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  • Starling Cycles Mega Murmur review
  • Mikeypies
    Free Member

    Cheers guys I had a shop try to set it up but had it blow off at 30 psi and said the tyre wasn’t up to it !!.

    Free Member

    All I can add is go and see a good lawyer don’t listen to advice from unqualified people, find out what you need to know ref the house and kids or you could find you ate screwed financial and regards access to your kidss. Oh and have a few beers but keep it in check and make sure what you do to pay the bills remains unaffected.

    I hope it works out OK for you

    Free Member

    pulled means it has been pulled apart ie shredded and how it it is different from normal roast pork?

    Cooking time, pulled pork has been cooked till the internal temp has reached the point where the collogen has broken down and the fat has rendered. This is generally done by cooking low and slow which turns cheap cuts into tender tasty lovelyness

    But Hora is right lots are jumping on the bandwagon and are turning out pap for silly money

    Free Member

    ^^^^^ this

    it is a cheap cut so keeps up the profits

    I have tried it a few times including a top BBQ stall and it has been bland and covered in sauce in a cheapo bread bun basically rubbish

    If you cook it yourself on the BBQ it is great and the leftovers fantastic in stir frys etc

    Its the same as OX tail which used to be cheap as chips but now isnt :(

    Free Member

    The clue could be “in the morning”, do you bank up the stove and slumber it over night?.

    Some stoves including mine specificaly state that they shouldnt be slumbered

    If we run the stove with all the vents closed (except the secondary preheated air)the glass will get residue, perhaps your old stove was quite leaky (air) so even when the vents were closed enough air is getting in to enable a clean burn

    Free Member

    I had a new 1.6l diesel 2.5 years ago for 6 months and did 10k . I only got about 45mpg the whole time I had it and only got more and then only into the low 50s on a run on the motorway

    Free Member

    we replaced our halogens with the gu10s from ikea and find that they are great no more popped bulbs and the colour is right too

    Free Member

    As above, did one with my dad a few years ago definitely cover it with a blanket and wear eye protection as the enamel really flies. We used a lump hammer and chisel to get the first crack going once that is done its easy.

    Oh and a pair of ear defenders would be a good idea along with wearing some good thick gloves as the edges can be v sharp. Have fun your legs will get a work out too carrying it down the stairs

    Free Member

    You are right Drac burning driftwood isnt recommended as the salt can corrode the stove and can give off nasty gasses, there is lots of info if you google it. What coast kid is burning (I think) is wood that has floated down the river then washed up on the beach.

    The instructions that came with my stove say not to burn pallet or construction wood but if it is dry ie less than 20% whats the problem ?

    Free Member

    There was a bit on tv or Radio4 ages ago which stated that they try the publication in an area and as said above if it fails to sell they drop it . The good news is that if they do so you can claim the cost of the mags back from the publisher

    Free Member

    it has been proved that browning the meat first will not seal in the juices but does give more flavour and colour

    Free Member

    You can get green wood blades for bowsaws

    Free Member

    The flooding as reported on The BBC in Yalding, oh it floods !!!

    Well it has flooded most years as it is where 2 rivers meet and has huge food plains the, heart of the village has flooded most years in living memory and will always do so. The people who have lived there more than 5 mins know all about it, its just the poor buggers who have moved in and havent done their home work who get caught out.

    The old bakery used to get flooded every year that is why there was no plaster on the walls and flagstone floors when the warning came all the equipment got moved upstairs and baking carried on and the cute little rowing boat out the back rowed bread out and flour in.

    It’s the same in the west country on Points west they interviewed an old biddy about the flooding (her house was flooded 4′ deep) her answer was well what do you expect when you are next to a major river,btw her house was 300+ years old.

    The people who have been screwed are those who have purchased a modern house that’s has flooded, the local council have refused planing permission as it floods but on appeal it has been over turned by the government. The developers walk away with their pockets full of cash leaving the poor owners shafted.

