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  • Michelin Wild Enduro Tyre – Editors’ Choice Awards 2021
  • Ming the Merciless
    Free Member


    also useless. Our lot are so bad that it is almost impossible to get sacked!

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Beach wise do not go to Chapel Porth at low tide (it’s near St Agnes) and the Hedgehog Ice-creams are rubbish.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Max I’m allowed to do normally is 12hrs but I’ve done a few 16hr shifts, however I’ve been very close to falling asleep on the drive back and have had to have a doze in a layby to get home safely.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    “Property is theft!”

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Mrs M was a teacher for 13 years before leaving due to stress caused by massively unrealistic planning and assessment workload (week in week out 60+ hours), unobtainable OFSTED targets, zero management backup and bolshie parents who though the sun shone out of their badly brought up children.

    I’m glad she left (even with the massive pay cut too household income) as I now have my wife back.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Love my superfly.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    That Air Canada story is good, especially the foot note regarding the techs sent to repair it!

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Got a 14 year old amtico floor in our lounge, very heavy use, many, many ferrets and two dogs. It’s the rough sawn finish so hides the scratches reasonably well. Looking a bit tired in places when looked at closely but still very impressed with it.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Oi Spooky get back to singlespeeding in Wales! 😀

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Ours are fed once a day at around 1900. If they don’t eat it all it gets taken up after about 30 minutes.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    I love Vegas, it’s not real! We had a plane tour over the GC it was brilliant.

    Other things to do are the Hard Hat Tour of the Hoover Dam and getting drunk watching the British get sunk at the big open air show about midway along the strip (from hazy memory, I got plastered on margaritas as I was tipping the unfeasibly large breasted oriental waitress rather too much)

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Sith Hound in action[/url]

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    I had a series 2A, well I think it was, I had it many many years ago. It was a 2 1/4 petrol and had been fiddled with, it had fairey overdrive, safari roof, free wheeling hubs and a range rover rear diff.

    It also drank fuel, leaked and the passenger door had a tendency to open itself on roundabouts.

    I had some fun with it but also a few ahem issues, like the parked car I passed on my side of the road and the bloke coming the other way insisted in not deviating from his course and giving me a bit of room. His brand new Rover looked like it had been attacked with a giant can opener….oops.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    It’s a well known fact that cats can see in more dimensions than we do!

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Horrible, possibly a fate worse than death.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    LBS demo’ed it on a wheel I’d taken in to get a new conti tubeless inflated as I’d given up. Worked first time. Cracking bit of kit.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    I did enjoy it until a few years ago when we were restructured and merged with another organisation. Slowly I’ve had any free thinking/initiative and will power sucked out of me by micro management, petty bureaucracy and ludicrous levels of paperwork (why do it with 3 sheets of A4 when you can do it with 11!).

    I was supposed to be re-skilled but actually I’ve been de-skilled which is why I’m looking for another job at the moment.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Hmmm our dogs cook themselves in front of ours till they are verging on heat death before going into our near zero conservatory to cool off on the stone floor (and repeat all night apart from episodes of eating and barking at the fox).

    The ferrets on the other hand……

    Every hot coal that falls out must be investigated to see if it is whisker meltingly hot and the poker even if its come out HOT must be rubbed on to distribute soot all over said ferret before soot is deposited on furniture (preferably white or cream) when ferret sneezes……

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    He’s very good, proper “headology” (c) Granny Weatherwax & T.Pratchett.

    I’m a much better rider after my day with Tony (far more analytical about my falling off and decisive/committed when taking on features).

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    If they fall out on their own rather than drift out then you’ll need the oversize BB bearings to get around the problem Trek don’t like to acknowledge but do produce a fix for.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    I was out on a fault with work in darkest Kent near a place called Scrag Oak at 0200 a few months ago, it was peeing with rain in the middle of nowhere and as I stopped and turned off the van I was plunged into total darkness. I got out of the van with only a rubbish torch and was fumbling for the padlock keys I could feel something near me, a presence. I couldn’t see anything as there were no street lights and my torch was dimming badly. I managed to get the gate open and walked into the compound when…..
    a cow moo’ed VERY loudly in the field next to me!

    I nearly pooed myself!

    Proper sit down in the equipment room with the lights on to let the adrenaline rush disperse.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    The hero can hide behind a litter bin, car door, house door, plaster wall whilst being shot at with high calibre bullets from stupidly close range and emerge unscathed to take out the opposition with a single shot nearly always to the head.

