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  • Kade Edwards + Sound Of Speed = Your Attention
  • Militant_biker
    Full Member

    Probably a turbo trainer + a basic computer that does HR & Cadence, but that won’t be until the wintertime. I can’t think of anything on my bike I want to change. :o

    Full Member

    Hmmm. We had a large gentleman as a customer when I used to work in a mail order department of a large bicycle shop. We had sent him a ‘regular’700c hybrid bike, and much as he like it, he was killing parts on it. We ended up building him a set of touring rimmed wheels to take the strain of large guy + british tarmac.

    So I’d say go for some sturdy hoops!

    Full Member

    From where I currently live, I can get to Paradise via Intercourse :D

    Full Member

    yunki – Member
    colonel wax – your evidence is flimsy at best..

    Well that’s a well thought out and reasoned dismissal there. :roll:

    Full Member

    Thanks for that THOS, missed that in the coverage.

    Full Member

    the abuse that voekler got at dutch corner was awful and not what cycling is about, disgusted.

    Really? Didn’t notice, what happened?

    Full Member

    If he hit me in the rib, I’d hit him in the rib. Eye for an eye and all that.

    Full Member

    The guy in surgical scrubs was hilarious.

    Contador punched one right in the face! He deserved it.

    I’d like to think he staked out the spot to bait Alberto.

    Full Member

    Good stuff Colonel!

    cardboard brown packs with the number of enclosed cigarettes displayed on the front of the pack and featuring only the brand name in small standard font at the bottom of the pack face were rated as significantly less attractive and popular than original branded packs. Smokers of these plain packs were rated as significantly less trendy/stylish, less sociable/outgoing and less mature than smokers of the original pack. Compared with original packs, smokers inferred that cigarettes from these plain packs would be less rich in tobacco, less satisfying and of lower quality tobacco.

    This seems to validate a few points made waaaay back in this thread.

    Full Member

    Y’know, I had never noticed the ‘hidden’ bit in this logo before… :D

    Full Member

    Did you not see the title?

    Yeah, but it’s gotta be in the post, towards the end for proper ‘working yourself into a rant’ style.

    Full Member

    No CAPS LOCK (edit – in the post), so I’m forced to dock you a point and give a


    Full Member

    Nice work Chipps – but now I look like a thread resurrector :oops:

    Full Member

    TJ – have to say that sounds better than reading STW!

    Full Member

    Edit – the post that was here ^^ was removed by Chipps as spam.

    For easy step-by-step guide on how to create a website you can check this out:

    Which you list as your website on your member info when you signed up today and resurrected this thread… :roll:

    Full Member

    Well, I’m reading your posts colonel wax, but the man who was calling for evidence has been strangely quiet since we started posting abstracts and excerpts from papers… Have to hope he’s taking his time reading them all and thinking up a reasoned counter argument…

    Full Member

    A few pages back Yunki described the marketing and branding industry as unscientific, so I’m not surprised that he’s just brushing your studies aside. He’s made up his mind… :roll:

    Full Member


    I read a paper, well a couple actually. The best sounding one was unavailable on t’wifes uni access. :-(

    A summary of the more relevant ones;

    1) All Dressed up with Something to Say: Effects of Typeface Semantic Associations on Brand Perceptions and Consumer Memory
    Author(s): Terry L. Childers and Jeffrey Jass
    Source: Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol. 12, No. 2 (2002), pp. 93-106

    Sample size 96 undergraduates.

    Research from information design and marketing has demonstrated that individuals are capable of perceiving consistent meaning in typefaces… (Bartram, 1982; Rowe 1982; Tantillo, Lorenzo-Aiss, + Mathisen, 1995; Walker Smith, + Livingston, 1986)

    General Discussion and Conclusions
    Taken together, the results of the two experiments provide evidence that typefaces convey meanings that have the potential to significantly influence important marketing constructs.

    Semantic associations may be activated via one of three paths to meaning, or some combination of these three paths, including (a) through consistent use in a particular situation, (b) through a direct relations with the perceptual qualities generated by the visual patterning of the stimulus, and/or (c) via associations with abstract connotative dimensions

    In a marketing context, for example, a typeface that is used consistently to represent a brand name may acquire a number of diverse semantic associations which become centered on the meaning of the brand

    2) Quantifying Perceived Differences in Type Styles: An Exploratory Study
    Author(s): John Tantillo, Janet Di Lorenzo-Aiss and Richard E. Mathisen
    Source: Psychology + Marketing, Vol. 12, No. 5 (1995) pp. 447-457

    Sample size – 250. Subjects, undergraduate and graduate students. 56% female, 44% male, average age 24.4 years.

