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  • Issue 148: Looking The Other Way
  • monkey_boy
    Free Member

    nah mate im PS3 play as monkey_boy4UK

    really need to change it

    Free Member

    i'll set up one of those crappy free forums so we can be even more sad and talk perks and tactics.

    you can then all laugh at me when i go online….

    Free Member

    Perhaps there should be a STW clan it would be massive!!!

    cool idea, everyone add (STW) as their clan tag

    we could setup a crappy FREE forum aswell, so we can post on their 😉

    Free Member

    ignore my question about scart & hdmi… its like chalk and cheese.. i'll get my coat.

    Free Member

    the wife gave in a bought yesterday for me, early chirstmas pressie but now she regrets it.

    ive just done the rooftop mission where you jump onto the helicopter right at the end. the single player is a bit 'samey' (so far) but the graphics are top notch.

    have to admit the splash of blood on the screen when you get hit is a bit annoying, takes a good while longer to get back to full health than WAW. i can see me getting into big trouble when i play online.

    thanks for all those who sent requests… meet up soon im sure

    oh stupid questions- we have the ps3 hooked up to the fancy flat screen in the living room, can you connect up to older CRT TV's? which only have a scart lead connector not HDMI??

    Free Member

    i reckon i would be in the top easy.

    1 – Used to deliver beer for a family run drinks firm, ball breaking work dropping kegs down cellars and being the 'bitch' as i was only 17. made me what i am though and gave me a thick skin.

    2 – Hardest job ive ever done is working for P&O Cold storage in NZ, loading 20ft & 40ft containers with frozen NZ lamb. worked with a bunch of total mentalists and lasted 3 months, i was a total broken man at the end of it, had the body of a cage fighter though LOL

    3 – Also did 2 months 'fruit thinning' in NZ, basically before the 'ripe season' we had to climb each tree and split the bunches so they would grow

    Free Member

    bought it this morning!

    fooking hell like!

    can see why everyone is banging on about it now!

    going to finish the solo campaign first before i get 'owned' online.

    would love to play will fellow game geeks.

    add me if you want.

    monkey_boy4UK (PS3) (put singletrack in the message)

    Free Member

    mitsubishi delicia,

    they are retrotastic cool…

    loads of mad forums on them and lots of retro fit kit you can put on them


    Free Member

    we had muse 'feeling good' (nina simone cover) for our wedding song. went down a treat.

    Free Member

    get one of these instead…

    Free Member


    by christ that was a terrible film!

    Free Member

    you had me going there, i nearly put all the bunting up in the street!

    i was brought up in the middle of the miners strike and saw first hand the impact it had and STILL has.

    also it was maggies fault that all the MP's took the piss with the recent expenses saga, back in the 80's rather than give them all a pay rise she set up the expenses scheme, and obviously over the years the pricks took the p*Ss.

    i dont wish death on anybody but i wont be sad when she goes, what will p*ss me off is all the bollox that the BBC1 etc will pump out, all the books about how feking great she was.

    i need to get out on the bike

    Free Member

    im only 34 and i cant drink half as much as i used to, totally cut down mid week, like you even half a bottle of wine my sleep would be terrible.

    a for the infamous 'all dayers' i cant think of anything worse these days… i went out on one few months back, must have had about 8-10 pints then hit the JD, next day i was in hell of a shape, was in the dog house with the wife and wasnt really right again until the the wednesday.

    never again!

    to be honest i cant afford to go out these days on a full bender, i feel so much better aswell not drinking. my dirnk days are over, 6 years living in dublin sorted that out!

    Free Member

    "Ignore the endless anti-french waffle"…but its True

    ive had many 'french cars' and **** all major has gone wrong with them.. maybe im lucky.

    my old Saxo is still going strong at 127,00 miles all its had is a new battery and tyres.

    Free Member

    angel heart

    wolf creek


    Free Member

    we basically had what you have and went to sky+ a year ago, we pay about £32.00 a month, thats free calls weekdays/weekends (certain times) – unlimited broadband (which has never faltered and i play loads of online PS3) we have all the entertainment channels but no sports or film.

    a mate had BT Vision and is p*ssed off with it, box keeps going nuts, BT are big on marketing but fall short of service in my book.

    sky+ is bloody great, the only crap thing is when you are recording 2 programs you cant watch a 3rd which is the only point virgin beats it on IMO. but lets not get into that one 😉

    if you push sky they will give you deals, there one on at the moment with a free HD box.

    Free Member

    you'll be like it one day! 😉

    Free Member

    ive had a lowe alpine fleece for 8 years and it still looks brand new.

    bene washed a million times and even tumble dried.

