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  • Freight Worse Than Death? Slopestyle on a Train!
  • mikey74
    Free Member

    I watched Bird Box last night and quite enjoyed it. It’s not as similar to A Quiet Place as I was expecting and I liked the sinister feeling the invisible “entities” brought to it.

    I found the whole navigating a fast flowing river blindfolded thing stretched believability quite a bit but as it seemed to be secondary to the main flashback segments it didn’t damage my enjoyment too much.

    Free Member

    Lunges? Add weights as required. Wall sits? This seemed to work for skiing.
    Squats with weight?

    Free Member

    Can you just ride by yourself or do you have to enter races?

    Free Member

    Good work, Gnusmas; and just remember starting a conversation with a stranger can be enough: Helping someone on public transport, having a random laugh with someone, exchanging a casual smile, finding amusement in the little things and most of all: It’s never…NEVER….as bad as you think it is. Take this from someone who suffers from depression and who’s mind automatically goes to the darkest places.

    Free Member

    Naming this couple untill charged totally stinks !!!! Every time I look at social media all I see is thier pictures and name’s.Untill proven guilty nobody deserves that level of negative exposure 🤨

    I was about to say the same thing. Its completely out of order.

    Free Member

    The irony being Specialized make very little – like many bike companies, they sub-contract manufacture to someone else like Velo to make their saddles

    Do Velo et al also do all the research and design that goes into the parts?

    Free Member

    Hmmm thanks Folks. That KS mechanical one sounds interesting. I haven’t yet explored how easy it is to buy stuff from CR out here so I may check that out, thanks.

    Just to confirm: The riding here is definitely seat down stuff: We’re talking steep all the way down, with even steeper steppy bits in between the unrelenting steepness. Not to mention the drops, ladders, jumps and log rides. It’s definitely a seat down-type environment.

    Free Member

    In some ways I find Apollo 8 more fascinating than Apollo 11 (which was beyond incredible as well) because it really was going into the unknown.

    The more I read about the guys involved the more I think they didn’t feel fear: many of them were test pilots who spent their entire careers living at the edge of what was possible. A place that had no room for fear.

    A special breed, indeed.

    Free Member

    1 2 3 4 5
    It has been emotional, eh?

    (well, that didn’t quite work)

    Free Member

    This isn’t working for me – too much peril & too much CGI, stop saving the world in every film.

    So let me get this straight: your main criticism of a film about a demon from hell that helps save the world from other demons contains too much “peril” and too much cgi? Jeez. I don’t quite know where to start with that one.

    Free Member

    This is the one by Neil Marshall (Dog Soldiers, The Descent) isnt it? It’s supposed to be much darker and gorier than the GdT ones. Apparently he contacted GdT to get his approval before he signed up to it.

    As a GdT fan I have mixed feelings about this: I love the way his films look but a more “horror” version might be pretty good.

    Free Member

    Oooo I love these. I got 17 whilst eating my brekkie and will have to do the rest tonight.

    They really weren’t trying with some of them though 😁

    Free Member

    Ghostbusters a gothic horror? Not Mr Staypuffed is exactly gothic.

    I did say it wasn’t a very good one.

    Free Member

    Good idea pilot. Unfortunately, we’re not allowed dogs in our apartment building. I’m sure it’s a great idea for others.

    Free Member

    The original was good when it was a comedy film. Not so good as a gothic horror. As a result, if its ever on I usually watch the first half or so and then switch it off.

    I haven’t seen the latest one though.

    Free Member

    Possibly. This is the first Christmas in my 44 years I’ve been away from my family for xmas.
    There’s a chance I might be going around a friend’s house but nothing’s confirmed yet.

    Free Member


    Nice one G. We don’t get it here in Canada so I can’t comment on the program as a whole or the other nominees/winner.

    Free Member

    First Man, the Neil Armstrong biography is good, as is Failure is not an Option by Gene Kranz (NASA flight director), although the latter is towards the more technical end of the spectrum and can be a little hard-going. First Man delves into the history of NASA before it was NASA, when it was NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics).

    +1 on Carrying the Fire as well.

    Free Member

    This is one of my favourite films of all time:

    “There is not other God, Satan killed him”

    Free Member



    Free Member

    Blender is free and pretty powerful. You could also try sketchup but its probably not the best for complicated shapes like that; plus you’d need a 3rd party renderer, such as V-Ray.

    I’d give Blender a go first.

    Free Member

    For larger parties, I prefer to slip out to avoid the “don’t go… have another” conversations. For smaller groups I’ll let someone know I’ve gone or say goodbye properly.


    Free Member

    +1 to any of Neil Gaiman’s novels.

    Kate Griffin’s “A Madness of Angels” is very good. I haven’t read the rest of the series, though.

    Free Member

    Agreed. It was a really nice touch from all sides. The main banner saying “…thank you Vichai for allowing us all to dream…” was quite moving.

