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  • Fresh Goods Friday 727: The East 17 Edition
  • moimoifan
    Free Member

    Er, that just illustrates the issue doesn’t it?

    Again, sort of, but not really.

    In the example I was looking for a specific thread as mentioned by squirrelking and because I remembered it was something to do with crimbo, I ‘found’ the right thread. Dates weren’t really relevant in that example.

    That all just smacks a bit of “being more precise with search terms increases the likelihood of finding what you are looking for shocker”.

    The ‘internal’ search function in STW has always been hopeless, with or without the ‘power of Google’.

    Using Google from the outside rarely misses for me because I try to be specific to avoid disappointment(!) Nine times out of ten I’ll be looking for a specific thread rather than the most recent of a series of threads on a general topic.

    Squirrelking’s initial reply, using the LMAO emoji, was an unnecessary attempt at one-upmanship, which I bit at a little. Cougar had a crack too – and got a commensurate reply.

    Such is life.

    Free Member

    Oh, and incidentally, look what ‘real’ Google produces when I enter “Christmas tamiya singletrackworld”.

    Must be magic, I guess.


    Free Member

    Laggy bands? Laccy, probably. Derived from ‘elastic.’

    ‘Laggy’ around here – just like ‘plaggy’ for plastic – same slang etymology, same result.

    That’s a bit like trying to score points based on the fact that I’d call a bread roll a ‘cob’ and someone else call it a ‘batch’ or a ‘barm’.

    We’re wandering well off-topic, obvs, but if you’re going to try to point-score at least do it with solid ground under your metaphorical feet, eh?




    Free Member

    say you’ve not read the thread without saying you’ve not read the thread

    Sort of. But not really.

    I have quite a good memory so if I’m looking for a specific thread I often remember key words from the title or the OP or recognise the thread from a list of four or five.

    If I’m looking more generally to see if a similar question has been asked before (usually maintenance or bike parts), I’m happy to look through a couple.

    Stepping outside of STW to Google works just fine for me.

    Sorry to disappoint you and your LMAO emoji. Maybe if I want to refer back to this thread in a couple of months time, I could conduct an experiment and type in “Sarcastic numpty trying to point-score singletrackworld” and see if it finds your post?



    Free Member

    STW is no different from lots of other ‘string and laggy bands’ sites when it comes to this. The easy step is just to Google and enter the search with ‘singletrack’ after it and job jobbed. My employer’s website (a university) is just the same – the supposed Google-powered search is crap, so I just end up stepping out to Google as above. That’s not really an answer to the OP’s question, but the solution renders the question irrelevant.


    Free Member

    Love this CD. Very ‘sanitised’ for the European market, but excellent on in the background.

    Free Member

    The jetstream doesn’t show any signs of moving, so yes, basically that seems to be ‘it’.

    Maybe hope for some kind of Indian Summer in Sep-Oct. 🤬

    Free Member

    I find myself agreeing with ernie.

    But, of course, he does forget to point out that:

    support for brexit

    goes hand in glove with…

    xenophobic chauvinistic racist

    Free Member

    Are there any Tory MPs who don’t now have a show on GeeBeebies?

    Who knows? Who cares?

    You have to be a **** to watch GB News, so it’s safe to assume you vote Tory if you do. So no issue, really.

    At least for now. If GBeebies achieves a critical mass, non-idiots may be in trouble.

    Free Member

    Bazball will survive one more series if Aus won 3-1.

    Stokes’s knee is the biggest threat to it. His knee is ****ed, zero doubt. Surgery may sort it, but I doubt he will be the bowler he was. If he can’t bowl he is 70% the player, which weakens his position if he chooses to die on Bazball Hill, which I think he will.

    Anderson will retire, as quietly as possible, in the weeks following this game. He has lost his zip, I am afraid. There is no way he will tour India to get smashed all over or end up bowling wide of off with the keeper up.

    England are a team with way more questions than answers hanging over them right now.

    Free Member

    Vengeful STW forum member with a colander and too much time on their hands?

    Free Member

    The tories are petrified of the far right for some reason.

    Because they can take away many of their voters if they aren’t nasty and bigoted enough. Simple.

