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  • 2023 Cross-country Season Recap | UCI Mountain Bike World Series
  • Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Let’s hope the weather doesn’t throw further spanners in the works.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Imperial units, what century is he in?  Does he not realise that most of the young staff won’t have a clue about inches, lbs and, etc.  That could be scope for a royal cock up.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    The doggies didn’t get a walk today due to the heat so I’ve just spent 15 minutes playing fetch in the garden and now have two staffies doing passable steam engine impressions on our stone floors.😁

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member


    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    34.2C peak in Eastbourne.  Hot sweaty and grumpy pets

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Yes, my old boss, after a TUPE he tried rolling back some of my T’s & C’s.  I’d been warned he might try this so at our 1to1 I accused him of trying to “**** me over” and he back pedalled rapidly.  Later he tried to get me to sign off safety maintenance that had gone into backlog without doing it until I asked for an email asking me to do it rather than verbal.

    Then he started tying to pick up my work as substandard so I adhered to the letter of the maintenance standards (which were rubbish) and because I could prove I was doing it by the book and had time stamps from entry and exit of sites he crumbled, especially after I started generating extra tasks because I was religiously following the standards and finding pointless faults and I trebled the depots outstanding work/backlog in a month.

    After we’d come to an accommodation (I’d work my way/efficiently and pointed out it made him look good on the stats he would let me organise myself) we got on OK and he was positively helpful in corporate interview techniques for getting a sideways/promotion. 😁

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Yep 25 miles commute home this arvo on the motorbike, it was like riding with a hairdryer on high shoved down your jacket.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    21C already in Eastbourne

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    A few rumbles and flashes in Eastbourne, nothing compared to last months light show.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Make sure you have a board the right size for you, generally if the end is on the floor it should come up to just below your belly button.  Bodyboard HQ have a sizing guide on they’re website I think.  A larger board will be faster in a straight line but harder to steer as your need to ‘dig’ an edge into the wave and the extra buoyancy will reduce your ability to do this.  A too big a board makes it harder to duck dive on the paddle out as well.  Also a really rigid board with carbon stringers will make for a harder ride in cold lumpy British waters (there is a whole plethora of board materials and flexiness for your size and conditions/temps).

    Are you using swim fins as well to get out to the proper waves rather than the small stuff, that makes a world of difference too?

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    As Skeletor says:

    I wake up every single day knowing my life is going to be ruined by a pompous, arrogant, self-serving tit with a ridiculous haircut.

    And now so will you, United Kingdom!

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    31.8C on my Weather station, scorchio!  (Sarf Coast outside Eastbourne)

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Make sure if you do have a DNR that everybody is aware of it and the hospice/hospital/carehome have the signed version readily to hand.  Our dear old neighbour was in a home (dementia/heart failure/kidney problems), he had a DNR but the home didn’t have it for some reason.  He had a heart attack and was given CPR and survived.  He limped along for another 4 months dying by inches.  It wasn’t pleasant to watch, especially when he kept asking friends and family to help him go.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    We are doing it all wrong.

    If I was running the Space Program we would be ploughing money into “clean” nukes, with the goal of building fusion only weapons/devices and constructing Orions.  Yes there might be a few more additional deaths worldwide from the contamination whilst we get it right and god help us if there was a launch pad incident but that’s why we have deserts isn’t it?

    With conventional rocket you are putting a few 10’s of tonnes into LEO, with an Orion you could loft 1000’s of tonnes.  Think of the orbital defence platforms/habitats you could construct before reaching out to plunder/explore the solar system.

    Putting men and women on top of a giant Roman candle and burning chemicals at a great rate to reach orbit just seems so 20th century.

    I was trying to do strikethrough in places but my Macfu has failed me😁

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    See below

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Mrs M has just purchased a Levo Expert.  According to her its much better than her 2015 Cube Stereo E-BIke.  I can testify that she’s almost buzzing my back wheel on singletrack and that was only her first outing on it.  🙁.  She’s most impressed with the Levo’s motor decoupling after 16mph unlike the Bosch unit on the Cube.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Flag it to Strava as cheating.

    We have a local roadie that does this to everyone who takes a KOM off him, he’s known locally as “Sir Flagalot”

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Early adopter here, with the original Maverick Speedball.  Loved it from day one (reliability issues aside), its great having the max extension for climbing efficiency, then dropping it slightly for singletrack and getting it well out the way for really steep stuff.  Hate riding without one now.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    So on further deliberation and knowing my pox ridden luck (Rincewind has better luck than me), I’d chose the ST TNG universe and end up at Wolf 359 or Ceti Alpha 5.  If I arrived in the B5 universe I’d be dropped off at Daltron 7 or Z’ha’dum.

    The Culture wouldn’t have me, either that or I’d have an overbearing snobby drone or knife missile following me around lecturing me on good behaviour and manners and generally stopping me doing what I wanted to do.

    Other places I think I would end up; Geidi Prime, home of House Harkonnen, maybe dropped off at Tyco Crater/Moonbase Alpha on September 12th 1999 and I just know I would be a Broadleaf Farmer on Trenco in the Lensman Universe.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    As TJ says; people.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    A Dragon Rider on Pern during Threadfall.

