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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • Militant_biker
    Full Member

    I’ve died of boredom before getting any American rental car to become interesting.

    Full Member

    Been having a think of something autumny to post, here’s a photo of mine;

    but also wanted something more varied than just some leaves, so how about;,_Stod%C5%AFlky,_Velk%C3%A1_Ohrada,_o%C5%99echy_V.jpg

    This image is a work by Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons user Aktron.
    When reusing, please credit me as: Aktron / Wikimedia Commons.

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    IA signed me up to GiffGaff when I got an 2nd hand iPhone last year, as it was by far the cheapest way to get unlimited data and texts, without a contract. Got my existing number migrated over to the GG sim easily. Hardest part was telling O2 to give me my MAC.

    I don’t really use many minutes, normally get 300 with the £10 Goodybag. I like the fact they will tell you what is currently the best deal for your usage. E.g. if you don’t use the bundled minutes, they text you to say that you’d be better off just using PAYG next month.

    I then moved to the USA but use the GiffGaff’d phone one when I’m back in the UK. The credit stays on the account, and I use that to buy a Goodybag before I return.

    The only problem I have had with them was dealt with fairly well. In August they ran a ‘buy a goodybag and be entered in competition X’, which ended on the day I happened to choose to buy mine for a trip back to the UK. Their hamsters got tired due to the load of people buying that evening. My credit disappeared, but the Goodybag did not appear. Took 24 hours to get it sorted via their online help system, which is the only way to contact them. It cost me literally pennies to use some data when we arrived to email people, before it was sorted.

    Full Member

    I’ve never given a crap about spoke tension. I get them all to the same tension roughly, on my knee, by looking at the threads, then add a 1/4 turn to each, keeping going until they feel ‘good’. Then off to the wheel stand to do true, hop, true, destress cycles until it’s acceptable or I get bored. Never used a spoke tensiometer. Don’t care if it’s wrong – all my wheels are still true, and I’d never had to re-tension them. :-)

    Full Member

    Paired but scattered in with underpants, gloves and belts. It’s a big drawer. Previously I had a set of small drawers and socks got their own space.

    On a related note, I realised that I now don’t own a single pair of non-biking socks. I think that comes from working in a bike shop, and buying triple-packs of cycling socks on the days I forgot a dry pair to wear.

    Ditto T-Shirts. All my T-shirts are biking related, free with mag subscriptions or races, added to CRC orders to get free shipping or bought at work because I’ve forgotten mine . Bar one, which was made by a biking friend to raise money to go travelling by bike. So it’s sort of biking.

    Full Member

    I got a load of fresh dog poo on my tyres and all down the downtube about a minute into the bike’s maiden voyage. I was livid.

    If there had been a cute fluffy dog (say, a poodle) nearby I would have used it to clean it off. Or used the owner’s hair. Or face.

    Full Member

    If you’re prepared to wait for one, Homebrewed Components do a variety of materials, colours, widths and tooth increments. Took a month to get my Middleburn ring made and delivered, but it is a thing of beauty.

    Full Member

    Yunki – that’s awesome!

    Full Member

    Oh nice! Your’s looks more like a frog. Mine is distinctly toady…

    I was thinking about ‘Autumn’ as a theme, rather than a specific photo. Just a thought.

    Full Member

    And it’s way better than mine is.

    Cheers :wink:

    Make a suggestion for the following weeks draw off.

    Missed that bit. How about ‘Autumn’? Plenty of scope in there.

    Full Member

    My, somewhat too serious, attempt :-)

    Full Member

    Sounds like there may be a trackpad gesture which you may be triggering – Google suggests Toshibas have a pinch-zoom facility a la smartphone.

    Full Member

    2) Dumped the girl who took my virginity in a xmas card

    How do you take someone’s virginity in a xmas card? :wink:

    Full Member

    The caliper is sitting too far in and just fouling the disc, or more accurately, the inboard piston has run out of adjustment ‘reach’ and now the outboard piston has moved in, and rubs the disc. When the brake is pulled, the disc flexes inboard to meet the inboard pad.

    I was removing material from the outside edge of the silver adaptor to move the caliper further out. The holes in the caliper are ovalised, but I’ve used all that adjustment! Spreading the chainstays is not too much of an issue, in terms of degrees it’s pretty small beer moving the end of the stay by 40 thousandths!