    Free Member

    Sadly, I think Anderson is pretty much done as a Test bowler now. Even when he beats the bat, the ball is dying in front of the keeper. The ‘zip’ seems to have gone. I don’t know if he’ll tour this winter – I think he has said he will, but that can always change. It will be weird if he retires at the end of an overseas tour.

    I think he will call it a day at the end of this match, TBH.

    Free Member

    I opened the thread wondering if, perhaps, someone had thumped her in the chops. Am very disappointed.

    Free Member

    It’s such a pity that PZL-104 Wilga was so well built. It would’ve saved everyone so much in the long run.


    Free Member

    Just use of the phrase ‘sheeple’ to go for a full house. Or have they done it already? I only skim-read the drivel, TBH. It’s nothing different from what a million other attention-seekers have plastered over Twitter and FaceAche for the last god knows how many years.

    Free Member

    Hello newly registered free member. Some interesting first posts on various contentious topics.

    Climate change denial? Tick.

    Uses the phrase ‘sanctimonious champagne socialists’? Tick.

    Links to antivax idiots being antivax idiots for YouTube hits? Tick.

    Has a semi-plausible token post about road tyres, though, so at least they’re trying – a bit.


    Free Member

    anti growth coalition

    Indeed. That well-known hotbed of lefty activism that is the international money markets.

    Truss was too daft even for most of the ‘new tory’ voters to take seriously. She should have blamed brown people in dinghies – much more likely to ‘cut through’.


    Free Member


    Hopefully that stirs things up so Johnson is somehow compelled to refute it.

    But, of course, he won’t. He’ll do what he always does – go to earth for a few days then reappear with some **** ramblings in the Daily Hate. Job, jobbed. Morons appeased, dead cat on table, 24 hour ‘tricky spell’ survived.

    And, after all, he’s just a bit of a lad, eh?

    Free Member

    Starmer has painted himself into a corner, then.

    If you’re confident he’s doing a full on lie, then vote for him. If I could be happy he was definitely going to treat idiots like idiots, I’d be with you.

    But, word of warning, if you like the notion that Starmer is lying about undoing the will of the people* you will find some serious disagreement coming your way from our STW pet ultra-leftists.

    *The will of the people being to fully implement and perpetuate the myths around the biggest polirical victory in living memory for the far right in the UK. 🤪

    Free Member


    Yeah – ask for clarification.

    It would be good to know the reasoning too. I.e. they may say “most of the workforce is flexi, it is too much work for the size of payroll department we want to run, so we just true-up at month end”. On the flipside I’d be concerned about any company that is doing stuff like this to micro-manage cashflow. If that is the case they may be sailing very close to the wind with covenants or investors etc.

    I’m an accountant. If I was working for a company that was consistently engaged in heavy day-to-day cashflow forecasting/manipulation, I would start looking for a new job. Not long-range big investment type stuff, I’m on about general operating expenses.

    Free Member

    If it is a scratch it has been caused by something gouging from the face of the headtube downwards and nicking the edge of the cup. Something to do with a bike stand or rack or similar. I can’t think of a well-intended maintenance hack* that would result in that.

    *We’ve all been there and done that with stupid stuff. I chipped a piece of paint from the top edge of a brand new frame’s head tube because I was so busy admiring it out of the box I allowed it to to spin on my fingers in the BB. It was a smidge too close to the tiled kitchen floor. Idiot.

    Free Member

    but if the only harm in trying one is to erk some men

    I’m a man who finds misspellings irksome. Do I get my own forum?

    On a serious note – I can’t really see an issue here. 🤷‍♂️

    Free Member

    Thanks. Hope the short-tempered Scot Nats can avoid getting their sporrans in a twist next time they’re the butt of the joke. I’ll count on you to rein them in.

    If they’re confecting faux outrage and offence to make a point (and thus acting like twits) then ‘no problem’ with that. 👍

    Free Member

    That’s the idea of democracy – if you have red lines as a voter you have red lines.

    I will not vote for anyone who perpetuates the lie that Brexit is anything other than a total **** up with no upsides. That is pandering to stupidity and prejudice and I will not condone it with my vote.

