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  • Thibaut Daprela’s POV Run – Leogang World Cup 2021
  • Milkie
    Free Member

    What’s that Milkie? Not a co-ax by the looks of things, so how hard to fly coming from a toy?

    No its not a Co-Ax, its a proper 4 channel RC Helicopter. I’ve only flown this one, and I thought it was pretty easy, once I had got my head around all the controls (hit something, it doesnt break, and neither does the heli…much). Apparently its very hard to fly this little one, they say if you can fly this, you should be able to fly bigger ones with ease.

    I’ve heard good things about the Esky Belt CP, but haven’t got one.

    I did an online tutorial with my heli, it was very good (can’t remember the site) but it wasn’t until the 10th lesson that you got it in the air. Very good lessons, and it meant that when i went to fly, I could fly, and I didnt crash… much! (I’ll post the site, if I can remember)

    Free Member

    I bought myself one of these, after having a PiccoZ for Christmas..

    It’s mainly an indoor flyer. I’ve flown it a couple of times outside, and it flew very well, when it wasnt windy.

    Free Member

    Not only for bleeding brakes, they are very good as water pistols too!! :D

    Free Member

    It’s pretty good. Nice story/plot, and some boobies! Well… thats why my mate loves it. :lol:

    Free Member

    I bought my first “real” Hi-Fi from RicherSounds.

    They offer good prices, half decent equipment. A real good base to build a nice system from.

    You need to have an ear for sound to notice the difference between hi quality systems and cheaper ones… Some of my friends can tell the difference, other’s are like “I can’t hear any difference”

    But most importantly its only worth the money, if you think it is! :wink:

    Free Member

    Why wouldn’t you use jpegs for a laser printer job?

    It’s not that I wouldn’t use them for a laser printer job, I just try not to use them at all really..

    Each time you save a jpeg the quality of the picture decreases, as the compression is re-applied. If I work with jpegs, I’ll convert them into uncompressed tiff’s and work with those.

    Free Member

    I would use PhotoShop or PaintShopPro. As said above, blank canvas, A3 size, add your photos, making sure they are the correct size & dpi before putting on the canvas.

    Just remember the higher dpi, the more ram its gonna take up (1200dpi = 1gb i think).

    Oh and dont use Jpegs!

    Free Member

    About £500 for say 4-5 static pages, but its not some shoddy workmanship.

    But it really depends on content, time and other tings!

    Free Member

    Sort of… Me & my friends have our own diigo group, which has its own forum. We use it for organising MTB’ing trips and other MTB related things.

    It works really well, much better than “That link you sent me the other day… can you send it again?” Instead it just gets posted on our diigo group, then we can all read/reply when we have time.

    Free Member

    I went to the Focus On Imaging Show on Sunday..

    I bought my first “proper” camera, no its not a dSLR, its a Canon Powershot G10, got it at the Focus show.

    So far I’ve taken well over 300 photo’s, I’m becoming an addict!

    Couple of photos taken with my G10.[/url]

    Free Member

    Just to let you guys know….

    I bought the Canon Powershot G10 at the Focus On Imaging show. Haven’t taken many pictures, but I have put two on Flickr here[/url] and here.[/url]

    I’m pretty happy with it.. Now I’ve just got to figure out how to use it. :wink:

    Free Member

    Here’s ours.
    Cloud Turn


    Video of Cloud at a scurry here.

    Pictures of them playing (with evil cocker!) & chilling here.[/url]

    Free Member

    I know a little about PA Systems, I’ve still got my Peavey CS800X upstairs. :-)

    What will the system be used for? Announcements, music, bands, monitoring?

    Free Member

    11.9K My one with the meter was dropped.. It’s now hard to get the thing to light up, let alone try and break the top score.

    Free Member

    Now after looking more in to photography and camera’s…

    I really want a Canon EOS 450d, more likely to get the 1000d (found for £350, although I dont really want to spend that much)

    Is this OK as a starter camera? Will it survive in my camelbak?

    Free Member

    Canon 1000d looks nice! Bit expensive though, considering you have to buy a lens as well.

    Wonder if they will have amazing bargains at the Focus on Imaging show!?

    Free Member

    Kona Kula Deluxe 2007 = 11.9 Kilo’s (26.23 lbs) (Small Frame)

    There are a few upgrades from standard, but nothing that really changes the weight too much.