    Exploring Ringworld with Louis Wu, Speaker to Animals and Teela Brown.

    Though knowing my luck I’d end up on Nu-Earth or the world the Dark Judges come from.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    That’ll take a while to pay off on what Costa Coffee pay her.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Beautiful in Sussex, wreathed in a slight wisp of cloud, spectacular.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Nah, Lewis wants most wins and world titles so it makes sense to stick with Merc, then, if Ferrari have a seat available, he may jump, but not until he’s got the records.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    as I was taught as an apprentice, its the volts that jolts and the amps that cramps.😁

    At some power stations you used to be able to hold the output leads from the turbine alternators at approx 18kV but you were on a well insulated stand so no path for electricity to flow.  It was usually a photo op for politicians and the like with presentations etc.

    You can have a high voltage shock, think static electricity or Insulation Resistance tester (don’t do it, it hurts) which will tingle but as there is little current being carried its not harmful.  However if that high voltage has a lot of current available (think railways overhead line) you will fry.

    Similarly you can hold lots of current flowing through bare copper but if the voltage is low then you’ll never get a belt as your skin resistance saves you.  Think standard 12V car battery, currents in excess of 1000 amps are able to flow if its dead shorted with a spanner but I’ve not heard of anyone dying from a 12V car battery electric shock.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    I watched it, it shows very well Chinese long term planning, it was estimated that at present 10% of the Urgyhur population in Xianjiang were in re-education camps, along with their children being put into orphanages.  It won’t be many generations before the Han Chinese commit cultural/religious genocide on the native population, thus eliminating the muslim “problem”.

    Chilling, and how long before that insidious facial rec tech and AI filters out into the rest of the world?

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    I think it is something to do with the vulcanising process that makes the tyre rubber a bit conductive.  As said previously, the 0V bit of the car (chassis) will be loosely connected to earth via the tyres making the 300V bit approx 300V from earth as well.  That will give you a nasty belt as there is a hell of a lot of current (amps) available in the battery.  Plenty of voltage to punch through your resistive skin and reach the conductive salty bits underneath.  It then takes just a few 10’s of milli amps current flowing across a healthy heart to kill you.

    Assuming one terminal of the battery is tied to the cars chassis.

    I ride with some Merc technicians and they dread it when a hybrid battery doesn’t “safe” itself as they have to get a specialist in with special insulated tools, rubber matts and an insulated suit to manually “safe” the battery before the car can be worked on.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member


    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    My PRST-1, seriously cool

    My Speccy Enduro 29er, not cool

    My, as yet unfinished Curtis build, uber cool

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Fitted tubeless tyre to Crank Bros Sage DH rear wheel but it wouldn’t seat properly so left it at high pressure whilst working on the front waiting for it to ping.  Sun crept round the side of the house and started heating the wheel up, I’d got my back to it and forgotten about it, the dog was snoozing on the lawn with his feet in the air by the wheel.

    There was a loud bang and all I could hear was a whistling noise (like in the war films when they’ve had a bomb go off next to them).  The dog was now looking terrified and had seemingly teleported himself instantly across the garden in a nano second.  Sealant had blown up the side of the house, the rear cassette and free wheel had been shocked off the hub and the pawls were now in the lawn and the tyre was badly deformed.

    I may have done this again a decade later but this time the study/bike repair room took the brunt of the blast.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    That looks painful.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    The Downs around Eastbourne are fast and dusty at present, enjoy, but beware the Sussex Lurkin Flints on the descents😁

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Knowing friends who’ve got Ducati’s (996 SBS and 999) its bound to have a a belt that need regular replacement and will have a hideous uncomfortable riding position.  😁

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Leaker should be tracked down and sacked with extreme prejudice (loss of pension, severe tax audit and a very accurate reference detailing his/her actions that led to the sacking) and the journalist should have a nocturnal visit from an agency asking him to think carefully about his/her future story choices.

    If leaker was acting under orders then the trail should be followed.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Yep, I have days when I shouldn’t be allowed near a bicycle, if I’m lucky I recognise it before I’m lying in the bushes with my Staffie licking me to death in concern.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Nobl TR33 or 36 carbon rims on a hub of your choice.  Not cheap but very strong.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Braking bumps are actually plough lines from when Friston was planted around the 1st world war.  The Forest was actually farmland until then but due to the agricultural run off polluting the Eastbourne drinking water (green and smelly) the water board bought the area and forested it to act as an aquifer purifier.  Rumour has it that the three bomb holes line and Morticia and Deliverance bomb holes were the Luftwaffe aiming for the water works but they could also be old flint mining pits.

    Glad you enjoyed it, its running beautifully at the moment.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Spekkie, that looks amazing, keep em coming.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    I’d like them to do a Kenda Honey Badger tread pattern with Michelin sidewalls and carcass in a 29n 2.6 for the front with a small block 8 tread pattern 2.4 for the rear.  That’d be a perfect South Downs scary fast tyre combo.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Looks radioactive, get it to bite you and if you develop wall crawling abilities and a tingly spider sense I’m right.  If, however you die a horrible nasty death it’s probably poisonous.

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