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  • Mental Mondays #14 – Let there be love
  • monkey_boy
    Free Member


    i'll never forget being sat in the cinema watching the south park film and the first verse of "Uncle f***er" starting and loads of parents racing to get their kids out of the room.

    Free Member

    who's going to argue!

    Free Member

    i saw a job tuesday, didnt bother sending through the website, just clicked the 'more info' button got hold of the guy ion the agency who was dealing with it and chatted to him direct.

    he then gave me his personal email to send my cv to

    this agency seems to be ok'ish from my experiences years ago. end of the day they want to make a buck and get their cut sometimes to the expense of their client and you.

    Free Member

    So one guy built some crazy system, is now leaving and they want it replaced with a new totally different system. And it sounds like this system is a core part of the business.

    That sounds like a 'mare of a job, full of hassles – rather you than me!

    thats kind of the way i read it….

    the guy in the agency said "it is to the companies benefit that the guy who has left is going to the suppor company"?

    also in the job description is actually says they want a "jack of all trades" which 'could' be highly suss and point to the fact they are in a right mess

    he's putting me for an interview anyway next week, so i'll go to that and sus it out more then.

    Free Member

    Thank all again,

    just got off the blower to the agency, he said the companies system is all in an archaic form of MS Access and the guy leaving is the guy who devolped it all but he is going to the company that supports their every day to day IT?

    the company want to come bang up to date and go the SQL route.

    Free Member

    cheers all….

    one part of the job ref also stated

    "our client wants a 'jack of all trades'"

    you could translate that a few ways!

    Mmmmmm made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up a bit….

    the agency guy has given me all the usual bull "your CV is perfect" etc, so lets just see i guess.

    Free Member

    cheers guys,

    bare with me 😉

    the bit i can't get my head around is what application/software do you use to send/review the data in real time, what is the front-end?

    would it be a special written script/program that bolts onto SAGE for example?

    or is totally bespoke written databases and a designated workstation which 'receives/sends' the data?

    Free Member

    B&Q are doing a sky dish type frewview affair at the moment, dont knwo how good it is mind, could give that a go?

    Free Member

    well done for going, it is very tough, will never forget the last few dyas when my dad was confined to his bed, but we had 7 months to try and get our heads round it.

    jaysus 35, i will be 35 in 6 weeks

    it is so easy to forget how lucky we are!

    Free Member

    if tis any help we had a posh vaillant fitted last week


    this taking out the old shitty combi

    moving the new one to another wall and all the plumbing, new flu, filling in old flu.

    new pipes to the outside gas box thingy as the orginals were not legal, single pipes when it should have an outer sleeve?

    full flush and had a wireless controller aswell

    Free Member

    The episode with Flashheart was one of the finest 30 minutes of comedy ever made.

    totally agree

    Free Member

    couldn't stop laughing the first time i saw it total classic, keep meaning to get one for the car

    Free Member

    trust me am an expert…

    over the last 5 years i have wrecked many a wall in our house.

    as above depends on how heavy the item is.

    those plugs are ok for certain things,

    B&Q do some screws that have an outer part that expands in the gap and pulls against the board inside the cavity when you tighten it up

    (im sure there is a technical word to explain all that 😉

    Free Member

    this will help…

    Free Member

    you'd have much more fun with these,

    on the back of the toilet door i'd place the first one for the sick *****er that never cleans up after himself!

    Free Member

    It would have to be the TT for me, woman down our street has a brand new Sirocco as a company car, we followed her out of the close on the way to work this morning and the wife said

    "oooh that s nice, very girlie, i like the round bits at the back" (it was in white)

    i think that sums it up, lovely car but it is basically a new Beetle thats had a big rock dropped on it!

    the TT is slightly more Grrrrrr

    then again if i had the cash i'd buy a GTI

    Free Member

    i wouldnt pay the high prices, like most sports stuff really

    18 months ago i bought a set of 'buffalo' trousers and jacket and commuted in all weathers, they still look like new.

    think the trousers were £60 and jacket £90, double zips and double stitching. mind you anything worse than a light shower and you soon get soaked! but thats why you can buy and all in one rain suit i guess!

    i think more top end stuff is more breathable etc

    i got a pair of boots aswell for £100 cant remember the brand but they were middle of the road, worn a bit but still loads left in them

    i noticed some dirt cheap stuff in aldi's last night, had a look and it wouldnt last 5 minutes.

    just my 5p worth

    Free Member

    dixie land drug store… what a class song!!

