.

    Free Member

    cheers all.

    it is a minefield, will look at that ESET, im not a total numpty but we have plenty working here.

    i want to keep the email pop3 as it works and wer enot big enogh ‘yet’ to warrant an in house server.

    Free Member

    cool thread….

    i need to start again, putting the pounds on…

    oh seems like some of you know your stuff.. any tips on making it more enjoyable…

    half the battle is to actually get out the door… i used to go with my mate but he was fitter than me and it killed me mentally.

    i have toyed with the idea of a heart rate monitor, is it worth the faff?


    Free Member

    if you havent already go on to they love this stuff on there…. some of it is mental with people kicking off…

    the chemtrail threads are the best!

    Free Member

    Rappor is bad but you want to check out the ‘dark coffee’ from aldis, i literally spat it out across the living room carpet to the disgust of the wife….

    Free Member

    Have to agree it has to be the lightsaber

    but the ‘Wunderwaffe-DG-2’ is cool from Blackops Zombies on PS3/XBOX…

    Packed with 200,000 amperes of devastating chained electrical current, in-game it is incredibly powerful, sending a bolt of lightning at the targeted enemy, killing it instantly. The bolt then proceeds to hit up to 9 nearby enemies with no obvious diminished power for a maximum killing potential of ten enemies.

    Free Member

    havent read most of the above but im never buying budgets again.

    this time last year i put 2 budgets on my fiesta (Mohawks)and 2 mid range falkens on the wifes (same model of car), shes done about 6k miles ive done about 3k and mine are nearly bald and theres a good bit of tread left on hers!

    you can to the touch, feel the difference in the compound, the falkens are soft mine are like rock.

    if you actually look at the cost of tyres and as said above there is only about a tenner jump from budget to half decent.

    Free Member

    saw it the other week, its good but….

    (this is going to sound stupid)

    it would have been better if there was no connection to the other alien films. knowing beforehand it was sort of a prequel made you have a preconception of the film.

    Free Member

    Definitely visit Ko Phi Phi. Phi Phi Don is inhabited but Phi Phi Leh is a nature sactuary, so day visits only. If you like scuba/snokelling then they are definitely worth a visit if you’re in Phuket.

    second that also check out ‘bottle beach’ if it hasnt changed since i was there in 2000, its at the very nroth east tip of Koh Pha Ngan (a smaller island near Koh Samui.

    it was hardly known (apparently) when we went there, it is/was a small beach with about 15 huts, a small bar and a restaurant and you could only get to it by boat.

    lovely country if you stay away from the seedy madness of the big cities/towns.

    Free Member

    so you didnt notice the tackle and turnover leading to the pen and then expect me to respect the rest of your opinion, righto…

    calm down boyo! im a gav fan but he’s his own worst enemy!

    Free Member

    Nope. I love watching him play. His 15 mins on friday included a text book tackle and jackel to win a pen pure class. Then of course he missed a tackle for the last try when his lack of pace at 15 was exposed.

    were we watching the same game! 😉

    looked like he was playing touch rugby!

    sadly his days are numbered for defo now, cant see hime ever playing for wales again, quite sad but the new young squad is here to stay.

    i guess he knows this and chances of being picked are quickly dying.

    if he was a prop it may be a different story 😉

    Free Member

    I always wanted a 5 GT Turbo, sod all left now that haven’t been chaved right up.

    Free Member

    cheers guys, this is turning into a huge nightmare, its the managers fault for changing his internet provider without checking with us first,

    oh dear… this should be fun!

    Free Member


    when it was with orange it was (smtp)

    the guy got through to o2 and they said its a bt issue and got him to set up another inbox assocaited with email.

    so to re-cap normal work email when sent to him is coming into his normal inbox, but when he sends it goes from the account.

    this is cr*p though as when client get email from him it comes form cr*

    im sure i saw this problem few years back and you can pay a few quid an dhave a ghost sort of sever for outgoing mail and it does all the work for you.


    Free Member

    cheers, i just went onto the bt webchat (which was cr*p) they said “we cannot comment on o2 servers!” but i remember being told before bt block the use of outgoing on certain carriers. i think it was somehting to do with port 25 being restircted by carriers

    i’ll check the link cheers

    Free Member


    white pepper, they will come back, but keep applying it 3 or 4 times and they will stop.

    Free Member

    had to send a laptop to dublin and used parceltogo very easy to use

    Free Member

    you’ll never beat “BAGS THE BRAND!” that was cringe TV at its best…

    Free Member

    ive recorded the programme havent seneit yet, the book was great

    Surely even the most ill-equipped forces could easily repair a single crater in a runway fairly easily?

    ive always wondered this.

    the best bit of the book, when they were calling round all the old RAF bases and asking if they had a bit of equipment hidden away (think it was part of the refueling nozzle) they called the one base and they said what does it look like and it turns out it was on the desk infront of the guy being used as an ashtray!

    Free Member

    let’s stop bickering guys n girls, whats done is done!

    well done Wales thank you for a great game, well deserved but still some work to do. but its a new young team and future has never been as brighter.

    hats of to lancaster if he doesnt get the job it will be a crime, next year could be a different story.

    Scotland deserve more credit to be honest.

    Italy are getting there.

    irealand come on lads sort it out.

    CYMRU AM BYTH good night.

    Free Member

    i can understand the OP, two idiots in our street have got those little white fluffy things with their arses shaved. as soon as they are let out the back or taken for a walk they bark, its not even a bark its a pathetic whimper.

    they do tell them to shut up to be fair BUT why dont they just train them NOT to bark, is it really that hard?

    (by the way i like dogs – but not shaved arse ones)

    Free Member

    austin healey off on one again, could be taken as racism his one comment but i actually laughed, i just find him a said man with small man syndrome.

    seriously though how can his employers not get wind of it..

    Free Member

    not at all, use paypal all the time to buy things, makes life easy.

    Free Member

    as above mrmemory is good

    Free Member

    it is scary, sad i know but i downloaded MAME onto my laptop the other night and downloaded loads of retro games, was laughing at the size of them.

    i use lots of iomega 1Tb back up drives in work for the backups.

    god knows what it will be like in 20 years time.

    Free Member

    going to the other end of the scale theres was an interview on bbc with shaun edewards recently, he was saying rugby is getting a bit soft and menitoned Vincent Clerc and ‘that warburton’ tackle. (he thought it was a yellow)

    he said Vincent Clerc was playing up in another match where he was rolling round like an italian footballer just to get a penalty/card given to the opposing player.

    anyway he was bassically saying he hopes rugby does not go the way football has.

    Free Member

    “England beat Wales”

    Free Member

    havent read any of the above but it wa sposte don here a while back whenit came up and it made me smile.

    “middle class shower before work – working class shower after work – ”

    Free Member

    brett anderson lived there

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