    Free Member

    I’m really not sure what camera yet.. I might only get something like a Panasonic Lumix TZ5.. On the other hand I might buy a Canon Powershot G9 or something…?

    Free Member

    We’re in a similar position. Neighbors recently split up, he moved out. That’s when the loud music started. We don’t mind loud music, and actually welcome it at times, as everyone likes to play loud music at some time. It’s when its everyday, and soo loud you can’t hear your own background music.

    We thought it had calmed down after a neighbor 4 doors away complained and the police turned up at 3am asking them to turn it off.. We were wrong..

    But this gave me a chance to test my amp, as I hadn’t used it in about year.. So I hooked up the trusty Peavey CS800x power amp to my RCF monitors and played music she didn’t like! (This was mainly love songs, I knew she didn’t like these as she’d been skipping these songs on her cd player; yup I’m evil at times!) This went quite well, I played 4 love songs, then a really nasty d&b tune, then turned it right down. This worked, I quickly got bored of playing love songs, and knew she’d probably welcome me turning the decks on! Her music was now a lot quieter. I did this a few times for a week, and it worked a little bit.

    In the end, I went round and said we don’t mind loud music, but not everyday, or 3 times a day, and asked them to consider this. I did contemplate threatening her with a Celine Dion CD (no i don’t own one, but know someone who does!)

    If I were you, I would record the times that the music is on.. If you do make a complaint to Environmental Health (i think), they will ask you to record the times for at least a month. So when you do get fed up, and complain, you have the proof there already.

    Free Member

    After listening to a lot of these classic tunes for most of the day. I am now going to dust of the Technics and have a mix! :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Hmmm toytown and heart of gold – now you’re moving into the realm of full on happy hardcore cheese.

    Yup, back in the day, where you couldn’t tell if you were listening to D&B or Happy Hardcore! :D

    Maybe its a little hardcore… How about these:
    Finally – Ce Ce Peniston
    Happy Clappers – I Beleive
    Usuru – Open your mind
    Killer – Adamski
    Atlantic Ocean – Waterfall
    On a Ragga Tip – SL2
    Prodigy – Out of Space
    Moby – Go

    Free Member

    I really need to go through my vinyl collection and mp3 all my old Hard House and Hard Trance vinyl. That would really sort you out.

    Same here, but its the thought of going through over 300 records!

    What era are we looking at? (United Dance!?)

    DJ Seduction – Move Ya Body
    DJ Hixxy Toytown
    Forces & Styles – Heart of Gold

    Guess what I’m listening to when I get home! :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    I hated Britpop! Probably because all my friends did nothing but talk about Oasis this, Oasis that, Liam did this blah blah blah.. So I hated it!

    I turned to house music and became a superstar DJ! (Oh yea, that was a dream)

    I’ve now bought the old CD’s off my friend, as I now like the old stuff!

    My first CD would’ve been Oasis, and I would’ve bought it off my mate about 2 years ago, for nothing (nearly). :-)

    Free Member

    if something goes wrtong, how much will a new dog cost?

    Ours cost £700 I think.. Put the price of vacinations, dog training and the such like, and you are looking at well over £2,000.

    I think the average dog owner will spend more than £2,000 at a vets over the lifetime of a dog, really does depend on the dog though, Spaniels, Labs love getting into trouble! Although I’m not a vet!

    Free Member

    BTW this thread is useless without pics!

    Agreed! Video OK!?
    Our puppy, well, I think she was 12 months old. She only had one run in the whole day, and was in first position until 4pm… Everyone else was running their dogs all day, having 3 or 4 goes at a time. The winner ran his dog multiple times to beat our time. We ran just the once!

    Free Member

    My thoughts…
    Do you really want to be put in the position of… I can’t afford all the work to get my dog back to normal, so I’ll have it put down.

    We’re got dog insurance for both our dogs. One dog has £6,000 a year spent on her, if she didnt, she would’ve been put down well over 8 years ago.