    I could extend the caliper ovals, but cock that up and it’s a new caliper. Cock up filing an adaptor and it’s what £20?

    I’m not sure the frame disc mounts could be faced. All the facing tools I’ve seen are set up for round mounting holes, rather than these ovalised holes. I don’t think it’s an error, just a Hub + Brake + Adaptor + Frame combination.

    Full Member

    Sorry to gently resurrect this after a few weeks!

    I finally got the chance to take the adaptor off and rubbed it down using a coarse grinding stone.

    It made the rubbing worse! Despite using a micrometer to check I was taking both sides down evenly, the caliper was twisted in towards the wheel and the upper edge of the rotor was fouling on the caliper. (We were assuming that the inside edges of the bolt holes were parallel to the outside edges for the micrometer to be accurate) I ended up taking about 30 thousandths off, which should have been enough to move the caliper away from the rotor, but in the end I had to pop two washers totalling 40 thousandths in between the axle and the frame to get the wheel to turn again.

    So, as I don’t want to risk losing those washers during a trailside wheel change – I need another adaptor, with a smaller offset between the vertical, ‘post mount’ bolt holes, and the horizontal, ‘International Standard’ bolt hole faces.

    Without resorting to trial and error, any ideas on a brand which is nice and ‘slim’? This one is a Hope.

    Full Member

    I didn’t notice a difference between my old carbon bars and my replacement alu bars.

    I do, however, think I noticed a difference when swapping from a cheapy alloy seatpost to an Easton carbon post. Possibly emperor’s new clothes.

    Full Member

    If the original owner can’t get it done through 02, jailbreaking has to be done before unlocking can take place, or at least that was the case when I did mine. The ‘apps’ to unlock are in the Cydia store, accessed through a jailbreak.

    The OP was looking for ideas. Getting the original owner to go to 02 is one idea. If that doesn’t work, jailbreaking to get an unlock is another idea. I fail to see quite why people have got snappy over it!

    Full Member

    Read a lot of posts before you do owt. If it’s running the latest software, it can be tricky to unlock depending on which baseband it is running. Or, worse, you might get it to turn into a brick :lol:

    I used Pwnage from to do the jailbreak, and then I either ultrasn0w or redsn0w from Cydia.

    You could also try – I’ve not used this but it is supposed to be a one stop jailbreak. I guess you’d then use ultrasn0w or redsn0w again.

    If it’s running really old software, you might be able to use Bootneuter after the jailbreak. That worked on a first gen iPhone I got hold of.

    Full Member

    Another vote for Vast, and its not-quite-as-good older brother, Virtuous.

    I’m also a fan of the Clay Porter movies, Hypnosis, F1rst and The Tipping Point are all worth watching, although they are quite different to the Collective/Anthill stuff. They are also nearly all DH race based.

    Avoid This is Australia

    Full Member

    I don’t own a car at present, but the two I have had cost £200 and zero.

    Current bike collection is about £7k

    IMBA poster on my wall – can’t find it online, so here is a photo of it:

    Full Member

    I first found out about it from a thread on Bikemagic :oops: IIRC there were some very (in retrospect) tasteless jokes posted about it, before the seriousness of the situation became fully apparent.

    Went in early to work, on my bike, for my evening kitchen portering job and watched the second tower collapse. Plenty of beers were drunk after that shift as we all stayed late discussing it and whodunnit.

    My dad got back from his job as a tram driver at a museum, oblivious to what had happened. Princess Anne had visited the place that day, and the museum had been preparing for months; the TV cameras were going to be there. Her visit didn’t make the news.

    Full Member

    Oops – I got a bit mixed up between ‘mount’ and ‘adaptor’ in my OP. What I meant was;

    Mount Adaptor is hard to the frame, but the caliper needs to move out more.

    Ideas? Any way to face the mounts given their shape? Take a file to the mount adaptor?

    Thanks andrewh, hadn’t thought of the washer idea.

    Full Member

    My old man made me one when I was a kid, with a wooden lattice frame and fibre board maybe 8/10″ thick pinned down on top. It was a fair bit bigger than what you’re describing, so needed an access hole in the centre to get to the back of the layout.

    It was fixed with pretty ordinary hinges to a substantial shelf which itself was screwed into the wall joists with burly brackets. There were then a set of small shelf brackets around the edges of the walls which it rested on, and a single leg to support the middle. It wasn’t too heavy; I could support it to lift it down when I was about 10.