    Free Member

    I forgot to say have a good look at the plot and see if the soil is the same all over and if it isnt level do the lower parts get soggy and the high bits get dry. Also are some parts in shade and if so what time of year the same for wind is it all exposed the same?. You need to factor these in, so you can get the most out of the plot esp the shed as you want to be able to sit in the sun sheltered from the prevailing wind whilst you are having a brew.

    On both plots we worked out what was going where first and marked out the main beds then sorted out the paths, compost bins etc. Its hard enough digging it the first time

    If you break the plot down to chunks (we did lazy beds)it is easier to keep motivated, well it was for us

    oh and enjoy it you should be able to get it all ready for the coming growing season

    good luck

    Free Member

    we have had a plot for 4 years and have just moved to a site closer to home and the new plot all 400sq m of it needs to be dug grrr.

    As said above

    try and grow high value crops such as soft fruit and gooseberrys esp the red ones they are lush and are sweet ish also try

    we dont grow just the normal varieties try indigo blue spuds, purple carrots and white raddish

    Have a walk around the site and see what everybody else is doing and think why and pick the brains of the people with the best plots, work with the local conditions and not against them

    Free Member

    canyou share the link for them pls esp if they are the bib style ones

    Free Member

    report it

    I have 3 times, rang up the company and asked fro ther fleet manager twice (both lorrys) they sounded as if they cared and siad that they knew who was on that run and would have a work and thanked me. The other which was a coach driver who mounted the kerb and drove half on the pavement and proceeded to smash 2 cars wing mirrors the fleet manager dismissed my account and said he would know who was driving there unless I had the number plate and that it couldnt have happened as he would have had more complants.

    Free Member

    How do you buy sub standard liners are they not made to a bsi standard or simular?

    I went into MMF and was quoted some silly price in the region of £100+ per meter for a 904 grade stainless steel chimney liner when told I could get the same for a lot less on line they dropped the price to £26ish for cash well debit card. It was a trade deal so no returns.

    As for fitting it took all of 1/2 hour to drop it down the chimney no scafolding etc just a mate who was a climber

    Free Member

    The way print seems to be going is lots of digital boys and a few big litho operators using economies of scale to get the pricing down as customers come in with quotes from Ireland and what was eastern europe which are cheaper than the paper costs in the UK.

    If you are running a Heidelberg 2 colour its a good background but old school (you will be able to set up a digital Press better than most(copier/printer)) and have a printers eye which is a good thing but they are on their way out you need to get on to the bigger presses quick or go digital, the bigger presses if you want good money I guess

    good luck

    Free Member

    Theres lots of simular stuff about freemen and being stopped by the Police on u tube

    Free Member

    dont work like that in Bristol !!!

    Free Member

    If you want cheap, reliable and B/W go for a B/W laser if you must have a colour inkjet and only use it occasionaly expect to change cartridges often as they will dry out.

    Free Member

    dont waste ur cash it is all a con de beers have manipulated the market and dreamt up diamonds are forever

    if you are brave

    buy something different and if possible bespoke for her she will love it but pls dont be a total sheep

    I got some diamonds but little ones in a unique (ish) mount

    Free Member

    Court Martial at the Military Court Centre in Bulford, Wiltshire, and he was tried by a panel of army personnel

    I seem to recall on the news it stated that the jury was junior officers from the Marines and Navy. It could be argued that the jury should be of their peers ie NCOs and marines and sailors and not officers also I’m not sure how the jury can be totaly independent and free thinking.

    Free Member

    Hi Funky if there is no company car tax to pay and the lease covers insurance serviceing etc its a no brainer go for the BMW its great on fuel and you are getting a car one third more in value for only £30 a month. The only down side is that you will be spoilt :-)

    Just check to see what happens if you leave the employer mid lease

    Free Member

    3 series looks and feels in a different league to the Skoda

    It should as it costs nearly 1/3 more

    The only thing you havent made clear is are you leasing the car or is it a company car ?