    I know my vet very well and when an animal comes in that needs work.. They see it like this…

    vet: has this animal got insurance?
    nurse: yes.
    vet: right, let’s do x-rays, blood work, some more blood work, blah blah blah

    If you don’t have insurance it goes like this:
    vet: got insurance?
    nurse: no.
    vet: oh, we’ll do an x-ray and see what that turns up, then we might need to do some blood. (this all takes longer, poor animal)

    Basically if its insured, they throw the book at it, use the best drugs, get all tests done and so on. If its not, its a trade off between what the dog needs and what the owners can afford. Usually this results in longer treatment, and a lot of the time, the animal is put down.. after all they dont wanna pay £12-£30 per month on insurance, they sure as hell don’t want to spend the £700 to get the animal back to normal.

    Our youngest dog, had a little problem, and the bill came to well over £1000, thank god we only paid the excess of £50-£100.

    BTW: You may struggle getting insurance for an older dog these days, also they will not cover it for anything it has had before… Say you went to the vets about an eye infection or something.. It will not be covered for that.. Get it done ASAP. :wink:

    Free Member

    I haven’t read all the replies here. But from a quick scan, it looks like the advice is good.

    A loud shreak, as if it really hurt you.. It should shock the puppy enough for it not to try it again, a few times and it should be enough. If you do tap it on the nose, make sure you do not point at the dog! It’ll probably then pounce on the finger, and can cause problems further down the line, especially with bossy kids!

    Rather than tapping its nose, pin it to the ground, with its back against the floor and and its tummy facing up… Do not let go until the dog goes completely limp (submissive). This is the most submissive position a dog can get into, once it realises who’s boss, you should be ok.

    As its 9 weeks old, its very common for most dogs to chew. Our Springer stopped chewing our hands after a couple of months.

    You should get in contact with your local dog training club, well worth going along, although your dog isnt old enough yet, I would still give them a call.

    I know of soo many dogs that have been gotten rid of, because of the dogs behaviour, but really it wasnt the dogs fault, its the owners.

    Free Member

    What are the pros and cons of threaded Vs non-threaded cylinders


    Can’t really help you on that one.. The only thing I can think of is a threaded one can’t be easily “accidently” taken off?

    16gm threaded canisters are very common.

    For those weight weenies out there, a canister weights 59grams. :wink:

    Free Member

    I’ve just bought myself one from CRC.

    SKS Airgun

    I was impressed by my friends Co2 pump (same as above). It’s small, it works, what more do you want!

    I then bought 30x canisters for £20 from

    Free Member

    You should be able to get an XT cassette for about £35. I ordered one yesterday from Evans.

    Free Member

    I use Sporttracks for my Edge, they also have a plugin which will tie up your pictures with your ride.


    Free Member

    About 60 miles this week.. And its my first week cycling this year!

    Most of it off-road. Riding to work is mostly off-road, and safer than driving!

    I’m classing myself as a cycling drifter at the moment. :D

    Free Member

    Its definately on Auto, I went through all the setting once I got to work, which is when I found the beach/snow setting too.

    I have found that my old phone(K850i I think) took a better picture than the C902.
    I’ll check out the Ixus, Nikon and Lumix at the “Focus On Imaging” show on the 22nd of Feb in Bristol.

    I think the Lumix is in the lead at the moment, but I’ve yet to read the detailed reviews on those. You guys have some damn good photo’s there! I am becoming jealous!

    Free Member

    Just to show you how bad the camera is…

    Taken on Monday with the C902
    Frome Valley Way

    Taken today
    My Camera Phone

    Free Member

    Horton Hill
    Horton Hill
    Only had my camera phone with me.

    Free Member

    Now I remember why I don’t listen to Radio 4. It’s soo depressing!

    Even though it was interesting R4 somehow make it very very depressing!

    Free Member

    Check out Frank Kinlans site, for info on the Edge’s, and how to do off-road routes.

    Garmin Edge 705, 305 CoursePoints and Courses

    Free Member

    Possibly, but why bother?!

    Because I’m becoming a tart..! Thinking a PG990 Gold Cassette with Red Alloy carrier would look very nice!

    We use a company at work for TIN coating of parts, so should be able to get it done very cheaply… Thats why I’m bothering! Although I might just get a batch done, if there is any interest.

    Free Member

    Wonder if I can drill out the rivets and replace them?

    Free Member

    Thats a shame that it doesn’t look like you can take apart a PG990.

    I had a look at the PG950, and cannot see any rivets.. So I’m guessing that it can be taken apart.

    Can you dismantle Shimano ones?

    Hopefully they won’t be anywhere near the price of £160…

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