    I have it on very good authority (ex Bisley winner) that a 45 round will go through a car door taking all the window winding mechanism with it shredding the interior of the car and collecting the gear stick before exiting very messily from the door on the other side (don’t ever ask for real bullet holes in your car, just have the stickers).

    And something I’ve learnt to my cost as the bad guy, is never monologue, just kill him with the sharks with frikkin laser beams and be done with it. Then treat your henchmen to a full medical package with a good pension and early retirement and BUPA for all the family to ensure loyal service.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    It’s fine on a hard tail, its fine on a full suss! I’ve gone OTB on both on that bloody tree stump on the monkey trail.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Successfully defusing a bomb NEVER turns it off, it just stops the timer with less than 5 seconds to go.

    The woman of dubious morale values is always a screamer when the monster/zombie/murderer threatens before dying a gruesome death.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Nearly 25 mm squally rain here in Eastbourne…..

    Hound 1 took one look at the back door and huffed.

    Hound 2 did her best “it burns” impression before slinking back to her mat to destroy the remnants of the xmas cardboard.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Marin Wolf ridge (I have a frame in the loft, medium, usual scrapes and paint rub marks, just had its bearings replaced under warranty and shock serviced before it was put to bed a two years ago….£150.00)

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Just eaten fish n chips and watched Avengers on da big telly with da boom box sound and am consuming loads of alcohol……….

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Sitting watching Avatar with MiL and FiL, just at the bit of the film where they are flying through the floating mountains MiL proclaims:

    “They filmed this bit in New Zealand!”

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Seriously GET IT CHECKED!, I’m on week 4 of heavy antibiotics due to infection of the pipework behind my right testicle. I’m not a happy bunny. 6 weeks of no riding so far.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Well done Mrs S.

    I’m First Aid trained with work and have had to use it twice now in the real world, once for an angina attack my neighbor had and the other was for a badly concussed young rider. Do it, as it could save a life and stop you kicking yourself for not doing it.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    I’ve got a superfly 9.8 from a few years ago and love it. Very fast, feels like cheating. The only downside is that the BB is Treks own bearings press fitted into the frame and they are not designed to cope with UK conditions.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Big road climbs, especially the road out of Millook!

    Dept 26 very accommodating….but very fit!

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    The Voice Recorders we use at work where you can eject the DVD using the remote interrogation software when you are miles from site BUT the tray then grinds itself into the cabinet door that houses the voice recorder, class.

    A very critical piece of electronic equipment that routes data from multiple sources to other pieces of kit across a large chunk of the country which has two PSU’s to power it, one main, the other standby. Should you replace a duff supply with another of a different mark then there is a large unplanned thermal event on the chassis backplane killing the entire kit. The manufacturer only revealed that different version PSU’s shouldn’t be used together after the fact.

    The brand new PSU’s that power our new radio system HMI’s. Should the power fail to the PSU and then be reapplied, because the components are so cheap and have effectively cooked themselves, the loss of power and reapplication causes them to fail, leading to the loss of the HMI and a safety critical failure. At a site where there was a power outage we lost 8 out of 9 HMI’s for most of a day whilst spares were couriered to site.

    The AE35 antenna control unit.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Awesome, cannot even see the strings or mirrors……..

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Being Southern (any further south and I’m in the Channel), NORTH starts at J6 of the M25. Much past the Thames and it’s “here there be tygers” on my map and going to Birmingham (training courses) is like travelling to another dimension.
    So is Yorkshire part of Lesser Lancashire?

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    I really rate John Wyndham. Triffids is good but my favourite is “the Kraken Wakes”, it’s a bit dated now but the slow motion stealthy build up to the fall of man is done really well and there are some proper chilling moments when they are on the research ships being hunted and observed by the opposition.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Samford Press from near Dartmoor

    King of Ciders if you ask me.

    Just a bugger to get hold of.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Loving all the Blake’s 7 replies.

    The Fish himself emailed me (cheers, cheap chinese I’m using light has severe range anxiety issues + unplanned thermal event nightmares and my Hope HiD is well into weird lighting up issues).

    Standard by 12!

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Try using an essential oil burner in your bedroom overnight with either tea tree, orange, lemon or if your feeling rich, sandalwood. Very good at helping shift a cough, cold or flu.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Expensive leads carrying digital signals over a short run:

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