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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • mikeys
    Full Member


    I was going to come over but to be honest I am having a bit of a stress about it. So might find it easier to wait until you’re heading a bit further west nearer to home for my debut. Any plans to hit Rivington?


    Full Member

    Thanks for the details folks. Hoping to make it along. If someone can bring a spare pair of lungs and legs that would help me!

    Full Member


    I’m keen to come along and join you for a ride tomorrow night if that’s ok. Is it the Red Lion pub in Littleborough? Where is best to park and what time do you all meet up? Sorry for the list of questions!!



    Full Member

    Cheers. I’m seeing if a BB change cures my creak this weekend and then might move onto the frame bearings next.

    Full Member


    Where did you get the Giant set from and where did you get the bearings? Was it a full set of bearings or individual ones?



    Full Member

    Cheers for the info on the SRAM cranks. I’ve had a look at a standard length Hollowtech axle and it is constant diameter throughout (24mm from what I understand). There is a smooth section at each end though, which I guess is the bearing length, and a slightly textured central section. The smooth section is longer than needed for the standard bearing position by about 5 or 6mm or so. If the axle for the 83mm version is similar the bb bearings should still be on it. Maybe they’ve set it up so you can get away with bodging it – OK, probably not!

    Full Member

    Haha, sort of!

    There is some logic behind the idea. It’s all about chain line. I’m running a hope single speed hub so the closest towards the centre of the bike I can get my sprocket is equivalent to 4th on a 10 speed set up. This means that using the 22t chainring on the inside tabs of a triple doesn’t give me a very straight chain line.

    I’m thinking that the wider axle helps the chain line, by shifting the ring out, ut it might not. I need to look into that next. Might be I’m better off with a boost chainset.

    In the end though I might just go standard as you say!

    Full Member

    Thanks for the thoughts.

    A bit of research suggests the axle on the 83mm cranks may be 15mm longer than the 68/73mm version. So on my 73mm frame I might put an additional 2.5mm bottom bracket spacer each side of the bb, like you would on a 68mm frame. This will gain me 5mm without taking the threads too far out. Then I’ll add a 5mm spacer on the axle each side. Having looked at a normal Hollowtech II axle it looks like the bearing section of the axle is about 5mm longer than needed so hopefully this is OK too. It doesn’t solve the problem of the seals that Geex points out but I’ll just have to keep on top of the maintenance! I like the idea of using 1″ headset spacers which I’ll probably go with, although apparently Raceface used to do a conversion kit for their cranks which had 3x5mm in them so might see if I can source one of those.


    Full Member

    I had this once and replacing the chainring was the eventual solution after lots of changing of bb, tightening pedals etc. It was a narrow wide and a bit worn but I thought it had some life left in it. A brand new one solved it.

    Full Member

    Slipped trying to free an old square taper bottom bracket and smashed my face into the top tube. Sliced the bridge of my nose open on the gear cables routed that way. Nearly fainted having to get it glued at minor injuries.

    Cable routing is downtube or internal routed on all my frames now!

    Full Member

    I had a 96 Kilauea from new which I saved up for on my paper round.

    Rode it and loved it until i used it to tear the roof off my car under a low bridge! 😥

    I do enjoy my modern bikes now, but for messing around at trail centres with the kids,  general commuting and tow path type riding I still miss it. I don’t however miss v-brakes in any way shape or form, discs are unbelievable in comparison.

    Full Member

    I have a Minion DHF 26×2.3 EXO TR that I could offer. It amazed me on the front of my Soul when I put it on there. It only had a bit of use though before I got the 27.5 version for my Anthem and stopped riding the Soul. Drop me a message if you’re interested.

    Full Member


    I’ve built a few wheels, but not enough that I’m really skilled at it. The biggest difference I’ve found in how easy the tensioning goes is rim choice. The WTB rims I’ve built have been straight forward, so have some basic Mavic ones. Recently I built a lightweight Stans rim and I’ve really struggled to get it to hold tension – it’s the first wheel I’ve had to go back to and retighten due to spokes going slack.

