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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • Militant_biker
    Full Member

    (Is it just me that has noticed the URL and content, swear filter mis-match. I think I’m outraged. :roll:)

    Full Member

    Never had that problem with mine.

    Full Member

    If those are the waterproof ones – probably. I used to have the 3rd party, Aqua3 waterproof ones, and wrote on them in biro and highlighters. Highlighters wiped off with a good rub, and the biro came off with some degreaser.

    Full Member

    I understand you’ve legally bought it from the police but surely the original owner could have a case to claim the stuff is still legally his property?

    I wonder if it’s a similar system to lost property, I turned a camera I found on the road into the local cop shop. The paperwork said I could collect if unclaimed after X months, but that the owner could still ask me for them back for X plus Y months. After X plus Y months, they would be totally mine. Guess it was to reduce the storage load on the polis.

    (I had no intention of claiming, it was a rubbish camera.)

    Full Member

    If he showed up here would he stand a chance against our Big Hitters?

    Full Member

    There use to be a thread with people face a while back.
    Maybe time to resurrect it?

    Still running.

    Full Member

    Michael J. Vandeman is a prime berk. He’s been spouting the same stuff for years, to the same response. I used to bait him via email under a number of different personas when I was at Uni. Wasted hours of his time. :D

    Full Member

    thebunk – that’s class! Compare that with their top-up page;

    Note: You can use the SIM in your iPad, tablet, or mobile internet dongle. Or you can connect to other devices using your smartphones tethering feature.

    Looks to me like someone hasn’t kept a track of all the places they had previously said No! :lol:

    Full Member

    CRT ~20 years

    Full Member

    j-cru – there’s still time to edit your post :wink:

    Full Member

    TJ – FWIW, I’m not into debating the ins and outs of who did what to whom. What I’m getting at is that you’ve jumped from him quoting ‘reasonable force’ to him apparently justifying ‘absolute right to do anything you want’. He hasn’t said such a thing, as far as I can see.

    As you complain when you feel people have attributed opinions to you, that you don’t hold, I’d have expected better from you :-)

    Edited out a random extra ‘put’ in there… :oops:

    Full Member

    I’d go for that Anthem X4 from your second selection too.

    Full Member

    TJ – He quotes ‘reasonable force’ NOT ‘absolute right to do anything you want’.

    Full Member

    TJ – Where did Z11 say that?

    Full Member

    I dunno lucien – I’d call Alivio/Deore 9 speed vs SLX/XT 10 speed a fairly big difference in spec., and the finishing kit on the Cube is better (ok – more ‘branded’)

    Full Member

    Militant, as far as I could tell, with gigabags you would then have two sim cards – which sounded like a right pointless faff.

    It seems I can add a gigabag to my existing SIM. Hope to try it out when I move back.

    Full Member

    All of them will handle trail centers – but at different speeds and different styles.

    The Mongoose will probably be the slowest, and the furthest in style from a road bike. Could be the most ‘fun’ in a jumping around style.
    The Giant will be faster/lighter, but it comes with poorer components, so may need a bit of upgrade love soonest.
    The Cube will feel fastest, probably be the lightest, and the nicest components will make it feel great, but I suspect it’s more of a race bike and not as suited to mucking about in the local forest.

    Full Member

    thebunk – tethering is allowed, but you have to buy a gigabag as well as a goodybag.

    However, if you have an iPhone, I think Apple won’t create the settings GiffGaff would need for tethering, so you’d have to either Jailbreak and use a 3rd party app, or use the iTether app (that was available for about 4 hours on the App Store).

    Edited in link.

    Full Member

    A Vera Bradley handbag, and t’wife knitted a scarf to match.

    I think it’s horrible. I’m assured she’ll love it. 8O

    (The scarf was part of my wife’s plot to do naff all housework this autumn as “I need to knit X for Y”)

    Full Member

    My 2003/4 vintage Nevis lasted me a good while – kept its ‘crispness’, washed & reproofed a few times and replaced the zipper once. Stopped using it once I got a road bike as I found it just too baggy. Great for MTB though – still use it for that. – the bagginess helps – I can wear it over body armour for DH.

    The ‘newer’ ones (2006/7 ish) didn’t seem to have the pit zips, which was a big fat fail in my book. They were a great feature and really helped regulate temps.

    No idea about the newest ones though.

    Full Member

    So is this a ‘draw anything with Art Rage Pro’ task?

    Full Member

    Wow – a rush of entries right at the end. :-)

    Dez B – is that a freehand sketch on the WhyAyePad, or a tracing over a photo? Mighty fine either way

    Full Member

    Was very happy with Tesco through the years I used them.

    Never had a problem with fruit and vegetables, neither did other people locally – maybe we were lucky with our Tesco shoppers. Never had a problem with substitutions either, even before they changed their rules to ‘if we substitute a more expensive item, we charge you for the cheaper one you asked for’.

    Only issue we did have was meat. Where we chose from a weight range, they nearly always sent a much heavier one, so it was a case of choosing a smaller one to pre-empt that, (it occasionally backfired).

    Full Member

    @deadlydarcy – Not sure if redthunder got a laugh out of it, but I certainly did!

    @redthunder – I was grabbing the first images that came to google image…
    And, out of interest, why do you always shorten my name to @mm?

    Full Member

    Running out of time to do a (draw|paint)ing, so did a quick photochop… :oops:

    Full Member

    Always been a fan of Surly’s

    Crawls through mud like a pig on crack

    Full Member

    You can trail/xc ride almost anywhere. You need a hill to DH.

    Full Member

    Is too busy for cancer

    Full Member

    I recall it was a super sunny, super hot, amazingly beautiful summer. One of the best summers weatherwise ever.

    Why do I remember this? Because I was working full time in a kitchen and watching it through a tiny window. On my days off I was stuck mapping trees in a deep woodland for a uni project :cry:

    I did ride SITS in 2003, and it was hot. Drank so much SIS Go to try and stay hydrated that my stomach turned.

    Full Member

    Why not get a pair of SealSkinz and use the shoes you have? With overshoes if necessary.

    Full Member

    I took to making bread by hand as good supermarket bread is a rip-off here. However, my biggest bowl only allows me to bake 2 smallish loaves at once, and that lasts about 1/2 day, as soon as the wife smells there’s fresh bread, it’s almost all gone. :evil:

    Looking forward to getting my bread machine back.

    Full Member

    Don’t involve anyone else in creating the book or it will take forever.

    There’s no real evidence for this, but it is scientific FACT.¹ Having put together books with ‘help’ it ends up in frustration. Much better just to get it done, and then get someone else to proof read the captions.

    ¹ Brass Eye 2001.

    Full Member

    We have used Photobox for the last few years to make books of family holidays. Interface is good enough, enough control to make it non-annoying.

    Very happy with them.

    Full Member

    That’s fantastic! Proper LOLd at some bits of that video.

    Want to go.

    Full Member

    If you’re after something similar to Highland Park this taste map (or similar) may help;

    Full Member

    Personally, I preferred road pedals – more foot support, less rolling around. Downside is the single sidedness of the pedal, so stop-start riding is a bit harder.

    Full Member

    I’ll buy some and see what turns up

    I reckon the only thing that will turn up is unexpected charges on your card statement. :wink:

    Full Member

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    Full Member

    On a hardtail or a full sus? Some full sus designs change the effective chainstay length, causing issues.

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