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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • Mikkel
    Free Member

    80 jumps to go i cant wait to see a station

    Free Member

    165 jumps to go, beginning to feel close

    Free Member

    Bloody hell thought i was about to lose my ship, just jumped to a new system and landed in between 2 twin suns, heat started going in the red instantly but managed to get out far enough just in time before i started taking damage.

    Free Member

    true but its a whole day now with no income :)

    Free Member

    i am beginning to regret this trip bored already :) and still 300 jumps to go.
    But curious to see how much Exploration cash this will make not to mention how much it will cost to get some ships transferred when i finally get there.

    Free Member

    not very efficient as im doing other stuff at same time on second monitor, scooping takes me quite a while, should look at a bigger scoop really.

    Free Member

    got in range of plotting route in game, only 377 jumps go go :)

    Free Member

    found one of the online route planners and have set off towards Colonia.
    25 sets of 20 jumps, done 5 so far and never been this far away from “home” before.

    Free Member

    should they not ALL be self isolating now, or are they waiting for the phone call from the worlds best track and trace system?

    Free Member

    yea im am not sure what it will add to the game as it is either, but looks cool.
    My favourite game of all time is the old Sony Star Wars massive online game, before they nerfed and killed it. It had it all. space flight/fights, building towns the best crafting system ever in any multiplayer game. People actually wrote their own server code and still run it to this day in its pre nerf version but looks sooo dated, wish someone would redo that game with new fancy graphics and i would be begging work to furlough me on 50% pay lol

    Free Member
    Free Member

    So what is the trick to route finding to far away places?
    Want to go to colonia but can’t plot a route.

    Free Member

    It took me to just over 2billion
    That’s with the Corvette fully kitted out as well :)

    Free Member

    For once the price listed on EDDB was correct when i got to the station just made 377Millions, was worth the 15 jumps

    Free Member

    just been out to sell some LTD, went back and swapped to my Corvette to go shoot some pirates and collect some material.
    Had not noticed i had 4 diamonds in the refinery which was not sold and only realised when i was at the Nav Beacon and got a lot of attention due to having 4 diamonds in my hold :)

    Free Member
    Free Member

    i just got my Corvette shields thermal resist up to 18,9% what a difference this have made. and this was from engineering the Shield Generator and 1 shield booster, still got a handfull of boosters that can be upgraded.
    just been seal clubbing around a Nav beacon to get some materials, its fun when Cobras or ASP X come up and scan you, and the moment you click the button their shield is gone :)

    Free Member

    seems to have been some bizare lag.
    its back to normal now.

    Free Member

    now trouble shoot this one.
    Flying around in my Corvette picking up stuff from signal sources, launched 1 collector limpet worked fine. but now it just say “programming limpet drone” the number changes in hud, but never get the usual launching sound, and the number in hud goes back up.
    What the heck is wrong?

    Free Member

    Thankns Mol that explains it :)

    Free Member

    I have had 2 trips to the triple last 2 evenings, today i am out getting my shield boosters engineered, then i will probably be back to milk the last bit out of it so my wallet can be nice and full before i head off on a exploring trip.

    can anyone explain why some ships when you jump to new system just stops and sit still and others seems to have a habbit of throttling up on their own when arriving? say you have a habbit of alt tabbing out to move things on second monitor when you jump and sometimes forget to get back in time and then in some ships you are on the way into the sun but not all?

    Free Member

    and im scared of picking up illegal cargo from the pirates i have blown up!

    Just been to visit the triple spot in Borann to load up on cash before it will be gone in next update.
    Now for the fun part, the run to a station with 241 diamonds in the hold.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    US trade deal in the background I hope, we will need all the bleached chicken we can get to cure covid.

    Free Member

    Ceos and Sothis systems is good for fed rank, as you will always get missions between these two, and if you have big cargo space you can sometimes do 5 mission at a time with two cargo missions + couriers.

    Free Member

    Finished another knife. That’s 4 made during lockdown now.

    Free Member

    Maybe they realised it’s against ministerial code and trying to tell Boris he have to do it

    Free Member

    just took out a Corvette in a big conflict zone brawl to then find the others on my side had all died and i was alone with 5 ships, had to run so did not even get to see what salvage it might have dropped.

    And it seems as long as i dont use my MC at same time as the beams i can fire them for ages without getting heat problem, this ship will be cool when i get the hang out things.

    Free Member

    think it is good, beginning to think its just me doing something wrong.
    I just killed a cobra huray lol took a while as he kept running away.

    But it is damn cool when you can fire a load of beam lasers non stop and not run out of power, only having to stop if you get to hot.

    Free Member

    this is pointless 2 huge multi canons and i cant do damage, there is no point in this ship what so ever. as it seems you only get NPCs with massively engineered shields and hull tanks.
    Emptied 2 clips from 2 huge MC into this sitting still Chieftain with no shields and he lost something like 2% hull.
    Will have to try get it engineered and see what happens then but as it is with no engineered i deals less damage than any ships i have tried so far lol

    Free Member

    2 Huge Multi canons gimballed. 2 medium beam lasers + 2 small beams turreted and just swapped the Large MC for a Large gimballed beam, so will see if that helps.

    Free Member

    so far this corvette is a massive letdown.
    I cant get through the shields of anything now.
    Just been up against an Alliance Challenger and he was melting my shield why i took ages to get through his, and when his shield was down i did hardly any damage with my dual Huge multicanons.
    this is a ship that i can normally rip through i no time with my Mamba.

    Free Member

    yea i think its the crimson paintjob.
    Just had it out for a quick zoom, will be good for salvaging material.
    I melted a couple of kraits then had all my beams do NOTHING at all to a Vulture in quite a long time of constant on target firing, very odd lol

    Free Member

    That picture is completely stock, got it up to just under 20 now, and still one level of engineering on the FSD to go, but also no weapons fitted yet.

    Free Member

    Its mine


    Free Member

    but can you unlock to level 3 with one engineer and then start from 3 at another one? i thought you had to start from 1 and unlock from there again if you go to a different engineer.

    Free Member

    currently in Ceos-Sothis doing some missions to get the last 0.15% needed to get promoted to Rear Admiral.

    Free Member

    That explains why nothing happened with my request to join the squadron i guess.

    Free Member

    ohhhh i play on PC…

    Free Member

    how do you send friend request, is it from the main menu before you enter game?
    Currently in space and dont want to exit.

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