    So I would suggest getting reasonably solid rims for a first build.

    Full Member

    I struggle with anxiety through life in general and find that exercise is something I love doing but can be a real challenge. I find running is a real game in my head. There are days when something about getting my breathing faster and heart rate higher sets of some really negative cycles and it affects my feeling of fitness. I feel like I’m pushing really hard and getting nowhere – I guess it must be tension restricted my abilities – because the days when I don’t get stressed by it I can go far harder and longer. Sometimes I can even trip from one mode into another. It makes me really impressed by top flight athletes who can still perform at the top of their ability even under immense pressure.

    I sort of liken it to when I did a bit of climbing. I’d be doing great to a certain height at which point the fear would kick in and moves I could do at ground level would feel completely impossible. This sort of feels ok because the fear can be justified. When I’m running I have no idea what the fear is about but it has the same effect.

    I find the only thing that helps is acceptance. I’m going out for a run so I’m going out for a run.  It might go wrong and feel horribly stressful, it may take me 30 minutes just to get out the door, I may then get out the door and be back in 10 minutes having only jogged around the block. I might just manage to get out the door and be out for an hour feeling totally relaxed. So long as I’ve had a go that’s alright. Generally the more I do it the easier it gets. But the toughest part can be starting again when my fitness has dropped and I expect to be able to do more than I can.

    See if it helps to take it easy and ease back into it with no expectations on yourself.

    Full Member

    I had this and replacing my chain ring (narrow wide one) solved it. I had a new chain and cassette but hadn’t change the chain ring thinking that it was ok. It may have been more of a graunch sound than a cream but I’d swapped bb and pedals first too.

    Full Member

    That is awesome. I’m now wondering about the ash at the bottom of our garden. I’ve got no knowledge skills or tools to do anything like that though.

    Full Member

    Thanks, if only I could do that in real life. Lawn damage from fire pit – not huge dog wee burns.

    I still can’t believe that books sell for only 99p! More importantly valves are definitely lined up with logos.

    Full Member

    Just commenting really to agree on what’s been said above. I was taking pregabalin for a couple of years although on quite a low dose. I remember coming off it not being the easiest of times and done in small steps – not 150mg to nothing. So take it easy would be my advice and don’t rush.

    From what I remember it is available in a range of dosage capsules down to a relatively low dose so can be stepped down quite gradually, but that the tablets almost cost the same irrespective of the dose which might impact on how the doctor wants to prescribe different dosages. Clearly better to talk to them about that than me though, but I’m sure I remember discussions about cost effectiveness of prescribing different doses to get the steps gradual.

    I hope it goes better from now on.

    Full Member

    True. It has to double up as a (short distance) commuter, but maybe that’s not too short.

    Full Member

    Gusset and DMR are two good shouts I hadn’t thought of. The Gusset pair are 430mm long which seems a bit short for the Soul, but I’m not sure what’s best?

    Full Member

    Cheers for the help. Those HT look good. I’d never come across them before. Otherwise might be the Superstar ones.

    Full Member

    I just bought one of the El Guapo hubs. Seem ok for the price (£8) but that’s before I’ve built or ridden them.

    I contacted Planet X and they said these end caps would fit for 9mm QR:

    I think you can get them cheaper than that elsewhere, but I’m more tempted by that Nukeproof converter because I guess you could use that on Shimano (and other non convertible) hubs too.

    Full Member

    CRC have Morvelo undershorts on offer at £20 this week. Can’t recommend them or not as mine haven’t arrived yet.

    Full Member


    I got my first full suspension bike earlier this year after many years of riding a hard tail. I got a 27.5” Anthem frame and added some 130mm Yari forks which are probably a bit heavier than the frame warrants but I wanted something stiff. I absolutely love it! First time with a dropper post too and I’m now riding drop offs that I would never have done before and generally having a blast down hill. It then still gets up stuff in some cases finding grip that I wouldn’t find on the hard tail.

