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  • Issue 150: Limestone Cowboys
  • Militant_biker
    Full Member

    We all want an end to this, believe me.

    Do we? First you accuse me of lying, and now you tell me what I want?

    Full Member

    The latter. Riding style, grade, weather, soil type… all will affect the wear rate.

    And depends on the pads too. I’ve had pads last for 3 and 4 years, others last a few weeks… Sometimes even the same variety of pad from the same manufacturer.

    Full Member

    only LabMonkey has posted anything considered and honest

    That’ll probably be because LabMonkey procrastinates :) I can’t be @rsed to wade through the pages above, mainly because it doesn’t affect me. I’m not going to be using Colostrum, so I don’t really care. However, when you try to claim that the above mentioned science is “the truth” – THAT pees me right off!

    You’re insulting my intelligence by coming on here and promoting your science as truth. I’m sick of so-called ‘experts’ pushing cr@p at us, justifying it with weak science, hoping that people will just roll over, accept what they’re told and open their wallets.

    And even in your retort, you’ve just accused me of being dishonest. Unfounded accusations and spurious claims I have set out against you? Which would those be then? Saying that you’re insulting? C’mon!

    Full Member

    This thread reminds me of;

    Moderator. These postings must never be deleted from this forum because they reveal the truth. Foxyrider and the others are outed ranters. Puffed-up, self righteous bombasts must always be outed before they turn into Tony Blairs. Let it be a warning to your regular members that the opinions of your resident ranters cannot be trusted.

    You telling STW how to run their forum after turning up here in disguise to promote your BS, posting on a couple of threads and insulting the regulars? A bit rich – I think you best stick to advocating cow’s milk up the bum bum.

    Full Member

    Good to know! Will keep an eye on them.

    Full Member

    My iO frame has them built in…?

    Do they break/strip out easily?

    Full Member

    Fair Hill, MD, USA

    I like your pic pedalhead

    Full Member

    By a team of monkeys with bendy rulers.

    Some companies have different teams of monkeys, but just one bendy ruler for their different tyres.

    Other companies have differently bent rulers, but just one team of monkeys, to measure their different tyres.

    Continental has many, many different teams of monkeys, and even more differently bent rulers.


    Now, if an infinite number of monkeys measure an infinite number of tyres, would they get an infinite number of infinite widths?

    Full Member

    I’ve occasionally had problems with Elfins method – most of the time it works fine.

    If it doesn’t work you can use Default Apps[/url], and install in the System Preferences panel, which allows to to specify default applications.

    Full Member

    I used to use Napster/Audiogalaxy waaay back, but stopped many years ago. With Spotify getting a bit worse as time goes by, lots of music being removed, I’ve started buying CD’s or downloads from Amazon.

    I don’t think of it as a retrograde step – that’d be saying that getting music for free is the pinnacle of music obtainingness. It’d be like going back to buying the cheapest booze to get pished on as quickly as possible, rather than spending money on something you want to savour?

    Full Member

    schmiken – I had seen the review of his bike, but completely missed the ratio (or rather, read it but never thought to think about it!) so thanks for that.

    Here is definitely not straight up – straight down, so 29:16 might be excessive. 30:16 could be the one.

    Still hmmmm…debits

    Full Member

    Damn – with the time difference, that’s my evening shot :-(

    Full Member

    The only situation I’m spinning out here is on the roads, and the occasional doubletrack downhill. 95% of the riding is singletrack, so I’m not too worried about that. It’d be $50 whether I get a 30t or a 31t, so want to get it right! Hmmm…

    Thanks for your thoughts :)

    And GW – I care!

    Full Member

    Delaware USA

    Full Member

    Not necessarily mboy, I know it’s possible to get a 31t, which is why I’m considering it, but the forcing myself up hills by brute force alone is an appealing option (in an odd way)

    Scienceofficer – number of pedal strikes I’ve had since coming here say no! Plus a new ring is cheaper than longer arms.

    The main problem is that I consider anything less than 2:1 a girls gear :-/

    Full Member

    mboy – Middleburn RS8 Uno – can get custom 31 tooth rings :-)

    Surrounded By Zulus – partly the problem, I’m riding about every other day now. Can’t work (visa restrictions) so I spend the days riding/building trails…

    Full Member

    Ride your trails the other way round?

    Sometimes helps me when I get bored of riding a particular place…

    Full Member

    I want to keep the 16T freewheel… :-)

    Full Member

    Be prepared to wait!
    Double check you have every sheet of paper you need AND that all the appropriate ones are signed.

    We went this summer for our J1 and J2 visas. It went something like;

    Turn up at 7:30am for 8am.
    Queued to get to initial document check and pre-security security
    Queued to go through security scan
    Queued to get a ticket at the front desk
    Wait for number to be called
    Initial window interview with surly official
    Wait for number to be called again
    (repeat for 90 minutes)
    Go to second interview at a different window for 2 minutes.
    Queue to pay courier fees

    Annoyingly you can’t switch off as the numbers are not called in order…

    Full Member


    Full Member

    If I set an alarm it can’t be on a normal kinda number eg 7am or 7:15 its got to be like 703 or 727.