    Free Member

    i didnt have the first MW and got the MW2 to see what all the fuss was about…. to be honest i much prefered the online play of WAW, it just seems to be more fun playing old school world war 2.

    i guess im in the minority by the looks of it, there's too much going on with all the fancy kill streaks etc

    Free Member

    dont do it… it is a pain in the arse!!!!!!

    i had to get the father in law in to do it for me…

    Free Member

    i like them…

    Free Member

    i use it in the wifes 1.4tdci fiesta and the garage where we get it serviced uses it on all diesel's aswell.

    i think they use Wynnes though not redex

    Free Member

    bloody terrible here, think there are very dark times ahead, got a baby on the way aswell.

    we make shiny things for ducting for the offshore, industrial, ncuclear. tunnel markets….

    we have quoted like hell but nothing is coming back our way, all the big boys are holding onto their budgets and not releasing funds…

    there's only so much longer the pot will last…. horrible feeling but i guess i am still employed!

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear about your loss…

    I agree… my father was diagnosed with terminal cancer may 2007, died in the november…

    naturally we all saw the slow decline from what was once a proud, quiet man into somebody we didn't recognise in the last few weeks.

    if dad knew how he would have ended up and the pain that all of us and especially mum would feel there is noway on this earth he would have put us or himself through that.

    still huants me to this day, the things that stay in your mind.

    sitting quietly by his bed talking to him and hearing the syringe driver doing its work..

    sorry if thats a bit morbid but it actually helps to write it down…

    Life goes on………….

    Free Member

    well done… our first is due in 2 months…

    cool name too 😉

    Free Member

    It's better to be at the bottom of a ladder you want to be on than halfway up one you don't

    Free Member

    I got one of these from Argos for my mother last week and the quality is spot on.


    it works perfect on the tv in the kitchen but in the bedroom it was crap so you may want to get a higher frequency one

    Free Member

    some good posts on here, another frustrated Welshman here.

    i'll be surprised if gatlan stays for the world cup (tongue in cheek)

    if i hear the phrase "were just not clinical enough" one more time i am going to cry.

    yes the ref didn't make the best decisions and its easy to look back and sit on the fence but we should have scored from those scrums.

    yes key players were missing and ireland had a full strength squad but again its excuses.

    don't get me started on the lineouts, something needs to be drastically sorted out as the under 20's were just as bad… some coaching staff need to go.

    Paul O'Connell was just taking the p*ss out of us, he can read the line out so well and it was a walk in the park for him.

    ah well onwards and upwards…

    Free Member

    I always wanted one of these, think the phase II started 1986?

    Free Member

    how would you feel if your mrs did it?

    Free Member

    how come im the only one that remembers the guy that was pretty new to the whole MTB thing.

    he bought a new cycle top and posted up a pic of himself in said top infront of a mirror in his house.

    the thread actually read "does this top look too tight on me" (or words to that effect)

    he took it on the chin mind when about 400 people replied taking the p*ss out of him

    Free Member

    Congratulations, you are the newest member of the worlds least eco-friendly building society

    i know i had thought about that.

    i don't feel the cold, but were putting a radiator in there for the wife and imminent baby.

    the 'nesting' power of a women is amazing. i loved my decking but 3 weeks later a white plastic lego building has been stuck on the back.

    Free Member

    it think we can safely say Wales has the best anthem and flag for that matter 😉

    mind you the italian and french ones are good too (anthems not flags)

    Free Member

    Some old school fitters won't use it but instead will run the lead over the top of the starter (abutment) bar.

    i think thats what they have done, doesnt look the most aesthetically pleasing but hey ho, they have cut into the wall about 2", sealed the top of the flashing.(seems to be some type of metal staples at intervals all the way up aswell?

    the soaker seems to be sealed aswell with some strange foam type gubbins between it and the wall…..

    some crap pics….

    Free Member

    tidy darts!

    came home copious amounts of lead flashing used, all very neat and tidy

    cheers all

    Free Member

    Keep it polite, leave on good terms so you don't burn your bridges.

    very true, you never know whats down the road…..

    Free Member


    damn it havent got my phone lead in work, i'll take some pics of the 'latest stage' when i get home.

    oh if you take alook at page 2 on this PDF linky again, the bottom right-hand pic (above step 3)looks identical to ours the 'pre-formed soaker' is installed

    Free Member

    hi stumpyjon (it was you!!) 🙂

    the builders got the conservatory from here..


    you hit the nail on the head, all the UPVC bits have Synseal (Global brand name) stickers on them.

    i have a pics and will try and get it up on here…

    Free Member

    cheers, forgot to add, the back of the house is brick but then there's about 3 inches of render/skimmed coating.

    i just have 'that feeling' they are not going to use lead flashing and your right i will get them to do it even if it is extra.

    i might be wrong when i get home tonight!

    Free Member

    Mmmm that could be your problem then, put your back into it man and pull the cabinet out! set it up behind and to the right of the TV.

    i think there's an OEM add-on fan but it's crap.

    PS- Can we swap living rooms please?

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