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  • Lust Is Not A Sin: Paul Brakes for Bromptons
    Free Member

    Another one from the flipside is "the sorrow of war" by Bao Ninh.It is tough going as it loses a little in translation from Vietnamese but still a good book.

    Read quite a lot on Vietnam-I'd reccomend Chickenhawk by Robert Mason
    A book called Close-quarters-the authors name escapes me but its about the armoured cavalry-M113'S and stuff.

    Local to where I'm from..a book called TANK by a guy called Ken Tout from the Northamptonshire Yeomanry-his training and d-day experiences and he wrote a couple of others too-all good reading.

    Free Member

    Try "Through German Eyes" By Christopher Duffy next-a view from the other side of the trench.

    Fascinated by WW1-I've visited quite a few battlefields and memorial in France/Flanders.The sheer scale of men and equipment involved for such little gain.Nearly a century on all we've really learned is how to kill just as effectively from a distance with out getting our hands dirty-not how to negotiate instead of fight

    Or meanwhile out at sea "Jutland 1916" by Nigel Steel and Peter Hart for a battle that nearly wasn't.

    Free Member

    Can't get your beard caught in the chain?

    Free Member

    Slightly off topic here but if you like your comics keep an eye out for
    Stephenson's Robot….coming soon and drawn by a friend.His art is fantastic.

    Uses the name Laughing Indio.He's done a few 2000ad Zarjaz fanzine bits already and at long last it looks like things are going to take off for him.

    Free Member

    Belleville Rendevous

    Free Member

    Won't be able to make it I'm afraid folks.Halfway between bike building and motorbike servicing.
    Have (several) beer(s) for me.


    Free Member

    Should be fine-in the process of switching from 1×1 to 1×9.
    Using a surly ring transplanted from the ss to the geared bike.Used a 9spd chain on the ss no probs.

    New chain on the used ring will wear in pretty quick the ring is as tough as old nails and will outlast several chains

    Free Member

    More "quality" entertainment
    Thanks TJ I always enjoy these but must you feed the bears?
    They only bite….

    Free Member

    PP-No offence taken

    FYI my bike is totally standard and I've done the advanced training.Maybe the nations car drivers should too.

    I ride a stock middleweight bike with no mods-the club I ride with all ride Harleys/cruisers some with straight through pipes.People know we are there.We don't ride like ****ts or rev the bollox of the bikes late or early in the morning.
    I ride every day and the observation skills of a lot of drivers is very,very poor.

    If someone in a car isn't aware of anything other than what's directly in front of them they need a wake up call.If you were behind the wheel-not the bars and someone did something daft and dangerous you'd toot your horn or flash your lights wouldn't you?

    A louder can gives you a bit more presence on the road.

    Free Member

    Loud pipes do save lives.
    The sad fact is a lot of drivers are very poor at observation before manouvering,not checking mirrors,blind spots etc-not even indicating.
    I'd rather wake people up and live than get side swiped by another blind ****t in a metal cage.

    Sorry if that offends – so does getting knocked off!

    Free Member

    I like the idea of the multistrada-just don't like its looks…

    Free Member

    Nearly 2 years ago I left a safe job in the town I'd been in for all my 33 years-took a gamble on a job and moved 250 miles away to a place where I'd never been.

    No regrets-worth it just for the scenery(mk to south wales)

    Free Member

    PP is right-a solid Honda would be a very reliable workhorse-good service intervals.Maybe not so much fun at the weekend though.
    The SV is a hoot-service is cheap but quite regular.Hunt around some good later(pointy) 1/2 faired fuel injected ones with reasonable milage.

    Free Member

    Depends how much fun you like.My commute is around 50 miles a day on the M4 in wales on an SV 650S.Not the most suitable commuter but the long way home on the backroads is a lot of fun when the sun is out.

    Probably someone along soon with more suitable advice

    Free Member

    I have 2 pairs (front and rear) of very nice Ortlieb panniers in red.Used once for LE2JOG.

    I won't use them again.

    They will "tick all your boxes"

    A good price if you're interested.
    Mail in my profile if you want to chat about it.


    Free Member

    My son(20 soon) started and stopped smoking pot quite quickly.
    I've been at it for 21 years with no issues.

    If you want to keep your kids on the straight and narrow point them to youtube and get them to watch Swansea love story parts 1-6.

    Very sad but very real.