    Was it the best option? I can’t answer that because I didn’t try any others since I was getting such a good deal on the frame. I did also think about a Bird and probably really wanted one of the Cotic options if I could have justified the money. Mainly I would just say go for it – I’m wishing I’d done it years ago.


    Full Member

    Cheers all. Made it a bit earlier than planned and no problems parking. Set to be a good day!

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Tried riding it to bed in yesterday to no success.

    Fitted the new Superstar chainring just now and its running super smooth.

    Turns out both of my old rings were too worn. Maybe time to change on my other bike too!

    Full Member

    I went for it 10 days ago because I was cleaning the mtb I commute on. 2 days later it was probably the wettest commute in I’ve had this year. I’d forgotten how horrible it is without mud guards. Especially the face full of water you get. The little face fenders do a good job and mine will be going back on very soon.

    Full Member

    Yes I’d wondered about new chain on old chain ring, but had hoped that trying two different ones might have shown something different but it could still be that. Doesn’t seem to vary across gears, other than the amount of force I’m putting into the pedals. Might try a new chainring when I can get one ordered. Might just ride it through some gritty mud for a bit to wear things in like you suggest. I’m just a bit worried about damaging something further.

    Full Member

    Thanks all. It sounds like 4 with front wheels off in the short wheel base, but maybe with all wheels on in the long wheelbase.


    Full Member

    Doh! I’ve been waiting for these to dip in price again. CRC had them a bit lower a while back but have put them up again.

    Full Member

    £27 – 27.5” @ Winstanleys

    Full Member

    Thanks for the info folks. No idea how tight I normally get my spokes other than quite tight. Might just back off half a turn or so than I normally would using the patented “how hard is it to turn the spokes key measure”.

    I’ve never thought about what force there is in a spoke, but turning a 100kgf into a stress gets up to 400MPa which is pretty high, but I guess they get the yield strength up in the stainless steel well beyond that.

    Anyway – I’ll try one for the back wheel where I’ll probably have a slightly narrower tyre and see how it goes.

    Full Member

    Thanks for all the thoughts that gives m plenty of things to think about and justify whichever conclusion I come to. I’m going to check how far I normally drop my saddle out of the way, have a look in my tube for blockages and go buy some platforms (although 5:10s already feel that way!).

    Full Member

    Sotto Sotto for great sensibly priced Italian.
    Menu Gordon Jones for unforgettable ridiculously pricy food.
    Colonna and Smalls for the best coffee in town (if you can cope with the slight air of coffee snobbery).

    Full Member

    Treating this in the stealth wanted ad spirit, I’ve got a 650b+ rear wheel and tyre combination still available:

    All in really good condition, but would consider some haggling on price if it isn’t currently cheap!

    Full Member

    Thanks all I’ll have a look at parcel force again and see how they compare.

    Full Member

    It certainly isn’t much of a fun thing to have and from my experience it is diagnosed by having ruled everything else out of the question (as far as possible on an nhs budget). It did help me to a certain extent to start to believe it was nothing life threatening to me.

    I find mine is stress triggered, but one person’s stress is not the same as anyone else’s. It is also self stress generating which can cause a bad spiral downwards. The worry of an attack of symptoms can make even something that should be fun like mountain biking a real stress. Which is why I like a nice trail centre with good facilities.

    I also find a couple of days of red meat dinners can make me worse especially with red wine. I had stopped drinking coffee and milk for about ten years before realising they actually had no effect and life was more fun enjoying them!

    I hope you get something sorted out OK and if it is IBS that you can find a way of not letting it rule your life.

    Full Member

    Thanks for all the thoughts. It’s only a small room really, but not sure quite on the size (we’re away from home at the moment!). When we got a quote a while back they recommended a 4kW stove.

    Full Member

    Cheers, that all makes good sense to me. I’ll be holding fire for a while then!

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