    Free Member

    I bought a Squire Deluxe a month or so ago but I’m currently on my way to the guitar store after my lesson was cancelled today. Someone please talk me out of buying a PRS SE…

    Free Member

    For the record: don’t bother with the Katana mini as it sounds terrible. It might be ok with headphones but I didn’t get to test that when I tried one.

    Free Member

    I’ve just bought a Squire Deluxe Hot rail strat as a way to get back into playing again. I’m already looking at n + 1 😂.

    They’re worse than bikes.

    Free Member

    At first I thought “why are the Greek suddenly the goto people for IT knowledge?”I mean, we all know blessed are the Greek, as are the cheesemakers, but they aren’t renowned for their IT skills. Then I re-read the OP title.

    Anyhoo, I’ve got a Synology DS114 which has been great: It will only take  single drive but you can get 2,3 or drive versions. QNAP versions are probably just as good.

    Free Member

    “No, no,” Trump said in Chico when asked if wildfires’ devastation changed his opinion on climate change. “I have a strong opinion. I want great climate. We’re going to have that. And we’re going to have forests that are very safe. Because we can’t go through this every year.”

    Jesus! If you were told that quote was from a 5-year-old you’d believe them.

    Free Member

    That driver has certainly gone off the rails.

    Free Member

    Use it then to search for the many previous topics on this subject…

    Well, aren’t you a joy.

    Anyhoo… I don’t have one, but I do have a Sonos for music and chromecast ultra for watching shit on my tv, so I can vouch for that style of device. If the Amazon deely is the one for you is up to you, but they seem to be good.

    Thinking about it, I was around a friend’s house last christmas and they had an Echo: We spent the evening shouting out our random music choices and it was great (amongst watching films and playing games, natch).

    Free Member

    At these times I’m reminded of that harrowing film, Jacob’s Ladder: The ultimate message of the film being if you don’t accept the inevitable, your life will turn into a nightmare. In short: Learn to embrace the madness :-D

    This will be my first Christmas away from my family in the 44 years of my life: I’m gonna take any homely warmth and seasonal feelings where I can get them.

    Free Member

    I’d suggest the stress you are in over this is actually doing you more harm than having a nice cold beer.

    Personally, I’ve found that 3-4 pints/drinks is the hangover limit for me: This only usually happens at weekends and I make sure I can still enjoy the beautiful BC countryside on my bike. Any more and it’s Netflix, ice hockey and sofa for the next day, which I find enjoyable, but a bit of a waste.

    I’ll very occasionally have one during the week, such as a glass of wine, or a beer, but it stops at just one.

    Ultimately, life is too short to stress about such things.

    Free Member

    I started on Sabrina last night. As a, ahem, fan of “the teenage witch” , (especially Willow!), I didn’t expect much  – It’s ace. 🙂

    I’ve just finished it. I didn’t make it through the first episode the first time around but went back and actually really enjoyed it. Jeez it’s dark: I wasn’t expecting it to be quite so graphic and outlandishly satanic. Even the Church of Satan are suing the show over use of their statue as it’s too literal in it’s representation of Satanism.

    Dammit, though: I’m now struggling to find something to watch afterwards. I started with the Punisher but found it pretty dull.


    Even the Church of Satan are suing the show over use of their statue as it’s too literal in it’s representation of Satanism.

    It turns out they aren’t. It’s a political activist group called TST (The Satanic Temple) who have sued the show and have nothing to do with the CoS.

    Free Member

    so worry more if you see red eyes reflecting back at you during your walk in the park.

    We’ll duh! Scooby Doo taught us that years ago.

    Free Member

    +1 for the British Museum. You’ve got art, history, anthropology, science etc all in one place.

    Free Member

    When I’m soaping up I stay out of the main shower flow. After that it’s face on: I love the feeling of a powerful shower. Obviously I twirl to ensure all areas are washed.

    Free Member

    That’s my view Kryton. It certainly wasn’t “clearly” offside.

    Free Member

    Clearly we are the second best team in the world, with 1pt to improve on before we win the RWC next year.

    Eh? England aren’t even the 2nd best team in the UK, let alone in the World.

    England were robbed there. I don’t believe in two wrongs making a right: OK, England may have been a bit lucky last week but that doesn’t mean they should have been punished in this game. The ref got it wrong: Simple. NZ were very lucky to get away with the win, which they didn’t really deserve.

    Free Member

    Keep people afraid of an outside terror and they will continue to buy guns; at once fuelling the NRA and the gun retail business, but at the expense of lives. Seems a typical Republican MO. Similar to Chump’s love of coal and destruction of EPA: Sure, it may put money in the pockets of the heads of business, but at the expense of ordinary American’s lives through pollution and climate change.

    The sooner Americans wake up and realise they are being played, the better.

    I get that some people just like guns: In that case, keep all guns under lock and key at registered firing ranges.

    Oh, and those asking why we should care: If you can’t get animated about innocent people dying for no good reason, regardless of where it is in the world, then you have a problem; especially when it’s in a country we have so many social, cultural and political ties with.

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