    Free Member

    havent got it yet but the best tactic to online play is have a mate and watch each others back, also have the perk that makes you NOT show up on the map and the one that makes you run faster/longer (very under estimated perks). amazing how many kills you can get even with two of you sharing them.

    never stop in one place, keep moving for the duration of the game and dont camp at all in one spot.

    very frustrating as you need to get to know the maps inside out, which obviously takes loads of time

    it was funny playing zombies last night, the server normally shows around 80,000 odd people it was 27,000'ish last night!! i wonder where they have all gone???????? funny thing is there seems to be alot of better players hanging around??

    Free Member

    ive snogged Sarah Blackwood of 'Dubstar Fame'

    after a gig in southampton when i was in uni, i tried in vain to get her back to my stinking pit but she was having non of it. her excuse was they were leaving for th enext gig early in the morning.

    i still cling to the sad memory of 'what could have been'.. 😉

    also bought a pint for james dean bradfield (manics) in newport years ago, nice chap but i think i freaked him out when i started shouting manics lyrics at him, he never finished his pint

    Free Member

    damn you all!!!

    im going to wait till chirstmas when all the servers have been repaired and everyone has got bored of it.

    hopefully they will bring out a final zombie map anyway!!

    (just jealous!)

    Free Member

    im not getting it until christmas, ill be divorced if i get it before!

    i know theres no zombie multiplayer on it but what exactly is the online play/special ops???

    Free Member

    i stream aswell, i watched all the 'shooting stars' series and it didnt falter once.

    Free Member

    id rather eat my own ***t

    Free Member

    havent read most of the above but damp or knackered window/door seals may be the problem, my old pug 306 was a sod in the cold weather

    Free Member

    i think it is a silly amount to win, they should limit the the win to say 1mill so more people can win.

    i mean where would you draw the line with the people you would help, friends etc.

    i'd love to win enough to pay all debt buy a few bits and nobody apart from close family would ever know.

    Free Member

    LOL, seriously it frustrating as hell!

    Free Member

    When's Chocky coming back


    Chocky scared the living sh*t out of me!

    Free Member

    Did you push it out of the bead hook first?

    the tyre was totally flat and i must have spent 15 monutes trying to prise it off, wouldnt budge an inch, mind you it was very cold and raining (not excusing myself for one minute 😉

    Free Member

    doesnt he do that fekin awful haunted thing aswell or have i got the wrong bloke?

    Free Member


    told the MD he gave me the "aaahh its a one off dont worry about, so i pointed out and said to him straight what are you going to do about it"

    i know have a budget to buy in a special filter/hub and lock down, they are also checking mr porns contract as he has signed one and it does have an internet usage policy on there.

    i also asked about his references and apparently he was brought in via and agency and they do the checking – im a bit dubious how he 'left' his old job which im going to do some background work in.

    the irony is he has a cold today and theres tissues allover the desk…

    Thats unless the bloke wants to w@nk all over you or something, thats a different case altogether

    NZCOL…. i hope that doesnt happen…

    Free Member

    Still wondering if there are all that energy saving as you have to leave the things on to see where you are going. How often do you put the light on and then off before the damn things warm up

    thats what ive always thought!

    Free Member

    messed my typing up there… 🙄

    Free Member

    on the same theme, my brother just got a Merc ML 330CDI and he said its the biggest mistake he ever made, too big a lump, gets blown all over the shop and is a total sod to park in the wind he's going to get shot of it and get an A6.

    Free Member

    my mum had a dogs bollox boiler fitted few months ago (fancy wireless etc), alot of trouble as they had to take out very old boiler and put loads of new extract pipe work in the loft came in around the £2100 mark i think

    Free Member


    out of interest is your pregnant wife going to have the jab, as pregnant women are suppose to be the first

    Free Member

    cheers all, will look at those games.

    sidney/monkfish add me if you want


    got to level 28 with two people, open up the thompson side then camp by the M1 alley, one at the window and one watching the alley way. obviously dont open the door into the mainframe or the door into where the pump is.

    got to level 39 with 4 people, using the teleporter room by the bowie knife. one stays at the cave window, one stays at the window up on the gangway and two watch the main door. key is to get betty's srtaight away and plant them for later on, this helps massively

    i really need to get a life.

    Free Member

    i ride with a load of copper, send me your question and i'll pass it on

    Free Member

    well i took my fair share of funny white bits of squared paper in the early 90's and lets just say my memory aint what it used to be!

    i couldnt think of anything worse than dropping one of them these days..

    Free Member

    i cut out bread and the weight has dropped.

    change form beer to vodka 😉

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