    Free Member


    Here is Keir Starmer, former QC, pretending that stupidity can be made to ‘work’.

    Here are the only two appropriate responses:


    Honestly, how can anyone with more than two brain cells believe in (and thus vote for) that?

    Say it straight. It’s a colossal **** up that needs to be reversed as far as possible as soon as possible.

    Free Member

    There’s very little to separate Tories and Labour on Brexit. For me, Brexit is the seminal UK political event of my lifetime – a rejection of progress and collaboration for the common good based on a pack of lies and driven by racism and xenophobia. It is not a fad or a trend, but a pivotal point where stupidity triumphed – and then revelled in its own stupidity.

    I have to vote for a party that is openly against self-harming stupidity. I cannot vote Labour until they tell the truth – Brexit is a horrendous mistake. Even if they then say “that we have to live with for the foreseeable future unless we want to unwind bits of it”. This is not what Starmer has said. He has stated that there is no economic case for rejoin. That is bollocks. He knows it is bollocks, but here he is – an intelligent former QC – having to debase himself saying he believes Brexit can be made to work. Like the straight A student in a comprehensive who has to pretend to be ‘fick’ just to fit in. It is undignified, unedifying and laughable.

    I cannot vote Labour.

    Libdem or Green it has to be.

    Free Member

    No CU and no SM means no meaningful advantages to the UK. Not on a wide scale. We can buy our way back into some bits (at probably 50x the ‘price’ we had previously) and those sectors will feel some benefit. But getting anywhere near what we have lost back? Forget it without CU & SM.

    Free Member

    Signed. For all the good it will do.

    Free Member

    I know why Starmer has to pretend to be a nobhead. I just can’t vote for someone who does this. My vote, my **** choice.

    Free Member


    Let’s take those in order.

    I’m intrigued, what was wrong?

    What did they say was the problem? User error? Component default? Manufacturing fault?

    Both times it was supposedly irreparable damage to the airside internal of the upper. In both cases there was miniscule (I’m talking less than the size of a grain of rice) marking which was the lightest of light scratching. And I mean an imperfection that can all but be totally removed with a good rub with a soft rag and some IPA.

    If the fault was with a part they haven’t supplied you can’t really expect them to warranty the part, though arguably they should maybe have checked before they did the work.

    Sort of. Obviously they can’t find stuff until there already disassembled in a lot of cases. BUT, in both cases I had other suspension tuning say that the imperfections were so small as not to make any difference at all to performance.

    Not necessarily you but a lot of people seem to think a warranty is carte blanche to break things and then have them fixed for free.

    This was to warranty their own work. Ie. I think they just wanted to cover their own arses if someone tried to blame them for faulty service or reassembly. The issue was that the supposed faults were something you really had to look super-hard to find.

    In any case, people can continue to use TF if they want. But I won’t use them again because other reputable servicing outfits said they were being way overzealous in what they said was a critical fault – which simply wasn’t. This is what prompted me to start doing my own fork servicing in any case.

    Just my experience, but it did happen twice and then they charged full whack for an unwarrantied service having basically taken them to bits, had a look around for anything that could be construed as unfixable and put them back together again. They also promised reassembly would be done by a certain time so I could collect them in person mid a long drive back from a family hols with two young kids in the car. I was met with bewilderment then arseyness when I turned up as arranged. One irate wife and two tired kids as a result. The customer service was poor and at no stage did I raise my voice or give it the big ‘I am the customer’.

    That’s basically it. I wouldn’t use them again for servicing under any circumstances. I’d buy hardware from them and install myself.

    Free Member

    tjagain is spotonagain.

    They’ll not get my vote with their current stance, they clearly don’t want my vote and believe they can do without it.

    100% my position too.

    Starmer is an educated former QC who now has to pretend to be some stroker down the pub who believes Brexit can be made to ‘work’ somehow. FFS. And everything about it that can be said to be able to ‘make work’ is effectively reversing bits of the current minglewank of a settlement we have due to the nobheads’ nobhead Boris Bloody Johnson.