    Free Member

    out of interest what’s the best way to get a good edge on a kitchen knife for normal use (not for shaving hairs off my hand) I have tried a steel and several pull through sharpeners but not had good results.

    Free Member

    A nice bit about the family getting a bike and how it impacted on the whole family goes to show how important a bike is to many people in the world and what it gives them and the opportunities it opens up.

    Free Member

    out of interest how much influence does the presenter have regards what music is played it their sole input or the producers and they are just the voice. I do realise some DJs have an increadible knowlege of a particular type of music

    Free Member

    good spot freddyg it is a hatch my mistake looks like a saloon though, still all the other fact are correct

    Free Member

    The pilots came out on to the concourse in the airport to explain the situation and said the plane could have lost all power and fallen out of the sky at any second

    realy ? so what was so wrong that it would lose all power and or drop out of the sky.

    Nowadays, I tend to notice pilot leveling the plane (cut power) just after they gain altitude / take off and even my father (very experience aircraft engineer) noticed that. He thought that was bad practice.

    Are you sure about that ? what area is your fathers experience in and on on what aircraft types?.

    Once an aircraft has reached the required altitude and speed the engines will be throttled back. Just after take off (depending on each airport) the autopilot is engaged which with the FMS(flight management system)controls how and to where the aircraft is flying not the pilots. They monitor where they are fuel burn etc.

    And as for Compositepros comments about cocks up being hidden and how he wouldnt fly with certain engines if any of it is fact he should go and speak to the CAA .

    Flying is safe compared to riding your bike to work

    Free Member

    Sharkbait you theory sounds good but is flawed and this is why

    about 1/3rd down

    “the wood is burned much hotter than in an open fire”

    If you have a modern wood burner it usees secondary combustion of released wood gas which is why they are more efficent.

    Yes more heat is retained in the stove and there is substantial less airflow up the chimney but it is at a higher temp and a liner is helpfull in ensuring the effux exits the top before it cools down too much amonst other things, Twinwall is the expert I just did lots of research before we fitted ours

    Free Member

    or for kindling a billhook

    Free Member

    we went trough the same 3-4 weeks ago and I was the same as you and found it quite hard and miss the spiky bugger, the vets had a very simular cat dumped on them a week later who is now curled up in our house and is ace . I used to hate cats but now love them……. wanders of to find him

    Free Member

    if my memory is correct the efflux from a wood burner is hotter than an open fire also the volume of air going up the chimney(liner) is a lot lower which is why a liner is recomended. If you google it there are some excellent sites which explain the pros and cons

    Free Member

    There is some realy duff info spouted above ref the Skoda

    The old and new Octavias are quite different I know as I had a late saloon and have just got a new SE estate 1.6 oil burner.
    The interious is much better than the old one as is the whole car tbh.

    So if you are to compare you need to compare like with like (which it seem you are) can you get the diesel as according to the reviews it is better than the petrol.

    As for which one to get and which is better only you can judge that as everybodies requirements are different, the only thing I would to be to look at comcar and see how much tax you would pay, just had a quick look and its £500 more for the beemer add that to the extra lease and its about £1300 a year more if a 20% tax payer and double that if 40%

    Ps the beemer does look nice

    Free Member

    If you are fitting a defra approved stove in a smokless area then it has to be lined with a stainless steel flexible liner and then insulated with leca or vermiculite to get it signed off by hetas/building control.

    On what infomation do you base that on ? as my stove was fitted with a liner and signed off by HETAS.

    Free Member

    Out of interest what was it like before it was build?

    Free Member

    Go and see a good employment lawyer and listen to them, make sure you take any paperwork you have and be honest with them.

    They deal with these issues and will be able to guide you

    Free Member

    a dehumidifier realy ?

    we live in a single skinned house and almost always have the bathroom window open (open about 6mm)otherwise all ok, dont forget that we breath out water all the time. The only time we suffer condensation on the windows (double glaized) is when it is v cold outside

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