    The study found that [subjects] perceived affective differences among the six most frequently used type styles and among the serif and sans serif taxonomy. Thus from the point of view of advertising practitioners, differences in type-style selection are important

    Care to produce any counter evidence TandemJeremy :wink:

    *It’s 9am here ;-)

    Full Member

    All Dressed Up With Something to Say: Effects of Typeface Semantic Associations on Brand Perceptions and Consumer Memory

    Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol. 12, No. 2 (2002), pp. 93-106

    That’s my insomnia sorted… :-)

    Full Member

    Ok. I’m taking a risk in having this thrown back at me by more knowledgable types, but I think this adds something to the debate… :-)

    A very brief search with ‘graphic psychology’ on google scholar led me through to this;
    A Comparison of Popular Online Fonts: Which is Best and When? It’s not from a proper journal or owt, nor is it peer reviewed, but it’s a start…


    Figure 3. Perceived as having personality (1 = “Not at all” and 6 = “Completely”).

    Figure 6. Perceived as being business-like (1 = “Not at all” and 6 = “Completely”).

    And lifted straight from the the conclusions:

    Applying this information can help establish the proper mood of a particular site. For example, fonts that are perceived as being business-like and elegant may be more effective for a site such as an online bank. Conversely, fonts perceived as being youthful and fun, along with having personality, may be more effective for sites directed at children, such as an online toy store.

    I’d be interested in your interpretations of this article.

    Full Member

    The idea that the same word in a different font or colour has different meaning that is universal and inherent is BS

    As a ‘believer’ I wouldn’t say it was universal – but I think that it means something to more than just people who work in design, those ‘in on the code’. Nor would I say it was inherent. Again, I think, that one could consider it conditioning. It’d be interesting to see a survey of a valid cross section of society, using something along the lines of M_F’s funeral director example. I’d be genuinely interested in that one.

    Off to google scholar

    Full Member


    certainly nothing interesting..

    Well, given that there has been a good amount of sensible discussion in with the nonsense in this thread, I’d say it is interesting!

    Apologies if my ‘rubbish’ was a little harsh – I actually thought your post was just an attempt to relight the fire… :-)

    Full Member

    trial and error?

    Trials based on previous wins.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    explain if you will why my assertion is ‘rubbish’

    There’s plenty of science involved. People try a marketing strategy, or new brand, and see how the sales respond. That’s pretty scientific in my book.

    Full Member

    maybe it requires a bit of an artistic eye and a touch of creative flair but other than that there is absolutely nothing intelligent or scientific about it…
    certainly nothing interesting..


    I’m going to assume that this is an attempt to reignite the debate, so I’m not going to respond…

    Full Member

    I like this.

    And I really like negative space used well in logos

    Full Member

    Unevolved Brand #[/url] by imjustcreative[/url], on Flickr

    Who’s this then?

    Full Member

    From “Apple has just announced that OS X is officially launching tomorrow! It was confirmed by no less a person than Apple’s Peter Oppenheimer! He didn’t mention a time, but 8:30AM ET is the most widely rumored launch hour right now.”

    I’ve already decided not to upgrade until a good number of people have tried it and they’ve ironed out any real-world problems. What I think is cool is that you should be able to go to some Apple stores and download it over wifi from their pimpy instore servers rather than flog your broadband. :-)

    Full Member

    hilldodger – Member

    Conclusion: The amounts of guarana, taurine, and ginseng found in popular energy drinks are far below the amounts expected to deliver either therapeutic benefits or adverse events. However, caffeine and sugar are present in amounts known to cause a variety of adverse health effects.Nice!

    I fully expect this signal to be lost in the chaotic noise that this thread has become. Let’s hope TJ answers this bit.

    Full Member

    Refine edge tool in CS5 should sort you right out.

    Full Member

    Did you have to do the splitting apart of the glass and the digitizer? Or did you get the preassembled screen unit?

    Full Member

    Hmmm. Not sure about the 4, I’ve replaced the screen on a 3G with an ebay kit, and it was a massive faff! There’s a lot of fiddly cables in there, so I can’t recommend the DIY option.

    Full Member

    You could teach yourself to build them? It’s really not that hard once you’ve figured out the theory. It’s very satisfying to do and helps loads with truing them back up. Sheldon Brown’s website offers great step by step guides.

    Full Member

    Just a thought – you’re not wearing ‘MTB’ or ‘normal’ glasses are you? I find the frames on my MTB glasses sit too low on my face for the road bike, so I have to lift my head higher up to be able to see the road under the top of the frame. Switching to a closer fitting pair where the frame doesn’t obstruct my view helped my neck.

    Full Member

    Why does Coca Cola outsell Pepsi, when Pepsi always wins the blind tests then?

    Oooh! Oooh! I know this one. Pepsi is sweeter than Coca Cola, so in a small volume sample it’s preferred, but in a normal serving it’s too much and people prefer Coke. I read about it in a marketing book* :-)

    *Therefore likely to be total bobbins.

    Full Member

    I don’t need any?

    Full Member

    Jeebus I didn’t do any kerning!

    Evidently! :D

    Full Member

    The kerning on those last two TJ logos offends my eyes. 2:a is pretty bad too. :?

    Full Member

    Sure thing,

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