    It’s a balls up, an error, a fail, a disaster. The only way to improve where we are now is to reverse some or all of it. I’d prefer to be told the truth of that. It appears that our morbidly thick* electorate needs it presenting to them as some kind of brilliant diplomacy – fine, but I can’t vote for anyone who portrays this shitshow for anything other than what it is.

    *ernie – love your work, man, but voting ourselves out of the most successful free trade bloc in history on the basis of a pack of easily refutable lies = stupidity, however you want to slice it up.

    Free Member

    TF Tuned are on my black-balled list after twice pulling the same stunt – namely going over the fork with an electron microscope looking for imperfections so they didn’t have to warranty their work – along with making some promises they didn’t keep around reassembly. There are much better providers out there.

    EDIT: not just a non-specific rant – they are quite pinickity looking for ways to charge you or wriggle out of warranties. Or at least they have been in my experience.

    Free Member

    This is exactly the kind of ethnic stereotyping that shows the hegemonic, imperialist nature of Little Englander Westminster British nationalism under whose yoke the Celtic peoples… (continue for several dozen self-righteous paragraphs). just a little light-hearted piss-taking


    “Just.” Bugger off.

    Fine by me. 🙂

    Free Member

    Maybe we could also have a forum for those that like to bicker incessantly?

    Already taken care of. It is called ‘The Forum’.

    I’d read some where the King could give every single person in the uk £1m and still be fantastically wealthly. Probably bollox, but I could imagine dividing out the total wealth concentrated on a few would really help out with the cost of living …..

    That’s the basic issue for me right there. The king only has access to this wealth because he came out of a certain birth canal. It is wrong, outdated – a total anachronism. Invoking god? Well, might as well double-down for the gullible, I guess.

    But that is not really the thrust of the main bickering on here. The main thrust is that one poster has gone full-on “prove it, show me the evidence, in my hand, down the pub this evening – I want fully audited accounts and an independent ombudsman there too – with an up to date CV so I can check they had no royal affiliations in the past”. Whilst others have indulged in a bit of rumour-mongering amongst a few generally accepted examples – but, and this is another key point – the monarchy is intensely secretive about it affairs in general. Sure, there are some titbits put into the public domain, but much is not – we can either accept at face value that everything ‘bad’ we know is literally all there is to know or we can extrapolate from those examples to postulate what goes on.

    If you accept at face value what the rich and powerful say, you need to be very happy with your decision, because you will likely end up poorer than you need to be – but I guess ignorance is sometimes bliss.

    Free Member

    And, FWIW, if the UK does rejoin – on whose terms do we think will it be?

    The second the EU hear any moaning or exceptionalism it will be take it or leave it time. And rightly so.

    I’ve had numerous gammons ‘predict’ that France will leave, Italy will leave, blah blah.

    Sure there are sizeable sections of those electorates that are anti-EU, but they will never leave. Hungary and Poland will not leave. They know how much being in benefits them. Their nativist governments also know the benefit of having the EU as a bogeyman to campaign ‘against’ along populist lines.

    No one else will be stupid enough to actually leave, though. That title will remain, indisputably, the UK’s.

    Free Member

    They have just moved on without us and have no appetite to see a troublemaker return

    Basically this. And still many can’t/won’t face it.

    Free Member

    Scottish nationalism long predates Brexit

    It doesn’t long predate the moronic, inward-looking, xenophobic, backward-looking English nationalism that caused Brexit, though.

    Wales? Inexplicable that they would vote Leave – too many magic mushrooms at supposedly druidic ceremonies…?

    Free Member

    I just find it weird that we accord rights and priveleges that are way in excess of the average person’s means to a bunch of people according to whose birth canal they came out of. In the 21st Century FFS. Elect of god? Really? Is that still the best claim that can be made?

    And, if a sportsperson say, doesn’t sing a daft song with gusto they are pilloried. I mean, begging a mythical being to uphold unearned privilege and often being harragued into doing so? It’s all a bit subservient and demeaning, TBH.

    The fact that being republican also winds up Brexity gammons is an added bonus.

    Free Member

    Is this the thread where everyone chooses odd hills on which to die?

    One or two certainly do seem to be overdoing it a tad on this one.


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