    Free Member

    While we're back at school-reading about the Falklands war of 1833 and the claims to ownership in the 50 years before this could clear a few things up….

    Thanks for the entertaining thread folks

    Free Member


    01792 467467

    Free Member

    Something some friends did a couple of years back.
    Bike/motorbike round India/China.

    May(not) be the sort of thing you are looking for.

    Put "two wheels whirled" into google and then read the archive from 2006 on.


    Free Member


    A quick update-we've had to move the venue but a date at last.
    Andy is away working this week and I was away last week-this is what we have so far…

    We've had to move the race site about 15 miles up the road to Cwm Rhaedr just outside the village of Cilicwm, near Llandovery, due to windfarm plans at Brechfa Forest, which threatened to make planning really awkward! Cwm Rhaeder is a really nice, self contained trail, with a beautiful climb followed by a 4km descent. Race day is pencilled in for Saturday 14th August!

    Details on entry very shortly!


    Free Member

    Hi-Its been raining all night here so should be fine if a little soggy


    Free Member

    one of the lads here at work lives over the hill-says the road is open.Don't know about trail conditions though.

    Free Member

    I live in Pontarddulais just up the road-some nice open natural stuff where we are.Cefn Drum is the biggest hill.

    Lovely views from the top of the Gower,down the estuary past Llanelli and then up to black mountain and the brecons.

    Worth a look.
    Not many bridleways worth riding Llanelli way.


    Free Member


    It's snowing in Swansea now.
    I was out on the hills west of here on sunday-conditions were good.
    I live west of Swansea just off J49 of the M4 and the back roads are dodgy for me and the motorbike.
    I'd go for Afan (less distance from the motorway)I think the windy road to Brechfa could be bad.
    But it could all clear up by the weekend so maybe ask again at the end of the week.

    Free Member

    Hi There,

    I can't get hold of the main man to check but I think we're looking at 14th/15th August.We have a meeting this week so more details should surface soon.


    Free Member

    Never tried it on an fs bike.Good traction I guess?

    Nothing wrong with a push-usually time for a smoke if I have to get off

    Free Member

    Pretty "Grrr"
    How does it ride?
    BIG! ring on the fron there

    Free Member

    1 gear=many speeds.
    More or less "GRRR" as available traction dictates.

    Free Member

    give it a whirl-it will get you fitter

    Free Member

    Hello all,

    Is this open to occasional forum folk who are "solo"?
    I'd like to try and come along.
    Would have to look at trains from wales as bikes and motorbikes don't travel well together.

    Maybe see you there?

    I'll be more certain closer to the time.


    Free Member


    I've been up there too.My son lives in the village just next door.The local bmx boys play up there in the summer(hence rubbish).I don't think trail building is welcome up there from what my boy says.
    I'm not in MK myself anymore (south wales now) but there's a few jump spots tucked away in the urban jungle of Milton Keynes.Some stuff just behind Madison between the railway and the A5.

    Good luck with approaching the FC… it gets very muddy in Salcey too

    Free Member


    My mate used his as a cross bike last year so no problem for offroad duties.

    As for locking it up….buy big locks.Anything is highly nickable if a toerag notices it unattended

    Free Member

    a nice little flick there.and my favourite VF track too.thanks

    Free Member

    I'm 35 and a bike biz box bitch.
    (Warehouse manager for parts and component supplier)

    Free Member

    Thanks DezB-I'll be ok.

    Managed to catch the first Bauhaus reunion gig at Brixton…maybe 10 years ago….That was great.Just a little too young to have seen them first time round.

    Free Member

    Maybe more fur than hair but what about Manowar?

    Free Member

    If I can remember correctly I think there was a collaboration between Bob Smith from the Cure and some of the Banshees.
    Band was called The Glove(maybe) and LP was Blue Sunshine.
    Don't have my vinyl anymore-long time since I heard it.

    Alien Sex Fiend-great blast from the past.

    First Banshees album The Scream is very good too.
    Love and Rockets (post Bauhaus)worth a listen and if the Cocteau Twins are in then check Dead Can Dance for some beautiful sounds

    Free Member

    The Swans

    Burning World or White Light From the Mouth of Infinity albums.

    If you're still feeling cheerful after that try Greed,Time is Money/Bastard or Raping a Slave.
    That will sort the men from the floppy fringed Emo wusses

    Free Member

    No danger as long as you are listening to you ipod…

    Free Member

    just the 31.8mm (os) were recalled not the 25.4mm(standard)

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