    Full Member

    I’m tired, so apologies if I’ve missed this one above;

    I’m driving on a quiet motorway at, say, 75mph, in lane 1. Slower traffic ahead, with traffic in lanes 1 & 2, doing say 70. Car X comes through in Lane 2 at say 80, and slows to 70 and stays behind traffic. At the point where I need to, I change from 1 to 2 to 3, drive past at 75 and return to lane 1 once past. Once traffic clears, Car X, who has stayed in lane 2, speeds up to 80mph and comes through again.

    I assume they are allergic to money. Any other explanations?

    Full Member

    I don’t think we are being fleeced.

    Softness in tyres allow the wheel to roll more smoothly – important not just for the mentioned suspension benefit [for the rider].

    Full Member

    I couldn’t find my old favourite Yeti ODI lock ons, so this time I went for Oury lock on. Quite a bit thicker than the ODI Yeti, but I’ve got used to them.

    Full Member

    I enjoyed experiencing my first earthquake today. I say enjoyed – it was awesome to be in something so powerful and so uncontrollable. After the fact.

    At the time – I was just a tad scared 8O

    Full Member

    Full Member

    How do you work out how many customers in a restaurant are only there for a drink?

    With a binomial distribution.

    Full Member

    Overbiked at Drumlanrig? :lol:

    Full Member

    Theoretically it should just make the damping less severe/effective. As in, if you ran 3 clicks from fully open on the rebound, you might have to run 5 clicks with the lighter fluid. If there is no adjustment for the compression damping, you may blow through the travel a little more easily on lighter fluid also.

    Me, I’m all in for faffing with fork oil weights to get the feel I want. My Maguras are currently running 40W motor oil as the bath and in the air chamber as I couldn’t find any 40W suspension oil.

    Full Member

    I get
    Road Riding
    Just riding along
    Why other people ride other bikes
    Why other people do other sports
    Good Whisky. Or Good Whiskey.
    Why one typeface is different to another

    I don’t get
    Celebrity ‘culture’
    The appeal of following football like religion
    Why one would want to live in a big city

    Full Member

    I think the full Creative Suite that Elfin refers to is a whole bundle; which – depending on which flavour (Web, Design, Production etc.) – comes with a different mix of programs, of which Photoshop is but one.

    Full Member

    Blimey – that’s cheap. Seems to get good overall reviews on Amazon.

    I think it’s by Acer, at least, Amazon thinks so. My wife’s Acer netbook has The most annoying touchpad I have ever had the displeasure of using.

    But at that price…

    Full Member

    Whilst it’s been a few years since I’ve done the Black, I much prefer it to the Red – loads quieter for one thing.

    My favourite hybrid route, that includes one of the better Black descents; Ride the Red route towards Spooky Wood, but don’t turn right off the fireroad near the top. Keep climbing until you pop out of the trees; the Black descent from the mast is a singletrack to the right. You can then take this to the next fireroad and either continue on the Black route down Deliverance, or spin back along the fireroad to rejoin the Red below Spooky Wood and the next section.

    Deliverance – has to be my favourite trail at GT. Raced down it on the first Avalanche Enduro there years ago. It was a puncture-fest!

    Full Member

    Chrome has a lot of the Firebug features built in;

    Spanner icon -> Tools -> Developer ToolsQuite right :oops: I find it under View > Developer > Developer Tools, and also have ‘inspect element’ in the contextual menu. Thanks!

    More importantly though – I am an idiot and I was getting confused with which bit was which in Firefox :oops: What I actually meant was the Web Developer Toolbar, not Firebug.

    Full Member

    chvck – Ugly website – handy add-on. Basically grabs whatever video is being streamed via a Flash or HTML5 player.

    I’ll have to look into “Firebug” on Chrome. Thanks!

    Pedalhead – yep – it’s the canary build where they try out new stuff to see if it kills Chrome

    Full Member

    Meh. Been on FF 6 for a few weeks – signed up for Beta releases or something. It took a while for my favourite add-ons to get compatible before I hit update. All I use it for is Firebug, FireFTP and some download add-on that’s mint for grabbing Mpora vids for watching offline.

    Spend most of my time on Chrome 14 or 15. :P

    Full Member

    Just managed to do this again. When the favicon is spinning, Activity Monitor (Mac) reports that Chrome is using ~10% CPU, after hitting stop on the page – it drops back to a more normal ~1%.

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