    This is the only one I recognise in me, I do it so that these numbers don’t feel left out. Everyone sets their alarm for 7am, 7:30am – especially you guys it seems. I also do the same with cooking times. 20 minutes becomes 19minutes and a leisurely trip to the oven etc.

    However, I have to have CDs and DVDs put into their cases facing properly up and down. Doesn’t matter which way the cases fit into the drawer, but the actual disc must be properly aligned inside the box. Also doesn’t matter if they shift around once I’ve put them away – they must start straight.

    Computer folders must have capitals. Filenames must NOT have capitals.

    And I laugh at my wife, and how easy it is to make her re-check things. “Are you sure you locked the door” :) She also has to press the ‘stop request’ button on the bus as soon as it has left the previous stop, gets really agitated if she can’t.

    Full Member

    Why all the heavy metal

    They don’t all have heavy metal. And most that I’ve seen from the last few years don’t feature heavy metal at all that I can think of. The NWD series was always a bit ‘big jumps+big drops+loud music=mountain bike movie’…

    why does the camera completely remove the steepness of the trail?

    That’s why ‘pro films’ are better. It’s hard to make riding look as good as it feels.

    What have you been watching?

    Full Member

    Only these really;

    to replace my existing square taper RS8’s

    Full Member

    I liked Follow Me and I like the look of Life Cycles. I can’t define what I like about some films; I love great filming, great riding, great music. Sometimes I can watch ‘dull’ riding that’s been filmed well and edited cleverly, other times it’s an instant skip-chapter. Duff music can sometimes be overlooked if the rest hangs together well. I can even stand Clay Porter’s monotonous dialogue over the top of his movies, because they tend pack a lot of content into one DVD.

    And I can’t think of any ‘Thrash Metal’ in Follow Me, but I’ll go check again… :-)

    Full Member

    Where the hell is tuppsarse ?

    Other end from the Tupp’s Head?

    Full Member

    There is something about going out when it’s freezing and raining, as long as you know you can get warm and dry safely afterwards. :)

    Full Member

    Of course the SSWC wil be in Europe AS I’VE MOVED TO AMERICA :-(

    Full Member

    How would you pronounce it?



    Full Member

    Needs some yellow on the saddle.

    Full Member

    Well I’ve done it.

    But I always react very slowly to the jab, and if I don’t distract the dentist to stop her drilling right away, it hurts like **** and they give me a second shot and then I’m proper wobbly and dull feeling. And I reckon too dopey to drive a car so a biking is the only option.

    I then enjoy ‘smiling’ at people with only half my face. A bit like :-j (the dot of the j is some dribble)

    Full Member

    Sorry – but I got to ask…

    How the heck did you manage that? Were you using it in a dairy?

    Full Member

    Kaesae – I was referring to konaman’s build ;-)

    Same point about cost:fun still applys though.

    Full Member

    Depends on what overall effect you’re looking for.

    If you’re trying to make it look like all the photos are from different sources, altering contrast, adding photo filters to slightly modify some of the photos could help that. You could add a tear effect to the edges of each photo, maybe a page curl. I’d keep any drop shadows really small and subtle, if at all. The pieces of paper really wouldn’t throw much shadow if they were stuck down.

    Or, are you trying to comp things together in a image e.g. adding stuff to a photo of an empty table? That’s a whole other ballgame…

    You’d be looking to make sure the light sources are in line, the perspectives match, the colour balance is the same. De-fringing the new objects to help them blend into the background etc.

    Hope that helps.

    Full Member

    Looks like quite an adaptor fest on the rear brake! (I know there’s only one extra adaptor, but looks odd)

    For the money it looks ace! Well done!

    Full Member

    Scroll down until you see a bunch of bike related words in various fonts sizes.


    Full Member

    Santa Cruz V10. I’d say the vast majority run them with less travel on the front…

    Full Member

    It’s happened again

    Worth several watches though!

    Full Member

    As you describe should work (assuming you’re meaning working from the inside), although an old seatpost or handlebar, or a bar of that sort of diameter will be slightly better, as it will contact more of the cup.

    And make sure you keep moving the contact point around the headset as you tap it out to reduce the chance of ovalising the headtube.

    Full Member

    The updates I do to my frame are generally dinks, scratches, dents, cable rub, foot rub and mud.

    And I like the eclectic mix of old and new parts on my bike. Parts are there because they are what have lasted.

    But, I understand that for others, the building/upgrading of bikes is a hobby in itself, but upgrading the decals on an old frame purely for aesthetics seems OTT to me… :)

    Full Member

    My latest Assos bibshorts are as good as my old ones (perhaps 5 years old and 3 years old)

    They are not quite as light, but they are the entry level ones as I had a lot less money to spend, but they seem as well made etc.

    I went for Assos FI Uno.

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